What was the impact of the Zionists on Palestine?

You can post all the bull you want, The fact is if there were no Israel that land would be a part of Jordan, Egypt and Syria. I could give a shit about your U.N. post they are a joke.

The right to self-determination predates the UN. It was also recognized in the League of Nations charter. It was also part or the Palestine Mandate. A part of the mandate that Britain violated by inserting its own agenda.

Are you in some kind of dream world? There was never any independent land or country called Palestine your stupid assertions make no difference, they don't change the facts as they are on the ground today and throughout history

And the Palestine mandate was called the Palestine mandate why?
The right to self-determination predates the UN. It was also recognized in the League of Nations charter. It was also part or the Palestine Mandate. A part of the mandate that Britain violated by inserting its own agenda.

Are you in some kind of dream world? There was never any independent land or country called Palestine your stupid assertions make no difference, they don't change the facts as they are on the ground today and throughout history

And the Palestine mandate was called the Palestine mandate why?
Because Palestine was going to become the JEWISH Home4land.

An Agreement BETWEEN the Arab State and Palestine/The Jewish one; 1919.

The Weizmann-Faisal Agreement
Are you in some kind of dream world? There was never any independent land or country called Palestine your stupid assertions make no difference, they don't change the facts as they are on the ground today and throughout history

And the Palestine mandate was called the Palestine mandate why?
Because Palestine was going to become the JEWISH Home4land.

An Agreement BETWEEN the Arab State and Palestine/The Jewish one; 1919.

The Weizmann-Faisal Agreement

How much of that crap actually took place? It seems that the Palestine mandate superseded any of that before it took place.
And the Palestine mandate was called the Palestine mandate why?
Because Palestine was going to become the JEWISH Home4land.

An Agreement BETWEEN the Arab State and Palestine/The Jewish one; 1919.

The Weizmann-Faisal Agreement

How much of that crap actually took place? It seems that the Palestine mandate superseded any of that before it took place.
That agreement was never implemented.
Now you offer what happened as justice, (!) as opposed to what was fair or agreed on.
ERGO, tyhe Partition, Res 181 Superseded the Mandate, or any previous histiory. (and res 242 superseded 181)
Correct ?

What an idiot you are/how poorly and gratuitously you last word.
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Because Palestine was going to become the JEWISH Home4land.

An Agreement BETWEEN the Arab State and Palestine/The Jewish one; 1919.

The Weizmann-Faisal Agreement

How much of that crap actually took place? It seems that the Palestine mandate superseded any of that before it took place.
That agreement was never implemented.
Now you offer what happened as justice, (!) as opposed to what was fair or agreed on.
ERGO, tyhe Partition, Res 181 Superseded the Mandate, or any previous histiory. (and res 242 superseded 181)
Correct ?

What an idiot you are/how poorly and gratuitously you last word.

Resolution 181 was never implemented by the Security Council. It was proposed because all other illegal attempts flopped.

It means nothing.
The impact? Would have to be turning a land where 3 major religions lived in peace with eachother, to this.

Zionism brought nothing but violence when it immigrated from Europe and started taking the Palestinians land. They brought war and hate.

Only reason groups like Hamas and Hezbollah exist and are supported so much is because of Israel's aggression.
ANY place where Islam meets another Religion there is Violence.
Why blame the Jews who have lived in Palestine continuoulsy (if sometimes in small number) for 3000 years.

Jews were 25% of the Palestine population in the 1600's.. until they were Massacred by Muslims.

This Predates Zionism by 350 Years.

lol man, that's just a straight up lie. There are Muslims all over the world who live with other religions. I'd know. I'm one of them. Keep the BS to a minimum please, I know it's hard to do when defending Israel but please try :)

I didn't say Jews, I clearly said Zionists from Europe. I said Jewish and Muslim Palestinians lived together peacefully.

You can't say otherwise. Hamas and Hezbollah are supported as resistance for Israel. It's not a conspiracy theory or anything. They are resisting Israel's occupational actions (Gaza, West Bank, South Lebanon). Without those two groups, Israel would of occupied them much longer.
LOL Man indeed.
It's the straight up truth and your are a Laughable Taqiyyah apologist.
Muslims are At War with the Neighbors and minorities across the Globe.
The Long Islamic Front line from Mauritania to Mindinao, where many people Die every Day from... ISLAM.

me said:
At War OR Which are persecuting their Minorities.
Here's a PARTIAL list, by no means complete, But well large enough to be Damning Nonetheless!

