What To Do About A Lawless President?

One of the big problems Americans have is that they think things will get better when "their party wins elections".

They have no idea how corrupt and controlled BOTH parties are so they cheer "their side" like it's the NBA Finals or World Series and they're gonna' gain something from it.

Nothing could be further from the truth.

"Ain't it Awful" posts ^^^ are opinions, How about offering a solution? How can our (in your head) dystopian system of government be fixed?

Are you endorsing the illegality of the thug in office, or haven't you thought that far ahead?

Let's take a trip to 'Wonderland'....what would your post look like if it had been Bush?

As a self appointed word smith, I'm sure you have evidence that President Obama is a "thug". Let's use the dictionary.com definition of thug: "a cruel or vicious ruffian, robber ,or murderer."

Post the evidence.

As for President Bush (43) I found him incompetent, and until his final year, too easily influenced (lead) by Cheney who I believe to be a very evil man.

Evil, as defined by dictionary.com: "morally wrong or bad; immoral; wicked"
obama should be impeached, tried and removed from office. Since democrats used impeachment in a preemptive strike to fundraise, republicans were manipulated into a no impeachment promise. That does not end the issue of impeachment, senate trial and conviction. The people just have to be louder in demanding it.

For Obama, I suggest a long prison sentence, time in isolation....it tends to open one up to concepts of harmony. It's called the Zen of the Pen.
It's not as though we weren't warned!
When centralizing the government was a consideration....many believed that we might wind up with....well, what we have now.

1. Alexander Hamilton, in 67 Federalist, lampooned the picture of the presidency that was being painted by critics of the Constitution.

“He has been seated on a throne surrounded with minions and mistresses, giving audience to the envoys of foreign potentates, in all the supercilious pomp of majesty. The images of Asiatic despotism and voluptuousness have scarcely been wanting to crown the exaggerated scene. We have been taught to tremble at the terrific visages of murdering janizaries, and to blush at the unveiled mysteries of a future seraglio.”

2. Seems many bought the view that the Constitution would prevent the kind of aggrandizement that has actually occurred.

If only.

3. Not the only time...but simply one of the latest infractions:

" Feds: Obama Broke Law with Bergdahl Swap" President Obama violated a “clear and unambiguous” law when he released five Guantanamo Bay detainees in exchange for Army Sergeant Bowe Bergdahl, the Government Accountability Office reported Thursday.

“[The Department of Defense] violated section 8111 because it did not notify the relevant congressional committees at least 30 days in advance of the transfer,”....

...DOD violated the Antideficiency Act. The Antideficiency Act prohibits federal agencies from incurring obligations exceeding an amount available in an appropriation.”

The GAO rejected the idea that the action was legal and sidestepped the Obama team’s suggestion that the law is unconstitutional.

....where legislation has been passed by Congress and signed by the President, thereby satisfying the bicameralism and presentment requirements in the Constitution, that legislation is entitled to a heavy presumption in favor of constitutionality.”

Feds: Obama Broke Law with Bergdahl Swap | National Review Online

Well gee, now the GOP will have to re-file their lawsuit....
"Ain't it Awful" posts ^^^ are opinions, How about offering a solution? How can our (in your head) dystopian system of government be fixed?
I sometimes talk with Sports Zombies about their favorite team and they can quote me all sorts of stuff like: Win/Loss record, place in division, how many games left, starting pitcher record and ERA, injury list, it goes on and on.

I'll act all interested for a while but then I'll ask them: "What's the 4th Amendment to the Constitution?". 99.9% of the time I'll just get a blank stare. I've done this numerous times. I've even done this while waiting in line at the store on some sports guy wearing a jersey. (They're all fat so they're not intimidating at all)

They may get mad at me but I've already planted the seed and they'll think about it more later.

My solution? Turn off the TV. Read News stories on the Internet. Reading requires Active Participation while TV just puts you in a Mind-Numbed Trance.

Find out where your local gov't offices are. And go there.
Buy a Dash Cam and record Officers when they pull you over.
Fight a Traffic Ticket.
Submit a FOIR request. If you don't know how, learn how.
Know the Laws of your State. Learn how Laws are made in the State. Compare that with "rules" and "ordinances".

There are MANY things you can do to better our Government and Society but NONE of them will come as a result of watching a TV News Show or voting in an online poll.

