What To Do About A Lawless President?

No one offered proof of Obama legally exchanging prisoners. Several sources confirm it was outside established rules and law. PC walks away the winner once again. Sort of disappointed, I didn't have to do any heavy lifting here.

No lifting to do on a non-issue.

The CiC in time of war is authorized to act unilaterally despite law or Constitution.

Change the Constitution if you don't want this to happen again.

So....there is no such case that you pretended existed.

Now....kneel down and apologize.

The GAO report says not a word about the President. It does not say the President broke the law. It says the DoD violated the reporting requirements of section 8111 of the Department of Defense Appropriations Act.

But that doesn't stop the tards from substituting "Obama" for "DoD".

Perhaps you have forgotten who is the Commander-in-Chief.

I'm being kind.

In actuality you're simply an imbecile.

Only in your head is it established that President Obama is a lawless President; of course I've provided much more evidence that you, PC, are mentally ill as defined by the DSM's definition of personality disorders, to wit, narcissistic personality disorder.
She's obsessed :tinfoil: w/ the President. Scary stuff.
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No one offered proof of Obama legally exchanging prisoners. Several sources confirm it was outside established rules and law. PC walks away the winner once again. Sort of disappointed, I didn't have to do any heavy lifting here.

No lifting to do on a non-issue.

The CiC in time of war is authorized to act unilaterally despite law or Constitution.

Change the Constitution if you don't want this to happen again.

So....there is no such case that you pretended existed. Now....kneel down and apologize.

You are drinking early in the morning again.

Obama as CiC had the right to do as he did with the prisoner trade.

No one cares that you don't like it.
No one offered proof of Obama legally exchanging prisoners. Several sources confirm it was outside established rules and law. PC walks away the winner once again. Sort of disappointed, I didn't have to do any heavy lifting here.

No lifting to do on a non-issue.

The CiC in time of war is authorized to act unilaterally despite law or Constitution.

Change the Constitution if you don't want this to happen again.

So....there is no such case that you pretended existed. Now....kneel down and apologize.

You are drinking early in the morning again.

Obama as CiC had the right to do as he did with the prisoner trade.

No one cares that you don't like it.

You disgusting little weasel....suddenly you've run away from earlier claims...and now it's about my opinion.

Great....let everyone recognize the gutter rat that you are.
No one offered proof of Obama legally exchanging prisoners. Several sources confirm it was outside established rules and law. PC walks away the winner once again. Sort of disappointed, I didn't have to do any heavy lifting here.

No lifting to do on a non-issue.

The CiC in time of war is authorized to act unilaterally despite law or Constitution.

Change the Constitution if you don't want this to happen again.

So....there is no such case that you pretended existed. Now....kneel down and apologize.

You are drinking early in the morning again.

Obama as CiC had the right to do as he did with the prisoner trade.

No one cares that you don't like it.

You disgusting little weasel....suddenly you've run away from earlier claims...and now it's about my opinion. Great....let everyone recognize the gutter rat that you are.

Your OP has been rebutted and refuted permanently.

You cheated and were caught out. It is what tis.
Try winning an election :thup:

As to your OP, you people already have a lawsuit filed against the President. What more do you want?

Maybe in the meantime Repubs could work on legislation that will pass the senate? :shock:

Your side's butt hurtedness knows no bounds and you exemplify it daily PoliHack. :clap2:
Maybe Harry Reid could actually bring a few House bills to the floor and see what will and won't pass, you hypocritical piece of shit.
ad hom much? :eusa_eh:
The GAO report says not a word about the President. It does not say the President broke the law. It says the DoD violated the reporting requirements of section 8111 of the Department of Defense Appropriations Act.

But that doesn't stop the tards from substituting "Obama" for "DoD".

Perhaps you have forgotten who is the Commander-in-Chief.

I'm being kind.

In actuality you're simply an imbecile.

Only in your head is it established that President Obama is a lawless President; of course I've provided much more evidence that you, PC, are mentally ill as defined by the DSM's definition of personality disorders, to wit, narcissistic personality disorder.
She's obsessed :tinfoil: w/ the President. Scary stuff.

So....you refuse to recognize corruption?

It is as though changing your mind to accommodate the facts would be an affront to Liberalism.

Your motto: 'Onward rather than correctness or rectitude.' Rather like a rhinoceros, fitting your cerebral capacities.
No one offered proof of Obama legally exchanging prisoners. Several sources confirm it was outside established rules and law. PC walks away the winner once again. Sort of disappointed, I didn't have to do any heavy lifting here.

