"What To The Slave Is The 4th Of July?"

His intent was to save the Union. He never placed anything else above that in order of importance.

The south fought for their "states rights" and their intent to expand to slavery to the northern states or seceed and maintain it in the south.

And I don't care if you STFU or not. It is your right to continue to look like a dumbass.

If Lincoln got his way, as expressed in this 1860 campaign platform, and prevented slavery from being expanded to new states, this would have quickly led to the Free States gaining unchecked dominance in Congress and a lock on the Presidency, leading to an ever increasingly hostile to slavery, Federal Government.

The election of Lincoln was an existential threat to the political and economic elite of the South, of that time, as their whole class was based on slavery.

He talked some diplomatic and/or political smack down the road to try to walk that back, when it was called for, but no one with any sense would ignore his actions and believe those statements.

Lincoln was a politician. His job was to work across party lines as the president. Your belief in what he "actually believed" is pure speculation, nor is it supported in any public address on record during his administration.

EVERY important transcript of his public speeches reveal that he was most concerned about and committed to preserving the Union.

His job was to work across party lines, hence speeches and letters that contradict his life long opposition to slavery, his campaign platform, and his actions during his Presidency.

It is not pure speculation when it is backed up by a lifetime of documentation and his actual actions.

You are the one cherry picking his statements that serve your partisan political purposes without and consideration of context or Lincoln's historical policies.

A lifetime of what? He believed blacks were inferior and that the races needed to be separate. Shut the fuck up.

i'm sure the millions of slaves he freed, were really hurt by him not being a 21 st century liberal.

How many millions of slaves have you freed, Mister Judge?

Yeah all those slaves he freed in states that had seceded from the union.
Just face it, you've lost the argument.
You pull the "race card" in practically every post that you put up.

"Mr. Anti White Discrimination"

LMAO at your idiocy.

Your pretense that you don't understand what the Race Card is, is noted and dismissed.

Mm, I will also call you an asshole for being so grossly dishonest and insulting me.


Excuse me for being done humoring you and your delusional horseshit.

If you're insulted by my frankness.....too fucking bad. You're not obligated to address me any further.

I was insulted by your blatant and uncalled for personal insult.

Are you really so stupid that you didn't notice that my Race Card meme was in response to a post that contained nothing but a uncalled for insult, and NOT a post that expressed disagreement on the topic?

Or are you just a dishonest lefty, playing stupid?

And we aren't supposed to be insulted by your consistent denial of our efforts to gain our own freedom by telling us how grateful we should be to whites fpr fighting to free us that was not so. Stop crying.

1. The insult in question was implying I was in the Klan, you fool.

2. Showing respect for others efforts on your behalf in no ways demeans or belittles the efforts of blacks who have fought for their freedom. That you don't understand that is a sign of your emotional immaturity.

3. Your spin on my calling Kat on his asshole behavior is noted and dismissed. You are the crybaby here.

I don't see the insult because you are making the same argument as those who are members of the klan make. There was not all that fighting on our behalf by whites that you have made up. Just face the truth and shut up.
If Lincoln got his way, as expressed in this 1860 campaign platform, and prevented slavery from being expanded to new states, this would have quickly led to the Free States gaining unchecked dominance in Congress and a lock on the Presidency, leading to an ever increasingly hostile to slavery, Federal Government.

The election of Lincoln was an existential threat to the political and economic elite of the South, of that time, as their whole class was based on slavery.

He talked some diplomatic and/or political smack down the road to try to walk that back, when it was called for, but no one with any sense would ignore his actions and believe those statements.

Lincoln was a politician. His job was to work across party lines as the president. Your belief in what he "actually believed" is pure speculation, nor is it supported in any public address on record during his administration.

EVERY important transcript of his public speeches reveal that he was most concerned about and committed to preserving the Union.

His job was to work across party lines, hence speeches and letters that contradict his life long opposition to slavery, his campaign platform, and his actions during his Presidency.

It is not pure speculation when it is backed up by a lifetime of documentation and his actual actions.

You are the one cherry picking his statements that serve your partisan political purposes without and consideration of context or Lincoln's historical policies.

A lifetime of what? He believed blacks were inferior and that the races needed to be separate. Shut the fuck up.

i'm sure the millions of slaves he freed, were really hurt by him not being a 21 st century liberal.

