What will be in store with a clinton white house win

If Mrs. Clinton wins it will show to me that America truly has hit rock bottom.

She has no success in her life that is her own.

She is going to be 68.

Her only business experience is Whitewater and making a large sum of money in the stock market.

If she wins it proves without a doubt that people only vote party and the welfare state is here to stay and grow consuming the entire country and destroying it.

If my choice is Clinton or Cruz, I will sit out the next Presidential election (for the first time since 1972). I will not continue to participate in a rigged game.

I want a populist on a ticket. Any ticket that has a candidate that supports the working man and woman will get my vote. Won't happen in my lifetime though.
If Mrs. Clinton wins it will show to me that America truly has hit rock bottom.

She has no success in her life that is her own.

She is going to be 68.

Her only business experience is Whitewater and making a large sum of money in the stock market.

If she wins it proves without a doubt that people only vote party and the welfare state is here to stay and grow consuming the entire country and destroying it.

If my choice is Clinton or Cruz, I will sit out the next Presidential election (for the first time since 1972). I will not continue to participate in a rigged game.

I want a populist on a ticket. Any ticket that has a candidate that supports the working man and woman will get my vote. Won't happen in my lifetime though.

Your right Zeke.. Because the day of the inspired, motivated American worker are dwindling. As the pendulum continues to swing to more takers vs. makers, the house of cards will crumble.

Is English not your first language?

Here, let me translate that into redneck for you.

"Gosh darn, Cleetus, them there rich folks should pay 70% if they are just the idle rich and ain't be doing nothing with that money, anyway. If they be putting people to work, they only pay 45%. Weeee-haaa."

Response back, "Gosh darn it bubba you gots three possums I only gots me one. You need to give me one o yourin."

That reminds me:

Two guys go hunting for ducks. At the end of the day both bagged a certain number. The smarter one said: "Give me one of yours, so I will have twice as many as you". The one who was not smart enough to bag as many ducks as the other guy, said: "NO, you give me one of yours, so I could have just as many as you".

How many ducks did each shot? Which one is conservative and which one is liberal?
If Mrs. Clinton wins it will show to me that America truly has hit rock bottom.

She has no success in her life that is her own.

She is going to be 68.

Her only business experience is Whitewater and making a large sum of money in the stock market.

If she wins it proves without a doubt that people only vote party and the welfare state is here to stay and grow consuming the entire country and destroying it.

If my choice is Clinton or Cruz, I will sit out the next Presidential election (for the first time since 1972). I will not continue to participate in a rigged game.

I want a populist on a ticket. Any ticket that has a candidate that supports the working man and woman will get my vote. Won't happen in my lifetime though.

What changes would you like to see, or promised, that you feel will help the "working man?" Seriously.

Were you alive back then? No one wanted a weak president because Nixon was driven out of office by something that today if Obama did people would be laughed at for even bring up the subject.

What the truth is Carter was weak because he was weak. Carter won because he seemed to be kind, caring and a good man. Turned out his presidency was a disaster and America elected the strongest President in my life time.

No, Carter just got the blame for America not being prepared for the rest of the world getting caught up with us again. The country was in the doldrums before Carter got there. Obviously, you don't remember Dummy Ford and his "WIN" buttons. We had a crook followed by a retard, and Americans just wanted a decent guy who wasn't capable of cleaning up the mess.

The freaking Reagan debt that the left keeps harping about ushered in the greatest peace time expansion of the economy in history. At least we got something for the very little debt, by today's standard, then we did with Obama's massive stimulus that did nothing but stimulate the debt. For all his flaws Reagan never, NEVER, let there be a doubt what country he loved, very unlike Carter or what we have today.

It wasn't very little debt. The DEBT TRIPLED!!!! But the real reason why we got out of the recession of 1981 was not because Reagan put us into debt giving tax giveaways to rich douchebags (which even he realized was a mistake). It got out because he spent massive amounts of money on weapons we really didn't need. We have never gotten out of a recession without massive influxes of government spending. The reason why this one has lasted so long is because the Stimulus was so weak.

the real truth is Clinton screwed the working man like no one before or after. The results of the free trade agreements that only he could get passed was predicted. The prediction has come true. I always vote Clinton as the worse president in my lifetime.

Of course you would. And you probably think Bush was awesome with his 9% unemployment and 11 Trillion in debt.
If Mrs. Clinton wins it will show to me that America truly has hit rock bottom.

She has no success in her life that is her own.

