What will the left do?

When antibody tests become widely available and the infection rate proves to be through the roof but the mortality rate drops below 1% how will they continue to promote these draconian measures all the while calling anyone who disagrees irresponsible?

Those numbers will essentially strip them of their talking points and ability to scare the public into submission.

How will they pivot?
I want the country to reopen. Other than a few fringe extremists, you’d be hard pressed to find a “leftist” who wants the country to stay closed. So, the foundation of your argument is flawed, and seemingly based on opinion rather than fact. But, yes, it all hinges on testing. The Donald Trump from weeks ago cannot promise that anyone who wants a test can get one when the Donald Trump of today can’t deliver on it, or even agree that the federal government should supply the equipment necessary for the testing — not without being ridiculed, that is.

Exactly. We all have jobs, families, small business' etc and we all are losing. All of us. And we all have very real concerns and fears. It should not be partisan.
When antibody tests become widely available and the infection rate proves to be through the roof but the mortality rate drops below 1% how will they continue to promote these draconian measures all the while calling anyone who disagrees irresponsible?

Those numbers will essentially strip them of their talking points and ability to scare the public into submission.

How will they pivot?
I want the country to reopen. Other than a few fringe extremists, you’d be hard pressed to find a “leftist” who wants the country to stay closed. So, the foundation of your argument is flawed, and seemingly based on opinion rather than fact. But, yes, it all hinges on testing. The Donald Trump from weeks ago cannot promise that anyone who wants a test can get one when the Donald Trump of today can’t deliver on it, or even agree that the federal government should supply the equipment necessary for the testing — not without being ridiculed, that is.
False. The leftist traitors want as much damage done as possible to get rid of Trump. Nothing will satisfy them.
I'm still wondering how Trump is going to sell "the elderly are expendable" to elderly voters.

We have learned now to take precautions. making plans to eventually open up the economy is rational, that does not mean the elderly are "expendable". This job shut down will be creating more homeless people, keeping other people from getting medical care which will also affect health, creating future deaths from complications. Small businesses lost forever and homes lost.... marriages lost.. suicides... people overdosing or succumbing to addictions that will affect health and mental stability...

Why? Why are all those people so expendable ?
When antibody tests become widely available and the infection rate proves to be through the roof but the mortality rate drops below 1% how will they continue to promote these draconian measures all the while calling anyone who disagrees irresponsible?

Those numbers will essentially strip them of their talking points and ability to scare the public into submission.

How will they pivot?
I want the country to reopen. Other than a few fringe extremists, you’d be hard pressed to find a “leftist” who wants the country to stay closed. So, the foundation of your argument is flawed, and seemingly based on opinion rather than fact. But, yes, it all hinges on testing. The Donald Trump from weeks ago cannot promise that anyone who wants a test can get one when the Donald Trump of today can’t deliver on it, or even agree that the federal government should supply the equipment necessary for the testing — not without being ridiculed, that is.

Exactly. We all have jobs, families, small business' etc and we all are losing. All of us. And we all have very real concerns and fears. It should not be partisan.

When antibody tests become widely available and the infection rate proves to be through the roof but the mortality rate drops below 1% how will they continue to promote these draconian measures all the while calling anyone who disagrees irresponsible?

Those numbers will essentially strip them of their talking points and ability to scare the public into submission.

How will they pivot?
I want the country to reopen. Other than a few fringe extremists, you’d be hard pressed to find a “leftist” who wants the country to stay closed. So, the foundation of your argument is flawed, and seemingly based on opinion rather than fact. But, yes, it all hinges on testing. The Donald Trump from weeks ago cannot promise that anyone who wants a test can get one when the Donald Trump of today can’t deliver on it, or even agree that the federal government should supply the equipment necessary for the testing — not without being ridiculed, that is.

OP has multiple fallacies going on here. Not only is he erecting strawmen as you noted, not only is he imagining "the left" as if it's some kind of unanimous quantifiable entity as I noted, not only is he conflating epidemiological responsibility with politics, but he's got this "mortality rate drops below 1%" canard going on, which he's been on all day based on bad math, in which apparently he counts silent carriers of CV (asymptomatic) as "survivors" even though they never got sick.

For a reference the current mortality rate in Germany, which has been most effective in suppressing deaths, is 5%. Ours is 37. Those will settle with time, but clearly they're not going to drop as low as he suggests while disingenuously counting people who never got sick in the first place.
I'm still wondering how Trump is going to sell "the elderly are expendable" to elderly voters.
I'm still waiting for somebody to show me the mortality rate of humans being anything other than 100%, given enough time.

Elderly are only expendable to the extent that they have little life expectancy left and will likely die of any number of conditions.

I'm still wondering how Trump is going to sell "the elderly are expendable" to elderly voters.

Yeah . . . no. What about all the millions and millions of potential democrat voters the democratic party has aborted since 1973? When aiming to shoot oneself in the foot it helps to miss . . . on occasion. Shh! Don't tell the democrats.
When antibody tests become widely available and the infection rate proves to be through the roof but the mortality rate drops below 1% how will they continue to promote these draconian measures all the while calling anyone who disagrees irresponsible?

Those numbers will essentially strip them of their talking points and ability to scare the public into submission.

How will they pivot?
I want the country to reopen. Other than a few fringe extremists, you’d be hard pressed to find a “leftist” who wants the country to stay closed. So, the foundation of your argument is flawed, and seemingly based on opinion rather than fact. But, yes, it all hinges on testing. The Donald Trump from weeks ago cannot promise that anyone who wants a test can get one when the Donald Trump of today can’t deliver on it, or even agree that the federal government should supply the equipment necessary for the testing — not without being ridiculed, that is.