They will come as a result of YOU getting involved. Not just for 30 minutes, but for the rest of your life.
Well, from the looks of it. NOTHING
The Republicans have been no better in standing up to it

I think we're done as a, people's government. they are now our MASTERS
:thup: And as soon as our private property rights and gun rights are taken from us, we are sheep to the slaughter. I can see it now, all private property rights being re-branded, as eminent domain i.e., the right of a government to take, or to authorize the taking of, private property for public use, just compensation being given to the owner. :eusa_think:

Obama/Reid/Pelosi/Holder and company loving that power. I wonder how many Dems would be glad they voted to reelected the current uber hubristic president, when he takes their property away from them.

... all private property rights being re-branded, as the domain of environmentalism....to protect Mother Gaia from the viruses called human beings.....

Property rights are the basis of liberty.
Try winning an election :thup:

As to your OP, you people already have a lawsuit filed against the President. What more do you want?

Maybe in the meantime Repubs could work on legislation that will pass the senate? :shock:

Your side's butt hurtedness knows no bounds and you exemplify it daily PoliHack. :clap2:
Maybe Harry Reid could actually bring a few House bills to the floor and see what will and won't pass, you hypocritical piece of shit.
Try winning an election :thup:

As to your OP, you people already have a lawsuit filed against the President. What more do you want?

Maybe in the meantime Repubs could work on legislation that will pass the senate? :shock:

Your side's butt hurtedness knows no bounds and you exemplify it daily PoliHack. :clap2:

Actually, my hurt is based on the fact there are some folks....fewer all the time....who are as abysmally stupid as you appear to be.

The point of the OP is that this is a lawless President....

...do you have any comment to that point?

The point of the OP is to troll, something you do regularly. Then, when others disagree with you, you call them stupid. In every thread you post, the pattern is the same.

I suppose mental masturbation provides you some degree of satisfaction, that's sad and would be pitiful, but you don't deserve pity.
OP is a troll???? WTF? the OP provided an opinion and material relevant to it. You, however provide nothing of substance while calling him a troll.
You barely deserve notice.
Try winning an election :thup:

As to your OP, you people already have a lawsuit filed against the President. What more do you want?

Maybe in the meantime Repubs could work on legislation that will pass the senate? :shock:

Your side's butt hurtedness knows no bounds and you exemplify it daily PoliHack. :clap2:

Actually, my hurt is based on the fact there are some folks....fewer all the time....who are as abysmally stupid as you appear to be.

The point of the OP is that this is a lawless President....

...do you have any comment to that point?

The point of the OP is to troll, something you do regularly. Then, when others disagree with you, you call them stupid. In every thread you post, the pattern is the same.

I suppose mental masturbation provides you some degree of satisfaction, that's sad and would be pitiful, but you don't deserve pity.
OP is a troll???? WTF? the OP provided an opinion and material relevant to it. You, however provide nothing of substance while calling him a troll.
You barely deserve notice.

Yes, SHE is a troll and my post was an opinion based on evidence. She is also a narcissist, also an opinion, but a malady which has never been ruled out.
Try winning an election :thup:

As to your OP, you people already have a lawsuit filed against the President. What more do you want?

Maybe in the meantime Repubs could work on legislation that will pass the senate? :shock:

Your side's butt hurtedness knows no bounds and you exemplify it daily PoliHack. :clap2:
Maybe Harry Reid could actually bring a few House bills to the floor and see what will and won't pass, you hypocritical piece of shit.
Doesn't Bohner do the same thing in the House?
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Try winning an election :thup:

As to your OP, you people already have a lawsuit filed against the President. What more do you want?

Maybe in the meantime Repubs could work on legislation that will pass the senate? :shock:

Your side's butt hurtedness knows no bounds and you exemplify it daily PoliHack. :clap2:

Actually, my hurt is based on the fact there are some folks....fewer all the time....who are as abysmally stupid as you appear to be.

The point of the OP is that this is a lawless President....

...do you have any comment to that point?

The point of the OP is to troll, something you do regularly. Then, when others disagree with you, you call them stupid. In every thread you post, the pattern is the same.

I suppose mental masturbation provides you some degree of satisfaction, that's sad and would be pitiful, but you don't deserve pity.
OP is a troll???? WTF? the OP provided an opinion and material relevant to it. You, however provide nothing of substance while calling him a troll.
You barely deserve notice.

Yes, SHE is a troll and my post was an opinion based on evidence. She is also a narcissist, also an opinion, but a malady which has never been ruled out.
Opinions are like Wry Catchers. Everyone has one.

Opinions need to be qualified with facts, not more opinions.

Let's see you support your opinions


It's the 'Chicago Way.' So did anyone really expect anything different? He's done everything in his power to thwart the Constitution. But he truly believes he's above the law. So do Pelosi and Reid. And at this point, they've proven they are.

