What Trump/Republican policy is working?

Border seems to be worse than ever.

trump has not won the trade war with China. Stock market stagnant for a year.

We were told getting rid of regulations would be great for economy. GDP growth weak.

Tax cuts were supposed to bring down deficits and grow economy. We have trillion dollar deficits.

Pro gun. Lots of mass shootings. Homicide rate 4-5 times higher than countries with strong gun control.

North Korea still testing missiles.

Is there something actually working?
California Mass Murderer Was Released from Prison Early by Democrats
Border seems to be worse than ever.

trump has not won the trade war with China. Stock market stagnant for a year.

We were told getting rid of regulations would be great for economy. GDP growth weak.

Tax cuts were supposed to bring down deficits and grow economy. We have trillion dollar deficits.

Pro gun. Lots of mass shootings. Homicide rate 4-5 times higher than countries with strong gun control.

North Korea still testing missiles.

Is there something actually working?
California Mass Murderer Was Released from Prison Early by Democrats
That is trump policy working? Funny.
Border seems to be worse than ever.

trump has not won the trade war with China. Stock market stagnant for a year.

We were told getting rid of regulations would be great for economy. GDP growth weak.

Tax cuts were supposed to bring down deficits and grow economy. We have trillion dollar deficits.

Pro gun. Lots of mass shootings. Homicide rate 4-5 times higher than countries with strong gun control.

North Korea still testing missiles.

Is there something actually working?
California Mass Murderer Was Released from Prison Early by Democrats
That is trump policy working? Funny.
Mass murderers promoted by Democrats is all we need to know.

Forget the record low UE.
Border seems to be worse than ever.

trump has not won the trade war with China. Stock market stagnant for a year.

We were told getting rid of regulations would be great for economy. GDP growth weak.

Tax cuts were supposed to bring down deficits and grow economy. We have trillion dollar deficits.

Pro gun. Lots of mass shootings. Homicide rate 4-5 times higher than countries with strong gun control.

North Korea still testing missiles.

Is there something actually working?
California Mass Murderer Was Released from Prison Early by Democrats
That is trump policy working? Funny.
Mass murderers promoted by Democrats is all we need to know.

Forget the record low UE.
That’s not an example of trump policy working. Read the OP.
No cherry-picking, please.

View attachment 273521
That is before trump, what is your point?

Maybe you need to read the OP again....
Maybe you should actually look at the graph?

Trumps time is not any way significantly different than past Presidents.

When you cherry-pick data to make someone else look worse than the others, you'd be sure that they actually ARE worse than the others first.

Otherwise, you are manipulating data for an agenda.

I've said it before and will continue to do so.

When using graphs, it is very important to understand what the purpose of the graph is expressing.

A sharp downward line in a tight time frame may just be a tiny downward jog in an overall trend upward if you move the parameters outward.

The most jagged line on a graph can be made into a straight line if you step back far enough.

Have a nice life and be sure to shoot yourself.

No cherry-picking, please.

View attachment 273521
That is before trump, what is your point?

Maybe you need to read the OP again....
Maybe you should actually look at the graph?

Trumps time is not any way significantly different than past Presidents.

When you cherry-pick data to make someone else look worse than the others, you'd be sure that they actually ARE worse than the others first.

Otherwise, you are manipulating data for an agenda.

I've said it before and will continue to do so.

When using graphs, it is very important to understand what the purpose of the graph is expressing.

A sharp downward line in a tight time frame may just be a tiny downward jog in an overall trend upward if you move the parameters outward.

The most jagged line on a graph can be made into a straight line if you step back far enough.

Have a nice life and be sure to shoot yourself.

BTW, note the trigger discipline!
No cherry-picking, please.

View attachment 273521
That is before trump, what is your point?

Maybe you need to read the OP again....
Maybe you should actually look at the graph?

Trumps time is not any way significantly different than past Presidents.

When you cherry-pick data to make someone else look worse than the others, you'd be sure that they actually ARE worse than the others first.

Otherwise, you are manipulating data for an agenda.

I've said it before and will continue to do so.

When using graphs, it is very important to understand what the purpose of the graph is expressing.

A sharp downward line in a tight time frame may just be a tiny downward jog in an overall trend upward if you move the parameters outward.

The most jagged line on a graph can be made into a straight line if you step back far enough.

Have a nice life and be sure to shoot yourself.

So you don’t have a trump policy that is working?
No cherry-picking, please.

View attachment 273521
That is before trump, what is your point?

Maybe you need to read the OP again....
Maybe you should actually look at the graph?

Trumps time is not any way significantly different than past Presidents.

When you cherry-pick data to make someone else look worse than the others, you'd be sure that they actually ARE worse than the others first.

Otherwise, you are manipulating data for an agenda.

I've said it before and will continue to do so.

When using graphs, it is very important to understand what the purpose of the graph is expressing.

A sharp downward line in a tight time frame may just be a tiny downward jog in an overall trend upward if you move the parameters outward.

The most jagged line on a graph can be made into a straight line if you step back far enough.

Have a nice life and be sure to shoot yourself.

So you don’t have a trump policy that is working?

When you find one that isn't, by all means, knock yourself out.

By not working, I don't mean you disagree with it or that you have added additional constraints that were never articulated.

