What To Do About A Lawless President?

Here is the text, unedited, of the Hill story, with the parts PC excised to manufacture her lie in bold. You will notice she rearranged the order of the text, too:

The Pentagon broke the law when it transferred five Taliban detainees from Guantánamo Bay in exchange for prisoner of war Army Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl, according to a report from a government watchdog agency

The Government Accountability Office said the Pentagon violated the 2014 Defense Appropriations Act, which requires the Pentagon to give certain congressional committees 30 days advance notice before any detainee transfer from the Guantánamo Bay detention facility.

The law also prohibits the Pentagon from using appropriated funds to conduct any detainee transfer, unless the Defense secretary gives the 30 days of advance notice.

The Pentagon said it spent $988,400 on the detainee transfer, according to the report.

"As a consequence of using its appropriations in a manner specifically prohibited by law, DOD also violated the Antideficiency Act," the agency found. "DOD should report its Antideficiency Act violation as required by law."

That report, outlining the violation and any measures taken by the Pentagon in response, would then go to Congress and the president, according to a GAO spokeswoman.

The watchdog report is a legal opinion and will not lead to further measures, said the spokeswoman.

The seven-page finding is in response to a request by Republican lawmakers for an opinion, and is fueling fresh criticism of the Obama administration's decision to swap the five senior Taliban commanders for Bergdahl, who had been held by the Taliban since 2009.

Sen. Susan Collins (R-Maine), one of the nine Republican senators on the Defense Appropriations Subcommittee who requested the report, said it confirmed that Obama knowingly violated the law.

Here is the bogus quote PC made from that:

"The GAO said the Pentagon violated the 2014 Defense AppropriationsAct. ... The Pentagon broke the law when it transferred five Taliban detainees from ... the report, said it confirmed that Obama knowingly violated the law."
I sure don't mind rubbing your face in it....probably an improvement, too....

"The GAO said the Pentagon violated the 2014 Defense AppropriationsAct. ... The Pentagon broke the law when it transferred five Taliban detainees from ... the report, said it confirmed that Obama knowingly violated the law."

Watchdog: DOD broke law with Bergdahl swap | TheHill

How ya' like that, boyyyyyeeeee???

Oh, man. This is going to be fun.

The Hill says Watchdog: DOD broke law with Bergdahl swap

The DoD.

Now, folks, I want you to pay special attention to the part PoliticalChic bolded in her post: ...the report, said it confirmed that Obama knowingly violated the law."

Notice the ellipses.

PoliticalChic willfully left out what was in front of that ellipsis:
Sen. Susan Collins (R-Maine), one of the nine Republican senators on the Defense Appropriations Subcommittee who requested the report, said it confirmed that Obama knowingly violated the law.

A REPUBLICAN SENATOR stating her opinion.

PC willfully constructed her post to make it sound like the GAO report said it:

"The GAO said the Pentagon violated the 2014 Defense AppropriationsAct. ... The Pentagon broke the law when it transferred five Taliban detainees from ... the report, said it confirmed that Obama knowingly violated the law."

You've been busted, PC. You fucking lying tard.

To whom does the DoD answer?
G5000, you are implying the president doesn't know how the Constitution works? It was a willful act, justified by time of the essence reasoning, which is not correct.
Simply unbelievable, PC.

I love it! The truth in my posts affects you the way a paddle affects a ping-bong ball!

Unfortunately, talking to you is like having to slap an old tv a few time to get a picture.

If I were to use "unbelievable" it would be about imbeciles like you.
Your argument, like the Hindenburg....up in the air at first, then it blows apart.

I've destroyed any way of you squirming away from the fact that Obama was the one in charge, and he made the illegal decisions.

OK...just one more:

Guess which branch of government the DoD belongs to.....

The Executive Branch The White House
Here is the text, unedited, of the Hill story, with the parts PC excised to manufacture her lie in bold. You will notice she rearranged the order of the text, too:

The Pentagon broke the law when it transferred five Taliban detainees from Guantánamo Bay in exchange for prisoner of war Army Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl, according to a report from a government watchdog agency

The Government Accountability Office said the Pentagon violated the 2014 Defense Appropriations Act, which requires the Pentagon to give certain congressional committees 30 days advance notice before any detainee transfer from the Guantánamo Bay detention facility.

The law also prohibits the Pentagon from using appropriated funds to conduct any detainee transfer, unless the Defense secretary gives the 30 days of advance notice.

The Pentagon said it spent $988,400 on the detainee transfer, according to the report.

"As a consequence of using its appropriations in a manner specifically prohibited by law, DOD also violated the Antideficiency Act," the agency found. "DOD should report its Antideficiency Act violation as required by law."

That report, outlining the violation and any measures taken by the Pentagon in response, would then go to Congress and the president, according to a GAO spokeswoman.

The watchdog report is a legal opinion and will not lead to further measures, said the spokeswoman.

The seven-page finding is in response to a request by Republican lawmakers for an opinion, and is fueling fresh criticism of the Obama administration's decision to swap the five senior Taliban commanders for Bergdahl, who had been held by the Taliban since 2009.