It's an all-powerful Ruling-Elite Class now. They know they'll never be held accountable for anything. It's exactly what our Founding Fathers warned about. They no longer fear the People. Instead, the People now fear them. It's clear Obama broke the law with his Taliban swap. But what will come of it? Sadly, my guess is nothing will. No accountability. It's a real shame.
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Try winning an election :thup:

As to your OP, you people already have a lawsuit filed against the President. What more do you want?

Maybe in the meantime Repubs could work on legislation that will pass the senate? :shock:

Your side's butt hurtedness knows no bounds and you exemplify it daily PoliHack. :clap2:

Actually, my hurt is based on the fact there are some folks....fewer all the time....who are as abysmally stupid as you appear to be.

The point of the OP is that this is a lawless President....

...do you have any comment to that point?

The point of the OP is to troll, something you do regularly. Then, when others disagree with you, you call them stupid. In every thread you post, the pattern is the same.

I suppose mental masturbation provides you some degree of satisfaction, that's sad and would be pitiful, but you don't deserve pity.
OP is a troll???? WTF? the OP provided an opinion and material relevant to it. You, however provide nothing of substance while calling him a troll.
You barely deserve notice.

Yes, SHE is a troll and my post was an opinion based on evidence. She is also a narcissist, also an opinion, but a malady which has never been ruled out.
Opinions are like Wry Catchers. Everyone has one.

Opinions need to be qualified with facts, not more opinions.

Let's see you support your opinions



Let's see you prove she is not a troll nor a narcissist. The evidence is there, simply read all of the threads she has posted, see how she responds to criticism, or how willing she is to engage in meaningful debate.

You're playing a game, one in which I will not engage.
Try winning an election :thup:

As to your OP, you people already have a lawsuit filed against the President. What more do you want?

Maybe in the meantime Repubs could work on legislation that will pass the senate? :shock:

Your side's butt hurtedness knows no bounds and you exemplify it daily PoliHack. :clap2:

"In the past few years, the science of Internet trollology has made some strides. Last year, for instance, we learned that by hurling insults and inciting discord in online comment sections, so-called Internet trolls (who are frequently anonymous) have a polarizing effect on audiences, leading to politicization, rather than deeper understanding of scientific topics.

"That’s bad, but it’s nothing compared with what a new psychology paper has to say about the personalities of trolls themselves. The research, conducted by Erin Buckels of the University of Manitoba and two colleagues, sought to directly investigate whether people who engage in trolling are characterized by personality traits that fall in the so-called Dark Tetrad: Machiavellianism (willingness to manipulate and deceive others), narcissism (egotism and self-obsession), psychopathy (the lack of remorse and empathy), and sadism (pleasure in the suffering of others)."

Link: Internet troll personality study: Machiavellianism, narcissism, psychopathy, sadism.

Actually, my hurt is based on the fact there are some folks....fewer all the time....who are as abysmally stupid as you appear to be.

The point of the OP is that this is a lawless President....

...do you have any comment to that point?

The point of the OP is to troll, something you do regularly. Then, when others disagree with you, you call them stupid. In every thread you post, the pattern is the same.

I suppose mental masturbation provides you some degree of satisfaction, that's sad and would be pitiful, but you don't deserve pity.
OP is a troll???? WTF? the OP provided an opinion and material relevant to it. You, however provide nothing of substance while calling him a troll.
You barely deserve notice.
Try winning an election :thup:

As to your OP, you people already have a lawsuit filed against the President. What more do you want?

Maybe in the meantime Repubs could work on legislation that will pass the senate? :shock:

Your side's butt hurtedness knows no bounds and you exemplify it daily PoliHack. :clap2:

"In the past few years, the science of Internet trollology has made some strides. Last year, for instance, we learned that by hurling insults and inciting discord in online comment sections, so-called Internet trolls (who are frequently anonymous) have a polarizing effect on audiences, leading to politicization, rather than deeper understanding of scientific topics.

"That’s bad, but it’s nothing compared with what a new psychology paper has to say about the personalities of trolls themselves. The research, conducted by Erin Buckels of the University of Manitoba and two colleagues, sought to directly investigate whether people who engage in trolling are characterized by personality traits that fall in the so-called Dark Tetrad: Machiavellianism (willingness to manipulate and deceive others), narcissism (egotism and self-obsession), psychopathy (the lack of remorse and empathy), and sadism (pleasure in the suffering of others)."

Link: Internet troll personality study: Machiavellianism, narcissism, psychopathy, sadism.

