What We Believe In....

...versus what they believe in.

That's the way Mark Levin put it in comparing the traditional American view, that of our Founders, and the Progressive view, formed in the bubbling cauldron stirred by the three witches, Hegel and Marx and Rousseau.

Levin gives the political juxtaposition, thus:

1. We believe in the Constitution, they believe in centralized power.

2. We believe in individualism, they believe in conformity

3. We believe in private property, they believe in collective property

4. We believe in prosperity, they believe in redistribution

5. We believe in separation of powers, they believe in a single administrative state

6. We believe in eternal truths, they believe in situational ethics

7. We believe in cultural stability, they believe in constant transformation

8. We believe in real science, they believe in social science

9. We believe in the rights of man, they believe in the power of government

10. We believe in liberty, they believe in authoritarianism

11. We believe in education, they believe in indoctrination

12. We believe in a civil society, they believe in a federal Leviathan.

The time to restore America is almost past.

In the words of the great philosopher, Yogi...
"When you come to a fork in the road....take it."

The poster who thinks the Earth is 6000 years old believes in real science?



How many defined genders are there in the human species?

If you say anything other than two, then it is you who lacks any understanding of "real science".
...versus what they believe in.

" We believe in the Constitution, they believe in centralized power."

I don't have to beyond that statement to show just how stupid you and Mark Levin are:

The U.S. Constitution is the document that created the U.S. Federal government..A CENTRALIZED POWER!

Saying that you are for the Constitution, but against centralized power is just plain idiotic. Apparently you do not have the intelligence to understand what the U.S. Constitution is.

Clearly you have never read the Constitution...exactly what I'd expect.

When you do, have someone explain Article 1, section 8 to you.

After some time mulling it over, you may, in fact, recognize that this federal government is not the one memorialized in the Constitution.

Then again....based on your lack of ability....you many not recognize it.

Whether you think the Government has exceeded the powers granted in the Constitution, the fact remains that the Constitution created the Federal government - a 'Centralized power'.

So it's obvious that your statement:

"We believe in the Constitution, they believe in centralized power."

Is absolutely idiotic!

Since. it's obvious that you are a moron, your opinion as the whether the Government has exceeded it's Constitutional powers is irrelevant.

1. "Whether you think the Government has exceeded the powers granted in the Constitution,..."
Excellent. You followed my instructions and consulted article 1, section 8....and, as implied in the part of your post quoted herein, this government no longer lives by the Constitution.

2."We believe in the Constitution, they believe in centralized power."

Is absolutely idiotic!"

In today's lesson, I will prove you to be the idiot.
The word of the day is 'federalism.'

"Federalism in the United States is the constitutional relationship between U.S. state governments and the Federal government of the United States. Since the founding of the country, and particularly with the end of the American Civil War, power shifted away from the states and towards the national government."
Federalism in the United States - Wikipedia

Progressives, Liberals, Democrats, totalitarians of every stripe, see the states, 'the laboratories of democracy,' as mere agencies of the centralized power referred to in the sentence you quoted.

Get it now, you idiot?
...versus what they believe in.

" We believe in the Constitution, they believe in centralized power."

I don't have to beyond that statement to show just how stupid you and Mark Levin are:

The U.S. Constitution is the document that created the U.S. Federal government..A CENTRALIZED POWER!

Saying that you are for the Constitution, but against centralized power is just plain idiotic. Apparently you do not have the intelligence to understand what the U.S. Constitution is.

Clearly you have never read the Constitution...exactly what I'd expect.

When you do, have someone explain Article 1, section 8 to you.

After some time mulling it over, you may, in fact, recognize that this federal government is not the one memorialized in the Constitution.

Then again....based on your lack of ability....you many not recognize it.

Whether you think the Government has exceeded the powers granted in the Constitution, the fact remains that the Constitution created the Federal government - a 'Centralized power'.

So it's obvious that your statement:

"We believe in the Constitution, they believe in centralized power."

Is absolutely idiotic!

Since. it's obvious that you are a moron, your opinion as the whether the Government has exceeded it's Constitutional powers is irrelevant.

1. "Whether you think the Government has exceeded the powers granted in the Constitution,..."
Excellent. You followed my instructions and consulted article 1, section 8....and, as implied in the part of your post quoted herein, this government no longer lives by the Constitution.

2."We believe in the Constitution, they believe in centralized power."

Is absolutely idiotic!"

In today's lesson, I will prove you to be the idiot.
The word of the day is 'federalism.'

