What To Do About A Lawless President?

Here is the text, unedited, of the Hill story, with the parts PC excised to manufacture her lie in bold. You will notice she rearranged the order of the text, too:

The Pentagon broke the law when it transferred five Taliban detainees from Guantánamo Bay in exchange for prisoner of war Army Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl, according to a report from a government watchdog agency

The Government Accountability Office said the Pentagon violated the 2014 Defense Appropriations Act, which requires the Pentagon to give certain congressional committees 30 days advance notice before any detainee transfer from the Guantánamo Bay detention facility.

The law also prohibits the Pentagon from using appropriated funds to conduct any detainee transfer, unless the Defense secretary gives the 30 days of advance notice.

The Pentagon said it spent $988,400 on the detainee transfer, according to the report.

"As a consequence of using its appropriations in a manner specifically prohibited by law, DOD also violated the Antideficiency Act," the agency found. "DOD should report its Antideficiency Act violation as required by law."

That report, outlining the violation and any measures taken by the Pentagon in response, would then go to Congress and the president, according to a GAO spokeswoman.

The watchdog report is a legal opinion and will not lead to further measures, said the spokeswoman.

The seven-page finding is in response to a request by Republican lawmakers for an opinion, and is fueling fresh criticism of the Obama administration's decision to swap the five senior Taliban commanders for Bergdahl, who had been held by the Taliban since 2009.

Sen. Susan Collins (R-Maine), one of the nine Republican senators on the Defense Appropriations Subcommittee who requested the report, said it confirmed that Obama knowingly violated the law.

Here is the bogus quote PC made from that:

"The GAO said the Pentagon violated the 2014 Defense AppropriationsAct. ... The Pentagon broke the law when it transferred five Taliban detainees from ... the report, said it confirmed that Obama knowingly violated the law."
One can make all the excuses and deflections one wants, but this is just outright fraudulent manipulation of a source and quote that would be inexcusable on any academic or professional level. It is purposeful and malicious creation of misinformation and the planting of a lie to promote a political agenda. If a journalist did this they would be fired and never hired by anyone ever again. Plagiarism looks like a minor offense compared to this method of deceit.
Here is the text, unedited, of the Hill story, with the parts PC excised to manufacture her lie in bold. You will notice she rearranged the order of the text, too:

The Pentagon broke the law when it transferred five Taliban detainees from Guantánamo Bay in exchange for prisoner of war Army Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl, according to a report from a government watchdog agency

The Government Accountability Office said the Pentagon violated the 2014 Defense Appropriations Act, which requires the Pentagon to give certain congressional committees 30 days advance notice before any detainee transfer from the Guantánamo Bay detention facility.

The law also prohibits the Pentagon from using appropriated funds to conduct any detainee transfer, unless the Defense secretary gives the 30 days of advance notice.

The Pentagon said it spent $988,400 on the detainee transfer, according to the report.

"As a consequence of using its appropriations in a manner specifically prohibited by law, DOD also violated the Antideficiency Act," the agency found. "DOD should report its Antideficiency Act violation as required by law."

That report, outlining the violation and any measures taken by the Pentagon in response, would then go to Congress and the president, according to a GAO spokeswoman.

The watchdog report is a legal opinion and will not lead to further measures, said the spokeswoman.

The seven-page finding is in response to a request by Republican lawmakers for an opinion, and is fueling fresh criticism of the Obama administration's decision to swap the five senior Taliban commanders for Bergdahl, who had been held by the Taliban since 2009.

Sen. Susan Collins (R-Maine), one of the nine Republican senators on the Defense Appropriations Subcommittee who requested the report, said it confirmed that Obama knowingly violated the law.

Here is the bogus quote PC made from that:

"The GAO said the Pentagon violated the 2014 Defense AppropriationsAct. ... The Pentagon broke the law when it transferred five Taliban detainees from ... the report, said it confirmed that Obama knowingly violated the law."
One can make all the excuses and deflections one wants, but this is just outright fraudulent manipulation of a source and quote that would be inexcusable on any academic or professional level. It is purposeful and malicious creation of misinformation and the planting of a lie to promote a political agenda. If a journalist did this they would be fired and never hired by anyone ever again. Plagiarism looks like a minor offense compared to this method of deceit.
That would definitely call for her to make a trip to the Dean's Office, if not summary expulsion. My University had an Honor Code stating as much. She would be escorted off of the campus by University Security after they allowed her to clean out her locker. Sad PoliChic :( In her defense, she is an out-'n-proud rw hack who drank gallons of Randian Kool Aid.
Here is the text, unedited, of the Hill story, with the parts PC excised to manufacture her lie in bold. You will notice she rearranged the order of the text, too:

The Pentagon broke the law when it transferred five Taliban detainees from Guantánamo Bay in exchange for prisoner of war Army Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl, according to a report from a government watchdog agency

The Government Accountability Office said the Pentagon violated the 2014 Defense Appropriations Act, which requires the Pentagon to give certain congressional committees 30 days advance notice before any detainee transfer from the Guantánamo Bay detention facility.

The law also prohibits the Pentagon from using appropriated funds to conduct any detainee transfer, unless the Defense secretary gives the 30 days of advance notice.

The Pentagon said it spent $988,400 on the detainee transfer, according to the report.

"As a consequence of using its appropriations in a manner specifically prohibited by law, DOD also violated the Antideficiency Act," the agency found. "DOD should report its Antideficiency Act violation as required by law."