Pick up a newspaper lately? Last 10 years?
Notice any problems (War or internal persecution)

Mauritania, Western Sahara/Morocco

Algerian Civil War (200,000 dead)


Sudan/Two genocides by the NIF/National Islamic Front, 2 Million+ dead, (and still supported by the Arab League);

Ethiopia/Eritrea (not just a famine);



Violence/Cleansing of/against the Kurds by Turks and Iraq,
and in turn Kurdish terror groups. Yes another 'internal' war.

Saudi Apartheid of all other religions, even Shia Muslims
Iraq/Iran, Sunni v Shia

Christians in General virtually purged from the Middle East in the last 50 years.


The Balkans


Afghanistan (we just interrupted that war)

India/Pakistan/Kashmir (and a few pakistani terror groups/terrorizing Christians)

Thailand Muslim insurgency killing More than the I-P conflict. (under-reported)

Indonesia (East Timor!, Ambon, Bali, Sulawesi, the Moluccas)
(Including Jemaah Islamiyah,and Laskar Jihad)

Philippines Moro group
Chinese Uighur separatists.

OR....Even Causing extraordinary violence As immigrants/minorities themselves:
Problems with almost Every EU/Scandinavian country with new Muslim immigrants.

There is not only violence and persecution along the 'Lonnnng Islamic Front Line', there is persecution and Fundamentalism galore from Mauritinia to Mindinao... and right into Finsbury Park/London.
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You can't say otherwise. Hamas and Hezbollah are supported as resistance for Israel. It's not a conspiracy theory or anything. They are resisting Israel's occupational actions (Gaza, West Bank, South Lebanon). Without those two groups, Israel would of occupied them much longer.

Israel is occupying...Israel, where Jews have lived and ruled for 3200 years.

Can you provide archaeological evidence your so-called Palestinians even lived in Israel before the 20th century? No, I didn't think so
LOL Man indeed.
It's the straight up truth and your are a Laughable Taqiyyah apologist.
Muslims are At War with the Neighbors and minorities across the Globe.
The Long Islamic Front line from Mauritania to Mindinao, where many people Die every Day from... ISLAM.

me said:
At War OR Which are persecuting their Minorities.
Here's a PARTIAL list, by no means complete, But well large enough to be Damning Nonetheless!

Pick up a newspaper lately? Last 10 years?
Notice any problems (War or internal persecution)

Mauritania, Western Sahara/Morocco

Algerian Civil War (200,000 dead)


Sudan/Two genocides by the NIF/National Islamic Front, 2 Million+ dead, (and still supported by the Arab League);

Ethiopia/Eritrea (not just a famine);



Violence/Cleansing of/against the Kurds by Turks and Iraq,
and in turn Kurdish terror groups. Yes another 'internal' war.

Saudi Apartheid of all other religions, even Shia Muslims
Iraq/Iran, Sunni v Shia

Christians in General virtually purged from the Middle East in the last 50 years.


The Balkans


Afghanistan (we just interrupted that war)

India/Pakistan/Kashmir (and a few pakistani terror groups/terrorizing Christians)

Thailand Muslim insurgency killing More than the I-P conflict. (under-reported)

Indonesia (East Timor!, Ambon, Bali, Sulawesi, the Moluccas)
(Including Jemaah Islamiyah,and Laskar Jihad)

Philippines Moro group
Chinese Uighur separatists.

OR....Even Causing extraordinary violence As immigrants/minorities themselves:
Problems with almost Every EU/Scandinavian country with new Muslim immigrants.

There is not only violence and persecution along the 'Lonnnng Islamic Front Line', there is persecution and Fundamentalism galore from Mauritinia to Mindinao... and right into Finsbury Park/London.
Which Fundamentalism kill$ thousand$ of children on the opposite $ide of the planet for profit?

"These results provide strong evidence that the Gulf war and trade sanctions caused a threefold increase in mortality among Iraqi children under five years of age. We estimate that an excess of more than 46,900 children died between January and August 1991. (N Engl J Med 1992;327:931–6.)"

MMS: Error
Resolution 181 was never implemented by the Security Council. It was proposed because all other illegal attempts flopped.
That's what arabs have been doing, of course, their clinical inability to get along with jews should've been treated with drastic measures.
It means nothing.
On the contrary, that means a lot, of course.

The native Muslims, Christians, and Jews got along fine.

Like, during the Crusades? Ever even come close to opening a history book? LOL
The Crusaders were not natives.

Nor, were the Muslims natives who invaded from Arabia, dumbbell.

