What To Do About A Lawless President?

She has the worst case of ODS on the board. She peppers the board w/ her ODS threads daily. She must be looking for "attagrls" from her ODS-sufferer brethren.

Are you guys talking about Obstructed Defecation Syndrome or Osmotic Demyelination Syndrome? The first one means she is full of poop and the second one means she has water on the brain.
She has the worst case of ODS on the board. She peppers the board w/ her ODS threads daily. She must be looking for "attagrls" from her ODS-sufferer brethren.

Are you guys talking about Obstructed Defecation Syndrome or Osmotic Demyelination Syndrome? The first one means she is full of poop and the second one means she has water on the brain.

Now, low-life....

First, you have yet to apologize as you promised you would.

Secondly...you have been given a task,and shirked same.

Here is your second chance:

I've given some half dozen or so linked quotes that condemn the community organizer as having broken the law.

Let's see you provide some that say what he did is totally lawful.
She has the worst case of ODS on the board. She peppers the board w/ her ODS threads daily. She must be looking for "attagrls" from her ODS-sufferer brethren.

Are you guys talking about Obstructed Defecation Syndrome or Osmotic Demyelination Syndrome? The first one means she is full of poop and the second one means she has water on the brain.
She has the worst case of ODS on the board. She peppers the board w/ her ODS threads daily. She must be looking for "attagrls" from her ODS-sufferer brethren.

Are you guys talking about Obstructed Defecation Syndrome or Osmotic Demyelination Syndrome? The first one means she is full of poop and the second one means she has water on the brain.

Now, low-life....

First, you have yet to apologize as you promised you would.

Secondly...you have been given a task,and shirked same.

Here is your second chance:

I've given some half dozen or so linked quotes that condemn the community organizer as having broken the law.

Let's see you provide some that say what he did is totally lawful.
You haven't fulfilled the assignment I gave you. I have explained it to you. In addition, I was not the one who cut your The Hill story. Someone else along the line did that. I quoted a post that had your post with the the The Hill story already deleted.
The debate about the legality of what the DoD did rest on the DoD's claim that Bergdahl was in ill health and need immediate medical attention. You can call it bull, but it isn't your call and there is no one who can challenge the DoD on it's analysis and conclusion that Bergdahl was in an emergency situation. Congress does not have the authority to write law that precludes the President from taking emergency action to protect the lives of Americans. As CiC he has the authority to take actions that protect and save the lives of American service personnel in emergency situations. Try taking it to court with the claim the DoD did wrong. It will be rejected in District Court. The judicial branch will not get involved with a petty fight between the Congress and the Executive Branch about who has the rights and duties of protecting members of the armed forces. The law allegedly being violated is about the use of funds to make the transfer, not about whether the DoD, and certainly not the President had the authority to make the deal.
She has the worst case of ODS on the board. She peppers the board w/ her ODS threads daily. She must be looking for "attagrls" from her ODS-sufferer brethren.

Are you guys talking about Obstructed Defecation Syndrome or Osmotic Demyelination Syndrome? The first one means she is full of poop and the second one means she has water on the brain.
She has the worst case of ODS on the board. She peppers the board w/ her ODS threads daily. She must be looking for "attagrls" from her ODS-sufferer brethren.

Are you guys talking about Obstructed Defecation Syndrome or Osmotic Demyelination Syndrome? The first one means she is full of poop and the second one means she has water on the brain.

Now, low-life....

First, you have yet to apologize as you promised you would.

Secondly...you have been given a task,and shirked same.

Here is your second chance:

I've given some half dozen or so linked quotes that condemn the community organizer as having broken the law.

Let's see you provide some that say what he did is totally lawful.
You haven't fulfilled the assignment I gave you. I have explained it to you. In addition, I was not the one who cut your The Hill story. Someone else along the line did that. I quoted a post that had your post with the the The Hill story already deleted.
The debate about the legality of what the DoD did rest on the DoD's claim that Bergdahl was in ill health and need immediate medical attention. You can call it bull, but it isn't your call and there is no one who can challenge the DoD on it's analysis and conclusion that Bergdahl was in an emergency situation. Congress does not have the authority to write law that precludes the President from taking emergency action to protect the lives of Americans. As CiC he has the authority to take actions that protect and save the lives of American service personnel in emergency situations. Try taking it to court with the claim the DoD did wrong. It will be rejected in District Court. The judicial branch will not get involved with a petty fight between the Congress and the Executive Branch about who has the rights and duties of protecting members of the armed forces. The law allegedly being violated is about the use of funds to make the transfer, not about whether the DoD, and certainly not the President had the authority to make the deal.

No apology? OK...so you're just a weasel.

I've given some half dozen or so linked quotes that condemn the community organizer as having broken the law.

Let's see you provide some that say what he did is totally lawful.
Once again, here is the GAO report: U.S. GAO - Department of Defense--Compliance with Statutory Notification Requirement

There. You can't miss it.

Please quote where it says Obama knowingly violated the law, Tard.

Some people never learn. After having their ass handed to them time and time and time and time again that the Daily Caller and Fox News and the Washington Times and the NRO all willfully manufacture bullshit, they keep going back to chow down on more!

It is amazing.
This is what happens when the People become apathetic and dumbed-down. There's a foreign interloper in the White House. He does not have American Citizens' best interests at heart. In my humble opinion, he's a NWO Globalist Elite Puppet.

He was put in there to destroy our Constitution and Nation. Remember, out of chaos will come order... A New World Order.

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