What To Do About A Lawless President?

For those joining us late, PoliticalChic claimed the GAO report said Obama violated the law. When provided a direct link to the GAO report and requested to back up that claim with direct quotes from the report, PoliticalChic could not do it. Because it is not in that report.

So PC went to a third party web site and pieced together a fabrication to make it look like that is what the GAO report said when it fact she took a part of a claim made by a Republican Senator out of context to make it look like it was from the GAO report.

When someone can't use the original source to support their claim, and starts using ellipses and out of context quotes from a completely different source, you know have owned them.
Incompetent hackery. :lame2:


This is the bloviation of a lying sack of effluvia.
It has literally been over a decade since I saw someone try to get away with a stunt like that on a forum. Not kidding. Over a decade.

It might happen more frequently, but the last time I caught someone doing that was in 2001 on the Stormfront forum.

It probably doesn't happen very often because even a retard isn't stupid enough to try to get away with something like that. You have to be a special kind of tard.

I have documented the truth in several post, you simply "is not, is not."
I have documented the truth in several post, you simply "is not, is not."

you document opinions from the media ... document the LAW chapter and verse, then name the Republican congressmen who have filed charges.
I recommend that any folks who need verification simply google "Obama broke law Bergdahl exchange"

you recommend everything but backing up your "lawless" rhetoric with ANYTHING but facts. You've been asked to do exactly that more times than you have IQ points. FAIL !
8. Let's put aside the view that Obama is unaware of his responsibilities under the Constitution....he did swear:
“I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will faithfully execute the Office of President of the United States, and will to the best of my Ability, preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States.” Oath of office of the President of the United States - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia (But, he was responsible for the lie of the year recently...)

“You know why it is,” Pelosi told Politicowhen asked about the level of hostility the GOP has for Obama. “You know why it is. He’s brilliant, he has a vision for our country. He’s brilliant, his knowledge of the issues and judgment about what the right path would be." Pelosi Republicans Hate Obama Because He 8217 s 8216 Brilliant 8217 and 8216 Completely Eloquent 8217 TheBlaze.com

Can Obama be corrupt and lawless, and the most brilliant guy around?

Maybe....but some definitions need be applied.

a. "First Black Elected to Head Harvard's Law Review" First Black Elected to Head Harvard s Law Review - New York Times
Based on his 'brilliance'??

b. Said definitions include this:

Consider the following: " The Selection Committee must then choose the remaining editors from a pool of qualified candidates whose grades or writing competition scores do not significantly differ. It is at this stage that the Law Review as for several years instituted an affirmative action policy for historically underrepresented groups: out of this pool, the Selection Committee may take race or physical handicap into account in making their final decision, if the Selection Committee believes that such affirmative action will enhance the representativeness of the incoming class."

A skin-color selection???

Not based on 'brilliance'?

Who'd a guessed.....
I recommend that any folks who need verification simply google "Obama broke law Bergdahl exchange"

you recommend everything but backing up your "lawless" rhetoric with ANYTHING but facts. You've been asked to do exactly that more times than you have IQ points. FAIL !

I recommend that any folks who need verification simply google "Obama broke law Bergdahl exchange"

You're not afraid of what folks will find.....are you?
I recommend that any folks who need verification simply google "Obama broke law Bergdahl exchange"

You're not afraid of what folks will find.....are you?

apparently YOU can't find anything ... deflect, dodge, DISMISSED !
I recommend that any folks who need verification simply google "Obama broke law Bergdahl exchange"

You're not afraid of what folks will find.....are you?

apparently YOU can't find anything ... deflect, dodge, DISMISSED !

Hey....don't run off and hide.

I asked you what you are afraid they'd find by googling "Obama broke law Bergdahl exchange"...

....that you're a lying fool?

Most know that already.
9. "In aninterviewwithGQmagazine, Vice President Biden, when asked about Barack Obama’s problem in being perceived as aloof, provided us with this answer: “I think what it is, is he’s so brilliant. He is an intellectual.” Valerie Jarrett Commentary Magazine

As far as the smartest guy around.....if he was so....why hide all of his records, you know, the ones that would validate same?

a. "[Obama] attended Occidental/Columbia undergrad and Harvard Law. Bush attended Yale undergrad and Harvard Business School. Bush released his grades and SAT scores (1206 on Verbal and Math--pre-1974--like 1300 today) as did his opponents, Kerry and Gore. Using the "Otis Gamma and Scholastic Aptitude" score, one can infer Bush's IQ to be 130. This places him in about the top 2-3% in the country. This is higher than John Kerry and lower than Al Gore. The latter was a massive underachiever in college.

We do not know Obama's SAT, LSAT, or GPA scores because he won't release them. His Columbia GPA was estimated by the WSJ to be between 1.8 and 3.0 (C- to B) because he did not graduate with honors. He was at the bottom 15% in Occidental. He was in the top 10% at Harvard Law because he graduated "magna cum laude". So we assume he is smart, but how he got into Harvard with that record is peculiar. In any event, he will not release his records.

Just as he hides his grades and SAT scores from the public, he also hides what he really thinks about health care "reform". Truly "brilliant".
Law of the Bad Premise Obama s Rocky Mountain High IQ

So....what have we verified today?

Obama....a lawless President who was able to fool many into believing his lies....and, as a result, have damaged this nation.....

....perhaps irreparaby so.
I recommend that any folks who need verification simply google "Obama broke law Bergdahl exchange"
And you will be taken to claims made by right wingers about the GAO report. But you will NOT be taken to the actual GAO report.

Dumbass. Why do you fear the GAO report so much? Because it does not support any of those claims. That's why you had to fabricate one. :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:
Citing several sources is common in academic writings. PC gives more references than most any liberal on this board.

Parroting partisans who are making false claims is not how academic writing works. Nice try.

As I have indisputably proven, she rearranges and takes words out of context to manufacture lies.

I provided the ORIGINAL source. Citing third party partisan sources is unacceptable when the original is available. Unfortunately for PC, the ORIGINAL source from which all the third party claims were made does not support those claims. Which is why she ran away from the original source as quickly as possible. Like a blood sucking vampire from sunlight.

She fabricated "evidence" from yet another third party source.

If she were an academic, her credentials would be revoked. But no one will ever be retarded enough to believe she is an academic.

It chafes her ass badly that the GAO report makes no mention of the President, at all. She drank and regurgitated the piss of her partisan masters without checking the source.

That was shoddy, at first. But when she went the extra mile by fabricating evidence, she became a willful liar.
Fabricating evidence (creating evidence that did not exist and attributing it a source that does not mention it) is cheating, and at college or work, the punishment can be academic or professional death.
I recommend that any folks who need verification simply google "Obama broke law Bergdahl exchange"
And you will be taken to claims made by right wingers about the GAO report. But you will NOT be taken to the actual GAO report.

Dumbass. Why do you fear the GAO report so much? Because it does not support any of those claims. That's why you had to fabricate one. :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:

I asked you what you are afraid they'd find by googling "Obama broke law Bergdahl exchange"...

....that you're a lying fool?

Most know that already.

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