Actually, my hurt is based on the fact there are some folks....fewer all the time....who are as abysmally stupid as you appear to be.

The point of the OP is that this is a lawless President....

...do you have any comment to that point?

The point of the OP is to troll, something you do regularly. Then, when others disagree with you, you call them stupid. In every thread you post, the pattern is the same.

I suppose mental masturbation provides you some degree of satisfaction, that's sad and would be pitiful, but you don't deserve pity.
OP is a troll???? WTF? the OP provided an opinion and material relevant to it. You, however provide nothing of substance while calling him a troll.
You barely deserve notice.

"In the past few years, the science of Internet trollology has made some strides. Last year, for instance, we learned that by hurling insults and inciting discord in online comment sections, so-called Internet trolls (who are frequently anonymous) have a polarizing effect on audiences, leading to politicization, rather than deeper understanding of scientific topics.

"That’s bad, but it’s nothing compared with what a new psychology paper has to say about the personalities of trolls themselves. The research, conducted by Erin Buckels of the University of Manitoba and two colleagues, sought to directly investigate whether people who engage in trolling are characterized by personality traits that fall in the so-called Dark Tetrad: Machiavellianism (willingness to manipulate and deceive others), narcissism (egotism and self-obsession), psychopathy (the lack of remorse and empathy), and sadism (pleasure in the suffering of others)."

Link: Internet troll personality study: Machiavellianism, narcissism, psychopathy, sadism.
"Ain't it Awful" posts ^^^ are opinions, How about offering a solution? How can our (in your head) dystopian system of government be fixed?
I sometimes talk with Sports Zombies about their favorite team and they can quote me all sorts of stuff like: Win/Loss record, place in division, how many games left, starting pitcher record and ERA, injury list, it goes on and on.

I'll act all interested for a while but then I'll ask them: "What's the 4th Amendment to the Constitution?". 99.9% of the time I'll just get a blank stare. I've done this numerous times. I've even done this while waiting in line at the store on some sports guy wearing a jersey. (They're all fat so they're not intimidating at all)

They may get mad at me but I've already planted the seed and they'll think about it more later.

My solution? Turn off the TV. Read News stories on the Internet. Reading requires Active Participation while TV just puts you in a Mind-Numbed Trance.

Find out where your local gov't offices are. And go there.
Buy a Dash Cam and record Officers when they pull you over.
Fight a Traffic Ticket.
Submit a FOIR request. If you don't know how, learn how.
Know the Laws of your State. Learn how Laws are made in the State. Compare that with "rules" and "ordinances".

There are MANY things you can do to better our Government and Society but NONE of them will come as a result of watching a TV News Show or voting in an online poll.

They will come as a result of YOU getting involved. Not just for 30 minutes, but for the rest of your life.

Bread and circus....

....anybody recall Gibbon?
One of the big problems Americans have is that they think things will get better when "their party wins elections".

They have no idea how corrupt and controlled BOTH parties are so they cheer "their side" like it's the NBA Finals or World Series and they're gonna' gain something from it.

Nothing could be further from the truth.

"Ain't it Awful" posts ^^^ are opinions, How about offering a solution? How can our (in your head) dystopian system of government be fixed?

Are you endorsing the illegality of the thug in office, or haven't you thought that far ahead?

Let's take a trip to 'Wonderland'....what would your post look like if it had been Bush?

As a self appointed word smith, I'm sure you have evidence that President Obama is a "thug". Let's use the dictionary.com definition of thug: "a cruel or vicious ruffian, robber ,or murderer."

Post the evidence.

As for President Bush (43) I found him incompetent, and until his final year, too easily influenced (lead) by Cheney who I believe to be a very evil man.

Evil, as defined by dictionary.com: "morally wrong or bad; immoral; wicked"

Thug: "“If they bring a knife to the fight, we bring a gun,” Obama said ..."
Obama brings a gun to a knife fight - Ben Smith - POLITICO.com
Try winning an election :thup:

As to your OP, you people already have a lawsuit filed against the President. What more do you want?

Maybe in the meantime Repubs could work on legislation that will pass the senate? :shock:

Your side's butt hurtedness knows no bounds and you exemplify it daily PoliHack. :clap2:

Actually, my hurt is based on the fact there are some folks....fewer all the time....who are as abysmally stupid as you appear to be.

The point of the OP is that this is a lawless President....

...do you have any comment to that point?

The point of the OP is to troll, something you do regularly. Then, when others disagree with you, you call them stupid. In every thread you post, the pattern is the same.