How many millions of slaves have you freed, Mister Judge?

Yeah all those slaves he freed in states that had seceded from the union.
Just face it, you've lost the argument.

Are you unaware that LIncoln waged a war to bring those states back into the Union and thus, his freeing of them was then effective?

I mean, that's what I was referring to, because I thought you had to know about that.

But, now that we cleared that up.

My point stands. My question was not a rhetorical question.

i'm sure the millions of slaves he freed, were really hurt by him not being a 21 st century liberal.

How many millions of slaves have you freed, Mister Judge?
Lincoln was a politician. His job was to work across party lines as the president. Your belief in what he "actually believed" is pure speculation, nor is it supported in any public address on record during his administration.

EVERY important transcript of his public speeches reveal that he was most concerned about and committed to preserving the Union.

His job was to work across party lines, hence speeches and letters that contradict his life long opposition to slavery, his campaign platform, and his actions during his Presidency.

It is not pure speculation when it is backed up by a lifetime of documentation and his actual actions.

You are the one cherry picking his statements that serve your partisan political purposes without and consideration of context or Lincoln's historical policies.

A lifetime of what? He believed blacks were inferior and that the races needed to be separate. Shut the fuck up.

i'm sure the millions of slaves he freed, were really hurt by him not being a 21 st century liberal.

How many millions of slaves have you freed, Mister Judge?

Yeah all those slaves he freed in states that had seceded from the union.
Just face it, you've lost the argument.

Are you unaware that LIncoln waged a war to bring those states back into the Union and thus, his freeing of them was then effective?

I mean, that's what I was referring to, because I thought you had to know about that.

But, now that we cleared that up.

My point stands. My question was not a rhetorical question.

i'm sure the millions of slaves he freed, were really hurt by him not being a 21 st century liberal.

How many millions of slaves have you freed, Mister Judge?

Your point only stands with you. You've lost the argument.
Your pretense that you don't understand what the Race Card is, is noted and dismissed.

Mm, I will also call you an asshole for being so grossly dishonest and insulting me.


Excuse me for being done humoring you and your delusional horseshit.

If you're insulted by my frankness.....too fucking bad. You're not obligated to address me any further.

I was insulted by your blatant and uncalled for personal insult.

Are you really so stupid that you didn't notice that my Race Card meme was in response to a post that contained nothing but a uncalled for insult, and NOT a post that expressed disagreement on the topic?

Or are you just a dishonest lefty, playing stupid?

And we aren't supposed to be insulted by your consistent denial of our efforts to gain our own freedom by telling us how grateful we should be to whites fpr fighting to free us that was not so. Stop crying.

1. The insult in question was implying I was in the Klan, you fool.

2. Showing respect for others efforts on your behalf in no ways demeans or belittles the efforts of blacks who have fought for their freedom. That you don't understand that is a sign of your emotional immaturity.

3. Your spin on my calling Kat on his asshole behavior is noted and dismissed. You are the crybaby here.

I don't see the insult because you are making the same argument as those who are members of the klan make. There was not all that fighting on our behalf by whites that you have made up. Just face the truth and shut up.

Actually you and kat are making the same argument as klansmen, ie that the Civil War was not about slavery and that Lincoln was a racist who believed in segregation.

YOur inability to understand anyone who disagrees with you, is just you being a normal liberal.

Your belief that your bullshit assumptions are good reason to insult other people, is just you being an ass.

But I repeat myself.
His job was to work across party lines, hence speeches and letters that contradict his life long opposition to slavery, his campaign platform, and his actions during his Presidency.

It is not pure speculation when it is backed up by a lifetime of documentation and his actual actions.

You are the one cherry picking his statements that serve your partisan political purposes without and consideration of context or Lincoln's historical policies.

A lifetime of what? He believed blacks were inferior and that the races needed to be separate. Shut the fuck up.

i'm sure the millions of slaves he freed, were really hurt by him not being a 21 st century liberal.

How many millions of slaves have you freed, Mister Judge?

Yeah all those slaves he freed in states that had seceded from the union.
Just face it, you've lost the argument.

Are you unaware that LIncoln waged a war to bring those states back into the Union and thus, his freeing of them was then effective?

I mean, that's what I was referring to, because I thought you had to know about that.