"Federalism in the United States is the constitutional relationship between U.S. state governments and the Federal government of the United States. Since the founding of the country, and particularly with the end of the American Civil War, power shifted away from the states and towards the national government."
Federalism in the United States - Wikipedia

Progressives, Liberals, Democrats, totalitarians of every stripe, see the states, 'the laboratories of democracy,' as mere agencies of the centralized power referred to in the sentence you quoted.

Get it now, you idiot?

I've started to believe that you're some sort of weird masochist that just thrives on being proven an idiot each and every day.

I hate to feed your sickness, but as one final post, I repeat:

Your opinion as to whether the federal government exceeds it's Constitutional powers is irrelevant because, as you prove in each and every of your posts, you are a moron. Nobody cares what a moron like you thinks of the federal government, except D. Trump, which is how he got elected.

What matters is that the powers exercised by the federal government have all been challenged in court and found to be consistent with the Constitution. So based on the opinions of multiple judges since the inception of the Federal government, the federal government is not exceeding it's constitutional mandate. That in turn proves what I've said all along - you are an idiot and your opinion on the Federal government is worthless.

Secondly, the Constitution does limit the powers of the Federal government, but that doesn't change the fact the the Federal government is a centralized power created by the Constitution. Nor does it change the fact that anyone who says that they are for the Constitution, but against centralized power is an idiot.

Please try to control your masochistic urge to set yourself up for another beating. You may what to get professional help!
...versus what they believe in.

That's the way Mark Levin put it in comparing the traditional American view, that of our Founders, and the Progressive view, formed in the bubbling cauldron stirred by the three witches, Hegel and Marx and Rousseau.

Levin gives the political juxtaposition, thus:

1. We believe in the Constitution, they believe in centralized power.

2. We believe in individualism, they believe in conformity

3. We believe in private property, they believe in collective property

4. We believe in prosperity, they believe in redistribution

5. We believe in separation of powers, they believe in a single administrative state

6. We believe in eternal truths, they believe in situational ethics

7. We believe in cultural stability, they believe in constant transformation

8. We believe in real science, they believe in social science

9. We believe in the rights of man, they believe in the power of government

10. We believe in liberty, they believe in authoritarianism

11. We believe in education, they believe in indoctrination

12. We believe in a civil society, they believe in a federal Leviathan.

The time to restore America is almost past.

In the words of the great philosopher, Yogi...
"When you come to a fork in the road....take it."

The poster who thinks the Earth is 6000 years old believes in real science?



How many defined genders are there in the human species?

If you say anything other than two, then it is you who lacks any understanding of "real science".
You can be revisionist and pro confirmation science all you want and you are still wrong.
...versus what they believe in.

That's the way Mark Levin put it in comparing the traditional American view, that of our Founders, and the Progressive view, formed in the bubbling cauldron stirred by the three witches, Hegel and Marx and Rousseau.

Levin gives the political juxtaposition, thus:

1. We believe in the Constitution, they believe in centralized power.

2. We believe in individualism, they believe in conformity

3. We believe in private property, they believe in collective property

4. We believe in prosperity, they believe in redistribution

5. We believe in separation of powers, they believe in a single administrative state

6. We believe in eternal truths, they believe in situational ethics

7. We believe in cultural stability, they believe in constant transformation

8. We believe in real science, they believe in social science

9. We believe in the rights of man, they believe in the power of government

10. We believe in liberty, they believe in authoritarianism

11. We believe in education, they believe in indoctrination

12. We believe in a civil society, they believe in a federal Leviathan.

The time to restore America is almost past.

In the words of the great philosopher, Yogi...
"When you come to a fork in the road....take it."

The poster who thinks the Earth is 6000 years old believes in real science?



How many defined genders are there in the human species?

If you say anything other than two, then it is you who lacks any understanding of "real science".

Wrong, you ignorant slut!

There are people born with both male and female genitals. What which of your 2 genders would they be?

That means that there are more than two genders.

Perhaps, you lack any understanding of 'real science'!
...versus what they believe in.

That's the way Mark Levin put it in comparing the traditional American view, that of our Founders, and the Progressive view, formed in the bubbling cauldron stirred by the three witches, Hegel and Marx and Rousseau.

Levin gives the political juxtaposition, thus:

1. We believe in the Constitution, they believe in centralized power.

2. We believe in individualism, they believe in conformity

3. We believe in private property, they believe in collective property

4. We believe in prosperity, they believe in redistribution

5. We believe in separation of powers, they believe in a single administrative state

6. We believe in eternal truths, they believe in situational ethics

7. We believe in cultural stability, they believe in constant transformation

8. We believe in real science, they believe in social science

9. We believe in the rights of man, they believe in the power of government

10. We believe in liberty, they believe in authoritarianism

11. We believe in education, they believe in indoctrination

12. We believe in a civil society, they believe in a federal Leviathan.

The time to restore America is almost past.