I suppose mental masturbation provides you some degree of satisfaction, that's sad and would be pitiful, but you don't deserve pity.
OP is a troll???? WTF? the OP provided an opinion and material relevant to it. You, however provide nothing of substance while calling him a troll.
You barely deserve notice.

Yes, SHE is a troll and my post was an opinion based on evidence. She is also a narcissist, also an opinion, but a malady which has never been ruled out.

I'm really easy to get along with once you people learn to worship me.
Try winning an election :thup:

As to your OP, you people already have a lawsuit filed against the President. What more do you want?

Maybe in the meantime Repubs could work on legislation that will pass the senate? :shock:

Your side's butt hurtedness knows no bounds and you exemplify it daily PoliHack. :clap2:

"In the past few years, the science of Internet trollology has made some strides. Last year, for instance, we learned that by hurling insults and inciting discord in online comment sections, so-called Internet trolls (who are frequently anonymous) have a polarizing effect on audiences, leading to politicization, rather than deeper understanding of scientific topics.

"That’s bad, but it’s nothing compared with what a new psychology paper has to say about the personalities of trolls themselves. The research, conducted by Erin Buckels of the University of Manitoba and two colleagues, sought to directly investigate whether people who engage in trolling are characterized by personality traits that fall in the so-called Dark Tetrad: Machiavellianism (willingness to manipulate and deceive others), narcissism (egotism and self-obsession), psychopathy (the lack of remorse and empathy), and sadism (pleasure in the suffering of others)."

Link: Internet troll personality study: Machiavellianism, narcissism, psychopathy, sadism.

Actually, my hurt is based on the fact there are some folks....fewer all the time....who are as abysmally stupid as you appear to be.

The point of the OP is that this is a lawless President....

...do you have any comment to that point?

The point of the OP is to troll, something you do regularly. Then, when others disagree with you, you call them stupid. In every thread you post, the pattern is the same.

I suppose mental masturbation provides you some degree of satisfaction, that's sad and would be pitiful, but you don't deserve pity.
OP is a troll???? WTF? the OP provided an opinion and material relevant to it. You, however provide nothing of substance while calling him a troll.
You barely deserve notice.

"In the past few years, the science of Internet trollology has made some strides. Last year, for instance, we learned that by hurling insults and inciting discord in online comment sections, so-called Internet trolls (who are frequently anonymous) have a polarizing effect on audiences, leading to politicization, rather than deeper understanding of scientific topics.

"That’s bad, but it’s nothing compared with what a new psychology paper has to say about the personalities of trolls themselves. The research, conducted by Erin Buckels of the University of Manitoba and two colleagues, sought to directly investigate whether people who engage in trolling are characterized by personality traits that fall in the so-called Dark Tetrad: Machiavellianism (willingness to manipulate and deceive others), narcissism (egotism and self-obsession), psychopathy (the lack of remorse and empathy), and sadism (pleasure in the suffering of others)."

Link: Internet troll personality study: Machiavellianism, narcissism, psychopathy, sadism.
So, you've got nothing. Why am I not surprised?
Try winning an election :thup:

As to your OP, you people already have a lawsuit filed against the President. What more do you want?

Maybe in the meantime Repubs could work on legislation that will pass the senate? :shock:

Your side's butt hurtedness knows no bounds and you exemplify it daily PoliHack. :clap2:

Actually, my hurt is based on the fact there are some folks....fewer all the time....who are as abysmally stupid as you appear to be.

The point of the OP is that this is a lawless President....

...do you have any comment to that point?

The point of the OP is to troll, something you do regularly. Then, when others disagree with you, you call them stupid. In every thread you post, the pattern is the same.

I suppose mental masturbation provides you some degree of satisfaction, that's sad and would be pitiful, but you don't deserve pity.
OP is a troll???? WTF? the OP provided an opinion and material relevant to it. You, however provide nothing of substance while calling him a troll.
You barely deserve notice.

Yes, SHE is a troll and my post was an opinion based on evidence. She is also a narcissist, also an opinion, but a malady which has never been ruled out.
Opinions are like Wry Catchers. Everyone has one.

Opinions need to be qualified with facts, not more opinions.

Let's see you support your opinions



Let's see you prove she is not a troll nor a narcissist. The evidence is there, simply read all of the threads she has posted, see how she responds to criticism, or how willing she is to engage in meaningful debate.

You're playing a game, one in which I will not engage.

"You're playing a game, one in which I will not engage"

But you just did.....dunce.
Nothing gets me more upset than when I read or hear about Sports Zombies arguing about Sports Minutiae like their favorite players stats from 10 years ago.

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