That report, outlining the violation and any measures taken by the Pentagon in response, would then go to Congress and the president, according to a GAO spokeswoman.

The watchdog report is a legal opinion and will not lead to further measures, said the spokeswoman.

The seven-page finding is in response to a request by Republican lawmakers for an opinion, and is fueling fresh criticism of the Obama administration's decision to swap the five senior Taliban commanders for Bergdahl, who had been held by the Taliban since 2009.

Sen. Susan Collins (R-Maine), one of the nine Republican senators on the Defense Appropriations Subcommittee who requested the report, said it confirmed that Obama knowingly violated the law.

Here is the bogus quote PC made from that:

"The GAO said the Pentagon violated the 2014 Defense AppropriationsAct. ... The Pentagon broke the law when it transferred five Taliban detainees from ... the report, said it confirmed that Obama knowingly violated the law."
One can make all the excuses and deflections one wants, but this is just outright fraudulent manipulation of a source and quote that would be inexcusable on any academic or professional level. It is purposeful and malicious creation of misinformation and the planting of a lie to promote a political agenda. If a journalist did this they would be fired and never hired by anyone ever again. Plagiarism looks like a minor offense compared to this method of deceit.

You are the one who requires an excuse and an apology, you lying scum.

You conveniently left off the attribution.

"The GAO said the Pentagon violated the 2014 Defense AppropriationsAct. ... The Pentagon broke the law when it transferred five Taliban detainees from ... the report, said it confirmed that Obama knowingly violated the law."

Watchdog: DOD broke law with Bergdahl swap | TheHill
This episode proves that PoliChic never progressed beyond High School. That and her zany., made-up, formatting that no instructor beyond the 7th grade would accept.
I love watching ODS sufferer's :lalala: threads :eusa_drool:

Unfortunately this bizarre, unfounded, partisan, and subjective hatred of the president has compelled many on the right to lie, such as the OP and those who agree with her, with a reckless disregard for their own reputations.
It is pretty sad, yes. OP (PoliticalChic) has NO credibility now (if she ever had much to begin with :eusa_shhh: ) She's been an ODS sufferrer right from the beginning, if I'm not mistaken.
Here is the text, unedited, of the Hill story, with the parts PC excised to manufacture her lie in bold. You will notice she rearranged the order of the text, too:

The Pentagon broke the law when it transferred five Taliban detainees from Guantánamo Bay in exchange for prisoner of war Army Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl, according to a report from a government watchdog agency

The Government Accountability Office said the Pentagon violated the 2014 Defense Appropriations Act, which requires the Pentagon to give certain congressional committees 30 days advance notice before any detainee transfer from the Guantánamo Bay detention facility.

The law also prohibits the Pentagon from using appropriated funds to conduct any detainee transfer, unless the Defense secretary gives the 30 days of advance notice.

The Pentagon said it spent $988,400 on the detainee transfer, according to the report.

"As a consequence of using its appropriations in a manner specifically prohibited by law, DOD also violated the Antideficiency Act," the agency found. "DOD should report its Antideficiency Act violation as required by law."

That report, outlining the violation and any measures taken by the Pentagon in response, would then go to Congress and the president, according to a GAO spokeswoman.

The watchdog report is a legal opinion and will not lead to further measures, said the spokeswoman.

The seven-page finding is in response to a request by Republican lawmakers for an opinion, and is fueling fresh criticism of the Obama administration's decision to swap the five senior Taliban commanders for Bergdahl, who had been held by the Taliban since 2009.

Sen. Susan Collins (R-Maine), one of the nine Republican senators on the Defense Appropriations Subcommittee who requested the report, said it confirmed that Obama knowingly violated the law.

Here is the bogus quote PC made from that:

"The GAO said the Pentagon violated the 2014 Defense AppropriationsAct. ... The Pentagon broke the law when it transferred five Taliban detainees from ... the report, said it confirmed that Obama knowingly violated the law."
One can make all the excuses and deflections one wants, but this is just outright fraudulent manipulation of a source and quote that would be inexcusable on any academic or professional level. It is purposeful and malicious creation of misinformation and the planting of a lie to promote a political agenda. If a journalist did this they would be fired and never hired by anyone ever again. Plagiarism looks like a minor offense compared to this method of deceit.

You are the one who requires an excuse and an apology, you lying scum.

You conveniently left off the attribution.

"The GAO said the Pentagon violated the 2014 Defense AppropriationsAct. ... The Pentagon broke the law when it transferred five Taliban detainees from ... the report, said it confirmed that Obama knowingly violated the law."

Watchdog: DOD broke law with Bergdahl swap | TheHill

The report did not say Obama knowingly violated the law. That is how you framed the quote. You left out the beginning of the sentence used for the quote and purposely left out the preceding part of the sentence which attributed the quote not to the report, but to Sen. Collins giving a opinion. You hacked apart a sentence to make it appear that the actual report named the President by name when it did not. Why would a writer do that if they were not trying to propagate misinformation? Why would a writer make a quote seem like it was coming from one source when it was in fact coming from another?
Here is the text, unedited, of the Hill story, with the parts PC excised to manufacture her lie in bold. You will notice she rearranged the order of the text, too:

The Pentagon broke the law when it transferred five Taliban detainees from Guantánamo Bay in exchange for prisoner of war Army Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl, according to a report from a government watchdog agency

The Government Accountability Office said the Pentagon violated the 2014 Defense Appropriations Act, which requires the Pentagon to give certain congressional committees 30 days advance notice before any detainee transfer from the Guantánamo Bay detention facility.

