What We Believe In....

...versus what they believe in.

That's the way Mark Levin put it in comparing the traditional American view, that of our Founders, and the Progressive view, formed in the bubbling cauldron stirred by the three witches, Hegel and Marx and Rousseau.

Levin gives the political juxtaposition, thus:

1. We believe in the Constitution, they believe in centralized power.

2. We believe in individualism, they believe in conformity

3. We believe in private property, they believe in collective property

4. We believe in prosperity, they believe in redistribution

5. We believe in separation of powers, they believe in a single administrative state

6. We believe in eternal truths, they believe in situational ethics

7. We believe in cultural stability, they believe in constant transformation

8. We believe in real science, they believe in social science

9. We believe in the rights of man, they believe in the power of government

10. We believe in liberty, they believe in authoritarianism

11. We believe in education, they believe in indoctrination

12. We believe in a civil society, they believe in a federal Leviathan.

The time to restore America is almost past.

In the words of the great philosopher, Yogi...
"When you come to a fork in the road....take it."

Just how does a group that believes in eternal truths elect such a liar?

How does a group that claims to be for education vote for those wanting to cut education & doesn't believe in science?

How does a group that belueves in the rights of man want deny a man's right to marry the person he loves?

How does one claim to be for a civil society and condone racial slurs & deny people health care?

Cultural stabilization: Keeping whitey on top.

Believe in private property unless it is a foreign pipeline company wanting to cross your land so this foreign country can export its oil.
The Political Compass above reveals that Trump is more Authoritarian than any of the other names.
Yup. If we have a shooting revolution in this country, it will be a 3-way fight; freedom lovers shooting authoritarian assholes.

I'm all set for sniping:

So you dream of shooting people and say that THEY are authoritarian?

Could you possibly be that stupid?

I agree.....and fervently hope you have the same response here:
"Attacks Against Conservatives

July 2016:

-A Hillary Clinton supporter lights a flag on fire and attacks a Trump supporter in Pittsburgh.

-Protesters jumped on cars, stole hats, fought with and threw eggs at Trump supporters outside a Trump rally in downtown San Jose. Trump supporters sued San Jose over the violence.

August 2016:

-Anti-Trump protesters attacked pushed, spit on and verbally harassed attendees forced to walk a “gauntlet” as they left a Trump fundraiser in Minneapolis, Minn., and beat an elderly man. Protesters also attacked Trump’s motorcade.

A Tennessee man was assaulted at a garage sale for being a Trump supporter.

-A Trump supporter in New Jersey was attacked with a crowbar on the street.

September 2016:

-Protesters in El Cajon, Calif., chased and beat up a Trump supporter.

October 2016:

-A GOP office in North Carolina was firebombed and spray painted with “Nazi Republicans get out of town or else.”

November 2016:

-A high school student was attacked after she wrote that she supported Trump on social media. The perpetrator ripped her glasses off and punched her in the face.

-The president of Cornell University’s College Republicans was assaulted the night after Trump won the election.

-Students protesting Trump punched and kicked a Maryland high school student wearing a Make America Great Again hat.

-A high school student was arrested in Florida after he punched a classmate for carrying a Trump sign at school.

-A group of black men in Chicago attacked a white man while raging against Trump.

-Maryland high school students punched a student who was demonstrating in support of Trump, and then kicked him repeatedly while he was on the ground.

-“You support Trump. You hate Mexicans,” a California high school student yelled at a Trump supporter, before viciously beating the girl.

-An anti-bullying ambassador was arrested for shoving a 74-year-old man to the ground in a fight outside Trump tower where people upset over his win had gathered. The woman tied to Black Lives Matter caused the man to hit his head on the sidewalk.

-A Texas elementary school student was beaten by his classmates for voting for Trump in a mock election.

-Two men punched and kicked a Connecticut man who was standing with an American flag and a Trump sign.

December 2016:

-A Trump supporter was beaten and dragged by a car.

January 2017:

-A Trump supporter was knocked unconscious after airport protesters repeatedly beat him on the head.

-A Trump supporter was attacked after putting out a fire started by anti-Trump protesters.

-When Trump protesters encountered a driver with a pro-Trump flag on his car, they surrounded the vehicle, ripped off and began burning the flag, and pounded the car. They also punctured on the tires.

February 2017:

-California GOP Rep. Tom McClintock had to be escorted to his car after a town hall because of angry protesters. The tires of at least four vehicles were slashed.

-Protestors knocked a 71-year-old female staffer for California GOP Rep. Dana Rohrabacher unconscious during a protest outside the representative’s office.

-Milo Yiannopoulos speech at the University of California-Berkeley was cancelled after rioters set the campus on fire and threw rocks through windows. Milo tweeted that one of his supporters wearing a Trump hat was thrown to the ground and kicked.

March 2017:

-Masked protesters at Middlebury College rushed AEI scholar and political scientist Charles Murray and professor Allison Stranger, pushing and shoving Murray and grabbing Stranger by her hair and twisting her neck as they were leaving a campus building. Stranger suffered a concussion. Protesters then surrounded the car they got into, rocking it back and forth and jumping on the hood.

