What was Trump before he was against illegal immigration?


Diamond Member
Sep 29, 2005
Well, one couldn't really say he was for it, but just a few years ago, he criticized Republicans for their stance on immigration, and he praised illegal immigrants for doing work that Americans didn't want to do.

Now let’s go back to just after the 2012 election when Trump criticized Mitt Romney’s “crazy policy of self-deportation, which was maniacal. It sounded as bad as it was, and he lost all of the Latino vote … He lost the Asian vote. He lost everybody who is inspired to come into this country.”

That same year, Trump said:

For people that have been here for years that have been hard-workers, have good jobs, they’re supporting their family — it’s very, very tough to just say, ”By the way, 22 years, you have to leave. Get out.” … I have to tell you on a human basis, how do you throw somebody out that’s lived in this country for 20 years.​

And just two years before that, this is what Trump had to say:

You have American interests hiring [illegal immigrants], absolutely. And many cases, they’re great workers. The biggest problem is you have great people come in from Mexico working crops and cutting lawns that I’m not sure a lot of Americans are going to take those jobs. That’s the dichotomy. That’s the problem. You have a lot of great people coming in doing a lot of work. And I’m not so sure that a lot of other people are doing that work, so it’s a very tough problem.
He was wrong then. If he bases his policies on his proposals in the campaign he will be a great improvement for this nation.

If he allows the status quo to remain, he would still be less bad than Hillary, or most of his primary opponents.

If he completely betrays US, then he would be as bad as HIllary.
I think Trump IS a serious candidate, meaning he's serious about running for President. I remember him talking about being President in the 1980s. I don't think this is a lark or a publicity stunt. I think he really wants to be President.

However, he's not a serious conservative. He's a populist demagogue.
I think Trump IS a serious candidate, meaning he's serious about running for President. I remember him talking about being President in the 1980s. I don't think this is a lark or a publicity stunt. I think he really wants to be President.

However, he's not a serious conservative. He's a populist demagogue.

If he renegotiates our various Trade Deals so that America is fucked less, and deports a significant percentage of this illegals, and prevents more of them from coming, he will be great for American interests.

That's conservative enough for me.

And Demagogue? Meaningless blather.
Wow Toro has a real hardon for the trumpinator

I think Trump IS a serious candidate, meaning he's serious about running for President. I remember him talking about being President in the 1980s. I don't think this is a lark or a publicity stunt. I think he really wants to be President.

However, he's not a serious conservative. He's a populist demagogue.
I think Trump IS a serious candidate, meaning he's serious about running for President. I remember him talking about being President in the 1980s. I don't think this is a lark or a publicity stunt. I think he really wants to be President.

However, he's not a serious conservative. He's a populist demagogue.

If he renegotiates our various Trade Deals so that America is fucked less, and deports a significant percentage of this illegals, and prevents more of them from coming, he will be great for American interests.

That's conservative enough for me.

And Demagogue? Meaningless blather.
so trump is not appealing to popular desires and prejudices?......
I think Trump IS a serious candidate, meaning he's serious about running for President. I remember him talking about being President in the 1980s. I don't think this is a lark or a publicity stunt. I think he really wants to be President.

However, he's not a serious conservative. He's a populist demagogue.

If he renegotiates our various Trade Deals so that America is fucked less, and deports a significant percentage of this illegals, and prevents more of them from coming, he will be great for American interests.

That's conservative enough for me.

And Demagogue? Meaningless blather.
so trump is not appealing to popular desires and prejudices?......

If he renegotiates our various Trade Deals so that America is fucked less, and deports a significant percentage of this illegals, and prevents more of them from coming, he will be great for American interests.

That's real policy meat there. Far more than most recent President have given us.
Well, one couldn't really say he was for it, but just a few years ago, he criticized Republicans for their stance on immigration, and he praised illegal immigrants for doing work that Americans didn't want to do.

He was also pro single payer health care (and I suspect he still is), pro abortion and he supports eminent domain ... it's sad how some American "Conservatives" have lowered their standards and abandoned their principles just because the Donald has a knack for bravado and hyperbole.

Time to wake up conservatives Donald Trump isn't one of you, he's just a populist demagogue with big gub'mint ideas and absolutely no principles.
Well, one couldn't really say he was for it, but just a few years ago, he criticized Republicans for their stance on immigration, and he praised illegal immigrants for doing work that Americans didn't want to do.

He was also pro single payer health care (and I suspect he still is), pro abortion and he supports eminent domain ... it's sad how some American "Conservatives" have lowered their standards and abandoned their principles just because the Donald has a knack for bravado and hyperbole.

Time to wake up conservatives Donald Trump isn't one of you, he's just a populist demagogue with big gub'mint ideas and absolutely no principles.

If he renegotiates our various Trade Deals so that America is fucked less, and deports a significant percentage of this illegals, and prevents more of them from coming, he will be great for American interests.

That's more conservative than anyone else is offering.
Well, one couldn't really say he was for it, but just a few years ago, he criticized Republicans for their stance on immigration, and he praised illegal immigrants for doing work that Americans didn't want to do.

He was also pro single payer health care (and I suspect he still is), pro abortion and he supports eminent domain ... it's sad how some American "Conservatives" have lowered their standards and abandoned their principles just because the Donald has a knack for bravado and hyperbole.

Time to wake up conservatives Donald Trump isn't one of you, he's just a populist demagogue with big gub'mint ideas and absolutely no principles.

If he renegotiates our various Trade Deals so that America is fucked less, and deports a significant percentage of this illegals, and prevents more of them from coming, he will be great for American interests.

