What To Do About A Lawless President?

"Jeffrey Toobin: Obama ‘Clearly Broke the Law’ on Bergdahl
CNN legal analyst Jeffrey Toobin declared on Monday that President Barack Obama “broke the law” when his administration failed to give Congress notice of at least 30 days before releasing five ranking Taliban members from Guantanamo Bay. Toobin said that a presidential signing statement did not absolve Obama from culpability for failing to abide by the law mandating congressional notification."
Jeffrey Toobin Obama 8216 Clearly Broke the Law 8217 on Bergdahl Mediaite

The debate hasn't centered on what some commentator, reporter, newscaster, or even legal expert has had to say about the government report. Once it was discovered that you had manipulated a quote by cutting or hacking it apart to make it appear that the report itself actually claimed Obama had broke the law when in fact it didn't say anything of the sort. Now, on a new day, you want everyone to ignore that you got caught promoting a blatant lie that completely discredited your OP. You cut and pasted a sentence. Not even a paragraph or even a whole sentence. You actually cut up, or hacked a sentence to create a blatant lie to support your OP. You got caught. The capture details are reported over and over and pointed out and proven endlessly in this very thread. Yet you have the delusion that you can come back and post on the same thread as if none of it ever happened and not look like a fool. There is something wrong with you.
^ that

Stop relenting & start repenting Politicalchic. You KNOW its the right thing to do AND you know we won't let you forget it until you do so. Start a thread entitled something like "This ODS sufferer lied because..." then, AND ONLY then, we might let up.

Just a reminder, students are tossed out of University for less PoliChic.
"Jeffrey Toobin: Obama ‘Clearly Broke the Law’ on Bergdahl
CNN legal analyst Jeffrey Toobin declared on Monday that President Barack Obama “broke the law” when his administration failed to give Congress notice of at least 30 days before releasing five ranking Taliban members from Guantanamo Bay. Toobin said that a presidential signing statement did not absolve Obama from culpability for failing to abide by the law mandating congressional notification."
Jeffrey Toobin Obama 8216 Clearly Broke the Law 8217 on Bergdahl Mediaite

The debate hasn't centered on what some commentator, reporter, newscaster, or even legal expert has had to say about the government report. Once it was discovered that you had manipulated a quote by cutting or hacking it apart to make it appear that the report itself actually claimed Obama had broke the law when in fact it didn't say anything of the sort. Now, on a new day, you want everyone to ignore that you got caught promoting a blatant lie that completely discredited your OP. You cut and pasted a sentence. Not even a paragraph or even a whole sentence. You actually cut up, or hacked a sentence to create a blatant lie to support your OP. You got caught. The capture details are reported over and over and pointed out and proven endlessly in this very thread. Yet you have the delusion that you can come back and post on the same thread as if none of it ever happened and not look like a fool. There is something wrong with you.

Where is your apology for removing the attribution that I provided from my earlier post?
"Jeffrey Toobin: Obama ‘Clearly Broke the Law’ on Bergdahl
CNN legal analyst Jeffrey Toobin declared on Monday that President Barack Obama “broke the law” when his administration failed to give Congress notice of at least 30 days before releasing five ranking Taliban members from Guantanamo Bay. Toobin said that a presidential signing statement did not absolve Obama from culpability for failing to abide by the law mandating congressional notification."
Jeffrey Toobin Obama 8216 Clearly Broke the Law 8217 on Bergdahl Mediaite

The debate hasn't centered on what some commentator, reporter, newscaster, or even legal expert has had to say about the government report. Once it was discovered that you had manipulated a quote by cutting or hacking it apart to make it appear that the report itself actually claimed Obama had broke the law when in fact it didn't say anything of the sort. Now, on a new day, you want everyone to ignore that you got caught promoting a blatant lie that completely discredited your OP. You cut and pasted a sentence. Not even a paragraph or even a whole sentence. You actually cut up, or hacked a sentence to create a blatant lie to support your OP. You got caught. The capture details are reported over and over and pointed out and proven endlessly in this very thread. Yet you have the delusion that you can come back and post on the same thread as if none of it ever happened and not look like a fool. There is something wrong with you.
^ that

Stop relenting & start repenting Politicalchic. You KNOW its the right thing to do AND you know we won't let you forget it until you do so. Start a thread entitled something like "This ODS sufferer lied because..." then, AND ONLY then, we might let up.

Just a reminder, students are tossed out of University for less PoliChic.

You lie.