The law also prohibits the Pentagon from using appropriated funds to conduct any detainee transfer, unless the Defense secretary gives the 30 days of advance notice.

The Pentagon said it spent $988,400 on the detainee transfer, according to the report.

"As a consequence of using its appropriations in a manner specifically prohibited by law, DOD also violated the Antideficiency Act," the agency found. "DOD should report its Antideficiency Act violation as required by law."

That report, outlining the violation and any measures taken by the Pentagon in response, would then go to Congress and the president, according to a GAO spokeswoman.

The watchdog report is a legal opinion and will not lead to further measures, said the spokeswoman.

The seven-page finding is in response to a request by Republican lawmakers for an opinion, and is fueling fresh criticism of the Obama administration's decision to swap the five senior Taliban commanders for Bergdahl, who had been held by the Taliban since 2009.

Sen. Susan Collins (R-Maine), one of the nine Republican senators on the Defense Appropriations Subcommittee who requested the report, said it confirmed that Obama knowingly violated the law.

Here is the bogus quote PC made from that:

"The GAO said the Pentagon violated the 2014 Defense AppropriationsAct. ... The Pentagon broke the law when it transferred five Taliban detainees from ... the report, said it confirmed that Obama knowingly violated the law."
One can make all the excuses and deflections one wants, but this is just outright fraudulent manipulation of a source and quote that would be inexcusable on any academic or professional level. It is purposeful and malicious creation of misinformation and the planting of a lie to promote a political agenda. If a journalist did this they would be fired and never hired by anyone ever again. Plagiarism looks like a minor offense compared to this method of deceit.

You are the one who requires an excuse and an apology, you lying scum.

You conveniently left off the attribution.

"The GAO said the Pentagon violated the 2014 Defense AppropriationsAct. ... The Pentagon broke the law when it transferred five Taliban detainees from ... the report, said it confirmed that Obama knowingly violated the law."

Watchdog: DOD broke law with Bergdahl swap | TheHill

The report did not say Obama knowingly violated the law. That is how you framed the quote. You left out the beginning of the sentence used for the quote and purposely left out the preceding part of the sentence which attributed the quote not to the report, but to Sen. Collins giving a opinion. You hacked apart a sentence to make it appear that the actual report named the President by name when it did not. Why would a writer do that if they were not trying to propagate misinformation? Why would a writer make a quote seem like it was coming from one source when it was in fact coming from another?

Mine was direct quote, you moron.....that's what quotation marks mean.
This thread fails as a straw man fallacy.

If your brain exploded, it wouldn't even mess up your hair.

One cannot help but notice that you've 'failed' to provide any inaccuracies in the OP, or any other posts in the thread.
And, as there are no such inaccuracies.....the overwhelming conclusion is that it is you who are the failure.....and much less of a man.

And that leads to these questions:

Do you recommend an anti-constitutional bias in political leaders?

Are you too cowardly to call corruption corruption?

Will you go through any contortions to support this lawless President?

Are you simply too stupid to recognize what a risible post you've provided?

So, Chamber_Pot.....which is it?
Inquiring minds what to know.
Holy shit! PC couldn't even think up her own insult. She had to use one she found on www.gotlines.com.

:lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao:

Your mental laziness aside ... you have yet to prove Obama broke the law. As was most astutely pointed out -- this thread is a failed strawman.
This thread fails as a straw man fallacy.

If your brain exploded, it wouldn't even mess up your hair.

One cannot help but notice that you've 'failed' to provide any inaccuracies in the OP, or any other posts in the thread.
And, as there are no such inaccuracies.....the overwhelming conclusion is that it is you who are the failure.....and much less of a man.

And that leads to these questions:

Do you recommend an anti-constitutional bias in political leaders?

Are you too cowardly to call corruption corruption?

Will you go through any contortions to support this lawless President?

Are you simply too stupid to recognize what a risible post you've provided?

So, Chamber_Pot.....which is it?
Inquiring minds what to know.
Holy shit! PC couldn't even think up her own insult. She had to use one she found on www.gotlines.com.

:lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao:

Your mental laziness aside ... you have yet to prove Obama broke the law. As was most astutely pointed out -- this thread is a failed strawman.

".... you have yet to prove Obama broke the law."

The Government Accountability Office did.
Here is the text, unedited, of the Hill story, with the parts PC excised to manufacture her lie in bold. You will notice she rearranged the order of the text, too:

The Pentagon broke the law when it transferred five Taliban detainees from Guantánamo Bay in exchange for prisoner of war Army Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl, according to a report from a government watchdog agency

The Government Accountability Office said the Pentagon violated the 2014 Defense Appropriations Act, which requires the Pentagon to give certain congressional committees 30 days advance notice before any detainee transfer from the Guantánamo Bay detention facility.

The law also prohibits the Pentagon from using appropriated funds to conduct any detainee transfer, unless the Defense secretary gives the 30 days of advance notice.

The Pentagon said it spent $988,400 on the detainee transfer, according to the report.

"As a consequence of using its appropriations in a manner specifically prohibited by law, DOD also violated the Antideficiency Act," the agency found. "DOD should report its Antideficiency Act violation as required by law."

