What will Biden really do with guns ??

Not who BHO meant..
Seriously you're going through TSA-level security on a guns-are-banned federal FELONY level to attend a NASCAR event and drink several beers and sniff car exhaust over the unmuffled roar?

And then there's a mega church in the same Bible belt with the same security every Sunday, guns are banned, TSA strip searches, and now COVID-19?
Biden's gonna out-sell Obama with stuff like this below.. Evidently Quasar missed the whole appt of Beto O'Rourke as "gun czar".. A lunatic who ADMITTED he'd go house to house to get them...

So -- anyone pretending to BE in Joe's addled head and NOT realize this has NO CLUE...

Once again, the President cannot ban the AR. It takes an act of Congress and then the best they can do is to add it to the list of weapons on the 1934 Federal Firearms Act. And then it takes at least a decade to show any sort of movement. And even then, the AR wouldn't be banned anymore than the Thompson Mode 1921` is. You can still own a M1921. Just like you can still own a M-16A-1. But it takes about 10 years or more to show any results. No one comes to your home for those weapons and never have. You want to own them, file for an EFL which is an individual Federal Firearms License, pay your 200 bucks and then purchase that weapon. Anyone that can pass a standard Firearms Background Check can easily pass an EFL Background check as well.

The other thing it does is ban the new manufacture of the parts to make the AR just like they did the M1921. You could still buy the semi auto version of the 1921 and still can but you can't buy what makes the M1921 fully auto. Same goes for the M-16A-1. So they just stop the manufacture of the parts of even the semi auto version of the M-16. Attrition takes at least 10 years.
Not who BHO meant..
Seriously you're going through TSA-level security on a guns-are-banned federal FELONY level to attend a NASCAR event and drink several beers and sniff car exhaust over the unmuffled roar?

And then there's a mega church in the same Bible belt with the same security every Sunday, guns are banned, TSA strip searches, and now COVID-19?

You really ARE a busy body aintcha? When a guy tried to shoot up church 2 years ago in Nashville, a neighbor came over with a semi-auto and finished him off before he could.. You mean THAT kind of security?

And the fact you hate auto racing is just YOUR issue.. Don't make it a political money raiser..
He'll never get congress or many states to agree to anything banning guns. ...

Never say no. Even in case of US-Americans exists a chance that you will make the reasonable decision to ban private guns from public life. And never give a weapon license to idiots.

Last edited:
He'll never get congress or many states to agree to anything banning guns. ...

Never say no. Even in case of US-Americans exists a chance that you will make the reasonable decision to ban private guns from public life. And never give a weapon license to idiots.

My first wife was no bigger than a minute. She heard someone trying the front door to the apartment and wanted me to teach her how to use the 357Mag. Instead I had her use the 12 gauge. She was worried that she could not hold it. I told her to hold it at waste level with the stock past her and I would plug both the holes. One where the shot went through the door and the other where the stock went through the wall.
There is no way they’re going to send the military to every home in America
That is polemical nonsense

Biden will ban : AR type weapons ,large pistol clips and have national red flags laws

I think that is as far as he will go
Do you think Biden will ban concealed guns ?
I am a big fan of AR guns but I agree that high mag pistol clips should be banned
And so he should and every sane American should support him.

Gun related deaths per 100,000 population.

USA 12.21
UK 0.23

France 2.83
Canada 2.00
Sweden 1.6
Italy 1.31
Germany 1.17
Australia 0.9
Japan 0.6
Spain 0.31

With a population of 333546000 in the USA. That works out at 40,000 gun deaths per annum.
76,000 people are injured from gunshot wounds each year in the US.

