What the US Air Force has to say about racism

There are some people on this forum who need to watch this and need to understand such things. While these people are saying the protests are an insult to the military, this particular member of the military is saying the opposite. This member of the military is saying that racism has no place in society and that people need to listen and be aware of the protests and why they're happening.

Bullshit argument. What he said has nothing to do with anthem protests.

No one has an issue with people protesting any cause they want. Kneeling during the anthem is a direct insult to the country, all Americans, and military. Do you think military members get to kneel during the anthem? Military must stand for the anthem, because to do anything else is disrespectful and un-American.

He is allowed to peacefully take a knee if he wants, they all can. That is standing up for the service members who gave their life's for social injustice, so we are told , but actually it was to protect the oil.

Next thing you will be forced to pray before a game. The NA is not a good song.

They would pray before matches if they thought they could get away with it. And any non-Christian would be hounded for as long as they lived for not praying too.
Maybe we should quit football and basketball altogether. No more and I suspect all you downers are watching the game.

if a black man is doing something the white man does not like , pounce on him, I mean they are only for entertainment of the white men right.
Maybe we should quit football and basketball altogether. No more and I suspect all you downers are watching the game.

if a black man is doing something the white man does not like , pounce on him, I mean they are only for entertainment of the white men right.

There are some Blacks in the NFL that are very good at running fast and some Blacks in the NBA can shoot foul shots, not many, and some can jump really high to stuff the ball in an unskilled manner! But be honest, the best, most intelligent athletes are Whites.
There are some people on this forum who need to watch this and need to understand such things. While these people are saying the protests are an insult to the military, this particular member of the military is saying the opposite. This member of the military is saying that racism has no place in society and that people need to listen and be aware of the protests and why they're happening.

This is what Trump should be saying – but he’s too much of a coward and bigot to do so.

There are some people on this forum who need to watch this and need to understand such things. While these people are saying the protests are an insult to the military, this particular member of the military is saying the opposite. This member of the military is saying that racism has no place in society and that people need to listen and be aware of the protests and why they're happening.

Straight and to the point - :clap:
There are some people on this forum who need to watch this and need to understand such things. While these people are saying the protests are an insult to the military, this particular member of the military is saying the opposite. This member of the military is saying that racism has no place in society and that people need to listen and be aware of the protests and why they're happening.

Bullshit argument. What he said has nothing to do with anthem protests.

No one has an issue with people protesting any cause they want. Kneeling during the anthem is a direct insult to the country, all Americans, and military. Do you think military members get to kneel during the anthem? Military must stand for the anthem, because to do anything else is disrespectful and un-American.

He is allowed to peacefully take a knee if he wants, they all can. That is standing up for the service members who gave their life's for social injustice, so we are told , but actually it was to protect the oil.

Next thing you will be forced to pray before a game. The NA is not a good song.

I never said they weren't allowed to take a knee. They have the freedom to disrespect the flag, anthem, and the country. The rest of us have the right to boycott their employers. They spat on the face of Americans, they got bitchslapped back into reality.
There are some people on this forum who need to watch this and need to understand such things. While these people are saying the protests are an insult to the military, this particular member of the military is saying the opposite. This member of the military is saying that racism has no place in society and that people need to listen and be aware of the protests and why they're happening.

Bullshit argument. What he said has nothing to do with anthem protests.

No one has an issue with people protesting any cause they want. Kneeling during the anthem is a direct insult to the country, all Americans, and military. Do you think military members get to kneel during the anthem? Military must stand for the anthem, because to do anything else is disrespectful and un-American.

He is allowed to peacefully take a knee if he wants, they all can. That is standing up for the service members who gave their life's for social injustice, so we are told , but actually it was to protect the oil.

Next thing you will be forced to pray before a game. The NA is not a good song.

I never said they weren't allowed to take a knee. They have the freedom to disrespect the flag, anthem, and the country. The rest of us have the right to boycott their employers. They spat on the face of Americans, they got bitchslapped back into reality.

But then again you have the freedom to disrespect the country too... and it happens all the time. The whole partisan politics, electing someone like Trump, it's all disrespectful, but you love it, and then get pissy when people try and counter this.
There are some people on this forum who need to watch this and need to understand such things. While these people are saying the protests are an insult to the military, this particular member of the military is saying the opposite. This member of the military is saying that racism has no place in society and that people need to listen and be aware of the protests and why they're happening.