She is going to be 68.

Her only business experience is Whitewater and making a large sum of money in the stock market.

If she wins it proves without a doubt that people only vote party and the welfare state is here to stay and grow consuming the entire country and destroying it.

What "success" did Baby Bush have that was all his own?

All he had were a bunch of failed business ventures where his Daddy's friends bailed him out.
I'm still waiting for Joe to come back and answer my question.

He stated that the 'rich' should be taxed at 70% but then said by using their money 'constructively', they could drive it down to 48%. Then in another thread he calls the previous mentioned ' constructive' reduction of tax liability as a 'loophole' that needs stopped. LMAO

Which is it?


I could explain it to you again and you still wouldn't understand it, Cleetus.
Is English not your first language?

Here, let me translate that into redneck for you.

"Gosh darn, Cleetus, them there rich folks should pay 70% if they are just the idle rich and ain't be doing nothing with that money, anyway. If they be putting people to work, they only pay 45%. Weeee-haaa."

Response back, "Gosh darn it bubba you gots three possums I only gots me one. You need to give me one o yourin."

That reminds me:

Two guys go hunting for ducks. At the end of the day both bagged a certain number. The smarter one said: "Give me one of yours, so I will have twice as many as you". The one who was not smart enough to bag as many ducks as the other guy, said: "NO, you give me one of yours, so I could have just as many as you".

How many ducks did each shot? Which one is conservative and which one is liberal?

I'll guess 5 and 7 but as to the conservative part, I will say neither.
If Mrs. Clinton wins it will show to me that America truly has hit rock bottom.

She has no success in her life that is her own.

She is going to be 68.

Her only business experience is Whitewater and making a large sum of money in the stock market.

If she wins it proves without a doubt that people only vote party and the welfare state is here to stay and grow consuming the entire country and destroying it.

What "success" did Baby Bush have that was all his own?

All he had were a bunch of failed business ventures where his Daddy's friends bailed him out.

Bush, regardless of the liberal spin, became rich in baseball.

He then was governor of a state he actually lived in.

But as usual when the truth hurts liberals resort to trying to tear someone else down.

Hillary has done nothing as Obama had done nothing and the country has suffered because of Obama's inexperience. As is the country suffering because of Mrs. Clinton's and Mr. Clinton's actions.
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Who gives a shit about what percentage of taxes someone pays when they are paying millions in taxes to be wasted? Poor people don't invest in jobs rich people do. FUCK YOU if you can't comprehend that.

Guy, rich people don't invest in jobs.

They place bets on where the market might produce revenue.

Investment is gambling.

What creates jobs is CONSUMER demand. Therefore, the goal should not be making the rich richer, it should be building up the middle class.

Government spending does that. First it creates jobs. Second it increases the wages, so private sector jobs have to raise their salaries to compete for the best talent.

And honestly, I see building schools and bridges to be real investments. The rich spending money on Dressage Horses, not so much.
If Mrs. Clinton wins it will show to me that America truly has hit rock bottom.

She has no success in her life that is her own.

She is going to be 68.

Her only business experience is Whitewater and making a large sum of money in the stock market.

If she wins it proves without a doubt that people only vote party and the welfare state is here to stay and grow consuming the entire country and destroying it.

If my choice is Clinton or Cruz, I will sit out the next Presidential election (for the first time since 1972). I will not continue to participate in a rigged game.

I want a populist on a ticket. Any ticket that has a candidate that supports the working man and woman will get my vote. Won't happen in my lifetime though.

define "the working man and woman". Who is included in that category?

Do doctors work? do CEOs work? does Donand Trump work? does Jay Z work? Does Drew Brees work? do garbage collectors work?

Working man is a foolish designation. If you mean blue collar, hands-on workers, then say that?

Bush, regardless of the liberal spin, became rich in baseball.

He then was governor of a state he actually lived in.

But as usual when the truth hurts liberals resort to trying to tear someone else down.

Hillary has done nothing as Obama had done nothing and the country has suffered because of Obama's lack of inexperience. As is the country suffering because of Mrs. Clinton's and Mr. Clinton's actions.

Not because of anything HE did. A bunch of investors used him as a spokesman and then didn't let him make any of the decisions.

It was also on his watch that all the players were doping up on Roids...

And he was kind of a disaster as Governor.

Were you alive back then? No one wanted a weak president because Nixon was driven out of office by something that today if Obama did people would be laughed at for even bring up the subject.