Mine was a direct quote, with attribution/link.
"Jeffrey Toobin: Obama ‘Clearly Broke the Law’ on Bergdahl
CNN legal analyst Jeffrey Toobin declared on Monday that President Barack Obama “broke the law” when his administration failed to give Congress notice of at least 30 days before releasing five ranking Taliban members from Guantanamo Bay. Toobin said that a presidential signing statement did not absolve Obama from culpability for failing to abide by the law mandating congressional notification."
Jeffrey Toobin Obama 8216 Clearly Broke the Law 8217 on Bergdahl Mediaite

The debate hasn't centered on what some commentator, reporter, newscaster, or even legal expert has had to say about the government report. Once it was discovered that you had manipulated a quote by cutting or hacking it apart to make it appear that the report itself actually claimed Obama had broke the law when in fact it didn't say anything of the sort. Now, on a new day, you want everyone to ignore that you got caught promoting a blatant lie that completely discredited your OP. You cut and pasted a sentence. Not even a paragraph or even a whole sentence. You actually cut up, or hacked a sentence to create a blatant lie to support your OP. You got caught. The capture details are reported over and over and pointed out and proven endlessly in this very thread. Yet you have the delusion that you can come back and post on the same thread as if none of it ever happened and not look like a fool. There is something wrong with you.
^ that

Stop relenting & start repenting Politicalchic. You KNOW its the right thing to do AND you know we won't let you forget it until you do so. Start a thread entitled something like "This ODS sufferer lied because..." then, AND ONLY then, we might let up.

Just a reminder, students are tossed out of University for less PoliChic.

You lie.

Mine was a direct quote, with attribution/link.
Show us. What number post was it in.
"Jeffrey Toobin: Obama ‘Clearly Broke the Law’ on Bergdahl
CNN legal analyst Jeffrey Toobin declared on Monday that President Barack Obama “broke the law” when his administration failed to give Congress notice of at least 30 days before releasing five ranking Taliban members from Guantanamo Bay. Toobin said that a presidential signing statement did not absolve Obama from culpability for failing to abide by the law mandating congressional notification."
Jeffrey Toobin Obama 8216 Clearly Broke the Law 8217 on Bergdahl Mediaite

The debate hasn't centered on what some commentator, reporter, newscaster, or even legal expert has had to say about the government report. Once it was discovered that you had manipulated a quote by cutting or hacking it apart to make it appear that the report itself actually claimed Obama had broke the law when in fact it didn't say anything of the sort. Now, on a new day, you want everyone to ignore that you got caught promoting a blatant lie that completely discredited your OP. You cut and pasted a sentence. Not even a paragraph or even a whole sentence. You actually cut up, or hacked a sentence to create a blatant lie to support your OP. You got caught. The capture details are reported over and over and pointed out and proven endlessly in this very thread. Yet you have the delusion that you can come back and post on the same thread as if none of it ever happened and not look like a fool. There is something wrong with you.
^ that

Stop relenting & start repenting Politicalchic. You KNOW its the right thing to do AND you know we won't let you forget it until you do so. Start a thread entitled something like "This ODS sufferer lied because..." then, AND ONLY then, we might let up.

Just a reminder, students are tossed out of University for less PoliChic.

You lie.

Mine was a direct quote, with attribution/link.
Show us. What number post was it in.

Who is the "us" who elected you, you windbag.
"Jeffrey Toobin: Obama ‘Clearly Broke the Law’ on Bergdahl
CNN legal analyst Jeffrey Toobin declared on Monday that President Barack Obama “broke the law” when his administration failed to give Congress notice of at least 30 days before releasing five ranking Taliban members from Guantanamo Bay. Toobin said that a presidential signing statement did not absolve Obama from culpability for failing to abide by the law mandating congressional notification."
Jeffrey Toobin Obama 8216 Clearly Broke the Law 8217 on Bergdahl Mediaite

The debate hasn't centered on what some commentator, reporter, newscaster, or even legal expert has had to say about the government report. Once it was discovered that you had manipulated a quote by cutting or hacking it apart to make it appear that the report itself actually claimed Obama had broke the law when in fact it didn't say anything of the sort. Now, on a new day, you want everyone to ignore that you got caught promoting a blatant lie that completely discredited your OP. You cut and pasted a sentence. Not even a paragraph or even a whole sentence. You actually cut up, or hacked a sentence to create a blatant lie to support your OP. You got caught. The capture details are reported over and over and pointed out and proven endlessly in this very thread. Yet you have the delusion that you can come back and post on the same thread as if none of it ever happened and not look like a fool. There is something wrong with you.
^ that

Stop relenting & start repenting Politicalchic. You KNOW its the right thing to do AND you know we won't let you forget it until you do so. Start a thread entitled something like "This ODS sufferer lied because..." then, AND ONLY then, we might let up.

Just a reminder, students are tossed out of University for less PoliChic.

You lie.

Mine was a direct quote, with attribution/link.
Show us. What number post was it in.