That's more conservative than anyone else is offering.

First off, you're assuming Donald Trump has any intention or ability to do any of those things, he's long on promises and hyperbole and short on specifics (typical demagogue).

Secondly NONE of those things you listed demonstrate anything that could be construed as aligning with generally accepted mainstream American conservative principles, yes favorable trade deals are of course good for the citizenry (and I think even the most rabid far left progressive would agree on that one) butthe Donald never gives any specifics on how he's going to achieve that and exactly what the details of said trade deals will be, it's basically "Hey I'm the Donald trust me and my magical Trumpian fairy dust". As far as deporting over 10 million illegals, NOT going to happen not only would the federal courts never buy into expediting this so that it could be achieved in any reasonable time frame, it would cause absolute CHAOS in our communities and with our economy.

Lastly Trumps plan to reduce illegal immigration "I'll build a wall and get Mexico to pay for it" is laughable in the extreme, it isn't a plan, it's a fairy tale wrapped in a fantasy soaked in complete delusion. If you're concerned with illegal immigration and how to curtail it there are other Republican candidates that have much more workable, comprehensive and detailed plans.
Well, one couldn't really say he was for it, but just a few years ago, he criticized Republicans for their stance on immigration, and he praised illegal immigrants for doing work that Americans didn't want to do.

He was also pro single payer health care (and I suspect he still is), pro abortion and he supports eminent domain ... it's sad how some American "Conservatives" have lowered their standards and abandoned their principles just because the Donald has a knack for bravado and hyperbole.

Time to wake up conservatives Donald Trump isn't one of you, he's just a populist demagogue with big gub'mint ideas and absolutely no principles.

If he renegotiates our various Trade Deals so that America is fucked less, and deports a significant percentage of this illegals, and prevents more of them from coming, he will be great for American interests.

That's more conservative than anyone else is offering.

First off, you're assuming Donald Trump has any intention or ability to do any of those things, he's long on promises and hyperbole and short on specifics (typical demagogue).

Secondly NONE of those things you listed demonstrate anything that could be construed as aligning with generally accepted mainstream American conservative principles, yes favorable trade deals are of course good for the citizenry (and I think even the most rabid far left progressive would agree on that one) butthe Donald never gives any specifics on how he's going to achieve that and exactly what the details of said trade deals will be, it's basically "Hey I'm the Donald trust me and my magical Trumpian fairy dust". As far as deporting over 10 million illegals, NOT going to happen not only would the federal courts never buy into expediting this so that it could be achieved in any reasonable time frame, it would cause absolute CHAOS in our communities and with our economy.

Lastly Trumps plan to reduce illegal immigration "I'll build a wall and get Mexico to pay for it" is laughable in the extreme, it isn't a plan, it's a fairy tale wrapped in a fantasy soaked in complete delusion. If you're concerned with illegal immigration and how to curtail it there are other Republican candidates that have much more workable, comprehensive and detailed plans.

1. a A concern for all politicians of course.
b Nope. An alleged lack of specifics does not mean that his proposals do not address real and valid issues or "Rational arguments" rather than "popular desires and prejudices ".

2 The last couple of decades US Trade policy has been based on the RIght's Ideological belief in Free Trade and, to a lesser extent's the Left's Universality ie that pursuing US interests against others is wrong.

A world class negotiator with all the leverage of America behind him is going to be able to improve on the result of past policies which was the US being the world's bitch.

And deporting Illegals will not cause chaos.

3. Or it could be the opening negotiating position of a world class negotiator.
I think Trump IS a serious candidate, meaning he's serious about running for President. I remember him talking about being President in the 1980s. I don't think this is a lark or a publicity stunt. I think he really wants to be President.

However, he's not a serious conservative. He's a populist demagogue.

If he renegotiates our various Trade Deals so that America is fucked less, and deports a significant percentage of this illegals, and prevents more of them from coming, he will be great for American interests.

That's conservative enough for me.

And Demagogue? Meaningless blather.
so trump is not appealing to popular desires and prejudices?......

If he renegotiates our various Trade Deals so that America is fucked less, and deports a significant percentage of this illegals, and prevents more of them from coming, he will be great for American interests.

That's real policy meat there. Far more than most recent President have given us.
so you admit he is playing the part of a demagogue then by appealing to popular desires and prejudices?.....right?.........
Well, one couldn't really say he was for it, but just a few years ago, he criticized Republicans for their stance on immigration, and he praised illegal immigrants for doing work that Americans didn't want to do.

Now let’s go back to just after the 2012 election when Trump criticized Mitt Romney’s “crazy policy of self-deportation, which was maniacal. It sounded as bad as it was, and he lost all of the Latino vote … He lost the Asian vote. He lost everybody who is inspired to come into this country.”

That same year, Trump said:

For people that have been here for years that have been hard-workers, have good jobs, they’re supporting their family — it’s very, very tough to just say, ”By the way, 22 years, you have to leave. Get out.” … I have to tell you on a human basis, how do you throw somebody out that’s lived in this country for 20 years.​
And just two years before that, this is what Trump had to say:

You have American interests hiring [illegal immigrants], absolutely. And many cases, they’re great workers. The biggest problem is you have great people come in from Mexico working crops and cutting lawns that I’m not sure a lot of Americans are going to take those jobs. That’s the dichotomy. That’s the problem. You have a lot of great people coming in doing a lot of work. And I’m not so sure that a lot of other people are doing that work, so it’s a very tough problem.
he was rich. better check his twenty thousand employees to see if some disagree, he makes exactly 300 times more than the clintons.

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