What Trump/Republican policy is working?

Border seems to be worse than ever.

Thanks to the Dems blocking all funding

trump has not won the trade war with China. Stock market stagnant for a year.

Thats an ignorant lie. News stories already say the opposite.

We were told getting rid of regulations would be great for economy. GDP growth weak.

Another lie. You're just a weasel lying sack of shit aren't you. Your name should be Braindead, IQ 0.357

Here, learn something you sniveling idiot:

How Is the US Economy Doing?
Six Facts That Tell You How the Economy Is Really Doing
BY KIMBERLY AMADEO Updated August 02, 2019
6 Facts That Tell You How the Economy Is Really Doing

There are six facts that tell you how the economy is doing. Economists call them leading economic indicators because they measure the early influencers on growth. In July 2019, they report that the economy is doing well. It has steady growth, low unemployment, and little inflation. That's called the Goldilocks economy because it's neither too hot nor too cold

1) 164,000 Jobs Added In July 2019 = Strong
In the Non-farm Payroll Report, the Bureau of Labor Statistics surveys how many workers businesses added to their payroll each month. It doesn't count farm workers because farming is seasonal. A healthy economy will create 150,000 jobs on average. Companies will only add workers when they have enough demand to keep them busy.
Manufacturing jobs are an especially important indicator. According to the National Association of Manufacturers, the 12.75 million Americans who work in manufacturing earn an average $84,832 a year, including benefits. When manufacturers start laying them off, it means the economy will be heading into a recession. For example, manufacturers hired fewer workers starting in October 2006 when compared to the prior year.
The unemployment rate is also reported. It's a lagging indicator and so isn't as useful a statistic. Companies usually wait until a recession is well underway before laying off workers. It also takes a while to reduce the unemployment rate, even after hundreds of thousands of new jobs are being created

Number 2-6: CLICK HERE
And you just talk BS. Border is worse, trump policy not working.

There is no sign to the end of trade war. Stock market stagnant.

Even with insane spending gdp growth barely better than Obama.

Labor force participation still low.
View attachment 274193
Democrats has made the border worse.
The border has gotten worse under trump. Another policy failure.
Who denied Trump the funds? What party wants the flood of illegals here?
Who sent the military to the border? Trump policy is failing.
Trump is doing what he can, liberals are doing whatever they can to stop Trump. Liberals are anti American and your sitting here proving it. Lol
View attachment 274193
Democrats has made the border worse.
The border has gotten worse under trump. Another policy failure.
Who denied Trump the funds? What party wants the flood of illegals here?
Who sent the military to the border? Trump policy is failing.
Trump is doing what he can, liberals are doing whatever they can to stop Trump. Liberals are anti American and your sitting here proving it. Lol
Yeah and he has made it worse. He had 2 years with repubs in full control of government. Policy failure.
Border seems to be worse than ever.

trump has not won the trade war with China. Stock market stagnant for a year.

We were told getting rid of regulations would be great for economy. GDP growth weak.

Tax cuts were supposed to bring down deficits and grow economy. We have trillion dollar deficits.

Pro gun. Lots of mass shootings. Homicide rate 4-5 times higher than countries with strong gun control.

North Korea still testing missiles.

Is there something actually working?
/——/ We’re still fighting the trade war and the market isn’t stagnant unless you’re a know nothing who doesn’t actually invest. GDP is stronger than with Obozo who said 1.5% was the new norm. Deficit is shrinking. Being pro gun has nothing to do with mass shootings. So go pound sand.
View attachment 274193
Democrats has made the border worse.
The border has gotten worse under trump. Another policy failure.
Who denied Trump the funds? What party wants the flood of illegals here?
Who sent the military to the border? Trump policy is failing.
Trump is doing what he can, liberals are doing whatever they can to stop Trump. Liberals are anti American and your sitting here proving it. Lol
Yeah and he has made it worse. He had 2 years with repubs in full control of government. Policy failure.
He has stopped the caravans and Mexico is paying for it. Winning! So you are stating on here right now you want millions of illegals crossing our border?
Border seems to be worse than ever.

trump has not won the trade war with China. Stock market stagnant for a year.

We were told getting rid of regulations would be great for economy. GDP growth weak.

Tax cuts were supposed to bring down deficits and grow economy. We have trillion dollar deficits.

Pro gun. Lots of mass shootings. Homicide rate 4-5 times higher than countries with strong gun control.

North Korea still testing missiles.

