What We Believe In....

Must be a logical reason you cut this part of the post off....
Yes, Ma'm, there was.

Seems you just can't come up with one.

Let me help: it was because I beat you like a rented mule.
Must be a logical reason you cut this part of the post off....
Yes, Ma'm, there was.

Seems you just can't come up with one.

Let me help: it was because I beat you like a rented mule.
View attachment 135809

And have.
LOL. Sad, but funny that this is all you two have.
Which is considerably more than what you have.
We have our dignity, the truth and our conscience.
Sad that you have even less than that.
Must be a logical reason you cut this part of the post off....
Yes, Ma'm, there was.

Seems you just can't come up with one.

Let me help: it was because I beat you like a rented mule.
View attachment 135809

And have.
LOL. Sad, but funny that this is all you two have.

And with this post, you've revealed yourself to be a liar as well as a dunce.

I destroyed you with this brilliant post:

But....overkill though it may be, I love slicing and dicing you fools....so....lets prove that there is no Far Right in this country.

As is always important when dealing with Leftists, Liberals, and other fools.....let's define terms.

The terms Far Right and Far Left are relative to some understood center.

To be "far," one's positions must be radical relative to that center.
American traditions, values, and history represent that center.

The premise
here is that, if I can show that the values called 'Far Right' are actually at the center of American traditions, values, and history represent that center, well then, they cannot be correctly awarded the modifier "Far."

"Radical" is important to the discussion. It means
"especially of change or action relating to or affecting the fundamental nature of something; far-reaching or thorough" (see Google.)

There is no "far right" in this country.

To be 'far,' it must be at a distance to the center: American traditions, values, and history represent that center.

There are so very many ways to prove same.....

Let's take as an example, traditional marriage, that involves one man and one woman, and compare that with homosexual marriage..
....which is the radical position?
Hence, Far Left.

Need convincing? Well, a common social reference is 'the nuclear family.' It has always meant:
" a family group that consists only of father, mother, and children" Definition of NUCLEAR FAMILY

How about 'traditional family'?
"A traditional family is a family structure that consists of a man, woman and one or more of their biological or adopted children. In most traditional families, the man and woman are husband and wife." Traditional Family: Definition & Concept | Study.com

So....as far as the concept of marriage and family, where do we find the radical position?
The Left.
Hence, 'Far Left.'
So far, far from the center, that they cannot point to a single philosopher, sage, or religious leader throughout history who has endorsed homosexual marriage.

Now see if you can come up with any radical positions by conservatives, the right wing, that is 'far' from American traditions, values, and history....

....I can come up with lots more examples, you dunce.

I win again, huh?
The Political Compass above reveals that Trump is more Authoritarian than any of the other names.
...versus what they believe in.

That's the way Mark Levin put it in comparing the traditional American view, that of our Founders, and the Progressive view, formed in the bubbling cauldron stirred by the three witches, Hegel and Marx and Rousseau.

Levin gives the political juxtaposition, thus:

1. We believe in the Constitution, they believe in centralized power.

2. We believe in individualism, they believe in conformity

3. We believe in private property, they believe in collective property

4. We believe in prosperity, they believe in redistribution

5. We believe in separation of powers, they believe in a single administrative state

6. We believe in eternal truths, they believe in situational ethics

7. We believe in cultural stability, they believe in constant transformation

8. We believe in real science, they believe in social science

9. We believe in the rights of man, they believe in the power of government

10. We believe in liberty, they believe in authoritarianism

11. We believe in education, they believe in indoctrination

12. We believe in a civil society, they believe in a federal Leviathan.

The time to restore America is almost past.

In the words of the great philosopher, Yogi...
"When you come to a fork in the road....take it."

I have to disagree with you on number eight, at least as far as "real science" goes. If the far right really believed in true science, it wouldn't cater to the evangelists and Christian zealots.
The Political Compass above reveals that Trump is more Authoritarian than any of the other names.
Yup. If we have a shooting revolution in this country, it will be a 3-way fight; freedom lovers shooting authoritarian assholes.

I'm all set for sniping:
Thank you.

The Left Right lateral paradigm deserves only laughter.

Both the far right and the far left lead to the terrorization by parties, cadres, or the elites of everyone else.
They are both very authoritarian on the Political Compass scale:




The Political Compass
Libertarians, because the do not believe really in a strong LEO, would end terrorizing their neighbors.
Being isolationist is a point that I'm not completely comfortable, but I do agree our "allies" need to carry more of their own weight so we don't have to do so.
allowing women to vote was not a liberal/conservative issue. It was a right/wrong issue and the country got it right. everything is not partisan, once you grasp that you might gain some cred.
You are hypocrite redux. The suffrage movement was progressive and moral, don't you get that? The most regressive conservatives states, mostly in the South, would not support the proposed amendment.

wrong again. the womens suffrage movement was conservative. Its conservatives who believe that all people are equal and should have an equal voice in government. Its you libs who want to limit free speech, suppress the vote, and manipulate the electorate.

Right that is why conservative men and no women were in the group who made up the GOP TrumpTaxCut/ health care non plan.

Pro women voting were progressives. If conservatives had their way , they'd be barefoot and pg.
...versus what they believe in.

That's the way Mark Levin put it in comparing the traditional American view, that of our Founders, and the Progressive view, formed in the bubbling cauldron stirred by the three witches, Hegel and Marx and Rousseau.