Maybe I'll come back later and waste more time on you, or not.
Border seems to be worse than ever.

trump has not won the trade war with China. Stock market stagnant for a year.

We were told getting rid of regulations would be great for economy. GDP growth weak.

Tax cuts were supposed to bring down deficits and grow economy. We have trillion dollar deficits.

Pro gun. Lots of mass shootings. Homicide rate 4-5 times higher than countries with strong gun control.

North Korea still testing missiles.

Is there something actually working?
Trump is going to sweep all 57 States
No cherry-picking, please.

View attachment 273521
That is before trump, what is your point?

Maybe you need to read the OP again....
Maybe you should actually look at the graph?

Trumps time is not any way significantly different than past Presidents.

When you cherry-pick data to make someone else look worse than the others, you'd be sure that they actually ARE worse than the others first.

Otherwise, you are manipulating data for an agenda.

I've said it before and will continue to do so.

When using graphs, it is very important to understand what the purpose of the graph is expressing.

A sharp downward line in a tight time frame may just be a tiny downward jog in an overall trend upward if you move the parameters outward.

The most jagged line on a graph can be made into a straight line if you step back far enough.

Have a nice life and be sure to shoot yourself.

So you don’t have a trump policy that is working?

When you find one that isn't, by all means, knock yourself out.

By not working, I don't mean you disagree with it or that you have added additional constraints that were never articulated.

Maybe I'll come back later and waste more time on you, or not.

I already gave several examples in the OP....

I’ll assume you have nothing, carry on.

So far trump policy great at increasing deficits.
All these trumpers and nobody can point to policy that actually works. Amazing.
I’m guessing the GOP’s plot to destroy agriculture.

Trump cost the farmers billions in sales and now he’s begging Japan to buy a few million worth of soybeans and wheat.

The great negotiator.

The businessman.

Millions for billions.

That should be the GOP’s new slogan for the next election.

Millions for billions.
When you are afflicted with TDS the world will always be a glass half empty. The last time I looked the DOW was up 400 points. Imagine how great America could be if the democrat party cooperated with the President instead of sulking and fantasizing about treason.
When you are afflicted with TDS the world will always be a glass half empty. The last time I looked the DOW was up 400 points. Imagine how great America could be if the democrat party cooperated with the President instead of sulking and fantasizing about treason.
The Dow has been stagnant for about a year thanks to trump tariffs.

Democrats has made the border worse.
Border seems to be worse than ever.

trump has not won the trade war with China. Stock market stagnant for a year.

We were told getting rid of regulations would be great for economy. GDP growth weak.

Tax cuts were supposed to bring down deficits and grow economy. We have trillion dollar deficits.

Pro gun. Lots of mass shootings. Homicide rate 4-5 times higher than countries with strong gun control.

North Korea still testing missiles.

Is there something actually working?
All of them Hard time to be a snowflake, eh?
Border seems to be worse than ever.

trump has not won the trade war with China. Stock market stagnant for a year.

We were told getting rid of regulations would be great for economy. GDP growth weak.

Tax cuts were supposed to bring down deficits and grow economy. We have trillion dollar deficits.

Pro gun. Lots of mass shootings. Homicide rate 4-5 times higher than countries with strong gun control.

North Korea still testing missiles.

Is there something actually working?
All of them Hard time to be a snowflake, eh?
Yes it seems like none of the republican policies are working. But they sure can ad to deficits.
Border seems to be worse than ever.

Thanks to the Dems blocking all funding

trump has not won the trade war with China. Stock market stagnant for a year.

Thats an ignorant lie. News stories already say the opposite.

We were told getting rid of regulations would be great for economy. GDP growth weak.

Another lie. You're just a weasel lying sack of shit aren't you. Your name should be Braindead, IQ 0.357

Here, learn something you sniveling idiot:

How Is the US Economy Doing?
Six Facts That Tell You How the Economy Is Really Doing
BY KIMBERLY AMADEO Updated August 02, 2019
6 Facts That Tell You How the Economy Is Really Doing

There are six facts that tell you how the economy is doing. Economists call them leading economic indicators because they measure the early influencers on growth. In July 2019, they report that the economy is doing well. It has steady growth, low unemployment, and little inflation. That's called the Goldilocks economy because it's neither too hot nor too cold

1) 164,000 Jobs Added In July 2019 = Strong
In the Non-farm Payroll Report, the Bureau of Labor Statistics surveys how many workers businesses added to their payroll each month. It doesn't count farm workers because farming is seasonal. A healthy economy will create 150,000 jobs on average. Companies will only add workers when they have enough demand to keep them busy.
Manufacturing jobs are an especially important indicator. According to the National Association of Manufacturers, the 12.75 million Americans who work in manufacturing earn an average $84,832 a year, including benefits. When manufacturers start laying them off, it means the economy will be heading into a recession. For example, manufacturers hired fewer workers starting in October 2006 when compared to the prior year.
The unemployment rate is also reported. It's a lagging indicator and so isn't as useful a statistic. Companies usually wait until a recession is well underway before laying off workers. It also takes a while to reduce the unemployment rate, even after hundreds of thousands of new jobs are being created

Number 2-6: CLICK HERE

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