What was behind Ross Perot's candidacy in 1992?


Platinum Member
Aug 15, 2012
I am still perplexed by Ross Perot's candidacy for President in 1992. Was it simply a vendetta against Bush to prevent his reelection? If so, why? And what caused Perot to tank his own chances by suspending his campaign for his daughter's wedding? This all sounds very fishy to me. Thoughts?

P.S. I think his (temporary) success was echoed by Sarah Palin in 2008 and capitalized on by Donald Trump in 2016.
I am still perplexed by Ross Perot's candidacy for President in 1992. Was it simply a vendetta against Bush to prevent his reelection? If so, why? And what caused Perot to tank his own chances by suspending his campaign for his daughter's wedding? This all sounds very fishy to me. Thoughts?

P.S. I think his (temporary) success was echoed by Sarah Palin in 2008 and capitalized on by Donald Trump in 2016.

He was a hell of a mechanic and really knew how to get under the hood and tune things up. I had him tune up my GTO six pack and it simply never ran better. :D
I am still perplexed by Ross Perot's candidacy for President in 1992. Was it simply a vendetta against Bush to prevent his reelection? If so, why? And what caused Perot to tank his own chances by suspending his campaign for his daughter's wedding? This all sounds very fishy to me. Thoughts?

P.S. I think his (temporary) success was echoed by Sarah Palin in 2008 and capitalized on by Donald Trump in 2016.
I might have voted for him. Can't begin to remember why.
After he sold EDS to GM, he was bored. Actually he was the balance budget guy, who actually thought people would care, what a mistake that was. I was going to vote for him.
Ross Perot tried to beat The Establishment via a third party. The Reps and Dims have the election process all sewed up for them, making it impossible for any other party's candidate to even have a slim chance.

The only way to have other political parties with any chance is for the Dims to continue to implode as it is doing now.

As I've repeatedly stated, the only way for other parties to stand a chance is to have their candidates elected at the lowest local levels. It will be painstakingly slow but is possible.
Ross Perot tried to beat The Establishment via a third party. The Reps and Dims have the election process all sewed up for them, making it impossible for any other party's candidate to even have a slim chance.

The only way to have other political parties with any chance is for the Dims to continue to implode as it is doing now.

As I've repeatedly stated, the only way for other parties to stand a chance is to have their candidates elected at the lowest local levels. It will be painstakingly slow but is possible.
The Votes for Johnson Were the Key to hillary's Winning the PV

At those levels, they have to push legislation making an automatic runoff mandatory.
After he sold EDS to GM, he was bored. Actually he was the balance budget guy, who actually thought people would care, what a mistake that was. I was going to vote for him.

I did vote for him because Bush was a hapless punching bag for the Dems. As I foresaw, giving the Dems complete control in 1992 lead to GOP majorities in 1994.
I am still perplexed by Ross Perot's candidacy for President in 1992. Was it simply a vendetta against Bush to prevent his reelection? If so, why? And what caused Perot to tank his own chances by suspending his campaign for his daughter's wedding? This all sounds very fishy to me. Thoughts?

P.S. I think his (temporary) success was echoed by Sarah Palin in 2008 and capitalized on by Donald Trump in 2016.
If I remember correctly it was mainly math that made him polpular. He pointed out how our tax dollars could have been spent. People listened. If you think it was a conspiracy, no more than any other election. Suprisng thing about elections they typically have more than one person after the job, they and there supporters are conspiring to put them in office.
I'm inclined to believe that Perot was a patriot and I also feel that Perot was duped into running by agents in the democrat party. There is no doubt that his 3rd party run cost the election for George H. Bush. It's interesting to note that practically nothing was said about Perot's pick for V.P. Adm.James Stockdale was a true hero in Vietnam. As commander of POW personnel in the notorious Hanoi Hilton, Stockdale beat his own face with a chair rather than be forced in front of the cameras for propaganda by the V.C.
Apparently Ross is still around, pushing 90 years old. There is no doubt that he was a quirky and influential character in the 20th century so I wonder why he never authored a biography. We see a hundred bios from self centered pop-culture idols and I think a couple of Obama biographical novels allegedly ghost written by friend and mentor and former domestic terrorist Bill Ayers but nothing by Perot. Maybe he is embarrassed by being used by black bag Clintonistas.
It was the same naive, wrongheaded pseudo-populism that later manifested as the TPM nonsense.

Perot was just as unfit to be president as Trump.
If people can get past the "I hate Trump" mantra, you'll find that he has done a lot for this country in the short time he's been in the White House. But, only if a person can get past the party ideolody.
Ross Perot tried to beat The Establishment via a third party. The Reps and Dims have the election process all sewed up for them, making it impossible for any other party's candidate to even have a slim chance.