So, you believe that whenever a new flag is raised over city hall everyone leaves and a whole new group moves in?

I know I believe Christians and Jews and Zoroastrians were the indigenous population of the Middle East before the Muzzies and Rabs invaded hundreds and thousands of years later, because that's what the history of the Near East is.
Nor, were the Muslims natives who invaded from Arabia, dumbbell.

So, you believe that whenever a new flag is raised over city hall everyone leaves and a whole new group moves in?

I know I believe Christians and Jews and Zoroastrians were the indigenous population of the Middle East before the Muzzies and Rabs invaded hundreds and thousands of years later, because that's what the history of the Near East is.
"Palestinians have continuously resided in Palestine since four thousand years before Christ... Their ancestors built the cities of Jerusalem, Nablus, Jericho, Beisan, Acca and Jaffa.

"The Hebrews arrived in the land between 1400-1200 B.C., and only maintained control over it during the lifetimes of King David and his son King Solomon – a period of about 80 years.

"The land then came under Greek and Roman rule, and was then conquered by Islam in the year 637 A.D. under the second Caliph, Omar. By that time, the Jews had already left Jerusalem, and Christianity was the dominant religion.

"The Caliph granted full security to all Christians, including personal safety, and protection of property, religion and churches. The Muslims declared Jerusalem the capital of Palestine, and the city remained under Islamic rule until the end of the Ottoman Empire in 1918, except for a brief time of Christian rule under the Crusaders.

"In this century, the eastern Mediterranean became subject to British and French occupation as a result of the First World War, and Palestine came under British military occupation.

"The British encouraged the Arabs to gain their independence from the Ottoman Empire and promised them support if they stood on the side of the allies during the First World War. However the British reneged on the promise, and British Foreign Minister Arthur James Balfour promised the International Zionists a homeland for the Jews in Palestine.

"At the time, the population of Palestine was comprised of 95% Arabs (both Christians and Muslims), 4% Palestinian Jews, and 1% expatriates. The Jews owned only 2% of the land..."

US Involvement in the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict: Solution or Complication? by Lt. Col. Mohammed F. Abo-Sak

If you object to the source, refute his claims.(if you can)
So, you believe that whenever a new flag is raised over city hall everyone leaves and a whole new group moves in?

I know I believe Christians and Jews and Zoroastrians were the indigenous population of the Middle East before the Muzzies and Rabs invaded hundreds and thousands of years later, because that's what the history of the Near East is.
"Palestinians have continuously resided in Palestine since four thousand years before Christ... Their ancestors built the cities of Jerusalem, Nablus, Jericho, Beisan, Acca and Jaffa.

"The Hebrews arrived in the land between 1400-1200 B.C., and only maintained control over it during the lifetimes of King David and his son King Solomon – a period of about 80 years.

"The land then came under Greek and Roman rule, and was then conquered by Islam in the year 637 A.D. under the second Caliph, Omar. By that time, the Jews had already left Jerusalem, and Christianity was the dominant religion.

"The Caliph granted full security to all Christians, including personal safety, and protection of property, religion and churches. The Muslims declared Jerusalem the capital of Palestine, and the city remained under Islamic rule until the end of the Ottoman Empire in 1918, except for a brief time of Christian rule under the Crusaders.

"In this century, the eastern Mediterranean became subject to British and French occupation as a result of the First World War, and Palestine came under British military occupation.

"The British encouraged the Arabs to gain their independence from the Ottoman Empire and promised them support if they stood on the side of the allies during the First World War. However the British reneged on the promise, and British Foreign Minister Arthur James Balfour promised the International Zionists a homeland for the Jews in Palestine.

"At the time, the population of Palestine was comprised of 95% Arabs (both Christians and Muslims), 4% Palestinian Jews, and 1% expatriates. The Jews owned only 2% of the land..."

US Involvement in the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict: Solution or Complication? by Lt. Col. Mohammed F. Abo-Sak

If you object to the source, refute his claims.(if you can)

Jews have prior possession of Israel dating back to at least 3200 BCE, verified by the archaeological record.

So-called Palestinians didn't even exist until 1967. LOL
Produce the "archaeological record."

Then explain if all people have a right to lands their ancestors occupied thousands of years ago.

I already have produced the archaeological record verifying the ancient Jewish presence in Israel.

Jews have lived continuously in Israel and Jerusalem dating back to the 13th century BCE.

You are unable to prove so-called Palestinians have lived in Israel prior to the 20th century

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