No lifting to do on a non-issue.

The CiC in time of war is authorized to act unilaterally despite law or Constitution.

Change the Constitution if you don't want this to happen again.

So....there is no such case that you pretended existed. Now....kneel down and apologize.

You are drinking early in the morning again.

Obama as CiC had the right to do as he did with the prisoner trade.

No one cares that you don't like it.

You disgusting little weasel....suddenly you've run away from earlier claims...and now it's about my opinion. Great....let everyone recognize the gutter rat that you are.

Your OP has been rebutted and refuted permanently.

You cheated and were caught out. It is what tis.

Nothing has been 'rebutted'....I am, as always, correct and accurate.
That, in fact, is the reason that you formulate lies.

Speaking of lies....
"Caught out"????

For the third time,.....where are your examples, you disgusting Liberal?
What to do about a lawless president? You must mean President Reagan and his administration's arming of Iran and the diversion of the funds from the sale of those arms in order to fund the Contras, both of which were clearly against the law.

The truth is that Reagan should have been impeached and removed from office due to ample evidence of high crimes (the violation of US law and stated gov't policy while arming an avowed enemy of the US who had taken US embassy staff hostage in 1979 and held them for 444 days). Despite the fact that Reagan denied any knowledge of the scheme, even Ollie North, arguably a traitor to his oath as a US Marine (and a RW hero) clearly stated that Regan knew about the transfer.

But Reagan got off lucky, probably for no other reason than the discovery of the illegal acts were discovered so late in his term.
You, PC, a student at college, cheated on sourcing.

That's worth academic death.

If you believe you were right in so doing, then you believe the ends justify the means.
I can't believe that she made it into college just based on her zany, made-up, formatting alone. She'd be laughed out of the classroom.
What to do about a lawless president? You must mean President Reagan and his administration's arming of Iran and the diversion of the funds from the sale of those arms in order to fund the Contras, both of which were clearly against the law.

The truth is that Reagan should have been impeached and removed from office due to ample evidence of high crimes (the violation of US law and stated gov't policy while arming an avowed enemy of the US who had taken US embassy staff hostage in 1979 and held them for 444 days). Despite the fact that Reagan denied any knowledge of the scheme, even Ollie North, arguably a traitor to his oath as a US Marine (and a RW hero) clearly stated that Regan knew about the transfer.

But Reagan got off lucky, probably for no other reason than the discovery of the illegal acts were discovered so late in his term.

"What to do about a lawless president? You must mean President Reagan and his administration's arming of Iran and the diversion of the funds from the sale of those arms in order to fund the Contras, both of which were clearly against the law."

  1. The Iran-Contra scandal involved the sale of arms to Iran, basically to ransom American hostages that Islamic extremists held, and diverting proceeds from the sale to the Contras in Nicaragua. Neither the sale nor the diversions of funds were clear violations of existing laws: subsequent independent counsel investigations directly charged anyone with crimes for either the arms sales nor the diversions.
  2. "... reversal of NSC staff member Oliver North and National Security Adviser John Poindexter’s convictions. The Court of Appeals reversed their convictions because they successfully argued that witnesses in their trials might have been affected by publicized immunized congressional testimony, even though the prosecutors themselves had taken painstaking efforts to avoid encountering information about the hearings."
Understanding the Iran-Contra Affairs - The Legal Aftermath (convictions: Understanding the Iran-Contra Affairs - The Legal Aftermath)
You, PC, a student at college, cheated on sourcing.

That's worth academic death.

If you believe you were right in so doing, then you believe the ends justify the means.
I can't believe that she made it into college just based on her zany, made-up, formatting alone. She'd be laughed out of the classroom.

I fully understand your ire at justified criticism of the thug, Obama.

. There is a saying that applies:
"If a mason builds a wall upon a slope and it collapses, he can hardly complain that it would have stood a thousand years if only he had been given level ground to work with."

Obama claimed that he was a mason, and you believed him, even though it was clear he had never been more than a hod carrier
PC is an urban NYC house wife with some CC classes, nothing more.

And you, a lying sack of sewage.

Now that I have proven that the charges you framed earlier were fabrications, the honorable thing would be for you to abjectly apologize.

Of course, you have the very best reason not to: no honor.

You have long been recognized as a fake and a liar....so, there is no lower you can sink in anyone's estimation.

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