What Trump/Republican policy is working?

Border seems to be worse than ever.

trump has not won the trade war with China. Stock market stagnant for a year.

We were told getting rid of regulations would be great for economy. GDP growth weak.

Tax cuts were supposed to bring down deficits and grow economy. We have trillion dollar deficits.

Pro gun. Lots of mass shootings. Homicide rate 4-5 times higher than countries with strong gun control.

North Korea still testing missiles.

Is there something actually working?
Deregulation alone has caused the American engine to go into overdrive.

Anecdotal of course but my business has been booming. I noticed it right after Trump won but hadn't yet taken the office.

Imo ANYONE who is not doing better under Trump is either lying or lacks the ambition to take advantage of the opportunities available. Have a shit job? EVERYONE is hiring so why do you still have a shit job?
If you're retired or on a fixed income you made your bed DECADES before Trump came along.
I’m glad you feel something is working. Can you be more specific and back with numbers?
Why bother? You gave me a funny on a post that contained NOTHING remotely funny.
Border seems to be worse than ever.

trump has not won the trade war with China. Stock market stagnant for a year.

We were told getting rid of regulations would be great for economy. GDP growth weak.

Tax cuts were supposed to bring down deficits and grow economy. We have trillion dollar deficits.

Pro gun. Lots of mass shootings. Homicide rate 4-5 times higher than countries with strong gun control.

North Korea still testing missiles.

Is there something actually working?
Deregulation alone has caused the American engine to go into overdrive.

Anecdotal of course but my business has been booming. I noticed it right after Trump won but hadn't yet taken the office.

Imo ANYONE who is not doing better under Trump is either lying or lacks the ambition to take advantage of the opportunities available. Have a shit job? EVERYONE is hiring so why do you still have a shit job?
If you're retired or on a fixed income you made your bed DECADES before Trump came along.
I’m glad you feel something is working. Can you be more specific and back with numbers?
Why bother? You gave me a funny on a post that contained NOTHING remotely funny.
It is funny you provided no facts. Deregulation has some effects? Show me. Even with out of control spending and tax cuts gdp growth is hardly better than obama.
What Trump/Republican policy is working?

35% of his supporters could care fucking less what works or what shits on their shoes -- and they're proud of it.
Border seems to be worse than ever.

trump has not won the trade war with China. Stock market stagnant for a year.

We were told getting rid of regulations would be great for economy. GDP growth weak.

Tax cuts were supposed to bring down deficits and grow economy. We have trillion dollar deficits.

Pro gun. Lots of mass shootings. Homicide rate 4-5 times higher than countries with strong gun control.

North Korea still testing missiles.

Is there something actually working?
Deregulation alone has caused the American engine to go into overdrive.

Anecdotal of course but my business has been booming. I noticed it right after Trump won but hadn't yet taken the office.

Imo ANYONE who is not doing better under Trump is either lying or lacks the ambition to take advantage of the opportunities available. Have a shit job? EVERYONE is hiring so why do you still have a shit job?
If you're retired or on a fixed income you made your bed DECADES before Trump came along.
I’m glad you feel something is working. Can you be more specific and back with numbers?
Why bother? You gave me a funny on a post that contained NOTHING remotely funny.
It is funny you provided no facts. Deregulation has some effects? Show me. Even with out of control spending and tax cuts gdp growth is hardly better than obama.
Hardly better? You quantify the daily lives of Americans as being better or not based off of gdp? You realized gdp is based solely off of new manufacturing right? How many Americans have jobs in Manufacturing vs every other field of employment?
Even my career is not counted in the gdp but it has increased substantially under Trump.

You use narrow parameters to fulfill the narrative you seek to promote.

That's called DISHONESTY
Border seems to be worse than ever.

trump has not won the trade war with China. Stock market stagnant for a year.

We were told getting rid of regulations would be great for economy. GDP growth weak.

Tax cuts were supposed to bring down deficits and grow economy. We have trillion dollar deficits.

Pro gun. Lots of mass shootings. Homicide rate 4-5 times higher than countries with strong gun control.

North Korea still testing missiles.

Is there something actually working?
Deregulation alone has caused the American engine to go into overdrive.

Anecdotal of course but my business has been booming. I noticed it right after Trump won but hadn't yet taken the office.