But, now that we cleared that up.

My point stands. My question was not a rhetorical question.

i'm sure the millions of slaves he freed, were really hurt by him not being a 21 st century liberal.

How many millions of slaves have you freed, Mister Judge?

Your point only stands with you. You've lost the argument.

Do you think that being confident will hide the fact that you were unable to challenge my point at all, nor answer my question?

Only in your own little mind, fool.

i'm sure the millions of slaves he freed, were really hurt by him not being a 21 st century liberal.

How many millions of slaves have you freed, Mister Judge?
Excuse me for being done humoring you and your delusional horseshit.

If you're insulted by my frankness.....too fucking bad. You're not obligated to address me any further.

I was insulted by your blatant and uncalled for personal insult.

Are you really so stupid that you didn't notice that my Race Card meme was in response to a post that contained nothing but a uncalled for insult, and NOT a post that expressed disagreement on the topic?

Or are you just a dishonest lefty, playing stupid?

And we aren't supposed to be insulted by your consistent denial of our efforts to gain our own freedom by telling us how grateful we should be to whites fpr fighting to free us that was not so. Stop crying.

1. The insult in question was implying I was in the Klan, you fool.

2. Showing respect for others efforts on your behalf in no ways demeans or belittles the efforts of blacks who have fought for their freedom. That you don't understand that is a sign of your emotional immaturity.

3. Your spin on my calling Kat on his asshole behavior is noted and dismissed. You are the crybaby here.

I don't see the insult because you are making the same argument as those who are members of the klan make. There was not all that fighting on our behalf by whites that you have made up. Just face the truth and shut up.

Actually you and kat are making the same argument as klansmen, ie that the Civil War was not about slavery and that Lincoln was a racist who believed in segregation.

YOur inability to understand anyone who disagrees with you, is just you being a normal liberal.

Your belief that your bullshit assumptions are good reason to insult other people, is just you being an ass.

But I repeat myself.

I understand full well. Based upon historical fact you are the one assuming. Klansmen are not making the argument me and Kat are. They are the ones who believe we should be grateful to whites for their efforts in fighting a war to free us from slavery, And that's your argument conehead.
A lifetime of what? He believed blacks were inferior and that the races needed to be separate. Shut the fuck up.

i'm sure the millions of slaves he freed, were really hurt by him not being a 21 st century liberal.

How many millions of slaves have you freed, Mister Judge?

Yeah all those slaves he freed in states that had seceded from the union.
Just face it, you've lost the argument.

Are you unaware that LIncoln waged a war to bring those states back into the Union and thus, his freeing of them was then effective?

I mean, that's what I was referring to, because I thought you had to know about that.

But, now that we cleared that up.

My point stands. My question was not a rhetorical question.

i'm sure the millions of slaves he freed, were really hurt by him not being a 21 st century liberal.

How many millions of slaves have you freed, Mister Judge?

Your point only stands with you. You've lost the argument.

Do you think that being confident will hide the fact that you were unable to challenge my point at all, nor answer my question?

Only in your own little mind, fool.

i'm sure the millions of slaves he freed, were really hurt by him not being a 21 st century liberal.

How many millions of slaves have you freed, Mister Judge?

I've beat you t death over this issue fool Not only have I challenged your point but kats and I have debunked them. You've lost the argument conehead.

You see punk, you are the one unable to answer a question challenge anyone. You have yet to show us any anti white laws or policies.
I was insulted by your blatant and uncalled for personal insult.

Are you really so stupid that you didn't notice that my Race Card meme was in response to a post that contained nothing but a uncalled for insult, and NOT a post that expressed disagreement on the topic?

Or are you just a dishonest lefty, playing stupid?

And we aren't supposed to be insulted by your consistent denial of our efforts to gain our own freedom by telling us how grateful we should be to whites fpr fighting to free us that was not so. Stop crying.

1. The insult in question was implying I was in the Klan, you fool.

2. Showing respect for others efforts on your behalf in no ways demeans or belittles the efforts of blacks who have fought for their freedom. That you don't understand that is a sign of your emotional immaturity.

3. Your spin on my calling Kat on his asshole behavior is noted and dismissed. You are the crybaby here.

I don't see the insult because you are making the same argument as those who are members of the klan make. There was not all that fighting on our behalf by whites that you have made up. Just face the truth and shut up.

