What will be the next major crisis for America?

When did they monitor the ballot counting machines to make sure stacks of ballots were not recounted up to 10 times? When did they monitor the change in algorithms in the internet connections of machines that are forbidden from having internet connections? Those two examples are what the Lindell team have revealed.

Trump lost. That's all. And what to do with people who break your laws is your decision. From my point of view I'm not able to understand why Donald Trump got more than only one vote.
You've bought into a fad - nothing more.

Hating Trump is no more than a childish meme that those who prefer not to think for themselves indulge in.

It allows the intellectually & morally weak to pretend that half the country is comprised of monsters - namely those who politically disagree with them - and to treat them as such, openly clamoring for their incarceration and death.

Sound familiar?

It should.

The Democrat Party since 2016 has been a true & deadly fascist threat comprised of deranged 21st century Nazis.

But you keep believing that Trump is Satan or Hitler or whatever other nonsense until one day you grow up and see what's actually happening.

Take care. :)

Idiot. What you are doing is a typical Nazi propaganda strategy. You are the structural Nazi!
Taiwan AND our economy

China's biowarfare attack

No one sees in the spanish influenza (made in the USA) nor in covid-19 (made in China) intentional attacks. This are pandemics = natural catastrophes. But keeps the question what for heavens sake will you really do in case of such an attack? Voodoo?

was aimed at our economy while their next chessmove is Taiwan.
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We don't need any more crisises ... but Biden has been a continuous scandal & crisis machine since before he was sworn in...no telling what it will be, but it shouldn't take long for it to happen.....
Trump won big over Biden. Audits will prove it.
May be one of the next crisis will be ....all those thousands and may be millions (counting the southern border along with Afghanistans too) of illegals immigrants Biden let in ...decapitating, raping and killing Americans.

Not that the demonRats give a shit.
I wouldn't say you're an idiot - just a profoundly misguided follower.

We call here per principle everyone from time to time an idiot and/or an asshole - including the own person.

You are everything you fear and hate.

Good grief. What fears a German who is also a descendent of German Jews? That the world is partially stupid and mad or that the sky could fall on my head? I called you a structural Nazi on your own. If you are really a Nazi then you know what I speak about and you decided to do suicide by ignoring this warning - and if you don't like to be a real Nazi then start to think now and break down the barriers in your thoughts, which make you to a victim of your own political propaganda. It's totally stupid what you are doing. "The Democrats" of the USA are not Nazis. That's absurde.
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We call here per principle everyone from time to time an idiot and/or an asshole - including the own person.

Good grief. What fears a German who is also a descendent of German Jews? That the world is partially stupid and mad or that the sky could fall on my head? I called you a structural Nazi on your own. If you are really a Nazi then you know what I speak about and you decided to do suicide by ignoring this warning - and if you don't like to be a real Nazi then start to think now and break down the barriers in your thoughts, which make you to a victim of your own political propaganda. It's totally stupid what you are doing. "The Democrats" of the USA are not Nazis. That's absurde.
Not at all they hate jews and use streer hooligan tactics straight out of kristallnacht
We call here per principle everyone from time to time an idiot and/or an asshole - including the own person.
Good grief. What fears a German who is also a descendent of German Jews?
Luckily, Jewish people never commit horrible crimes and never need to examine their own morality and beliefs.

Just ask Son of Sam, Harvey Weinstein, Jeffrey Epstein, Woody Allen, etc.
That the world is partially stupid and mad or that the sky could fall on my head?
What looks back from your mirror, as with everyone.
I called you a structural Nazi on your own.
This is a meaningless phrase.
If you are really a Nazi then you know what I speak about and you decided to do suicide by ignoring this warning
Bizarre/baseless nonsense.
- and if you don't like to be a real Nazi then start to think now and break down the barriers in your thoughts,
Ironic projection; this is the task that awaits your urgent attention.
which make you to a victim of your own political propaganda.
Bizarre nonsense.

Rather than making thoughtful inquiry, you've chosen to create a fictitious monster onto whom you can project your own flaws.

None of your fantasies of who I am have anything to do with me.
It's totally stupid what you are doing.
Ironic projection.
"The Democrats" of the USA are not Nazis.
Far more dangerous actually, as they are not in the past, but NOW.
That's absurde.
Democrats: Deranged 21st century Nazis.

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