Imo ANYONE who is not doing better under Trump is either lying or lacks the ambition to take advantage of the opportunities available. Have a shit job? EVERYONE is hiring so why do you still have a shit job?
If you're retired or on a fixed income you made your bed DECADES before Trump came along.
I’m glad you feel something is working. Can you be more specific and back with numbers?
Why bother? You gave me a funny on a post that contained NOTHING remotely funny.
It is funny you provided no facts. Deregulation has some effects? Show me. Even with out of control spending and tax cuts gdp growth is hardly better than obama.
Hardly better? You quantify the daily lives of Americans as being better or not based off of gdp? You realized gdp is based solely off of new manufacturing right? How many Americans have jobs in Manufacturing vs every other field of employment?
Even my career is not counted in the gdp but it has increased substantially under Trump.

You use narrow parameters to fulfill the narrative you seek to promote.

That's called DISHONESTY

Trump did, and bothered to lie about gdp growth - but thats not important.

AP FACT CHECK: Trump's double-false claim about GDP
Trump won senate control in 2018, folks in the media talk about the house, but because of trump winning the senate, he has now appointed 180 conservative judges and 2 SC justices!
Border seems to be worse than ever.

trump has not won the trade war with China. Stock market stagnant for a year.

We were told getting rid of regulations would be great for economy. GDP growth weak.

Tax cuts were supposed to bring down deficits and grow economy. We have trillion dollar deficits.

Pro gun. Lots of mass shootings. Homicide rate 4-5 times higher than countries with strong gun control.

North Korea still testing missiles.

Is there something actually working?
Deregulation alone has caused the American engine to go into overdrive.

Anecdotal of course but my business has been booming. I noticed it right after Trump won but hadn't yet taken the office.

Imo ANYONE who is not doing better under Trump is either lying or lacks the ambition to take advantage of the opportunities available. Have a shit job? EVERYONE is hiring so why do you still have a shit job?
If you're retired or on a fixed income you made your bed DECADES before Trump came along.
I’m glad you feel something is working. Can you be more specific and back with numbers?
Why bother? You gave me a funny on a post that contained NOTHING remotely funny.
It is funny you provided no facts. Deregulation has some effects? Show me. Even with out of control spending and tax cuts gdp growth is hardly better than obama.
Hardly better? You quantify the daily lives of Americans as being better or not based off of gdp? You realized gdp is based solely off of new manufacturing right? How many Americans have jobs in Manufacturing vs every other field of employment?
Even my career is not counted in the gdp but it has increased substantially under Trump.

You use narrow parameters to fulfill the narrative you seek to promote.

That's called DISHONESTY
No, it’s honest to use actual economic indicators. If you have any please share. It feels like a much better economy, now that is dishonest. Remember when repubs told us how bad the labor force participation rate was under Obama? Yeah well it’s still just as bad. The economy is not much changed from Obama, your partisan news sources just choose to make it sound better now.
So Trump policy is great at increasing deficits and tanking the stock market. Not much else to speak of it seems.
So Trump policy is great at increasing deficits and tanking the stock market. Not much else to speak of it seems.
/—-/ Libs enjoy getting azz raped by China.
Trump hasn’t fixed anything.
/——/ Feel free to refute anything here: President Donald J. Trump's Accomplishments List | MAGA PILL
Boy he stepped on North Korea soil and they keep testing missiles. What a joke list. We all know he’s done things, they just don’t work . Look at his easy to win trade war tanking our stocks.
So Trump policy is great at increasing deficits and tanking the stock market. Not much else to speak of it seems.
/—-/ Libs enjoy getting azz raped by China.
Trump hasn’t fixed anything.
/——/ Feel free to refute anything here: President Donald J. Trump's Accomplishments List | MAGA PILL
Boy he stepped on North Korea soil and they keep testing missiles. What a joke list. We all know he’s done things, they just don’t work . Look at his easy to win trade war tanking our stocks.
/—-/ The Fed is tanking the market with their aggressive rate hikes.
So Trump policy is great at increasing deficits and tanking the stock market. Not much else to speak of it seems.
/—-/ Libs enjoy getting azz raped by China.
Trump hasn’t fixed anything.
/——/ Feel free to refute anything here: President Donald J. Trump's Accomplishments List | MAGA PILL
Boy he stepped on North Korea soil and they keep testing missiles. What a joke list. We all know he’s done things, they just don’t work . Look at his easy to win trade war tanking our stocks.
/—-/ The Fed is tanking the market with their aggressive rate hikes.
You mean the fed rate is historically very low and they just decreased the rate. Your blatant dishonesty is noted.
All these trumpers and nobody can come up with a Trump policy that is actually working. Very telling.
Wonder when a trump policy will actually work? Seems unlikely to happen.

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