The statistics above prove that the countries with the most restrictions on gun ownership have the lowest death rates.
There is no way they’re going to send the military to every home in America
That is polemical nonsense

Biden will ban : AR type weapons ,large pistol clips and have national red flags laws

I think that is as far as he will go
Do you think Biden will ban concealed guns ?
I am a big fan of AR guns but I agree that high mag pistol clips should be banned

Wrong......if they take the Senate and hold the house they will end the Lawful Commerce in Arms act......which protects gun stores and gun makers from fake lawsuits. If they do this, they will unleash democrat party lawyers to sue gun makers out of business........they will also turn the Department of Justice against the gun makers and sue them for fake crimes, likely Civil Rights Violations or other crap...

They will attack guns at the source.

Why should magazines be banned? That makes no sense. If they ban anything over 10 they will then come back for those 10 round magazines.....

Magazine bans are stupid......they know that if you ban magazines, you essentially ban the gun that uses them.....it is nothing more than a back door gun ban.
There is no way they’re going to send the military to every home in America
That is polemical nonsense

Biden will ban : AR type weapons ,large pistol clips and have national red flags laws

I think that is as far as he will go
Do you think Biden will ban concealed guns ?
I am a big fan of AR guns but I agree that high mag pistol clips should be banned
And so he should and every sane American should support him.

Gun related deaths per 100,000 population.

USA 12.21
UK 0.23

France 2.83
Canada 2.00
Sweden 1.6
Italy 1.31
Germany 1.17
Australia 0.9
Japan 0.6
Spain 0.31

With a population of 333546000 in the USA. That works out at 40,000 gun deaths per annum.
76,000 people are injured from gunshot wounds each year in the US.

The statistics above prove that the countries with the most restrictions on gun ownership have the lowest death rates.

More lies........

The majority of gun deaths in the United States are gun suicides.....232,000, the rest, the majority are criminals murdering other criminals....10,265 in 2018.

The AMerican people use their legal guns 1.1 million times a year to save lives........which is something you don't want to acknowledge.....and that number comes from the vaunted CDC....

And, moron, as more Americans own and carry guns, our gun murder and gun crime rates did not go up....showing that gun ownership does not increase crime.....something you can't explain.....

Over the last 27 years, we went from 200 million guns in private hands in the 1990s and 4.7 million people carrying guns for self defense in 1997...to close to 400-600 million guns in private hands and over 19.4 million people carrying guns for self defense in 2019...guess what happened...

New Concealed Carry Report For 2020: 19.48 Million Permit Holders, 820,000 More Than Last Year despite many states shutting down issuing permits because of the Coronavirus - Crime Prevention Research Center

-- gun murder down 49%

--gun crime down 75%

--violent crime down 72%

Gun Homicide Rate Down 49% Since 1993 Peak; Public Unaware

Compared with 1993, the peak of U.S. gun homicides, the firearm homicide rate was 49% lower in 2010, and there were fewer deaths, even though the nation’s population grew. The victimization rate for other violent crimes with a firearm—assaults, robberies and sex crimes—was 75% lower in 2011 than in 1993. Violent non-fatal crime victimization overall (with or without a firearm) also is down markedly (72%) over two decades.

Charts.......two charts, one for murder, one for violent crime....both going down as more people were carrying guns for self defense.

ccw concealed carry vs murder rate chart

Courtesy Crime Prevention Research Center

John Lott has published his Concealed Carry Permit Holders Across the United States: 2020 and there’s lots of good news in it.

  • The number of concealed handgun permits has soared to over 19.48 million – a 34% increase over 2016.
  • Seventeen states no longer provide data on all the people who are legally carrying a concealed handgun because people in those states no longer need a permit to carry.
  • Permits for women and minorities continue to increase at a much faster rate than for either men or whites.
  • Five states now have over 1 million permit holders: Alabama, Florida, Georgia, Pennsylvania, and Texas. Florida is the first state to have over 2 million permits.
And more. On personal note, I’m proud that my own state is one of those with a million-plus. That’s particularly impressive, because the last time I checked, we were only around 700,000; about 1 in 8 adults.