April 2017:

-A parade in Portland, Ore.,was canceled after threats of violence were made against a Republican organization.

-Fears of violent protests shut down Ann Coulter’s UC Berkeley speech. Campus police had gathered intel on protesters who were planning to commit violence.

May 2017:

– Republican Rep. Tom Garrett, his family and his dog were targeted by a series of repeated death threats deemed credible by authorities.

-FBI agents arrested a person for threatening to shoot Republican Rep. Martha McSally over her support for Trump.

-Police in Tennessee charged a woman for allegedly trying to run Republican Rep. David Kustoff off the road.

-Police in North Dakota ejected a man after he became physical with Republican Rep. Kevin Cramer at a town hall.

-A former professor was arrested after police said they identified him on video beating Trump supporters with a U-shaped bike lock, leaving three people with “significant injuries.”

June 2017:

-James Hodgkinson opened fire on a congressional GOP baseball practice, injuring five, including House Majority Whip Steve Scalise.

-Republican Rep. Claudia Tenney received an email threat that read, “One down, 216 to go,” shortly after the shooting at the Republican congressional baseball practice.

-A man driving a white Malibu reportedly fired several shots at a man driving a truck displaying a “Make America Great Again” flag in Indiana."
This List Of Attacks Against Conservatives Is Mind Blowing
...versus what they believe in.

That's the way Mark Levin put it in comparing the traditional American view, that of our Founders, and the Progressive view, formed in the bubbling cauldron stirred by the three witches, Hegel and Marx and Rousseau.

Levin gives the political juxtaposition, thus:

1. We believe in the Constitution, they believe in centralized power.

2. We believe in individualism, they believe in conformity

3. We believe in private property, they believe in collective property

4. We believe in prosperity, they believe in redistribution

5. We believe in separation of powers, they believe in a single administrative state

6. We believe in eternal truths, they believe in situational ethics

7. We believe in cultural stability, they believe in constant transformation

8. We believe in real science, they believe in social science

9. We believe in the rights of man, they believe in the power of government

10. We believe in liberty, they believe in authoritarianism

11. We believe in education, they believe in indoctrination

12. We believe in a civil society, they believe in a federal Leviathan.

The time to restore America is almost past.

In the words of the great philosopher, Yogi...
"When you come to a fork in the road....take it."

And then you have REAL people who believe in a mixture of all the above. Funny how you whine about conformity and then put EVERYONE into 2 groups.....the irony is ironic.

Your posts remind me of the bon mot, 'So dumb, he can't walk and chew gum at the same time.' As I have only your best interests at heart, I recommend that you never chew gum, as it might restrict your perambulation in case of fire.

Seems I have to teach you something about the world you live in, every day.

Today's lesson: In terms of political reality, there are only two possibilities.

They are Republicans and Democrats, or, as frequently described, Liberals and conservatives.

QED....two groups.
Hence, the OP.

There are more than 2 groups. But thanks for showing how blind you are to reality. MOST Americans are Independents because 100% of either side SUCKS.
...versus what they believe in.

That's the way Mark Levin put it in comparing the traditional American view, that of our Founders, and the Progressive view, formed in the bubbling cauldron stirred by the three witches, Hegel and Marx and Rousseau.

Levin gives the political juxtaposition, thus:

1. We believe in the Constitution, they believe in centralized power.

2. We believe in individualism, they believe in conformity

3. We believe in private property, they believe in collective property

4. We believe in prosperity, they believe in redistribution

5. We believe in separation of powers, they believe in a single administrative state

6. We believe in eternal truths, they believe in situational ethics

7. We believe in cultural stability, they believe in constant transformation

8. We believe in real science, they believe in social science

9. We believe in the rights of man, they believe in the power of government

10. We believe in liberty, they believe in authoritarianism

11. We believe in education, they believe in indoctrination

12. We believe in a civil society, they believe in a federal Leviathan.

The time to restore America is almost past.

In the words of the great philosopher, Yogi...
"When you come to a fork in the road....take it."

I have to disagree with you on number eight, at least as far as "real science" goes. If the far right really believed in true science, it wouldn't cater to the evangelists and Christian zealots.

science and religion are compatible. fake science is not compatible with anything but fake science.
allowing women to vote was not a liberal/conservative issue. It was a right/wrong issue and the country got it right. everything is not partisan, once you grasp that you might gain some cred.
You are hypocrite redux. The suffrage movement was progressive and moral, don't you get that? The most regressive conservatives states, mostly in the South, would not support the proposed amendment.

wrong again. the womens suffrage movement was conservative. Its conservatives who believe that all people are equal and should have an equal voice in government. Its you libs who want to limit free speech, suppress the vote, and manipulate the electorate.

Right that is why conservative men and no women were in the group who made up the GOP TrumpTaxCut/ health care non plan.

