What this is really about.

You can't be cowards forever. They are going after Parler now. Soon free speech will be gone completely.

Google pulls Parler from Play Store for fostering calls to violence - The Verge

This reminds me that after Gutenberg invented that awful Moveable Type thingy, there was nothing but Forbidden Books banned by the church and printing presses hidden in the basements under taverns to hide the noise for some 200 years. I don't like this Big Tech censorship, but it is true that any time there is a HUGE improvement in communication, like now, people invariably use it to start wars. And kill each other.

This is normal.
Now they are called insurrectionists. Forget some are deplorables, they all are.
Coming from the party that will accept election fraud, we'll take that as a compliment.
It’s not fraud because they won.
Forget all the glaring oddities about the election as far as trends that were completely not followed, Biden winning a record small amount of counties, the abysmal performance by Biden in every single metric EXCEPT certain liberal cities in swing states, Trump keeping his base and picking up independents and democrat voters yet somehow NEW voters came out to vote for Biden and overwhelm trump, the odd pause in counting that occurred at the exact same time only in these swing states for no given reasons (except the proven lie about a water main break) and how when counting resumed suddenly Biden surged in these areas....
Election was totally on the level.
None of this sounds odd in the least to some of the democrat posters here, apparently. Rock solid election.
Nevermind the fact that democrats I’ve actually spoken with in person have nearly all said they don’t think Biden won, and all said it seems “fishy” (the woman I spoke to yesterday, her exact word was “fishy”).

It’s all good.

There are no oddities. Rural areas in this country are losing population and becoming older. Cities and the surrounding suburbs are gaining voters. These voters are moving towards Democrats. In 2014, Gwinnett and Cobb counties in Georgis voted for the Republican candidate for Governor. In 2016, Clinton won these counties by single digits. In 2020, Biden won by double digits. That is why Georgia is a swing state. There was no odd pausing in counting. Republican legislatures in Wisconsin, Pennsylvania and Michigan prevented election officials from counting mail in ballots until after the election.

I doubt you have spoken to real Democrat voters. That statement is fishy to me.
This election is like no other election in the history of our country. No one believes the normal turn of events took place where the Electoral College decided the fate of the candidates. The process was deliberately manipulated and corrupted by lawsuits filed by democratic groups to intimidate state election officials to circumvent constitutional requirements that any changes must be approved by state legislatures in mostly battleground states.

This opened the door to massive voter fraud that skewed results in favor of Joe Biden. This is how Biden ended up with the greatest number of votes in the country's history. Trump got so many legal votes that the cheating had to be gargantuan to overcome his valid victory.

In some cases the number of votes exceeded the number of actual voters in the states. Trump should not attend the bogus inauguration.

The 75 million voters that were swindled should watch the inauguration very closely and immediately boycott all the television sponsors. The victims of the swindle cannot control bans on Facebook and Twitter but they have televisions and they can control their pocketbooks.

In fact the people need to fight back against Facebook and Twitter by going after their advertising as well. We have weapons, we should use them.

Most people do believe that everything was normal. The process was passed by Republican legislatures and signed by Democrat voters. In Michigan, a voter iniative led to no-excuse absentee ballots. Lawsuits had nothing to do with the final outcome. Morde people vgoted for Biden over Trump. You want to ignore the votes of 81 million voters.

There was no massive voter fraud and you have not proven any occurred in a court of law. You are the cheaters. AQ reco0rd number of voters turned out and yolu want to throw out their vote you stinking asshole.

The number of votes did not exceed the number of voters. You are using outdated data to push your lies.

We have weapons we can use against you right wing Nazis. What happened in Waco should be used against all of these ritght wing Nazis.
This election is like no other election in the history of our country. No one believes the normal turn of events took place where the Electoral College decided the fate of the candidates. The process was deliberately manipulated and corrupted by lawsuits filed by democratic groups to intimidate state election officials to circumvent constitutional requirements that any changes must be approved by state legislatures in mostly battleground states.

This opened the door to massive voter fraud that skewed results in favor of Joe Biden. This is how Biden ended up with the greatest number of votes in the country's history. Trump got so many legal votes that the cheating had to be gargantuan to overcome his valid victory.

In some cases the number of votes exceeded the number of actual voters in the states. Trump should not attend the bogus inauguration.

The 75 million voters that were swindled should watch the inauguration very closely and immediately boycott all the television sponsors. The victims of the swindle cannot control bans on Facebook and Twitter but they have televisions and they can control their pocketbooks.

In fact the people need to fight back against Facebook and Twitter by going after their advertising as well. We have weapons, we should use them.

You can't be cowards forever. They are going after Parler now. Soon free speech will be gone completely.

Google pulls Parler from Play Store for fostering calls to violence - The Verge

I told you the Neo-Marxist Dimms were going to move fast to erode freedoms and liberty!

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