Other goods news is that chart above. It shows the murder rate has declined as the CCW rate increases. That’s not news to TTAG regulars, but it’s nice to see it confirmed for yet another year. In case some gun-grabbing type wants to argue that the murder rate trend is really almost flat, so it doesn’t mean anything, take a look at the CCW vs. violent crime trend. Concealed carry is up while violent crime down.

But the trend is even more noticeable, to the point where one cannot honestly deny it.

2020 CCW vs Violent Crime

Courtesy Crime Prevention Research Center
There is no way they’re going to send the military to every home in America
That is polemical nonsense

Biden will ban : AR type weapons ,large pistol clips and have national red flags laws

I think that is as far as he will go
Do you think Biden will ban concealed guns ?
I am a big fan of AR guns but I agree that high mag pistol clips should be banned
And so he should and every sane American should support him.

Gun related deaths per 100,000 population.

USA 12.21
UK 0.23

France 2.83
Canada 2.00
Sweden 1.6
Italy 1.31
Germany 1.17
Australia 0.9
Japan 0.6
Spain 0.31

With a population of 333546000 in the USA. That works out at 40,000 gun deaths per annum.
76,000 people are injured from gunshot wounds each year in the US.

The statistics above prove that the countries with the most restrictions on gun ownership have the lowest death rates.

You don't know what you are talking about......criminals in those countries get illegal guns easily...they simply don't murder each other as often...yet....but the violence of those drug gangs in those countries is increasing....and their gun laws aren't stopping them....
There is no way they’re going to send the military to every home in America
That is polemical nonsense

Biden will ban : AR type weapons ,large pistol clips and have national red flags laws

I think that is as far as he will go
Do you think Biden will ban concealed guns ?
I am a big fan of AR guns but I agree that high mag pistol clips should be banned
I can prove it wrong. I read in a right wing message board called USMB that your Biden will take every single type of gun awayfrom every gun owner.
There is no way they’re going to send the military to every home in America
That is polemical nonsense

Biden will ban : AR type weapons ,large pistol clips and have national red flags laws

I think that is as far as he will go
Do you think Biden will ban concealed guns ?
I am a big fan of AR guns but I agree that high mag pistol clips should be banned
That is about as far as Democrats will go. The 6-3 Conservative court will block anything further.

The idea that the Government will show up at your home to take your guns is an NRA fear mongering fantasy
There is no way they’re going to send the military to every home in America
That is polemical nonsense

Biden will ban : AR type weapons ,large pistol clips and have national red flags laws

I think that is as far as he will go
Do you think Biden will ban concealed guns ?
I am a big fan of AR guns but I agree that high mag pistol clips should be banned
That is about as far as Democrats will go. The 6-3 Conservative court will block anything further.

The idea that the Government will show up at your home to take your guns is an NRA fear mongering fantasy

They won't have to....they simply make owning the gun illegal and give a date for turning it in...first they will register guns...so they know who has them, then, every interaction with the police will become a felony arrest if you haven't turned in your gun.....and they will know because you will be required to register it....

Then, you have a traffic stop...it goes from 10 miles over the limit and a ticket to, hey, we have on record that you never turned in the now illegal gun you own, you are now under felony arrest for an illegal gun......that wasn't illegal for the first 250 years our country existed, but now you are a felon....


Officer, thanks for coming, our neighbors have a loud partry and it is after 10p.m......


Forget the party, you are under arrest for felony possession of a gun that is now illegal....we show in our records you never turned it in.........

That is how they will do it...not door to door....yet......
There is no way they’re going to send the military to every home in America
That is polemical nonsense

Biden will ban : AR type weapons ,large pistol clips and have national red flags laws

I think that is as far as he will go
Do you think Biden will ban concealed guns ?
I am a big fan of AR guns but I agree that high mag pistol clips should be banned
That is about as far as Democrats will go. The 6-3 Conservative court will block anything further.

The idea that the Government will show up at your home to take your guns is an NRA fear mongering fantasy

They won't have to....they simply make owning the gun illegal and give a date for turning it in...first they will register guns...so they know who has them, then, every interaction with the police will become a felony arrest if you haven't turned in your gun.....and they will know because you will be required to register it....