Is there something actually working?
/——/ We’re still fighting the trade war and the market isn’t stagnant unless you’re a know nothing who doesn’t actually invest. GDP is stronger than with Obozo who said 1.5% was the new norm. Deficit is shrinking. Being pro gun has nothing to do with mass shootings. So go pound sand.
Trump said a trade was was easy to win, yet still fighting eh? Dow is stagnant.

With huge deficits gdp growth about the same as Obama.
The Brain357 appears to have shot himself with a .357!....lolol
You have a policy that is working? Let’s hear it.
You have a huge list....because you are an Anti-American socialist, and don't like America finally winning after 8 years of socialist Surrender Monkey policies means nothing to the average American who sees more money in his pocket, and his out of work neighbor working again....Propaganda like your bullshit is easily TRUMPED by facts!
No results. GDP is weak. Trillion dollar deficits. NK still testing missiles. Border worse ...

How is the border worse? How is GDP weak? I agree on the deficits. IDC about NK.
See the news in the border.

GDP is slightly up from Obama years. Is that good? With trillion dollar deficit?

You do realize that Trump has NO CONTROL over the number of people that are coming to our borders right? NONE. What do want him to do, Go to other countries and stop them from leaving Who's fault is that millions of people are crashing border? Trump is trying to slow it down or put a stop to it, but it's the left that keeps putting roadblocks in the way. And when he finds other ways to try and make it happen it's YOUR people who cry and scream and sue over it.

GDP is UP. Any up is good. We were told by Obama that the lousy GDP he had was the new normal. I guess he was wrong. It's UP. And it's UP after just two years.
Border seems to be worse than ever.

trump has not won the trade war with China. Stock market stagnant for a year.

We were told getting rid of regulations would be great for economy. GDP growth weak.

Tax cuts were supposed to bring down deficits and grow economy. We have trillion dollar deficits.

Pro gun. Lots of mass shootings. Homicide rate 4-5 times higher than countries with strong gun control.

North Korea still testing missiles.

Is there something actually working?
Deregulation alone has caused the American engine to go into overdrive.

Anecdotal of course but my business has been booming. I noticed it right after Trump won but hadn't yet taken the office.

Imo ANYONE who is not doing better under Trump is either lying or lacks the ambition to take advantage of the opportunities available. Have a shit job? EVERYONE is hiring so why do you still have a shit job?
If you're retired or on a fixed income you made your bed DECADES before Trump came along.
Border seems to be worse than ever.

trump has not won the trade war with China. Stock market stagnant for a year.

We were told getting rid of regulations would be great for economy. GDP growth weak.

Tax cuts were supposed to bring down deficits and grow economy. We have trillion dollar deficits.

Pro gun. Lots of mass shootings. Homicide rate 4-5 times higher than countries with strong gun control.

North Korea still testing missiles.

Is there something actually working?
/——/ We’re still fighting the trade war and the market isn’t stagnant unless you’re a know nothing who doesn’t actually invest. GDP is stronger than with Obozo who said 1.5% was the new norm. Deficit is shrinking. Being pro gun has nothing to do with mass shootings. So go pound sand.
Trump said a trade was was easy to win, yet still fighting eh? Dow is stagnant.

With huge deficits gdp growth about the same as Obama.
/----/ Actually a trade war is easy to win, but he never said it would be overnight. China has been raping the US for decades and they have slave labor working for them. And if the Dow is stagnant why is DIA up 13.6% YTD?
Border seems to be worse than ever.

trump has not won the trade war with China. Stock market stagnant for a year.

We were told getting rid of regulations would be great for economy. GDP growth weak.

Tax cuts were supposed to bring down deficits and grow economy. We have trillion dollar deficits.

Pro gun. Lots of mass shootings. Homicide rate 4-5 times higher than countries with strong gun control.

North Korea still testing missiles.

Is there something actually working?
All of them Hard time to be a snowflake, eh?
Yes it seems like none of the republican policies are working. But they sure can ad to deficits.
Your butthurt alone proves otherwise.
You have a policy that is working? Let’s hear it.
You have a huge list....because you are an Anti-American socialist, and don't like America finally winning after 8 years of socialist Surrender Monkey policies means nothing to the average American who sees more money in his pocket, and his out of work neighbor working again....Propaganda like your bullshit is easily TRUMPED by facts!
No results. GDP is weak. Trillion dollar deficits. NK still testing missiles. Border worse ...

How is the border worse? How is GDP weak? I agree on the deficits. IDC about NK.
See the news in the border.

GDP is slightly up from Obama years. Is that good? With trillion dollar deficit?