Levin gives the political juxtaposition, thus:

1. We believe in the Constitution, they believe in centralized power.

2. We believe in individualism, they believe in conformity

3. We believe in private property, they believe in collective property

4. We believe in prosperity, they believe in redistribution

5. We believe in separation of powers, they believe in a single administrative state

6. We believe in eternal truths, they believe in situational ethics

7. We believe in cultural stability, they believe in constant transformation

8. We believe in real science, they believe in social science

9. We believe in the rights of man, they believe in the power of government

10. We believe in liberty, they believe in authoritarianism

11. We believe in education, they believe in indoctrination

12. We believe in a civil society, they believe in a federal Leviathan.

The time to restore America is almost past.

In the words of the great philosopher, Yogi...
"When you come to a fork in the road....take it."

I have to disagree with you on number eight, at least as far as "real science" goes. If the far right really believed in true science, it wouldn't cater to the evangelists and Christian zealots.

1. There is no Far Right in this country....only a Far Left.

2."...it wouldn't cater to the evangelists and Christian zealots."
Examples that justify your calumny?

3. Progressives regularly claim that it is their beliefs that are based on science, and that conservatives are anti-science….even claiming that progressivism and science are one and the same, or they may conflate technological progress with political progressivism.
  1. Leftists at the Center for American Progress have a website called Your Genes Not for Sale They claim: “Through this work we are building piece by piece the progressive narrative of science and technology policy.”
  2. “The phrase “science progress” is, arguably, a bit awkward. … It reminds us that we are the inheritors of the Enlightenment’s confidence in the possibility of improving the human condition—a possibility predicated on values of individual freedom, social equality, and democratic solidarity,…” Time for Science to Reclaim Its Progressive Roots
  3. Science….individual freedom….and social equality? Exactly which part of the scientific method validates social justice? It seems that if one disagrees with their politics, one must be anti-science. QED.
  4. Let’s take a look at who is ‘anti-science’: 93 % of scientists acknowledge the necessity of animal research, as do 62 % of Republicans, but only 48% of Democrats. Section 5: Evolution, Climate Change and Other Issues
    1. Nuclear power plants? 70 % of scientists favor, as do 62 % of Republicans, but only 45% of Democrats Ibid.
    2. The National Academy of Sciences found that genetically engineered food is safe. So say more Republicans (48%) than Democrats (42%) Who’s More Anti-Science: Republicans or Democrats?
    5. “Republicans are more scientifically literate than Democrats or independents are”…with respect to belief in astrology, the need for control groups, probability, antibiotics, exposure to radioactivity….Check out the list at The Audacious Epigone: Republicans are more scientifically literate than Democrats or independents are
...versus what they believe in.

That's the way Mark Levin put it in comparing the traditional American view, that of our Founders, and the Progressive view, formed in the bubbling cauldron stirred by the three witches, Hegel and Marx and Rousseau.

Levin gives the political juxtaposition, thus:

1. We believe in the Constitution, they believe in centralized power.

2. We believe in individualism, they believe in conformity

3. We believe in private property, they believe in collective property

4. We believe in prosperity, they believe in redistribution

5. We believe in separation of powers, they believe in a single administrative state

6. We believe in eternal truths, they believe in situational ethics

7. We believe in cultural stability, they believe in constant transformation

8. We believe in real science, they believe in social science

9. We believe in the rights of man, they believe in the power of government

10. We believe in liberty, they believe in authoritarianism

11. We believe in education, they believe in indoctrination

12. We believe in a civil society, they believe in a federal Leviathan.

The time to restore America is almost past.

In the words of the great philosopher, Yogi...
"When you come to a fork in the road....take it."

And then you have REAL people who believe in a mixture of all the above. Funny how you whine about conformity and then put EVERYONE into 2 groups.....the irony is ironic.
The Political Compass above reveals that Trump is more Authoritarian than any of the other names.
Yup. If we have a shooting revolution in this country, it will be a 3-way fight; freedom lovers shooting authoritarian assholes.

I'm all set for sniping:

So you dream of shooting people and say that THEY are authoritarian?

Could you possibly be that stupid?
...versus what they believe in.

That's the way Mark Levin put it in comparing the traditional American view, that of our Founders, and the Progressive view, formed in the bubbling cauldron stirred by the three witches, Hegel and Marx and Rousseau.

Levin gives the political juxtaposition, thus:

1. We believe in the Constitution, they believe in centralized power.

2. We believe in individualism, they believe in conformity

3. We believe in private property, they believe in collective property

4. We believe in prosperity, they believe in redistribution

5. We believe in separation of powers, they believe in a single administrative state

6. We believe in eternal truths, they believe in situational ethics

7. We believe in cultural stability, they believe in constant transformation

8. We believe in real science, they believe in social science

9. We believe in the rights of man, they believe in the power of government

10. We believe in liberty, they believe in authoritarianism

11. We believe in education, they believe in indoctrination

12. We believe in a civil society, they believe in a federal Leviathan.

The time to restore America is almost past.

In the words of the great philosopher, Yogi...
"When you come to a fork in the road....take it."

And then you have REAL people who believe in a mixture of all the above. Funny how you whine about conformity and then put EVERYONE into 2 groups.....the irony is ironic.

Your posts remind me of the bon mot, 'So dumb, he can't walk and chew gum at the same time.' As I have only your best interests at heart, I recommend that you never chew gum, as it might restrict your perambulation in case of fire.

Seems I have to teach you something about the world you live in, every day.

Today's lesson: In terms of political reality, there are only two possibilities.

They are Republicans and Democrats, or, as frequently described, Liberals and conservatives.

QED....two groups.
Hence, the OP.

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