Then, you have a traffic stop...it goes from 10 miles over the limit and a ticket to, hey, we have on record that you never turned in the now illegal gun you own, you are now under felony arrest for an illegal gun......that wasn't illegal for the first 250 years our country existed, but now you are a felon....


Officer, thanks for coming, our neighbors have a loud partry and it is after 10p.m......


Forget the party, you are under arrest for felony possession of a gun that is now illegal....we show in our records you never turned it in.........

That is how they will do it...not door to door....yet......

The way it will work is your AR15 will be declared illegal and you will be directed to turn it in. Being a far right gun owner, you will ignore the law and stash the weapon somewhere in your house.

What do you do now?
You can’t sell your gun
You can’t go to the shooting range to fire it
If you fire it in the woods, the shots can be heard for miles
If you transport it in your car and get caught, you will get arrested

Doesnt do you much good
There is no way they’re going to send the military to every home in America
That is polemical nonsense

Biden will ban : AR type weapons ,large pistol clips and have national red flags laws

I think that is as far as he will go
Do you think Biden will ban concealed guns ?
I am a big fan of AR guns but I agree that high mag pistol clips should be banned
That is about as far as Democrats will go. The 6-3 Conservative court will block anything further.

The idea that the Government will show up at your home to take your guns is an NRA fear mongering fantasy

They won't have to....they simply make owning the gun illegal and give a date for turning it in...first they will register guns...so they know who has them, then, every interaction with the police will become a felony arrest if you haven't turned in your gun.....and they will know because you will be required to register it....

Then, you have a traffic stop...it goes from 10 miles over the limit and a ticket to, hey, we have on record that you never turned in the now illegal gun you own, you are now under felony arrest for an illegal gun......that wasn't illegal for the first 250 years our country existed, but now you are a felon....


Officer, thanks for coming, our neighbors have a loud partry and it is after 10p.m......


Forget the party, you are under arrest for felony possession of a gun that is now illegal....we show in our records you never turned it in.........

That is how they will do it...not door to door....yet......

The way it will work is your AR15 will be declared illegal and you will be directed to turn it in. Being a far right gun owner, you will ignore the law and stash the weapon somewhere in your house.

What do you do now?
You can’t sell your gun
You can’t go to the shooting range to fire it
If you fire it in the woods, the shots can be heard for miles
If you transport it in your car and get caught, you will get arrested

Doesnt do you much good

Until the joe biden voters start burning the homes in the neighborhood, and murdering the people in those homes....then that Constitutionally protected gun....as per Scalia in Friedman v Highland Park...

By the way, the number of AR-15 rifles in private hands is now over 18 million...

That analysis misreads Heller. The question under Heller is not whether citizens have adequate alternatives available for self-defense.

Rather, Heller asks whether the law bans types of firearms commonly used for a lawful purpose—regardless of whether alternatives exist. 554 U. S., at 627–629. And Heller draws a distinction between such firearms and weapons specially adapted to unlawful uses and not in common use, such as sawed-off shotguns. Id., at 624–625.
The City’s ban is thus highly suspect because it broadly prohibits common semiautomatic firearms used for lawful purposes.

Roughly five million Americans own AR-style semiautomatic rifles. See 784 F. 3d, at 415, n. 3. The overwhelming majority of citizens who own and use such rifles do so for lawful purposes, including self-defense and target shooting. See ibid. Under our precedents, that is all that is needed for citizens to have a right under the Second Amendment to keep such weapons. See McDonald, 561 U. S., at 767–768; Heller, supra, at 628–629.
There is no way they’re going to send the military to every home in America
That is polemical nonsense

Biden will ban : AR type weapons ,large pistol clips and have national red flags laws

I think that is as far as he will go
Do you think Biden will ban concealed guns ?
I am a big fan of AR guns but I agree that high mag pistol clips should be banned
That is about as far as Democrats will go. The 6-3 Conservative court will block anything further.