Actually you and kat are making the same argument as klansmen, ie that the Civil War was not about slavery and that Lincoln was a racist who believed in segregation.

YOur inability to understand anyone who disagrees with you, is just you being a normal liberal.

Your belief that your bullshit assumptions are good reason to insult other people, is just you being an ass.

But I repeat myself.

I understand full well. Based upon historical fact you are the one assuming. Klansmen are not making the argument me and Kat are. They are the ones who believe we should be grateful to whites for their efforts in fighting a war to free us from slavery, And that's your argument conehead.

I've heard white supremacists claim that the civil war was NOT fought over slavery.

If my opinion is based on historical facts, and it is, then I am not the one assuming.

I've never heard a white supremacist who was interested in black gratitude.
i'm sure the millions of slaves he freed, were really hurt by him not being a 21 st century liberal.

How many millions of slaves have you freed, Mister Judge?

Yeah all those slaves he freed in states that had seceded from the union.
Just face it, you've lost the argument.

Are you unaware that LIncoln waged a war to bring those states back into the Union and thus, his freeing of them was then effective?

I mean, that's what I was referring to, because I thought you had to know about that.

But, now that we cleared that up.

My point stands. My question was not a rhetorical question.

i'm sure the millions of slaves he freed, were really hurt by him not being a 21 st century liberal.

How many millions of slaves have you freed, Mister Judge?

Your point only stands with you. You've lost the argument.

Do you think that being confident will hide the fact that you were unable to challenge my point at all, nor answer my question?

Only in your own little mind, fool.

i'm sure the millions of slaves he freed, were really hurt by him not being a 21 st century liberal.

How many millions of slaves have you freed, Mister Judge?

I've beat you t death over this issue fool Not only have I challenged your point but kats and I have debunked them. You've lost the argument conehead.

You see punk, you are the one unable to answer a question challenge anyone. You have yet to show us any anti white laws or policies.

Yet you can't answer either my point, nor my question to you.

YOu talk and spout and deflect and distract,

but you never answer my point, nor my question.

I know it, you know it, Kat knows it, anyone reading knows it.

The lefties might lie, because, lefties, but they know it too.
And we aren't supposed to be insulted by your consistent denial of our efforts to gain our own freedom by telling us how grateful we should be to whites fpr fighting to free us that was not so. Stop crying.

1. The insult in question was implying I was in the Klan, you fool.

2. Showing respect for others efforts on your behalf in no ways demeans or belittles the efforts of blacks who have fought for their freedom. That you don't understand that is a sign of your emotional immaturity.

3. Your spin on my calling Kat on his asshole behavior is noted and dismissed. You are the crybaby here.

I don't see the insult because you are making the same argument as those who are members of the klan make. There was not all that fighting on our behalf by whites that you have made up. Just face the truth and shut up.

Actually you and kat are making the same argument as klansmen, ie that the Civil War was not about slavery and that Lincoln was a racist who believed in segregation.

YOur inability to understand anyone who disagrees with you, is just you being a normal liberal.

Your belief that your bullshit assumptions are good reason to insult other people, is just you being an ass.

But I repeat myself.

I understand full well. Based upon historical fact you are the one assuming. Klansmen are not making the argument me and Kat are. They are the ones who believe we should be grateful to whites for their efforts in fighting a war to free us from slavery, And that's your argument conehead.

I've heard white supremacists claim that the civil war was NOT fought over slavery.

If my opinion is based on historical facts, and it is, then I am not the one assuming.

I've never heard a white supremacist who was interested in black gratitude.

You are a white supremacist fool.
Yeah all those slaves he freed in states that had seceded from the union.
Just face it, you've lost the argument.

Are you unaware that LIncoln waged a war to bring those states back into the Union and thus, his freeing of them was then effective?

I mean, that's what I was referring to, because I thought you had to know about that.

But, now that we cleared that up.

My point stands. My question was not a rhetorical question.

i'm sure the millions of slaves he freed, were really hurt by him not being a 21 st century liberal.

How many millions of slaves have you freed, Mister Judge?

Your point only stands with you. You've lost the argument.

Do you think that being confident will hide the fact that you were unable to challenge my point at all, nor answer my question?