You do realize that Trump has NO CONTROL over the number of people that are coming to our borders right? NONE. What do want him to do, Go to other countries and stop them from leaving Who's fault is that millions of people are crashing border? Trump is trying to slow it down or put a stop to it, but it's the left that keeps putting roadblocks in the way. And when he finds other ways to try and make it happen it's YOUR people who cry and scream and sue over it.

GDP is UP. Any up is good. We were told by Obama that the lousy GDP he had was the new normal. I guess he was wrong. It's UP. And it's UP after just two years.
If trump says he’s going to fix a problem I expect it not to get worse.

Trump is making Obama look right.
Border seems to be worse than ever.

trump has not won the trade war with China. Stock market stagnant for a year.

We were told getting rid of regulations would be great for economy. GDP growth weak.

Tax cuts were supposed to bring down deficits and grow economy. We have trillion dollar deficits.

Pro gun. Lots of mass shootings. Homicide rate 4-5 times higher than countries with strong gun control.

North Korea still testing missiles.

Is there something actually working?
All of them Hard time to be a snowflake, eh?
Yes it seems like none of the republican policies are working. But they sure can ad to deficits.
Your butthurt alone proves otherwise.
That’s not a policy that’s working.
Border seems to be worse than ever.

trump has not won the trade war with China. Stock market stagnant for a year.

We were told getting rid of regulations would be great for economy. GDP growth weak.

Tax cuts were supposed to bring down deficits and grow economy. We have trillion dollar deficits.

Pro gun. Lots of mass shootings. Homicide rate 4-5 times higher than countries with strong gun control.

North Korea still testing missiles.

Is there something actually working?
Deregulation alone has caused the American engine to go into overdrive.

Anecdotal of course but my business has been booming. I noticed it right after Trump won but hadn't yet taken the office.

Imo ANYONE who is not doing better under Trump is either lying or lacks the ambition to take advantage of the opportunities available. Have a shit job? EVERYONE is hiring so why do you still have a shit job?
If you're retired or on a fixed income you made your bed DECADES before Trump came along.
I’m glad you feel something is working. Can you be more specific and back with numbers?
Border seems to be worse than ever.

trump has not won the trade war with China. Stock market stagnant for a year.

We were told getting rid of regulations would be great for economy. GDP growth weak.

Tax cuts were supposed to bring down deficits and grow economy. We have trillion dollar deficits.

Pro gun. Lots of mass shootings. Homicide rate 4-5 times higher than countries with strong gun control.

North Korea still testing missiles.

Is there something actually working?
/——/ We’re still fighting the trade war and the market isn’t stagnant unless you’re a know nothing who doesn’t actually invest. GDP is stronger than with Obozo who said 1.5% was the new norm. Deficit is shrinking. Being pro gun has nothing to do with mass shootings. So go pound sand.
Trump said a trade was was easy to win, yet still fighting eh? Dow is stagnant.

With huge deficits gdp growth about the same as Obama.
/----/ Actually a trade war is easy to win, but he never said it would be overnight. China has been raping the US for decades and they have slave labor working for them. And if the Dow is stagnant why is DIA up 13.6% YTD?
So it’s easy, but will take years and lots of taxes and deficits to win? Doesn’t sound easy...
Democrats literally travel south of the border and tell locals free healthcare and welfare paid for by Americans awaits them in America, then claim trump isn't doing a good job at the border as all the people they encourage to come show up.

Don't look dumb. Don't take anything a Democrat tells you seriously...
Border seems to be worse than ever.

trump has not won the trade war with China. Stock market stagnant for a year.

We were told getting rid of regulations would be great for economy. GDP growth weak.

Tax cuts were supposed to bring down deficits and grow economy. We have trillion dollar deficits.

Pro gun. Lots of mass shootings. Homicide rate 4-5 times higher than countries with strong gun control.

North Korea still testing missiles.

Is there something actually working?
All of them Hard time to be a snowflake, eh?
Yes it seems like none of the republican policies are working. But they sure can ad to deficits.
Your butthurt alone proves otherwise.
That’s not a policy that’s working.
Wanna bet?
Border seems to be worse than ever.

trump has not won the trade war with China. Stock market stagnant for a year.

We were told getting rid of regulations would be great for economy. GDP growth weak.

Tax cuts were supposed to bring down deficits and grow economy. We have trillion dollar deficits.

Pro gun. Lots of mass shootings. Homicide rate 4-5 times higher than countries with strong gun control.

North Korea still testing missiles.

Is there something actually working?
All of them Hard time to be a snowflake, eh?
Yes it seems like none of the republican policies are working. But they sure can ad to deficits.
Your butthurt alone proves otherwise.
That’s not a policy that’s working.
Wanna bet?
Yes. Can you give a real policy or are you another party before country person?

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