Protests? I'd say rather the childish tantrums of the terminally self-centered race-baiter. Frankly I am more than sick of the continual whining. A person's race-whatever it is- does NOT give a person the right to disrespect my flag. End of story.
There are some people on this forum who need to watch this and need to understand such things. While these people are saying the protests are an insult to the military, this particular member of the military is saying the opposite. This member of the military is saying that racism has no place in society and that people need to listen and be aware of the protests and why they're happening.

Protests? I'd say rather the childish tantrums of the terminally self-centered race-baiter. Frankly I am more than sick of the continual whining. A person's race-whatever it is- does NOT give a person the right to disrespect my flag. End of story.

Would you have been sick of the whining during the civil rights movement? Probably.

Saying your sick of people whining, is whining. It's ironic. That you can't be bothered to see that people are protesting for a reason, and the reason doesn't go away just because you make a petty comment about it, is the telling part here.
There are some people on this forum who need to watch this and need to understand such things. While these people are saying the protests are an insult to the military, this particular member of the military is saying the opposite. This member of the military is saying that racism has no place in society and that people need to listen and be aware of the protests and why they're happening.

Protests? I'd say rather the childish tantrums of the terminally self-centered race-baiter. Frankly I am more than sick of the continual whining. A person's race-whatever it is- does NOT give a person the right to disrespect my flag. End of story.

Would you have been sick of the whining during the civil rights movement? Probably.

Saying your sick of people whining, is whining. It's ironic. That you can't be bothered to see that people are protesting for a reason, and the reason doesn't go away just because you make a petty comment about it, is the telling part here.

And a reason isn't there just because you proclaim it so. MLK would have agreed those guys are assholes.
There are some people on this forum who need to watch this and need to understand such things. While these people are saying the protests are an insult to the military, this particular member of the military is saying the opposite. This member of the military is saying that racism has no place in society and that people need to listen and be aware of the protests and why they're happening.

Protests? I'd say rather the childish tantrums of the terminally self-centered race-baiter. Frankly I am more than sick of the continual whining. A person's race-whatever it is- does NOT give a person the right to disrespect my flag. End of story.

Would you have been sick of the whining during the civil rights movement? Probably.

Saying your sick of people whining, is whining. It's ironic. That you can't be bothered to see that people are protesting for a reason, and the reason doesn't go away just because you make a petty comment about it, is the telling part here.

And a reason isn't there just because you proclaim it so. MLK would have agreed those guys are assholes.

So you speak for Martin Luther King now, do you?

Are you telling me these people are protesting, even though everything is fine and there are no problems?

If you are, you're blind.
What the Marines think about it.

Hardly the Marines, this is Hollywood.

Depicts it correctly. The military is not a democracy.............Doesn't tolerate BS in this category.

No, it's not a democracy. But at the same time everyone should be going into the military as equals, and treat each other with respect as a soldier. This is what the military teachers, and for good reason. You can't have discipline in the military when one group of soldiers thinks it can pound on others. When you're under fire the guy next to you, regardless of race, gender, political leanings, is a guy who might save your life or you might save his life.

They all have weapons. With racial tension, with such problems in the military, with such indiscipline in the military, you've got issues.

It's not an issue..................Military slams everyone that gets out of line equally.....................

Them saying so is just repeating how it is and has been for a long time.

Sure, and racism is getting out of line.

on which side?
There are some people on this forum who need to watch this and need to understand such things. While these people are saying the protests are an insult to the military, this particular member of the military is saying the opposite. This member of the military is saying that racism has no place in society and that people need to listen and be aware of the protests and why they're happening.

Protests? I'd say rather the childish tantrums of the terminally self-centered race-baiter. Frankly I am more than sick of the continual whining. A person's race-whatever it is- does NOT give a person the right to disrespect my flag. End of story.

Would you have been sick of the whining during the civil rights movement? Probably.

Saying your sick of people whining, is whining. It's ironic. That you can't be bothered to see that people are protesting for a reason, and the reason doesn't go away just because you make a petty comment about it, is the telling part here.

And a reason isn't there just because you proclaim it so. MLK would have agreed those guys are assholes.

So you speak for Martin Luther King now, do you?

Are you telling me these people are protesting, even though everything is fine and there are no problems?

If you are, you're blind.
Why do you think white people protest for their rights?

Why are white people who protest for their rights not given the same respect as all the BLM protesters?
There are some people on this forum who need to watch this and need to understand such things. While these people are saying the protests are an insult to the military, this particular member of the military is saying the opposite. This member of the military is saying that racism has no place in society and that people need to listen and be aware of the protests and why they're happening.

Bullshit argument. What he said has nothing to do with anthem protests.