That report, outlining the violation and any measures taken by the Pentagon in response, would then go to Congress and the president, according to a GAO spokeswoman.

The watchdog report is a legal opinion and will not lead to further measures, said the spokeswoman.

The seven-page finding is in response to a request by Republican lawmakers for an opinion, and is fueling fresh criticism of the Obama administration's decision to swap the five senior Taliban commanders for Bergdahl, who had been held by the Taliban since 2009.

Sen. Susan Collins (R-Maine), one of the nine Republican senators on the Defense Appropriations Subcommittee who requested the report, said it confirmed that Obama knowingly violated the law.

Here is the bogus quote PC made from that:

"The GAO said the Pentagon violated the 2014 Defense AppropriationsAct. ... The Pentagon broke the law when it transferred five Taliban detainees from ... the report, said it confirmed that Obama knowingly violated the law."
Even worse, when caught dowdifying that article, she tried to make it sound like it was The Hill making that claim, when it was just another brain-dead Republican.
This thread fails as a straw man fallacy.

If your brain exploded, it wouldn't even mess up your hair.

One cannot help but notice that you've 'failed' to provide any inaccuracies in the OP, or any other posts in the thread.
And, as there are no such inaccuracies.....the overwhelming conclusion is that it is you who are the failure.....and much less of a man.

And that leads to these questions:

Do you recommend an anti-constitutional bias in political leaders?

Are you too cowardly to call corruption corruption?

Will you go through any contortions to support this lawless President?

Are you simply too stupid to recognize what a risible post you've provided?

So, Chamber_Pot.....which is it?
Inquiring minds what to know.
Holy shit! PC couldn't even think up her own insult. She had to use one she found on www.gotlines.com.

:lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao:

Your mental laziness aside ... you have yet to prove Obama broke the law. As was most astutely pointed out -- this thread is a failed strawman.

".... you have yet to prove Obama broke the law."

The Government Accountability Office did.
No, they didn't, no matter what your delusions tell you. In fact, the proof he didn't was already posted in this thread but you're too stupid to understand it. But then, what can anyone expect from such a mentally lazy rightard who needs others to think up her insults? :lmao:
Here is the text, unedited, of the Hill story, with the parts PC excised to manufacture her lie in bold. You will notice she rearranged the order of the text, too:

The Pentagon broke the law when it transferred five Taliban detainees from Guantánamo Bay in exchange for prisoner of war Army Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl, according to a report from a government watchdog agency

The Government Accountability Office said the Pentagon violated the 2014 Defense Appropriations Act, which requires the Pentagon to give certain congressional committees 30 days advance notice before any detainee transfer from the Guantánamo Bay detention facility.

The law also prohibits the Pentagon from using appropriated funds to conduct any detainee transfer, unless the Defense secretary gives the 30 days of advance notice.

The Pentagon said it spent $988,400 on the detainee transfer, according to the report.

"As a consequence of using its appropriations in a manner specifically prohibited by law, DOD also violated the Antideficiency Act," the agency found. "DOD should report its Antideficiency Act violation as required by law."

That report, outlining the violation and any measures taken by the Pentagon in response, would then go to Congress and the president, according to a GAO spokeswoman.

The watchdog report is a legal opinion and will not lead to further measures, said the spokeswoman.

The seven-page finding is in response to a request by Republican lawmakers for an opinion, and is fueling fresh criticism of the Obama administration's decision to swap the five senior Taliban commanders for Bergdahl, who had been held by the Taliban since 2009.

Sen. Susan Collins (R-Maine), one of the nine Republican senators on the Defense Appropriations Subcommittee who requested the report, said it confirmed that Obama knowingly violated the law.

Here is the bogus quote PC made from that:

"The GAO said the Pentagon violated the 2014 Defense AppropriationsAct. ... The Pentagon broke the law when it transferred five Taliban detainees from ... the report, said it confirmed that Obama knowingly violated the law."
One can make all the excuses and deflections one wants, but this is just outright fraudulent manipulation of a source and quote that would be inexcusable on any academic or professional level. It is purposeful and malicious creation of misinformation and the planting of a lie to promote a political agenda. If a journalist did this they would be fired and never hired by anyone ever again. Plagiarism looks like a minor offense compared to this method of deceit.

You are the one who requires an excuse and an apology, you lying scum.

You conveniently left off the attribution.

"The GAO said the Pentagon violated the 2014 Defense AppropriationsAct. ... The Pentagon broke the law when it transferred five Taliban detainees from ... the report, said it confirmed that Obama knowingly violated the law."

Watchdog: DOD broke law with Bergdahl swap | TheHill

The report did not say Obama knowingly violated the law. That is how you framed the quote. You left out the beginning of the sentence used for the quote and purposely left out the preceding part of the sentence which attributed the quote not to the report, but to Sen. Collins giving a opinion. You hacked apart a sentence to make it appear that the actual report named the President by name when it did not. Why would a writer do that if they were not trying to propagate misinformation? Why would a writer make a quote seem like it was coming from one source when it was in fact coming from another?

Mine was direct quote, you moron.....that's what quotation marks mean.

Here is the entire report. Obama's name in not mentioned anywhere in the report and certainly not in the conclusion. If I am wrong please indicate what page of the report your quote comes from.