What the truth is Carter was weak because he was weak. Carter won because he seemed to be kind, caring and a good man. Turned out his presidency was a disaster and America elected the strongest President in my life time.

No, Carter just got the blame for America not being prepared for the rest of the world getting caught up with us again. The country was in the doldrums before Carter got there. Obviously, you don't remember Dummy Ford and his "WIN" buttons. We had a crook followed by a retard, and Americans just wanted a decent guy who wasn't capable of cleaning up the mess.

The freaking Reagan debt that the left keeps harping about ushered in the greatest peace time expansion of the economy in history. At least we got something for the very little debt, by today's standard, then we did with Obama's massive stimulus that did nothing but stimulate the debt. For all his flaws Reagan never, NEVER, let there be a doubt what country he loved, very unlike Carter or what we have today.

It wasn't very little debt. The DEBT TRIPLED!!!! But the real reason why we got out of the recession of 1981 was not because Reagan put us into debt giving tax giveaways to rich douchebags (which even he realized was a mistake). It got out because he spent massive amounts of money on weapons we really didn't need. We have never gotten out of a recession without massive influxes of government spending. The reason why this one has lasted so long is because the Stimulus was so weak.

the real truth is Clinton screwed the working man like no one before or after. The results of the free trade agreements that only he could get passed was predicted. The prediction has come true. I always vote Clinton as the worse president in my lifetime.

Of course you would. And you probably think Bush was awesome with his 9% unemployment and 11 Trillion in debt.

Truth, what happened during Carter, as I have said before, was mostly beyond his control. But he handled it badly. His malaise speech summed up his presidency. During Nixon the economy was in trouble thus price controls and such. Ford didn't do much better but he was dealt a poor hand.

Debt is realive. A person may have a 1000 dollars in debt yet take a 100000 dollar loan to buy a house. Doesn't really matter that they increased their debt 10 times what matters is if they can afford the increase. As was witnessed Reagan increasing the debt produced an expansion in the economy which in my opinion was well worth the cost. Obama's MASSIVE increase in the debt in reality produced nothing measurable except the MASSIVE debt placed on our children.

Bottom line, Reagan made us proud again, Obama does not.

Truth, what happened during Carter, as I have said before, was mostly beyond his control. But he handled it badly. His malaise speech summed up his presidency. During Nixon the economy was in trouble thus price controls and such. Ford didn't do much better but he was dealt a poor hand.

Debt is realive. A person may have a 1000 dollars in debt yet take a 100000 dollar loan to buy a house. Doesn't really matter that they increased their debt 10 times what matters is if they can afford the increase. As was witnessed Reagan increasing the debt produced an expansion in the economy which in my opinion was well worth the cost. Obama's MASSIVE increase in the debt in reality produced nothing measurable except the MASSIVE debt placed on our children.

Bottom line, Reagan made us proud again, Obama does not.

No, not really.

First, Reagan's "growth" of the economy wasn't all that much to brag about. The Middle Class lost ground, the rich got richer until they crashed the economy again in 1990. This was NOT a good thing.

But the real bad thing about Reagan's growth of the debt was that he instituted an attitude that persists to this day that borrowing with no intent to pay it back is okay.

In the past, you had a war or a recession, you raised taxes on the wealthy and after the crisis was over, you kept paying it down. That's what responsible people do.

Reagan's attitude was that it was okay to have debt as far as the eye could see because we wo uld "Grow" our way out of it. WHich never happened.
Response back, "Gosh darn it bubba you gots three possums I only gots me one. You need to give me one o yourin."

That reminds me:

Two guys go hunting for ducks. At the end of the day both bagged a certain number. The smarter one said: "Give me one of yours, so I will have twice as many as you". The one who was not smart enough to bag as many ducks as the other guy, said: "NO, you give me one of yours, so I could have just as many as you".

How many ducks did each shot? Which one is conservative and which one is liberal?

I'll guess 5 and 7 but as to the conservative part, I will say neither.

Congrats on getting the arithmetic correctly. But the fact that one got more than the other and the one who got less wanted part of it might give you a clue about their political leanings.

Truth, what happened during Carter, as I have said before, was mostly beyond his control. But he handled it badly. His malaise speech summed up his presidency. During Nixon the economy was in trouble thus price controls and such. Ford didn't do much better but he was dealt a poor hand.