Pro women voting were progressives. If conservatives had their way , they'd be barefoot and pg.

if it was a group of black females and came up with the same bill, would you hate them too?

sounds like you are the racist and sexist in this discussion.
allowing women to vote was not a liberal/conservative issue. It was a right/wrong issue and the country got it right. everything is not partisan, once you grasp that you might gain some cred.
You are hypocrite redux. The suffrage movement was progressive and moral, don't you get that? The most regressive conservatives states, mostly in the South, would not support the proposed amendment.

wrong again. the womens suffrage movement was conservative. Its conservatives who believe that all people are equal and should have an equal voice in government. Its you libs who want to limit free speech, suppress the vote, and manipulate the electorate.

Right that is why conservative men and no women were in the group who made up the GOP TrumpTaxCut/ health care non plan.

Pro women voting were progressives. If conservatives had their way , they'd be barefoot and pg.

if it was a group of black females and came up with the same bill, would you hate them too?

sounds like you are the racist and sexist in this discussion.
fallacy of false dichotomy

only you are talking about black females

you are lost in this discussion
...versus what they believe in.

" We believe in the Constitution, they believe in centralized power."

I don't have to beyond that statement to show just how stupid you and Mark Levin are:

The U.S. Constitution is the document that created the U.S. Federal government..A CENTRALIZED POWER!

Saying that you are for the Constitution, but against centralized power is just plain idiotic. Apparently you do not have the intelligence to understand what the U.S. Constitution is.
...versus what they believe in.

" We believe in the Constitution, they believe in centralized power."

I don't have to beyond that statement to show just how stupid you and Mark Levin are:

The U.S. Constitution is the document that created the U.S. Federal government..A CENTRALIZED POWER!

Saying that you are for the Constitution, but against centralized power is just plain idiotic. Apparently you do not have the intelligence to understand what the U.S. Constitution is.

Clearly you have never read the Constitution...exactly what I'd expect.

When you do, have someone explain Article 1, section 8 to you.

After some time mulling it over, you may, in fact, recognize that this federal government is not the one memorialized in the Constitution.

Then again....based on your lack of ability....you many not recognize it.
PC, the NK fascist, is once again lost.

The Constitution has a supremacy clause that makes the states inferior.

End of discussion.
If Levin believes in individualism, why is he taking it upon himself to collectively speak for millions?

He is expressing his opinion. Period. Many agree after watching liberals in action over decades.

Liberals don't merely express their opinion. They seek to indoctrinate our youth by putting their own opinions in text books and teaching it as truth. And they actively shut down those who disagree with them.
If Levin believes in individualism, why is he taking it upon himself to collectively speak for millions?

He is expressing his opinion. Period. Many agree after watching liberals in action over decades.

Liberals don't merely express their opinion. They seek to indoctrinate our youth by putting their own opinions in text books and teaching it as truth. And they actively shut down those who disagree with them.

And they lie: the Washington Post lies outright, describing Senator William Fulbright as “a progressive on racial issues.” Fulbright was a full-bore segregationist, voting against the 1957, 1960, 1964, and 1965 civil rights bills.
There have always been three Americas. Yes, three. Not two.

One that believes in its founding principles (Republicans), those who do not (dimocrap scum) and those that simply don't give a rat's ass.

The third group just doesn't care. Never has, never will. Even during The Revolution about 1/3 were Patriots, 1/3 were Tories and the remaining third just didn't care.

After the War, we deported a bunch of the Tories.

But this is not a new problem, Ms Chic. It's as old as the Country itself..... As old as Civilization.

dimocrap scum is what they is -- scum.

Always have been, always will be.

The Fence-Sitters is what they is.

It falls to people like you to keep our Republic, the Greatest Experiment in Human History, from running aground.

dimocraps aren't good people with bad ideas, PC. They're scum. I've been saying that from the first time I posted here. And every year that goes by proves me correct.

I agree. The fence sitters are usually those with their hands out and they don't care how they get filled, just so it happens. They worry only about themselves and many have become convinced that it's the responsibility of others to care for them.

I have met many of these people. It's impossible to engage them in any sort of intelligent conversation. They can't even find their own state on a map, let alone bother to learn about what is going on in the world. They only know whether they can afford to buy more beer. This group is the most used by the left since ignorant people are easier to rile into a mob mentality. Of course, some work and go about their business but could care less about the issues facing our country because they don't concern themselves with anything until it affects them directly.
What is it like to view the world in simply black and white terms?

"What is it like to view the world in simply black and white terms?"

(You better look that up, Boo, so as to get the full effect.)

As long as there are only two parties that stand a chance in an election, one's outlook should be Manichean.
(Again....you need that dictionary.)

Now that you understand my post.....
Admit it.....I was both succinct and brilliant!
The Political Compass above reveals that Trump is more Authoritarian than any of the other names.
Yup. If we have a shooting revolution in this country, it will be a 3-way fight; freedom lovers shooting authoritarian assholes.

I'm all set for sniping:

So you dream of shooting people and say that THEY are authoritarian?

Could you possibly be that stupid?
Incorrect. I'm prepared to shoot people, but don't want to do so much less "dream" about it.

You are free to think whatever you like of me and vice versa.

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