Who is the "us" who elected you, you windbag.
"Us" are the posters who you continue to call names as you seem to dishonestly insist that your quote had attributes and continue to challenge your honesty on that specific claim. I am one of those, but not the only one. Hence, I am part of an informal group of posters with one common similarity, hence, I am an "us".
I have no problem offering an apology, just show where you attribute the quote to Sen. Collins and not the actual report. I don't think you can because you didn't.
"Jeffrey Toobin: Obama ‘Clearly Broke the Law’ on Bergdahl
CNN legal analyst Jeffrey Toobin declared on Monday that President Barack Obama “broke the law” when his administration failed to give Congress notice of at least 30 days before releasing five ranking Taliban members from Guantanamo Bay. Toobin said that a presidential signing statement did not absolve Obama from culpability for failing to abide by the law mandating congressional notification."
Jeffrey Toobin Obama 8216 Clearly Broke the Law 8217 on Bergdahl Mediaite

The debate hasn't centered on what some commentator, reporter, newscaster, or even legal expert has had to say about the government report. Once it was discovered that you had manipulated a quote by cutting or hacking it apart to make it appear that the report itself actually claimed Obama had broke the law when in fact it didn't say anything of the sort. Now, on a new day, you want everyone to ignore that you got caught promoting a blatant lie that completely discredited your OP. You cut and pasted a sentence. Not even a paragraph or even a whole sentence. You actually cut up, or hacked a sentence to create a blatant lie to support your OP. You got caught. The capture details are reported over and over and pointed out and proven endlessly in this very thread. Yet you have the delusion that you can come back and post on the same thread as if none of it ever happened and not look like a fool. There is something wrong with you.
^ that

Stop relenting & start repenting Politicalchic. You KNOW its the right thing to do AND you know we won't let you forget it until you do so. Start a thread entitled something like "This ODS sufferer lied because..." then, AND ONLY then, we might let up.

Just a reminder, students are tossed out of University for less PoliChic.

You lie.

Mine was a direct quote, with attribution/link.
Show us. What number post was it in.

Who is the "us" who elected you, you windbag.
"Us" are the posters who you continue to call names as you seem to dishonestly insist that your quote had attributes and continue to challenge your honesty on that specific claim. I am one of those, but not the only one. Hence, I am part of an informal group of posters with one common similarity, hence, I am an "us".
I have no problem offering an apology,

Must be quite a motley crew that would admit a low-life like you.

The quote that you gipped without the attribution that I provided is in post #73.

You removed 'The Hill' link.
What To Do About A Lawless President?

What to do about a lying conservative?

She's at liberty to continue to seek to propagate her lies, of course, as she has indeed done in other threads, just as we are at liberty to expose her lies.
Well, from the looks of it. NOTHING
The Republicans have been no better in standing up to it

I think we're done as a, people's government. they are now our MASTERS

It's mob rule by the left
And yet another lie from a conservative.

LOL, the shallowness of the black and white left. In your mind, there is Democrat and not Democrat. It's all your limited intelligence can grasp. I'm like a ghost to you, I can walk through walls. It's excellent!
"Jeffrey Toobin: Obama ‘Clearly Broke the Law’ on Bergdahl
CNN legal analyst Jeffrey Toobin declared on Monday that President Barack Obama “broke the law” when his administration failed to give Congress notice of at least 30 days before releasing five ranking Taliban members from Guantanamo Bay. Toobin said that a presidential signing statement did not absolve Obama from culpability for failing to abide by the law mandating congressional notification."
Jeffrey Toobin Obama 8216 Clearly Broke the Law 8217 on Bergdahl Mediaite

The debate hasn't centered on what some commentator, reporter, newscaster, or even legal expert has had to say about the government report. Once it was discovered that you had manipulated a quote by cutting or hacking it apart to make it appear that the report itself actually claimed Obama had broke the law when in fact it didn't say anything of the sort. Now, on a new day, you want everyone to ignore that you got caught promoting a blatant lie that completely discredited your OP. You cut and pasted a sentence. Not even a paragraph or even a whole sentence. You actually cut up, or hacked a sentence to create a blatant lie to support your OP. You got caught. The capture details are reported over and over and pointed out and proven endlessly in this very thread. Yet you have the delusion that you can come back and post on the same thread as if none of it ever happened and not look like a fool. There is something wrong with you.

And what's wrong with her is ODS.
She has the worst case of ODS on the board. She peppers the board w/ her ODS threads daily. She must be looking for "attagrls" from her ODS-sufferer brethren.
The GAO report says not a word about the President. It does not say the President broke the law. It says the DoD violated the reporting requirements of section 8111 of the Department of Defense Appropriations Act.

But that doesn't stop the tards from substituting "Obama" for "DoD".