Only in your own little mind, fool.

i'm sure the millions of slaves he freed, were really hurt by him not being a 21 st century liberal.

How many millions of slaves have you freed, Mister Judge?

I've beat you t death over this issue fool Not only have I challenged your point but kats and I have debunked them. You've lost the argument conehead.

You see punk, you are the one unable to answer a question challenge anyone. You have yet to show us any anti white laws or policies.

Yet you can't answer either my point, nor my question to you.

YOu talk and spout and deflect and distract,

but you never answer my point, nor my question.

I know it, you know it, Kat knows it, anyone reading knows it.

The lefties might lie, because, lefties, but they know it too.

I've answered all of what I needed to answer. You lost.
Really? NO WHITE GUYS FOUGHT TO FREE SLAVES? Not one right? thats what you just said. First off the abolition movement was started by Quakers and other Christians who argued slavery was against their principals. Doesnt matter so much what Lincoln said or thought. thats up for argument but the fact is, a lot of white guys signed up to fight because they thought slavery was wrong. And most of those would have been poor whites, yeah the ones you dont like because they were white. Anti slavery sentiment was still a recruiting tool wether or not the elites were fighting the south over slavery or economic reasons. Fact is , there is always the human factor that history books do not show and a lot of whites you would consider stupid bought into the whole free the slave thing. You say, No white guys fought to free slaves. That means not one. I'll say at least THREE of them did.

Celebrations like 4th of July are times meant to respect the dead and sacrifices they made. It wasnt a perfect world by far and it is not.
I don't even want you to celebrate the 4th of July, or celebrate this country. Maybe your right. America has been to hard on blacks. So please just sit it out for now on and lets just let it be about white people. We still have the right to respect our dead who died in battles. Never mind the fact that blacks also died, but whatever.
You want to WIN. so you you win. Your the winner.

The Civil War Was Won By Immigrant Soldiers

"One immigrant mother gave testimony in 1863 to an antislavery convention as to why her 17-year-old son was fighting for the Union. “I am from Germany where my brothers all fought against the Government and tried to make us free, but were unsuccessful,” she said. “We foreigners know the preciousness of that great, noble gift a great deal better than you, because you never were in slavery, but we are born in it.”

Following the failed Revolution of 1848, thousands of young Germans fled to America. They took up arms in what they saw as yet another battle in the revolutionary struggle against the forces of aristocracy and slavery. “It isn’t a war where two powers fight to win a piece of land,” one German enlistee wrote to his family. “Instead it’s about freedom or slavery, and you can well imagine, dear mother, I support the cause of freedom with all my might.”

In another letter written to his family in Europe, a German soldier gave a pithy explanation of the war: “I don’t have the space or the time to explain all about the cause, only this much: the states that are rebelling are slave states, and they want slavery to be expanded, but the northern states are against this, and so it is civil war!”

So it was civil war, but for many foreign-born soldiers and citizens, this was much more than America’s war. It was an epic contest for the future of free labor against slavery, for equal opportunity against privilege and aristocracy, for freedom of thought and expression against oppressive government, and for democratic self-government against dynastic rule. Foreigners joined the war to wage the same battles that had been lost in the Old World. Theirs was the cause not only of America, but of all nations.
He saved the Union. Slavery had to end in order to accomplish that.

That was his intent and you need to STFU and quit trying to rewrite history from your perspectivr.

If he had not had an anti-slavery plank in his platform, there would have been no threat to the Union.

HIs obvious intent to end slavery caused the threat to the Union.

I can see why you want me to STFU, as it is very easy for me to reveal that you are full of shit.

His intent was to save the Union. He never placed anything else above that in order of importance.

The south fought for their "states rights" and their intent to expand to slavery to the northern states or seceed and maintain it in the south.

And I don't care if you STFU or not. It is your right to continue to look like a dumbass.

If Lincoln got his way, as expressed in this 1860 campaign platform, and prevented slavery from being expanded to new states, this would have quickly led to the Free States gaining unchecked dominance in Congress and a lock on the Presidency, leading to an ever increasingly hostile to slavery, Federal Government.

The election of Lincoln was an existential threat to the political and economic elite of the South, of that time, as their whole class was based on slavery.

He talked some diplomatic and/or political smack down the road to try to walk that back, when it was called for, but no one with any sense would ignore his actions and believe those statements.