Debt is realive. A person may have a 1000 dollars in debt yet take a 100000 dollar loan to buy a house. Doesn't really matter that they increased their debt 10 times what matters is if they can afford the increase. As was witnessed Reagan increasing the debt produced an expansion in the economy which in my opinion was well worth the cost. Obama's MASSIVE increase in the debt in reality produced nothing measurable except the MASSIVE debt placed on our children.

Bottom line, Reagan made us proud again, Obama does not.

No, not really.

First, Reagan's "growth" of the economy wasn't all that much to brag about. The Middle Class lost ground, the rich got richer until they crashed the economy again in 1990. This was NOT a good thing.

But the real bad thing about Reagan's growth of the debt was that he instituted an attitude that persists to this day that borrowing with no intent to pay it back is okay.

In the past, you had a war or a recession, you raised taxes on the wealthy and after the crisis was over, you kept paying it down. That's what responsible people do.

Reagan's attitude was that it was okay to have debt as far as the eye could see because we wo uld "Grow" our way out of it. WHich never happened.

Reagan's debt was not as far as the eye could see, Obama's certainly is and if you are going to say no you really have to explain why.

A Joint Economic Committee reported in April 2000:2

In 1981, newly elected President Ronald Reagan refocused fiscal policy on the long run. He proposed, and Congress passed, sharp cuts in marginal tax rates. The cuts increased incentives to work and stimulated growth. These were fundamental policy changes that provided the foundation for the Great Expansion that began in December 1982.

As Exhibit 1 shows, the economic record of the last 17 years is remarkable, particularly when viewed against the backdrop of the 1970s. The United States has experienced two of the longest and strongest expansions in our history back to back. They have been interrupted only by a shallow eight-month downturn in 1990-91.


Even with the growing surplus, however, a small but vocal faction in Congress opposes any policies that would allow taxpayers to keep more of their own money through real tax cuts and that generally would shift power from the government to the people. This attempt to rewrite history should not be surprising. Proponents of additional government spending try to make the Reagan boom appear to be a bust because they fear that Reagan's success will help President Bush build popular support for lower taxes, further deregulation, and reduced government spending. But their rhetoric is easily countered by the evidence.

history confirms the soundness of the Reagan, and now Bush, approach to economic policy. Under President Reagan, federal revenues increased even with tax cuts, federal spending did not decrease, the country experienced the longest period of sustained growth during peacetime in its history, and the rich paid more taxes proportionately than they had before the tax cuts were implemented.


Many critics of reducing taxes claim that the Reagan tax cuts drained the U.S. Treasury. The reality is that federal revenues increased significantly between 1980 and 1990:
Total federal revenues doubled from just over $517 billion in 1980 to more than $1 trillion in 1990. In constant inflation-adjusted dollars, this was a 28 percent increase in revenue.3

As a percentage of the gross domestic product (GDP), federal revenues declined only slightly from 18.9 percent in 1980 to 18 percent in 1990.4

◾Revenues from individual income taxes climbed from just over $244 billion in 1980 to nearly $467 billion in 1990.5 In inflation-adjusted dollars, this amounts to a 25 percent increase.


Although critics continue to focus on President Reagan's budget "cuts," federal spending rose significantly during the 1980s:
Federal spending more than doubled, growing from almost $591 billion in 1980 to $1.25 trillion in 1990. In constant inflation-adjusted dollars, this was an increase of 35.8 percent.6

As a percentage of GDP, federal expenditures grew slightly from 21.6 percent in 1980 to 21.8 percent in 1990.7

Contrary to popular myth, while inflation-adjusted defense spending increased by 50 percent between 1980 and 1989, it was curtailed when the Cold War ended and fell by 15 percent between 1989 and 1993. However, means-tested entitlements, which do not include Social Security or Medicare, rose by over 102 percent between 1980 and 1993, and they have continued climbing ever since.8

◾Total spending on all national security programs never equaled domestic spending, even when Social Security, Medicare, and net interest are excluded from domestic totals. In addition, national security spending fell during the Administration of the senior President Bush, while domestic spending increased in both mandatory and discretionary accounts.9 (See Chart 1.)