Here is the text, unedited, of the Hill story, with the parts PC excised to manufacture her lie in bold. You will notice she rearranged the order of the text, too:

The Pentagon broke the law when it transferred five Taliban detainees from Guantánamo Bay in exchange for prisoner of war Army Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl, according to a report from a government watchdog agency

The Government Accountability Office said the Pentagon violated the 2014 Defense Appropriations Act, which requires the Pentagon to give certain congressional committees 30 days advance notice before any detainee transfer from the Guantánamo Bay detention facility.

The law also prohibits the Pentagon from using appropriated funds to conduct any detainee transfer, unless the Defense secretary gives the 30 days of advance notice.

The Pentagon said it spent $988,400 on the detainee transfer, according to the report.

"As a consequence of using its appropriations in a manner specifically prohibited by law, DOD also violated the Antideficiency Act," the agency found. "DOD should report its Antideficiency Act violation as required by law."

That report, outlining the violation and any measures taken by the Pentagon in response, would then go to Congress and the president, according to a GAO spokeswoman.

The watchdog report is a legal opinion and will not lead to further measures, said the spokeswoman.

The seven-page finding is in response to a request by Republican lawmakers for an opinion, and is fueling fresh criticism of the Obama administration's decision to swap the five senior Taliban commanders for Bergdahl, who had been held by the Taliban since 2009.

Sen. Susan Collins (R-Maine), one of the nine Republican senators on the Defense Appropriations Subcommittee who requested the report, said it confirmed that Obama knowingly violated the law.

Here is the bogus quote PC made from that:

"The GAO said the Pentagon violated the 2014 Defense AppropriationsAct. ... The Pentagon broke the law when it transferred five Taliban detainees from ... the report, said it confirmed that Obama knowingly violated the law."
One can make all the excuses and deflections one wants, but this is just outright fraudulent manipulation of a source and quote that would be inexcusable on any academic or professional level. It is purposeful and malicious creation of misinformation and the planting of a lie to promote a political agenda. If a journalist did this they would be fired and never hired by anyone ever again. Plagiarism looks like a minor offense compared to this method of deceit.

You are the one who requires an excuse and an apology, you lying scum.

You conveniently left off the attribution.

"The GAO said the Pentagon violated the 2014 Defense AppropriationsAct. ... The Pentagon broke the law when it transferred five Taliban detainees from ... the report, said it confirmed that Obama knowingly violated the law."

Watchdog: DOD broke law with Bergdahl swap | TheHill

The report did not say Obama knowingly violated the law. That is how you framed the quote. You left out the beginning of the sentence used for the quote and purposely left out the preceding part of the sentence which attributed the quote not to the report, but to Sen. Collins giving a opinion. You hacked apart a sentence to make it appear that the actual report named the President by name when it did not. Why would a writer do that if they were not trying to propagate misinformation? Why would a writer make a quote seem like it was coming from one source when it was in fact coming from another?

Mine was direct quote, you moron.....that's what quotation marks mean.

Here is the entire report. Obama's name in not mentioned anywhere in the report and certainly not in the conclusion. If I am wrong please indicate what page of the report your quote comes from.


Where is your apology for 'conveniently' removing the last line of mine, which was the attribution/link?

They weren't my words, were they?

No....those words were the analysis of the Liberal publication "The Hill," and clearly stated "...... the report, said it confirmed that Obama knowingly violated the law."

Quoted correctly!

Apologize, you slime.
Here is the text, unedited, of the Hill story, with the parts PC excised to manufacture her lie in bold. You will notice she rearranged the order of the text, too:

The Pentagon broke the law when it transferred five Taliban detainees from Guantánamo Bay in exchange for prisoner of war Army Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl, according to a report from a government watchdog agency

The Government Accountability Office said the Pentagon violated the 2014 Defense Appropriations Act, which requires the Pentagon to give certain congressional committees 30 days advance notice before any detainee transfer from the Guantánamo Bay detention facility.

The law also prohibits the Pentagon from using appropriated funds to conduct any detainee transfer, unless the Defense secretary gives the 30 days of advance notice.

The Pentagon said it spent $988,400 on the detainee transfer, according to the report.

"As a consequence of using its appropriations in a manner specifically prohibited by law, DOD also violated the Antideficiency Act," the agency found. "DOD should report its Antideficiency Act violation as required by law."

That report, outlining the violation and any measures taken by the Pentagon in response, would then go to Congress and the president, according to a GAO spokeswoman.

The watchdog report is a legal opinion and will not lead to further measures, said the spokeswoman.

The seven-page finding is in response to a request by Republican lawmakers for an opinion, and is fueling fresh criticism of the Obama administration's decision to swap the five senior Taliban commanders for Bergdahl, who had been held by the Taliban since 2009.

Sen. Susan Collins (R-Maine), one of the nine Republican senators on the Defense Appropriations Subcommittee who requested the report, said it confirmed that Obama knowingly violated the law.

Here is the bogus quote PC made from that:

"The GAO said the Pentagon violated the 2014 Defense AppropriationsAct. ... The Pentagon broke the law when it transferred five Taliban detainees from ... the report, said it confirmed that Obama knowingly violated the law."
One can make all the excuses and deflections one wants, but this is just outright fraudulent manipulation of a source and quote that would be inexcusable on any academic or professional level. It is purposeful and malicious creation of misinformation and the planting of a lie to promote a political agenda. If a journalist did this they would be fired and never hired by anyone ever again. Plagiarism looks like a minor offense compared to this method of deceit.