Lincoln was a politician. His job was to work across party lines as the president. Your belief in what he "actually believed" is pure speculation, nor is it supported in any public address on record during his administration.

EVERY important transcript of his public speeches reveal that he was most concerned about and committed to preserving the Union.

His job was to work across party lines, hence speeches and letters that contradict his life long opposition to slavery, his campaign platform, and his actions during his Presidency.

It is not pure speculation when it is backed up by a lifetime of documentation and his actual actions.

You are the one cherry picking his statements that serve your partisan political purposes without and consideration of context or Lincoln's historical policies.

His "historical policies" are a public record that emphasize preserving the Union. You are making up your personal preferences and believe your own fantasies.
A little too factual for his pointed, sheet wearing head.

A little too factual for his pointed, sheet wearing head.


You pull the "race card" in practically every post that you put up.

"Mr. Anti White Discrimination"

LMAO at your idiocy.

Your pretense that you don't understand what the Race Card is, is noted and dismissed.

Mm, I will also call you an asshole for being so grossly dishonest and insulting me.


Excuse me for being done humoring you and your delusional horseshit.

If you're insulted by my frankness.....too fucking bad. You're not obligated to address me any further.

I was insulted by your blatant and uncalled for personal insult.

Are you really so stupid that you didn't notice that my Race Card meme was in response to a post that contained nothing but a uncalled for insult, and NOT a post that expressed disagreement on the topic?

Or are you just a dishonest lefty, playing stupid?

What I sm is direct AND honest. That's why you are complaining to me, a complete stranger that you are :"insulted" by something that I said. I have no reason to not say what I whatever I choose to say to you.
The thing about Lincolns election results was that only white males could vote.

Blacks had been slaves in the north before the civil war just like in the south.

Which increases the impact of the fact that he won, so bigly. TWICE.

Unless you are arguing that blacks, if they could have voted would have been slavery supporters?


Lincoln was a totally regional candidate that didn't win one southern state in 1860. If there hadn't been so many candidates opposing him and splitting the anti-Lincoln vote, he wouldn't have won so "bigly". In 1864, only the northern states voted (because, of course, the south was still in rebellion. But, the election was in doubt and McClellan looked like he would win until Sherman took Atlanta, marched to the sea and turned north into South Carolina, which doomed the Confederacy and tipped the election to Lincoln.

I would hope, however, that we can all agree that most blacks would not have supported slavery. However, as some freedmen owned slaves, they MIGHT have supported slavery.
1. The insult in question was implying I was in the Klan, you fool.

2. Showing respect for others efforts on your behalf in no ways demeans or belittles the efforts of blacks who have fought for their freedom. That you don't understand that is a sign of your emotional immaturity.

3. Your spin on my calling Kat on his asshole behavior is noted and dismissed. You are the crybaby here.

I don't see the insult because you are making the same argument as those who are members of the klan make. There was not all that fighting on our behalf by whites that you have made up. Just face the truth and shut up.

Actually you and kat are making the same argument as klansmen, ie that the Civil War was not about slavery and that Lincoln was a racist who believed in segregation.

YOur inability to understand anyone who disagrees with you, is just you being a normal liberal.

Your belief that your bullshit assumptions are good reason to insult other people, is just you being an ass.

But I repeat myself.

I understand full well. Based upon historical fact you are the one assuming. Klansmen are not making the argument me and Kat are. They are the ones who believe we should be grateful to whites for their efforts in fighting a war to free us from slavery, And that's your argument conehead.

I've heard white supremacists claim that the civil war was NOT fought over slavery.

If my opinion is based on historical facts, and it is, then I am not the one assuming.

I've never heard a white supremacist who was interested in black gratitude.

You are a white supremacist fool.

You are a moron, who does not understand the meaning of many of the words you use.

Also, as your post was nothing but an unsupported and unfair and vile insult,

you are a vile piece of shit.
Are you unaware that LIncoln waged a war to bring those states back into the Union and thus, his freeing of them was then effective?

I mean, that's what I was referring to, because I thought you had to know about that.

But, now that we cleared that up.

My point stands. My question was not a rhetorical question.

i'm sure the millions of slaves he freed, were really hurt by him not being a 21 st century liberal.

How many millions of slaves have you freed, Mister Judge?

Your point only stands with you. You've lost the argument.