Despite the steep recession in 1982--brought on by tight money policies that were instituted to squeeze out the historic inflation level of the late 1970s--by 1983, the Reagan policies of reducing taxes, spending, regulation, and inflation were in place. The result was unprecedented economic growth:
This economic boom lasted 92 months without a recession, from November 1982 to July 1990, the longest period of sustained growth during peacetime and the second-longest period of sustained growth in U.S. history. The growth in the economy lasted more than twice as long as the average period of expansions since World War II.10

The American economy grew by about one-third in real inflation-adjusted terms. This was the equivalent of adding the entire economy of East and West Germany or two-thirds of Japan's economy to the U.S. economy.11

◾From 1950 to 1973, real economic growth in the U.S. economy averaged 3.6 percent per year. From 1973 to 1982, it averaged only 1.6 percent. The Reagan economic boom restored the more usual growth rate as the economy averaged 3.5 percent in real growth from the beginning of 1983 to the end of 1990.12


Perhaps the greatest myth concerning the 1980s is that Ronald Reagan slashed taxes so dramatically for the rich that they no longer have paid their fair share. The flaw in this myth is that it mixes tax rates with taxes actually paid and ignores the real trend of taxation:
In 1991, after the Reagan rate cuts were well in place, the top 1 percent of taxpayers in income paid 25 percent of all income taxes; the top 5 percent paid 43 percent; and the bottom 50 percent paid only 5 percent.13 To suggest that this distribution is unfair because it is too easy on upper-income groups is nothing less than absurd.

The proportion of total income taxes paid by the top 1 percent rose sharply under President Reagan, from 18 percent in 1981 to 28 percent in 1988.14

Average effective income tax rates were cut even more for lower-income groups than for higher-income groups. While the average effective tax rate for the top 1 percent fell by 30 percent between 1980 and 1992, and by 35 percent for the top 20 percent of income earners, it fell by 44 percent for the second-highest quintile, 46 percent for the middle quintile, 64 percent for the second-lowest quintile, and 263 percent for the bottom quintile.15

◾These reductions for the lowest-income groups were so large because President Reagan doubled the personal exemption, increased the standard deduction, and tripled the earned income tax credit (EITC), which provides net cash for single-parent families with children at the lowest income levels. These changes eliminated income tax liability altogether for over 4 million lower-income families.16
That reminds me:

Two guys go hunting for ducks. At the end of the day both bagged a certain number. The smarter one said: "Give me one of yours, so I will have twice as many as you". The one who was not smart enough to bag as many ducks as the other guy, said: "NO, you give me one of yours, so I could have just as many as you".

How many ducks did each shot? Which one is conservative and which one is liberal?

I'll guess 5 and 7 but as to the conservative part, I will say neither.

Congrats on getting the arithmetic correctly. But the fact that one got more than the other and the one who got less wanted part of it might give you a clue about their political leanings.

Both wanted one of the other's ducks that is why I said neither.
Did bother to read your word cloud...

Reagan took 900 Billion in Debt and tripled it into 3 TRILLION in debt. In short, a 200% increase.

Obama was stuck with 11 Trillion in debt, a busted economy, two ongoing wars and a Congress that refused to allow raising of taxes... and he increased the debt by 5 trillion, or about a 50% increase.

Would you rather have a 50% increase in your debt or a 200% increase in your debt?

More to the point, Reagan instituted the notion that the rich don't need to pay their fair share because they are somehow better than the rest of us. They used to talk about "Trickle down" and "Laffer Curves", but when that shit never happened, they started talking shit about "Freedom" and "The Consitution"....

Bush, regardless of the liberal spin, became rich in baseball.

He then was governor of a state he actually lived in.

But as usual when the truth hurts liberals resort to trying to tear someone else down.

Hillary has done nothing as Obama had done nothing and the country has suffered because of Obama's lack of inexperience. As is the country suffering because of Mrs. Clinton's and Mr. Clinton's actions.

Not because of anything HE did. A bunch of investors used him as a spokesman and then didn't let him make any of the decisions.

It was also on his watch that all the players were doping up on Roids...

And he was kind of a disaster as Governor.

You really do help out the sail cloth industry.
Did bother to read your word cloud...

Reagan took 900 Billion in Debt and tripled it into 3 TRILLION in debt. In short, a 200% increase.

Obama was stuck with 11 Trillion in debt, a busted economy, two ongoing wars and a Congress that refused to allow raising of taxes... and he increased the debt by 5 trillion, or about a 50% increase.

Would you rather have a 50% increase in your debt or a 200% increase in your debt?

More to the point, Reagan instituted the notion that the rich don't need to pay their fair share because they are somehow better than the rest of us. They used to talk about "Trickle down" and "Laffer Curves", but when that shit never happened, they started talking shit about "Freedom" and "The Consitution"....

Your points have been refuted and as a true liberal you refuse to read the refutation you just keep making things up out of sail cloth.

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