You are the one who requires an excuse and an apology, you lying scum.

You conveniently left off the attribution.

"The GAO said the Pentagon violated the 2014 Defense AppropriationsAct. ... The Pentagon broke the law when it transferred five Taliban detainees from ... the report, said it confirmed that Obama knowingly violated the law."

Watchdog: DOD broke law with Bergdahl swap | TheHill

The report did not say Obama knowingly violated the law. That is how you framed the quote. You left out the beginning of the sentence used for the quote and purposely left out the preceding part of the sentence which attributed the quote not to the report, but to Sen. Collins giving a opinion. You hacked apart a sentence to make it appear that the actual report named the President by name when it did not. Why would a writer do that if they were not trying to propagate misinformation? Why would a writer make a quote seem like it was coming from one source when it was in fact coming from another?

Mine was direct quote, you moron.....that's what quotation marks mean.

Here is the entire report. Obama's name in not mentioned anywhere in the report and certainly not in the conclusion. If I am wrong please indicate what page of the report your quote comes from.

There's a good reason that report doesn't accuse Obama of violating the law -- because he didn't. And there's a reason the GAO pinned this one on the DOD -- because as g5000 so graciously pointed out, the law requires the Secretary of Defense to notify Congress 30 days prior to such an act, not the president.

Of course, laws mean nothing to folks like PoliticalHack, who twist and turn them into weapons to be used against political adversaries because they lost in the voting booth; but the truth usually emerges in time to make fools of them in the end.
Here is the text, unedited, of the Hill story, with the parts PC excised to manufacture her lie in bold. You will notice she rearranged the order of the text, too:

The Pentagon broke the law when it transferred five Taliban detainees from Guantánamo Bay in exchange for prisoner of war Army Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl, according to a report from a government watchdog agency

The Government Accountability Office said the Pentagon violated the 2014 Defense Appropriations Act, which requires the Pentagon to give certain congressional committees 30 days advance notice before any detainee transfer from the Guantánamo Bay detention facility.

The law also prohibits the Pentagon from using appropriated funds to conduct any detainee transfer, unless the Defense secretary gives the 30 days of advance notice.

The Pentagon said it spent $988,400 on the detainee transfer, according to the report.

"As a consequence of using its appropriations in a manner specifically prohibited by law, DOD also violated the Antideficiency Act," the agency found. "DOD should report its Antideficiency Act violation as required by law."

That report, outlining the violation and any measures taken by the Pentagon in response, would then go to Congress and the president, according to a GAO spokeswoman.

The watchdog report is a legal opinion and will not lead to further measures, said the spokeswoman.

The seven-page finding is in response to a request by Republican lawmakers for an opinion, and is fueling fresh criticism of the Obama administration's decision to swap the five senior Taliban commanders for Bergdahl, who had been held by the Taliban since 2009.

Sen. Susan Collins (R-Maine), one of the nine Republican senators on the Defense Appropriations Subcommittee who requested the report, said it confirmed that Obama knowingly violated the law.

Here is the bogus quote PC made from that:

"The GAO said the Pentagon violated the 2014 Defense AppropriationsAct. ... The Pentagon broke the law when it transferred five Taliban detainees from ... the report, said it confirmed that Obama knowingly violated the law."
One can make all the excuses and deflections one wants, but this is just outright fraudulent manipulation of a source and quote that would be inexcusable on any academic or professional level. It is purposeful and malicious creation of misinformation and the planting of a lie to promote a political agenda. If a journalist did this they would be fired and never hired by anyone ever again. Plagiarism looks like a minor offense compared to this method of deceit.

You are the one who requires an excuse and an apology, you lying scum.

You conveniently left off the attribution.

"The GAO said the Pentagon violated the 2014 Defense AppropriationsAct. ... The Pentagon broke the law when it transferred five Taliban detainees from ... the report, said it confirmed that Obama knowingly violated the law."

Watchdog: DOD broke law with Bergdahl swap | TheHill

The report did not say Obama knowingly violated the law. That is how you framed the quote. You left out the beginning of the sentence used for the quote and purposely left out the preceding part of the sentence which attributed the quote not to the report, but to Sen. Collins giving a opinion. You hacked apart a sentence to make it appear that the actual report named the President by name when it did not. Why would a writer do that if they were not trying to propagate misinformation? Why would a writer make a quote seem like it was coming from one source when it was in fact coming from another?
Because that writer is a rightwing partisan hack.

Because conservative dogma is so completely devoid of merit, that rightists are left only with contriving lies and misinformation in a failed effort to attack their political opponents.
Here is the text, unedited, of the Hill story, with the parts PC excised to manufacture her lie in bold. You will notice she rearranged the order of the text, too:

The Pentagon broke the law when it transferred five Taliban detainees from Guantánamo Bay in exchange for prisoner of war Army Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl, according to a report from a government watchdog agency

The Government Accountability Office said the Pentagon violated the 2014 Defense Appropriations Act, which requires the Pentagon to give certain congressional committees 30 days advance notice before any detainee transfer from the Guantánamo Bay detention facility.

The law also prohibits the Pentagon from using appropriated funds to conduct any detainee transfer, unless the Defense secretary gives the 30 days of advance notice.

The Pentagon said it spent $988,400 on the detainee transfer, according to the report.