In the words of the great philosopher, Yogi...
"When you come to a fork in the road....take it."

The poster who thinks the Earth is 6000 years old believes in real science?



How many defined genders are there in the human species?

If you say anything other than two, then it is you who lacks any understanding of "real science".

Wrong, you ignorant slut!

There are people born with both male and female genitals. What which of your 2 genders would they be?

That means that there are more than two genders.

Perhaps, you lack any understanding of 'real science'!

Hermaphrodites are freaks of nature genetic anomalies, not a "third gender".
...versus what they believe in.

That's the way Mark Levin put it in comparing the traditional American view, that of our Founders, and the Progressive view, formed in the bubbling cauldron stirred by the three witches, Hegel and Marx and Rousseau.

Levin gives the political juxtaposition, thus:

1. We believe in the Constitution, they believe in centralized power.

2. We believe in individualism, they believe in conformity

3. We believe in private property, they believe in collective property

4. We believe in prosperity, they believe in redistribution

5. We believe in separation of powers, they believe in a single administrative state

6. We believe in eternal truths, they believe in situational ethics

7. We believe in cultural stability, they believe in constant transformation

8. We believe in real science, they believe in social science

9. We believe in the rights of man, they believe in the power of government

10. We believe in liberty, they believe in authoritarianism

11. We believe in education, they believe in indoctrination

12. We believe in a civil society, they believe in a federal Leviathan.

The time to restore America is almost past.

In the words of the great philosopher, Yogi...
"When you come to a fork in the road....take it."

The poster who thinks the Earth is 6000 years old believes in real science?



How many defined genders are there in the human species?

If you say anything other than two, then it is you who lacks any understanding of "real science".

Wrong, you ignorant slut!

There are people born with both male and female genitals. What which of your 2 genders would they be?

That means that there are more than two genders.

Perhaps, you lack any understanding of 'real science'!

"What which (sic) of your 2 genders would they be?"

You must imagine (I almost said 'think') this is summer school, you dunce.
How many lessons a day must you be given?????

Here's the answer to your question:

Desoxyribosenucleic Acid.

"Single Gene May Determine Sex of an Embryo
Published: December 23, 1987

  • An international team of scientists has discovered what appears to be a single gene that determines whether a human embryo will grow into a male or a female.

Whenever that gene is present in the chromosomes of the fertilized egg, the scientists believe, the fetus will develop testes and grow to be a male. When it is absent the fetus will develop ovaries and become a female."
Single Gene May Determine Sex of an Embryo

On the bright side, you've become the poster child for political indoctrination.
...versus what they believe in.

That's the way Mark Levin put it in comparing the traditional American view, that of our Founders, and the Progressive view, formed in the bubbling cauldron stirred by the three witches, Hegel and Marx and Rousseau.

Levin gives the political juxtaposition, thus:

1. We believe in the Constitution, they believe in centralized power.

2. We believe in individualism, they believe in conformity

3. We believe in private property, they believe in collective property

4. We believe in prosperity, they believe in redistribution

5. We believe in separation of powers, they believe in a single administrative state

6. We believe in eternal truths, they believe in situational ethics

7. We believe in cultural stability, they believe in constant transformation

8. We believe in real science, they believe in social science

9. We believe in the rights of man, they believe in the power of government

10. We believe in liberty, they believe in authoritarianism

11. We believe in education, they believe in indoctrination

12. We believe in a civil society, they believe in a federal Leviathan.

The time to restore America is almost past.

In the words of the great philosopher, Yogi...
"When you come to a fork in the road....take it."

The poster who thinks the Earth is 6000 years old believes in real science?



How many defined genders are there in the human species?

If you say anything other than two, then it is you who lacks any understanding of "real science".

Wrong, you ignorant slut!

There are people born with both male and female genitals. What which of your 2 genders would they be?

That means that there are more than two genders.

Perhaps, you lack any understanding of 'real science'!

So if Hermaphroditism qualifies someone as a third gender, why doesn't the disorder present a third set of genitalia?

Hermaphroditism manifests as a person having genitals from the two genders already present in the human species. It is a genetic mutation, not a presentation of a third gender.

In our species, we reproduce sexually, meaning we require DNA from a Male and a Female in order to initiate the reproductive cycle. It has been that way for the entirety of human existence.

Lol there went your argument. Sit down.
...versus what they believe in.

That's the way Mark Levin put it in comparing the traditional American view, that of our Founders, and the Progressive view, formed in the bubbling cauldron stirred by the three witches, Hegel and Marx and Rousseau.