The only way to have other political parties with any chance is for the Dims to continue to implode as it is doing now.

As I've repeatedly stated, the only way for other parties to stand a chance is to have their candidates elected at the lowest local levels. It will be painstakingly slow but is possible.

^ Best answer. Texas was still largely a Democratic Party state, even if they voted for the occasional Republican for the Presidency; it wan't until the drunken idiot Ann Richards decided to toss the moderate liberals like Bob Bullock under the bus and pander to her idiot Austin drinking buddies like Molly Ivins and the dumbass 'radical' trust fund hippie who ran her campaign that the state swung GOP across the board, when George W. ran for Gov. She could have won easily, nobody really liked the moron, but given the choice between a bunch of armchair trust fund commies hanging out in Austin being Perpetual Teenagers Stuck In The Sixties and a right wing rich kid, well, nothing to lose with the dumbass rich kid' at least his friends were not commies and could read a financial report.

Perot was just another rich guy with a big ego, for sure, but he was also raised with the progressive Texas ideals, now derided as 'populist', as if that were 'something bad', and he was fairly sincere in trying to uphold those values in govt. He saw the cause as lost, and dropped out. People don't realize a lot of these Texas billionaires and millionaires from his era were not elitists or even anti-labor; the oil patches paid very good money, more than enough for a lot of dirt poor people to indeed pull themselves up by their bootstraps and do very well, even compete with their former bosses if they so chose to, and employed a lot of people. That was their world, and it's also true they didn't understand the other worlds and thought their values also were the norm in other industries, but they were wrong, of course.

When I was a kid, you could go downtown and meet a lot of very wealthy people, they had offices and regular jobs, and you wouldn't be able to distinguish them from anybody else, until you got to their houses, lol. They were not isolated from their own employees, hung out with working people, etc. They might have 'far right wing views', like the 'value of hard work', because they themselves got ahead that way, and also rewarded it in their own businesses, so they weren't being 'phoney' about it. they were somewhat naive about the ag business monopolies, though, and the manufacturing sector's abuses, that sort of thing, because they never worked in those fiields, they worked the oil patches, and Perot was a salesman, not a boss, and got wealthy by being on the ground floor of the tech industry, which was also a lot more 'egalitarian' and open to new comers who worked hard in its early years as well.
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I'm inclined to believe that Perot was a patriot and I also feel that Perot was duped into running by agents in the democrat party. There is no doubt that his 3rd party run cost the election for George H. Bush. It's interesting to note that practically nothing was said about Perot's pick for V.P. Adm.James Stockdale was a true hero in Vietnam. As commander of POW personnel in the notorious Hanoi Hilton, Stockdale beat his own face with a chair rather than be forced in front of the cameras for propaganda by the V.C.

I see no reason for Perot to care who got over on who re the two establishment parties; any 'third party' candidate is going to do that, and that should stop nobody from running. Stockdale made an unfortunate gaff, not being a 'pro', and that cost the ticket a lot of votes, for shallow reasons true enough but still a fact. He just didn't inspire confidence.

The Democrats still hate Ralph Nader. blaming him for their corrupt idiot's loss to George W., even though that has no basis in fact, either. It's particularly stupid to whine about Nader for the truth is he was the only real liberal Democrat who had run for office since Humphrey.
I am still perplexed by Ross Perot's candidacy for President in 1992. Was it simply a vendetta against Bush to prevent his reelection? If so, why? And what caused Perot to tank his own chances by suspending his campaign for his daughter's wedding? This all sounds very fishy to me. Thoughts?

P.S. I think his (temporary) success was echoed by Sarah Palin in 2008 and capitalized on by Donald Trump in 2016.
If I remember correctly it was mainly math that made him polpular. He pointed out how our tax dollars could have been spent. People listened. If you think it was a conspiracy, no more than any other election. Suprisng thing about elections they typically have more than one person after the job, they and there supporters are conspiring to put them in office.

If you look back he was the first Trump trying to run for president, a business man / outsider.. I remember watching him on television..

If he didn't run , Bush Sr. Would of had a 2nd term..
Bush Sr. was lousy. He would have been no better than Clinton. He was a huge fan of 'globalism', via his buddies at the Carlyle Group, which incidentally at one time also included his good buddy George Soros, before they had a dispute over money and Soros started financing the Bush family's enemies out of spite. Clinton carried water for the same set of moneybags.
Bush Sr. was lousy. He would have been no better than Clinton. He was a huge fan of 'globalism', via his buddies at the Carlyle Group, which incidentally at one time also included his good buddy George Soros, before they had a dispute over money and Soros started financing the Bush family's enemies out of spite. Clinton carried water for the same set of moneybags.

Don't remind me about the Carlyle group worked for them one time, I messed with them and damn they messed back.. they are deep ... if I only could tell the story on here ..

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