The idea that the Government will show up at your home to take your guns is an NRA fear mongering fantasy
They can use executive actions and pack the courts !!!
There is no way they’re going to send the military to every home in America
That is polemical nonsense

Biden will ban : AR type weapons ,large pistol clips and have national red flags laws

I think that is as far as he will go
Do you think Biden will ban concealed guns ?
I am a big fan of AR guns but I agree that high mag pistol clips should be banned

All Biden can do is request that the AR be added to the 1934 Federal Firearms Act list of weapons. It's going to take an act of Congress and cannot be done with an EO. If it's done with an EO, it's going to be a friggin mess. But if the AR is handled like the Thomson Mode 1921, it takes no less than 10 years to get results. What happens when it's illegal to manufacture the parts to either repair or assemble them. And you can no longer bring them to the Gun Clubs. But they won't be banned. It will just mean that you will need either an EFL or a FFL license to possess them and you can only sell, trade, give,etc. to other EFL or FFL licensed individuals. They didn't go house to house for the Model 1921 or Surplus M9121 Thompsons. They let time do the job for them. Besides there were enough people that follow the laws and either turned their 1921s in or had the barrels leaded and the firing mechanism disabled. If you had a M1921, there was no law saying you had to turn it in. But when it came time for you to pass it on, sell it, trade it, it had to go to someone with an EFL or a FFL license. To not turn it in at that point or to not disable it as a firearm would be a felony. But as long as the original owner posssessed it, no laws were broken. And almost anyone that can pass a normal Firearm Background Check can also pass an EFL background check.

The real problems people would have nowadays with turning in firearms is the danger they face from terror cells, as well as Cripz, Bloodz and other street gangs, as well as violent liberal groups like Antifa/BLM. We saw the death and destruction they have reaped.

People need to feel safe, to get out and live their lives. If you walk out into the streets of Chicago, or South Central LA, you better be armed if you expect to survive.

ARound here, if you walk down the street with a hogleg on your hip, not a lot of eyes are raised. If you walk down the street with an AR, you are probably going to get a visit from 5 very nervous cops. Okay, it's legal to walk down the street with an AR but it's probably not the wisest thing to do. WE have had one close call at one of our schools involving 4 30 rounds mags, a 17 year old and his Daddy's AR-15.

I am a big proponent for CCW. What would happen if every fifth person were to conceal carry legally. It's already a proven fact that CCW folks are the most stable people with firearms on the street today. Make the Bad Guy try and guess. He has a 1 in 5 chance that the person he is going after is armed and trained. But if you have 4 other people around, there is almost a 100% chance that things aren't going to go like you thought they would.

Remember this, the Bad Guy is better with his weapon than an untrained Sillyvillian is. And if you strut down a problem street with your AR there is a very good chance that some bad guy is going to have a new AR for his collection. Even at my advanced age, if I wanted to take that AR, you wouldn't stand a chance in keeping it. But if you keep me guessing I won't even attempt it.

Something can be said about a concealed handgun when a person is trained to use it.

The AR is part of a Cult these days. Through creative and common sense firearms state laws, we broke the AR Cult. You can still buy them. In fact, they are all over the place for sale. Just not too many are buying them these days. The ones that just have to have one or two or three or.... already own them. I can think of any number of much better alternative Varmint Guns than an AR and most either cost the same or even cost less.

A thug is better trained than a legal firearm owner?
I promise you thugs dont go to the range nor do they hunt.
There is no way they’re going to send the military to every home in America
That is polemical nonsense

Biden will ban : AR type weapons ,large pistol clips and have national red flags laws

I think that is as far as he will go
Do you think Biden will ban concealed guns ?
I am a big fan of AR guns but I agree that high mag pistol clips should be banned
Always knew you were a gun banner. I don't care what biden does.

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