No one has an issue with people protesting any cause they want. Kneeling during the anthem is a direct insult to the country, all Americans, and military. Do you think military members get to kneel during the anthem? Military must stand for the anthem, because to do anything else is disrespectful and un-American.

He is allowed to peacefully take a knee if he wants, they all can. That is standing up for the service members who gave their life's for social injustice, so we are told , but actually it was to protect the oil.

Next thing you will be forced to pray before a game. The NA is not a good song.

I never said they weren't allowed to take a knee. They have the freedom to disrespect the flag, anthem, and the country. The rest of us have the right to boycott their employers. They spat on the face of Americans, they got bitchslapped back into reality.

But then again you have the freedom to disrespect the country too... and it happens all the time. The whole partisan politics, electing someone like Trump, it's all disrespectful, but you love it, and then get pissy when people try and counter this.

Electing President Trump was only "disrespectful" to the un-Americans cheering our downfall. It's your side that got "pissy" when they realized America isn't down with the globalist progressive Agenda. You had your million pussy-hat marches, your BLM riots, and your transgender bathroom fits, and still America won't come over to your side. The left is so pathetic and desperate they needed to hijack professional sports to spew their message that no one wants to hear.
There are some people on this forum who need to watch this and need to understand such things. While these people are saying the protests are an insult to the military, this particular member of the military is saying the opposite. This member of the military is saying that racism has no place in society and that people need to listen and be aware of the protests and why they're happening.

Bullshit argument. What he said has nothing to do with anthem protests.

No one has an issue with people protesting any cause they want. Kneeling during the anthem is a direct insult to the country, all Americans, and military. Do you think military members get to kneel during the anthem? Military must stand for the anthem, because to do anything else is disrespectful and un-American.

He is allowed to peacefully take a knee if he wants, they all can. That is standing up for the service members who gave their life's for social injustice, so we are told , but actually it was to protect the oil.

Next thing you will be forced to pray before a game. The NA is not a good song.

I never said they weren't allowed to take a knee. They have the freedom to disrespect the flag, anthem, and the country. The rest of us have the right to boycott their employers. They spat on the face of Americans, they got bitchslapped back into reality.

But then again you have the freedom to disrespect the country too... and it happens all the time. The whole partisan politics, electing someone like Trump, it's all disrespectful, but you love it, and then get pissy when people try and counter this.

Electing President Trump was only "disrespectful" to the un-Americans cheering our downfall. It's your side that got "pissy" when they realized America isn't down with the globalist progressive Agenda. You had your million pussy-hat marches, your BLM riots, and your transgender bathroom fits, and still America won't come over to your side. The left is so pathetic and desperate they needed to hijack professional sports to spew their message that no one wants to hear.

I wouldn't have expected any other answer from you.

My side? What, exactly, is my side?

If you actually looked at what I post, rather than just deciding that I'm on there left, therefore I must support the Democrats, therefore I must follow all Democrat policies, I actually post a lot about changing the way people vote to Proportional Representation so the people all get a fair vote, and more parties would exist, and it would reduce the power of the "globalist progressive agenda" and the two main parties who follow such an agenda.

But you don't. You just make silly assumptions every time, and no doubt you'd be one of those people who'd reject PR and insist that the current system is the best system for all, or am I wrong?
There are some people on this forum who need to watch this and need to understand such things. While these people are saying the protests are an insult to the military, this particular member of the military is saying the opposite. This member of the military is saying that racism has no place in society and that people need to listen and be aware of the protests and why they're happening.

So why does our military practice the brazen anti-white racism of affirmative action.? THINK
What the Marines think about it.

Hardly the Marines, this is Hollywood.

Depicts it correctly. The military is not a democracy.............Doesn't tolerate BS in this category.

So opposition to racism is undemocratic?

Goddam that's funny.

You misinterpret...................The military isn't a Democracy...............you don't get a vote when ordered to attack the enemy............you go...............and they don't put up with BS.............this is normal.........Your trying to twist the argument to your normal topic of Racism............nothing new.
Racism has become as the petulant child crying for attention. Without racism whites don't notice blacks. They are more then expected to get on with their lives. But as we know there isn't money in just getting along.

Blacks, way over represented on TV.

Blacks, way over represented in sports.

Blacks way over represented in prison.
Racism has become as the petulant child crying for attention. Without racism whites don't notice blacks. They are more then expected to get on with their lives. But as we know there isn't money in just getting along.

Blacks, way over represented on TV.

Blacks, way over represented in sports.

Blacks way over represented in prison.

But underrepresented in government, and in multi billionaires spending loads of money to buy government.

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