What will be the next major crisis for America?

I am no prophet but I can make a good guess.....China will make a move on Taiwan before mid-terms.

They would have to be stupid to not take advantage of such a stupid and weak old man like biden.

Yeah, with the mid-terms coming up, there is bound to be another crisis. This COVID thing is getting old.

The way Biden frequently mentions his long walks in the sand with his friend, President Xi, I would bet he will simply let him take Taiwan. I doubt that will be enough to make a huge difference to most voters.

It's been a while since we've had a large terrorist attack. Some of the Taliban pretending to be refugees coming to the US have a year to plan their attack, but from US soil this time.

The observers from the OSCE of the last election in the USA found not any systemic problem nor any important wrongdoing or mistake in the last elections in the USA. Trump lost. That's all.
When did they monitor the ballot counting machines to make sure stacks of ballots were not recounted up to 10 times? When did they monitor the change in algorithms in the internet connections of machines that are forbidden from having internet connections? Those two examples are what the Lindell team have revealed.
Taiwan AND our economy

China's biowarfare attack was aimed at our economy while their next chessmove is Taiwan.
You are absolutely correct!

When Lake Mead and the Ogallala Aquifer are run dry. Watch out!
Not only that but big cities that never flooded before. There's a reason for that and it's man-made. i.e NYC. It's called "flushing the Cabal."
Our next crisis will probably be financial in nature.
Perhaps dwarfing the 2008 meltdown?


"In total, measured from the Great Recession bond buying program begun under Chairman Bernanke in 2008, the FED’s balance sheet has risen $7 trillion.

"For perspective, $1 trillion in FED assets was accumulated over the previous 95 years of the central bank’s existence.

"These quantitative easing efforts have injected $7 trillion in paper money and liquidity ($23,000 per U.S. citizen, $92,000 for a family of four) into the financial system the last 12 years, producing the biggest bond/stock bubble in the financial world’s history."
When did they monitor the ballot counting machines to make sure stacks of ballots were not recounted up to 10 times? When did they monitor the change in algorithms in the internet connections of machines that are forbidden from having internet connections? Those two examples are what the Lindell team have revealed.

Lindell got hosed by the experts he hired. One took him for a million and a half.. Aside from bluster there's still no evidence.
The orange retard was never elected in the first place.

Clinton- 65,844,610 votes.
Trump- 62,979,636 votes.

Biden- 81,286,358 votes.
Trump- 74,225,839 votes.

You believe American Abandoning *Joe got 81 million votes.
I am no prophet but I can make a good guess.....China will make a move on Taiwan before mid-terms.

They would have to be stupid to not take advantage of such a stupid and weak old man like biden.

I think China will make Biden do something else stupid, maybe collapse the US economy this time
How did they do it and why? This sounds like a conspiracy theory.

It could be a conspiracy. Does anyone here realize how many underground tunnels are in the world? The England-France tunnel under the English Channel is 31.35 miles long. The Chesapeake Bay Bridge-Tunnel is 17.6 miles. Every major city in the U.S. has miles of tunnels. Many of these tunnels are secret and the Cabal has tens of thousands of children and sex workers in underground cities. When the Army goes in and rescues these slaves they flood the tunnels during storms. Prove me wrong.
You're already in the run-up to the next "crisis". Delta wasn't quite enough so bring on "Mu".

Mask up.

Cower down.

Close your business.

Don't bother with Christmas - it'll be cancelled.

It's going to be a long hard Winter followed by a colder authoritarian Spring.
And - somehow - it's all Trump's fault!!!

Orange is the new black, and Trump is the new Satan.
It could be a conspiracy. Does anyone here realize how many underground tunnels are in the world? The England-France tunnel under the English Channel is 31.35 miles long. The Chesapeake Bay Bridge-Tunnel is 17.6 miles. Every major city in the U.S. has miles of tunnels. Many of these tunnels are secret and the Cabal has tens of thousands of children and sex workers in underground cities. When the Army goes in and rescues these slaves they flood the tunnels during storms. Prove me wrong.
The government has built a lot of tunnels in area 51 in las vegas.

I talked to a guy out there once who was working out there helping build the tunnels...he would not tell me what they were going to be used for---probably didnt know.

In the city of Las Vegas lots of tunnels ....huge sewer and water drains for when they get flash floods...not that often so lots of homeless people live underground in these tunnels.
You believe American Abandoning *Joe got 81 million votes.
Anyone who believes those vote tallys are more than just naive.

What do you compare when you compare the USA and Germany except that Donald Trump was and is a self chosen enemy of Germany, Europe and the complete western world? We see here in Germany still a big extremistic potential in Donald Trump and his gang and not anything in this direction in the political party "the Democrats" of the USA.
You've bought into a fad - nothing more.

Hating Trump is no more than a childish meme that those who prefer not to think for themselves indulge in.

It allows the intellectually & morally weak to pretend that half the country is comprised of monsters - namely those who politically disagree with them - and to treat them as such, openly clamoring for their incarceration and death.

Sound familiar?

It should.

The Democrat Party since 2016 has been a true & deadly fascist threat comprised of deranged 21st century Nazis.

But you keep believing that Trump is Satan or Hitler or whatever other nonsense until one day you grow up and see what's actually happening.

Take care. :)

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