Levin gives the political juxtaposition, thus:

1. We believe in the Constitution, they believe in centralized power.

2. We believe in individualism, they believe in conformity

3. We believe in private property, they believe in collective property

4. We believe in prosperity, they believe in redistribution

5. We believe in separation of powers, they believe in a single administrative state

6. We believe in eternal truths, they believe in situational ethics

7. We believe in cultural stability, they believe in constant transformation

8. We believe in real science, they believe in social science

9. We believe in the rights of man, they believe in the power of government

10. We believe in liberty, they believe in authoritarianism

11. We believe in education, they believe in indoctrination

12. We believe in a civil society, they believe in a federal Leviathan.

The time to restore America is almost past.

In the words of the great philosopher, Yogi...
"When you come to a fork in the road....take it."

you believe in nothing that is decent and you hate your country and it's form of government.
Etherion, sexuality is more than producing babies.

Live your life and let others live their lives. Easy peasy.
...versus what they believe in.

That's the way Mark Levin put it in comparing the traditional American view, that of our Founders, and the Progressive view, formed in the bubbling cauldron stirred by the three witches, Hegel and Marx and Rousseau.

Levin gives the political juxtaposition, thus:

1. We believe in the Constitution, they believe in centralized power.

2. We believe in individualism, they believe in conformity

3. We believe in private property, they believe in collective property

4. We believe in prosperity, they believe in redistribution

5. We believe in separation of powers, they believe in a single administrative state

6. We believe in eternal truths, they believe in situational ethics

7. We believe in cultural stability, they believe in constant transformation

8. We believe in real science, they believe in social science

9. We believe in the rights of man, they believe in the power of government

10. We believe in liberty, they believe in authoritarianism

11. We believe in education, they believe in indoctrination

12. We believe in a civil society, they believe in a federal Leviathan.

The time to restore America is almost past.

In the words of the great philosopher, Yogi...
"When you come to a fork in the road....take it."

you believe in nothing that is decent and you hate your country and it's form of government.


Since when does she have to believe in things you deem as "decent"?
Etherion, sexuality is more than producing babies.

Jake, I hope you understand that this is perhaps the dumbest thing I've ever seen you say on this board. And you've said some pretty dumb shit.

Sex is how a heterosexual species like homo sapiens reproduces. No sex, no humans. What do you think the desire for sex is for? Simple pleasure?

You moron.

Live your life and let others live their lives. Easy peasy.

What are you talking about?
You are hypocrite redux. The suffrage movement was progressive and moral, don't you get that? The most regressive conservatives states, mostly in the South, would not support the proposed amendment.
It was a fallacy of false equivalency in which you brought up race.

wrong again. the womens suffrage movement was conservative. Its conservatives who believe that all people are equal and should have an equal voice in government. Its you libs who want to limit free speech, suppress the vote, and manipulate the electorate.

Right that is why conservative men and no women were in the group who made up the GOP TrumpTaxCut/ health care non plan.

Pro women voting were progressives. If conservatives had their way , they'd be barefoot and pg.

if it was a group of black females and came up with the same bill, would you hate them too?

sounds like you are the racist and sexist in this discussion.
fallacy of false dichotomy

only you are talking about black females

you are lost in this discussion

isn't black female the opposite of white male? I was just pointing out the other poster's hypocrisy
Etherion, sexuality is more than producing babies.

Jake, I hope you understand that this is perhaps the dumbest thing I've ever seen you say on this board. And you've said some pretty dumb shit.

Sex is how a heterosexual species like homo sapiens reproduces. No sex, no humans. What do you think the desire for sex is for? Simple pleasure?

Live your life and let others live their lives. Easy peasy.

What are you talking about?
I hope you understand your evaluation of my points is meaingless to me. You are coming from a stance of confirmation bias that will result in your points being eviscerated.

This is the best advice you can follow: mind your own business. The world as it changes will not necessarily conform to your wishes.
I hope you understand your evaluation of my points is meaingless to me. You are coming from a stance of confirmation bias that will result in your points being eviscerated.

Nope, because what I see is a classic case of self projection, right here. Sorry Jake. You lost.

Live your life and let others live theirs, easy peasy.

...moving along
He jillian, care to debate me on the finer points of human biology?

And just like that jillian runs away. She knows she's wrong and she knows she'll get embarrassed.

run away? I said what I chose to.

if that hurts your middle trump loving feedings you should probably get over that.

You sound like you need to be put back in your playpen, jillian, you lawyer wannabe.

So, make your argument, prove to me that there are more than two definitive genders present in the Human species. I'll wait.
It's gotten awfully quiet all of a sudden. I wonder why? Is it because the assertion that there is more than one gender in the human species is scientifically inaccurate?

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