"As a consequence of using its appropriations in a manner specifically prohibited by law, DOD also violated the Antideficiency Act," the agency found. "DOD should report its Antideficiency Act violation as required by law."

That report, outlining the violation and any measures taken by the Pentagon in response, would then go to Congress and the president, according to a GAO spokeswoman.

The watchdog report is a legal opinion and will not lead to further measures, said the spokeswoman.

The seven-page finding is in response to a request by Republican lawmakers for an opinion, and is fueling fresh criticism of the Obama administration's decision to swap the five senior Taliban commanders for Bergdahl, who had been held by the Taliban since 2009.

Sen. Susan Collins (R-Maine), one of the nine Republican senators on the Defense Appropriations Subcommittee who requested the report, said it confirmed that Obama knowingly violated the law.

Here is the bogus quote PC made from that:

"The GAO said the Pentagon violated the 2014 Defense AppropriationsAct. ... The Pentagon broke the law when it transferred five Taliban detainees from ... the report, said it confirmed that Obama knowingly violated the law."
One can make all the excuses and deflections one wants, but this is just outright fraudulent manipulation of a source and quote that would be inexcusable on any academic or professional level. It is purposeful and malicious creation of misinformation and the planting of a lie to promote a political agenda. If a journalist did this they would be fired and never hired by anyone ever again. Plagiarism looks like a minor offense compared to this method of deceit.

You are the one who requires an excuse and an apology, you lying scum.

You conveniently left off the attribution.

"The GAO said the Pentagon violated the 2014 Defense AppropriationsAct. ... The Pentagon broke the law when it transferred five Taliban detainees from ... the report, said it confirmed that Obama knowingly violated the law."

Watchdog: DOD broke law with Bergdahl swap | TheHill

The report did not say Obama knowingly violated the law. That is how you framed the quote. You left out the beginning of the sentence used for the quote and purposely left out the preceding part of the sentence which attributed the quote not to the report, but to Sen. Collins giving a opinion. You hacked apart a sentence to make it appear that the actual report named the President by name when it did not. Why would a writer do that if they were not trying to propagate misinformation? Why would a writer make a quote seem like it was coming from one source when it was in fact coming from another?

Mine was direct quote, you moron.....that's what quotation marks mean.

Here is the entire report. Obama's name in not mentioned anywhere in the report and certainly not in the conclusion. If I am wrong please indicate what page of the report your quote comes from.

There's a good reason that report doesn't accuse Obama of violating the law -- because he didn't. And there's a reason the GAO pinned this one on the DOD -- because as g5000 so graciously pointed out, the law requires the Secretary of Defense to notify Congress 30 days prior to such an act, not the president.

Of course, laws mean nothing to folks like PoliticalHack, who twist and turn them into weapons to be used against political adversaries because they lost in the voting booth; but the truth usually emerges in time to make fools of them in the end.

"There's a good reason that report doesn't accuse Obama of violating the law -- because he didn't."

Of course he did, Ugly.....he is in charge of the Department of Defense.

They carry out his policies.

You failed civics, huh?
Here is the text, unedited, of the Hill story, with the parts PC excised to manufacture her lie in bold. You will notice she rearranged the order of the text, too:

The Pentagon broke the law when it transferred five Taliban detainees from Guantánamo Bay in exchange for prisoner of war Army Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl, according to a report from a government watchdog agency

The Government Accountability Office said the Pentagon violated the 2014 Defense Appropriations Act, which requires the Pentagon to give certain congressional committees 30 days advance notice before any detainee transfer from the Guantánamo Bay detention facility.

The law also prohibits the Pentagon from using appropriated funds to conduct any detainee transfer, unless the Defense secretary gives the 30 days of advance notice.

The Pentagon said it spent $988,400 on the detainee transfer, according to the report.

"As a consequence of using its appropriations in a manner specifically prohibited by law, DOD also violated the Antideficiency Act," the agency found. "DOD should report its Antideficiency Act violation as required by law."

That report, outlining the violation and any measures taken by the Pentagon in response, would then go to Congress and the president, according to a GAO spokeswoman.

The watchdog report is a legal opinion and will not lead to further measures, said the spokeswoman.

The seven-page finding is in response to a request by Republican lawmakers for an opinion, and is fueling fresh criticism of the Obama administration's decision to swap the five senior Taliban commanders for Bergdahl, who had been held by the Taliban since 2009.

Sen. Susan Collins (R-Maine), one of the nine Republican senators on the Defense Appropriations Subcommittee who requested the report, said it confirmed that Obama knowingly violated the law.

Here is the bogus quote PC made from that:

"The GAO said the Pentagon violated the 2014 Defense AppropriationsAct. ... The Pentagon broke the law when it transferred five Taliban detainees from ... the report, said it confirmed that Obama knowingly violated the law."
One can make all the excuses and deflections one wants, but this is just outright fraudulent manipulation of a source and quote that would be inexcusable on any academic or professional level. It is purposeful and malicious creation of misinformation and the planting of a lie to promote a political agenda. If a journalist did this they would be fired and never hired by anyone ever again. Plagiarism looks like a minor offense compared to this method of deceit.

You are the one who requires an excuse and an apology, you lying scum.

You conveniently left off the attribution.

"The GAO said the Pentagon violated the 2014 Defense AppropriationsAct. ... The Pentagon broke the law when it transferred five Taliban detainees from ... the report, said it confirmed that Obama knowingly violated the law."