Sen. Susan Collins (R-Maine), one of the nine Republican senators on the Defense Appropriations Subcommittee who requested the report, said it confirmed that Obama knowingly violated the law.

Here is the bogus quote PC made from that:

"The GAO said the Pentagon violated the 2014 Defense AppropriationsAct. ... The Pentagon broke the law when it transferred five Taliban detainees from ... the report, said it confirmed that Obama knowingly violated the law."

Why did you feel it necessary to prove my accuracy?

I'm always correct.

BTW...From "The Hill," a Liberal source.
She said who does the DoD answer to, the Dod answers to the president.

the janitor at the DOD answers to the POTUS.


There is no question that you are among the most brain-dead of posters.

Clearly, everyone in the DoD answers to the lawless President, Barack Obama.
There is no question about that, either.
There is no question that you are among the most brain-dead of posters.

Clearly, everyone in the DoD answers to the lawless President, Barack Obama.
There is no question about that, either.

clearly, everyone in any government agency answers to the POTUS ... ergo; your question was sophomoric if not freshman ... for a worm.
There is no question that you are among the most brain-dead of posters.

Clearly, everyone in the DoD answers to the lawless President, Barack Obama.
There is no question about that, either.

clearly, everyone in any government agency answers to the POTUS ... ergo; your question was sophomoric if not freshman ... for a worm.

1. He is in charge of the Executive

2. The DoD is under the Executive branch

3. You puerile tap-dance is designed to imply that Obama was not behind the illegal transfer, clearly the move of a lawless President. He was. Clearly so.

4. Did I mention that you are an imbecile?

5. See item #4.
What To Do About A Lawless President?

If a president has broken the law, the jurisdiction in which the law was broken can indict him.

If it is political, then impeachment is a possibility.
Earlier we learned that Obama simply ignores the restrictions of the Constitution....

"Obama’s audacity is more spacious; it encompasses a right to disregard any portion of any law pertaining to any subject at any time when the political “environment” is difficult." George Will Obama s unconstitutional steps worse than Nixon s - The Washington Post

Well....let's give this thug the benefit of the doubt: perhaps he's not a corrupt Chicago thug out to destroy the nation and ignore the Constitution...

...maybe he's simply ignorant.....or, is there a reason that we should expect Obama to know and acknowledge the primacy of the Constitution?

Yes, there is.Some dolts actually bought the nonsense that they were electing a constitutional law professor.....

Let's disabuse them of that myth right now: he was simply the lowest rung on the university ladder.

7. " Obama graduated Harvard Law School in 1991. He was a lecturer at the U. of Chicago law school between 1992 and 1996. During this time he was an attorney at the law firm of Miner, Barnhill & Galland. In his first years of teaching, he had only one course.

He was promoted to Senior Lecturer in 1996 and his teaching load eventually increased to three courses a year, less than the load of a professor. Obama won a state Senate seat in 1996. Obama maintained his senior lecturer post from 1996 to 2004, when he took a leave to run for the U.S. Senate.

Nagorsky said there is a major distinction between a lecturer and senior lecturer, though both are not full-time positions." lsweet Early Often - Politics

So, either he doesn't understand the Constitution....

...or, and this is my belief, he just doesn't care what it says.

The Constitution is the 'law of the land.'
Q.E.D......he is a lawless President.
Why did you feel it necessary to prove my accuracy?

I'm always correct.

BTW...From "The Hill," a Liberal source.
You manufactured a lie. Sorry to make your ass hurt.

You could not support your claim with the actual GAO report, and so you made up a fabrication by rearranging and piecing together out of context words from another source. Like a kidnapper note from pieces of newspaper clippings.

The most inept kind of amateur liar, you are.

To whom does the DoD answer?

Secretary of Defense exercises authority, direction, and control over the Department of Defense.


Only one....how is it possible for one of your minimal IQ to find the letters on the keyboard?
Does your nurse do the posting for you?

If anyone had any doubts about my assessment of PC, her posts on this thread alone should dispel them. Only the New Right would defend her; the reasons why are spelled out in my signature.
For those joining us late, PoliticalChic claimed the GAO report said Obama violated the law. When provided a direct link to the GAO report and requested to back up that claim with direct quotes from the report, PoliticalChic could not do it. Because it is not in that report.

So PC went to a third party web site and pieced together a fabrication to make it look like that is what the GAO report said when it fact she took a part of a claim made by a Republican Senator out of context to make it look like it was from the GAO report.

When someone can't use the original source to support their claim, and starts using ellipses and out of context quotes from a completely different source, you know have owned them.
Incompetent hackery. :lame2:
It has literally been over a decade since I saw someone try to get away with a stunt like that on a forum. Not kidding. Over a decade.

It might happen more frequently, but the last time I caught someone doing that was in 2001 on the Stormfront forum.

It probably doesn't happen very often because even a retard isn't stupid enough to try to get away with something like that. You have to be a special kind of tard.

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