Perhaps you have forgotten who is the Commander-in-Chief.

I'm being kind.

In actuality you're simply an imbecile.
Please quote from the GAO report where they say Obama broke the law.


It wasn't necessary to prove you are an imbecile, but thank you for going the extra mile.
Thanks for proving you can't find Obama in the report, and that you and NRO bogusly substituted out "DoD" and put in "Obama".

The DoD wanted to trade the detainees for Bergdahl. I guess that doesn't fit into the narrative that he was a deserter, eh? The DoD wouldn't have gone to all that trouble for someone they thought was a traitor.

So let's do a little jive dance and make it all about Obama, right?

I sure don't mind rubbing your face in it....probably an improvement, too....

"The GAO said the Pentagon violated the 2014 Defense AppropriationsAct. ... The Pentagon broke the law when it transferred five Taliban detainees from ... the report, said it confirmed that Obama knowingly violated the law."

Watchdog: DOD broke law with Bergdahl swap | TheHill

How ya' like that, boyyyyyeeeee???
Here is the post you claim clears you of wrong doing. You are claiming that because you included a link to the hacked apart sentence you used to misrepresent what a report said is justified for it's misrepresentation because the reader could have read the link, found the hacked apart sentence and been made aware of the misrepresentation. Of course that would mean that nothing you ever have written or will write in the future can be trusted unless the reader is willing to check each and every quote and link you ever use.

This is not complicated. You used a quote and in bold letters indicated that a government document, a legal report said the President of the United States, by name, had violated the law. It didn't say that. You made it look like it did by hacking off the first part of the sentence that credited a Republican Senator for giving an opinion. Listing a link to the article you found the sentence that you hacked does not make a difference.
The GAO report says not a word about the President. It does not say the President broke the law. It says the DoD violated the reporting requirements of section 8111 of the Department of Defense Appropriations Act.

But that doesn't stop the tards from substituting "Obama" for "DoD".

Perhaps you have forgotten who is the Commander-in-Chief.

I'm being kind.

In actuality you're simply an imbecile.
Please quote from the GAO report where they say Obama broke the law.


It wasn't necessary to prove you are an imbecile, but thank you for going the extra mile.
Thanks for proving you can't find Obama in the report, and that you and NRO bogusly substituted out "DoD" and put in "Obama".

The DoD wanted to trade the detainees for Bergdahl. I guess that doesn't fit into the narrative that he was a deserter, eh? The DoD wouldn't have gone to all that trouble for someone they thought was a traitor.

So let's do a little jive dance and make it all about Obama, right?

I sure don't mind rubbing your face in it....probably an improvement, too....

"The GAO said the Pentagon violated the 2014 Defense AppropriationsAct. ... The Pentagon broke the law when it transferred five Taliban detainees from ... the report, said it confirmed that Obama knowingly violated the law."

Watchdog: DOD broke law with Bergdahl swap | TheHill

How ya' like that, boyyyyyeeeee???
Here is the post you claim clears you of wrong doing. You are claiming that because you included a link to the hacked apart sentence you used to misrepresent what a report said is justified for it's misrepresentation because the reader could have read the link, found the hacked apart sentence and been made aware of the misrepresentation. Of course that would mean that nothing you ever have written or will write in the future can be trusted unless the reader is willing to check each and every quote and link you ever use.

This is not complicated. You used a quote and in bold letters indicated that a government document, a legal report said the President of the United States, by name, had violated the law. It didn't say that. You made it look like it did by hacking off the first part of the sentence that credited a Republican Senator for giving an opinion. Listing a link to the article you found the sentence that you hacked does not make a difference.

"The GAO said the Pentagon violated the 2014 Defense AppropriationsAct. ... The Pentagon broke the law when it transferred five Taliban detainees from ... the report, said it confirmed that Obama knowingly violated the law."

Watchdog: DOD broke law with Bergdahl swap | TheHill

What there any word there not directly from "The Hill"?



That makes you a liar.

I know how badly you want to lick Obama's boots.....er, golf shoes....but let's cut to the chase:

I've given some half dozen or so linked quotes that condemn the community organizer as having broken the law.

Let's see you provide some that say what he did is totally lawful.
She has the worst case of ODS on the board. She peppers the board w/ her ODS threads daily. She must be looking for "attagrls" from her ODS-sufferer brethren.

You just have a problem with getting your ass kicked by a girl, which she does to you repeatedly
She has the worst case of ODS on the board. She peppers the board w/ her ODS threads daily. She must be looking for "attagrls" from her ODS-sufferer brethren.

Are you guys talking about Obstructed Defecation Syndrome or Osmotic Demyelination Syndrome? The first one means she is full of poop and the second one means she has water on the brain.

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