Watchdog: DOD broke law with Bergdahl swap | TheHill

The report did not say Obama knowingly violated the law. That is how you framed the quote. You left out the beginning of the sentence used for the quote and purposely left out the preceding part of the sentence which attributed the quote not to the report, but to Sen. Collins giving a opinion. You hacked apart a sentence to make it appear that the actual report named the President by name when it did not. Why would a writer do that if they were not trying to propagate misinformation? Why would a writer make a quote seem like it was coming from one source when it was in fact coming from another?

Mine was direct quote, you moron.....that's what quotation marks mean.

Here is the entire report. Obama's name in not mentioned anywhere in the report and certainly not in the conclusion. If I am wrong please indicate what page of the report your quote comes from.


Where is your apology for 'conveniently' removing the last line of mine, which was the attribution/link?

They weren't my words, were they?

No....those words were the analysis of the Liberal publication "The Hill," and clearly stated "...... the report, said it confirmed that Obama knowingly violated the law."

Quoted correctly!

Apologize, you slime.
Demands the mentally lazy rightie who refuses to apologize for falsely stating that The Hill made the claim that the report confirmed Obama violated the law. :eusa_doh:

Does irony mean anything to you? Or do you need to have someone else do your thinking on that too?

Now stop lying ... The Hill made no such claim. The Hill reported that claim was made by a Republican.
Here is the text, unedited, of the Hill story, with the parts PC excised to manufacture her lie in bold. You will notice she rearranged the order of the text, too:

The Pentagon broke the law when it transferred five Taliban detainees from Guantánamo Bay in exchange for prisoner of war Army Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl, according to a report from a government watchdog agency

The Government Accountability Office said the Pentagon violated the 2014 Defense Appropriations Act, which requires the Pentagon to give certain congressional committees 30 days advance notice before any detainee transfer from the Guantánamo Bay detention facility.

The law also prohibits the Pentagon from using appropriated funds to conduct any detainee transfer, unless the Defense secretary gives the 30 days of advance notice.

The Pentagon said it spent $988,400 on the detainee transfer, according to the report.

"As a consequence of using its appropriations in a manner specifically prohibited by law, DOD also violated the Antideficiency Act," the agency found. "DOD should report its Antideficiency Act violation as required by law."

That report, outlining the violation and any measures taken by the Pentagon in response, would then go to Congress and the president, according to a GAO spokeswoman.

The watchdog report is a legal opinion and will not lead to further measures, said the spokeswoman.

The seven-page finding is in response to a request by Republican lawmakers for an opinion, and is fueling fresh criticism of the Obama administration's decision to swap the five senior Taliban commanders for Bergdahl, who had been held by the Taliban since 2009.

Sen. Susan Collins (R-Maine), one of the nine Republican senators on the Defense Appropriations Subcommittee who requested the report, said it confirmed that Obama knowingly violated the law.

Here is the bogus quote PC made from that:

"The GAO said the Pentagon violated the 2014 Defense AppropriationsAct. ... The Pentagon broke the law when it transferred five Taliban detainees from ... the report, said it confirmed that Obama knowingly violated the law."
One can make all the excuses and deflections one wants, but this is just outright fraudulent manipulation of a source and quote that would be inexcusable on any academic or professional level. It is purposeful and malicious creation of misinformation and the planting of a lie to promote a political agenda. If a journalist did this they would be fired and never hired by anyone ever again. Plagiarism looks like a minor offense compared to this method of deceit.

You are the one who requires an excuse and an apology, you lying scum.

You conveniently left off the attribution.

"The GAO said the Pentagon violated the 2014 Defense AppropriationsAct. ... The Pentagon broke the law when it transferred five Taliban detainees from ... the report, said it confirmed that Obama knowingly violated the law."

Watchdog: DOD broke law with Bergdahl swap | TheHill

The report did not say Obama knowingly violated the law. That is how you framed the quote. You left out the beginning of the sentence used for the quote and purposely left out the preceding part of the sentence which attributed the quote not to the report, but to Sen. Collins giving a opinion. You hacked apart a sentence to make it appear that the actual report named the President by name when it did not. Why would a writer do that if they were not trying to propagate misinformation? Why would a writer make a quote seem like it was coming from one source when it was in fact coming from another?

Mine was direct quote, you moron.....that's what quotation marks mean.

Here is the entire report. Obama's name in not mentioned anywhere in the report and certainly not in the conclusion. If I am wrong please indicate what page of the report your quote comes from.

There's a good reason that report doesn't accuse Obama of violating the law -- because he didn't. And there's a reason the GAO pinned this one on the DOD -- because as g5000 so graciously pointed out, the law requires the Secretary of Defense to notify Congress 30 days prior to such an act, not the president.

Of course, laws mean nothing to folks like PoliticalHack, who twist and turn them into weapons to be used against political adversaries because they lost in the voting booth; but the truth usually emerges in time to make fools of them in the end.

"There's a good reason that report doesn't accuse Obama of violating the law -- because he didn't."

Of course he did, Ugly.....he is in charge of the Department of Defense.

They carry out his policies.

You failed civics, huh?
Did you have to look that insult up too? :lmao:

At any rate, the failure remains yours since the law you claim was violated by Obama; doesn't actually pertain to him.

Of course, I don't expect pesky details like that to interfere with your unhinged ranting ... so ... carry on! :mm:

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