Do you think that being confident will hide the fact that you were unable to challenge my point at all, nor answer my question?

Only in your own little mind, fool.

i'm sure the millions of slaves he freed, were really hurt by him not being a 21 st century liberal.

How many millions of slaves have you freed, Mister Judge?

I've beat you t death over this issue fool Not only have I challenged your point but kats and I have debunked them. You've lost the argument conehead.

You see punk, you are the one unable to answer a question challenge anyone. You have yet to show us any anti white laws or policies.

Yet you can't answer either my point, nor my question to you.

YOu talk and spout and deflect and distract,

but you never answer my point, nor my question.

I know it, you know it, Kat knows it, anyone reading knows it.

The lefties might lie, because, lefties, but they know it too.

I've answered all of what I needed to answer. You lost.

I challenge you to show where you answered the point and the question I was referring to.

This is rhetorical, because we both know that you did NOT answer them, and that you are too dishonest to admit that.

YOu can now post some bullshit to prove me right, AGAIN.

(hint: the way to prove me wrong is to post a quote of you answering my question and point)
If he had not had an anti-slavery plank in his platform, there would have been no threat to the Union.

HIs obvious intent to end slavery caused the threat to the Union.

I can see why you want me to STFU, as it is very easy for me to reveal that you are full of shit.

His intent was to save the Union. He never placed anything else above that in order of importance.

The south fought for their "states rights" and their intent to expand to slavery to the northern states or seceed and maintain it in the south.

And I don't care if you STFU or not. It is your right to continue to look like a dumbass.

If Lincoln got his way, as expressed in this 1860 campaign platform, and prevented slavery from being expanded to new states, this would have quickly led to the Free States gaining unchecked dominance in Congress and a lock on the Presidency, leading to an ever increasingly hostile to slavery, Federal Government.

The election of Lincoln was an existential threat to the political and economic elite of the South, of that time, as their whole class was based on slavery.

He talked some diplomatic and/or political smack down the road to try to walk that back, when it was called for, but no one with any sense would ignore his actions and believe those statements.

Lincoln was a politician. His job was to work across party lines as the president. Your belief in what he "actually believed" is pure speculation, nor is it supported in any public address on record during his administration.

EVERY important transcript of his public speeches reveal that he was most concerned about and committed to preserving the Union.

His job was to work across party lines, hence speeches and letters that contradict his life long opposition to slavery, his campaign platform, and his actions during his Presidency.

It is not pure speculation when it is backed up by a lifetime of documentation and his actual actions.

You are the one cherry picking his statements that serve your partisan political purposes without and consideration of context or Lincoln's historical policies.

His "historical policies" are a public record that emphasize preserving the Union. You are making up your personal preferences and believe your own fantasies.

HIs historical policies include a campaign platform that was so anti-slavery that it literally torn the nation apart.

HIs historical policies include declaring all the slaves in the Confederacy free.

HIs historical policies include fighting the bloodiest war in US history to conquer those rebellious territories and enforce that emancipation.

YOu have NOTHING even close to that to contradict those examples of his policies.

Nothing beyond the empty words of a politician with every reason to lie.
Your point only stands with you. You've lost the argument.

Do you think that being confident will hide the fact that you were unable to challenge my point at all, nor answer my question?

Only in your own little mind, fool.

i'm sure the millions of slaves he freed, were really hurt by him not being a 21 st century liberal.

How many millions of slaves have you freed, Mister Judge?

I've beat you t death over this issue fool Not only have I challenged your point but kats and I have debunked them. You've lost the argument conehead.

You see punk, you are the one unable to answer a question challenge anyone. You have yet to show us any anti white laws or policies.

Yet you can't answer either my point, nor my question to you.

YOu talk and spout and deflect and distract,

but you never answer my point, nor my question.

I know it, you know it, Kat knows it, anyone reading knows it.

The lefties might lie, because, lefties, but they know it too.

I've answered all of what I needed to answer. You lost.

I challenge you to show where you answered the point and the question I was referring to.

This is rhetorical, because we both know that you did NOT answer them, and that you are too dishonest to admit that.

YOu can now post some bullshit to prove me right, AGAIN.

(hint: the way to prove me wrong is to post a quote of you answering my question and point)

I've answered what was needed to be answered.

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