Exactly. We all have jobs, families, small business' etc and we all are losing. All of us. And we all have very real concerns and fears. It should not be partisan.
It is partisan because the opposition party made it partisan with the daily drumbeat of trump this trump that.

I think your pedestal may have a crack in it.
I'm still wondering how Trump is going to sell "the elderly are expendable" to elderly voters.
Me being allowed to go back to work is exactly ZERO threat to the elderly if they or those responsible for their care take appropriate actions.

It's not an either or situation.

Agree. I am elderly. Will take my chances rather than see this country ruined for my children and grandchildren by some half-assed Obama-Clinton Ivy League "Experts".
Nursing homes, retirement communities and individual seniors can do what needs to be done without expecting the world around them to crash. And it's kind of weird to think that everyone should stay isolated and have no income to protect those who already have their retirements and other investments to survive off of.
It would be a little better if Trump and his death cult were prepared to accept the consequences of their actions. As it is they are already going to put full responsibility for any deaths on the dead.
When antibody tests become widely available and the infection rate proves to be through the roof but the mortality rate drops below 1% how will they continue to promote these draconian measures all the while calling anyone who disagrees irresponsible?

Those numbers will essentially strip them of their talking points and ability to scare the public into submission.

How will they pivot?
I want the country to reopen. Other than a few fringe extremists, you’d be hard pressed to find a “leftist” who wants the country to stay closed. So, the foundation of your argument is flawed, and seemingly based on opinion rather than fact. But, yes, it all hinges on testing. The Donald Trump from weeks ago cannot promise that anyone who wants a test can get one when the Donald Trump of today can’t deliver on it, or even agree that the federal government should supply the equipment necessary for the testing — not without being ridiculed, that is.
False. The leftist traitors want as much damage done as possible to get rid of Trump. Nothing will satisfy them.
From what I’ve seen of you around here, your opinion is worth less than shit. Unless I want to know which tastes better — Donald Trump’s glorified clit, or his rancid ass gape — please refrain from giving me your pathologically biased opinion.
All you filth ever do is lie.
I'm still wondering how Trump is going to sell "the elderly are expendable" to elderly voters.
Me being allowed to go back to work is exactly ZERO threat to the elderly if they or those responsible for their care take appropriate actions.

It's not an either or situation.

Agree. I am elderly. Will take my chances rather than see this country ruined for my children and grandchildren by some half-assed Obama-Clinton Ivy League "Experts".
Nursing homes, retirement communities and individual seniors can do what needs to be done without expecting the world around them to crash. And it's kind of weird to think that everyone should stay isolated and have no income to protect those who already have their retirements and other investments to survive off of.
It would be a little better if Trump and his death cult were prepared to accept the consequences of their actions. As it is they are already going to put full responsibility for any deaths on the dead.

So far Trump has followed the advice of the medical experts, In the beginning everyone was wrong because of information coming out of China and the complicity of the W.H.O.
Yes for political reasons, TRUMP we are told was the ONE who was wrong. The Democrats are like little children pointing their fingers.... so pathetic and hypocritical.

You know, if Trump was not making plans to bring back the economy, he would then be blamed by the left for not being able to do two things at once. he would be blamed entirely for the economic situation. But for now you just have to settle for blaming him for choosing money over lives.

And that my friend in itself is a crock of shit, because lives are lost on both sides of the balance sheet.
I'm still wondering how Trump is going to sell "the elderly are expendable" to elderly voters.
Me being allowed to go back to work is exactly ZERO threat to the elderly if they or those responsible for their care take appropriate actions.

It's not an either or situation.

Agree. I am elderly. Will take my chances rather than see this country ruined for my children and grandchildren by some half-assed Obama-Clinton Ivy League "Experts".
Nursing homes, retirement communities and individual seniors can do what needs to be done without expecting the world around them to crash. And it's kind of weird to think that everyone should stay isolated and have no income to protect those who already have their retirements and other investments to survive off of.
It would be a little better if Trump and his death cult were prepared to accept the consequences of their actions. As it is they are already going to put full responsibility for any deaths on the dead.

So far Trump has followed the advice of the medical experts, In the beginning everyone was wrong because of information coming out of China and the complicity of the W.H.O.
Yes for political reasons, TRUMP we are told was the ONE who was wrong. The Democrats are like little children pointing their fingers.... so pathetic and hypocritical.

You know, if Trump was not making plans to bring back the economy, he would then be blamed by the left for not being able to do two things at once. he would be blamed entirely for the economic situation. But for now you just have to settle for blaming him for choosing money over lives.

And that my friend in itself is a crock of shit, because lives are lost on both sides of the balance sheet.

Actually that's just another strawman based on your own speculation fallacy. We get those here literally every day.
I'm still wondering how Trump is going to sell "the elderly are expendable" to elderly voters.
Me being allowed to go back to work is exactly ZERO threat to the elderly if they or those responsible for their care take appropriate actions.

It's not an either or situation.

Agree. I am elderly. Will take my chances rather than see this country ruined for my children and grandchildren by some half-assed Obama-Clinton Ivy League "Experts".
Nursing homes, retirement communities and individual seniors can do what needs to be done without expecting the world around them to crash. And it's kind of weird to think that everyone should stay isolated and have no income to protect those who already have their retirements and other investments to survive off of.
It would be a little better if Trump and his death cult were prepared to accept the consequences of their actions. As it is they are already going to put full responsibility for any deaths on the dead.

so tell me , who is responsible for the thousands of deaths each year by the regular flu? How come we never stop it entirely? Don't you think someone should be held responsible? Why were people allowed to gather together for all these years knowing that someone would possibly get sick and die?

All we can do is take the precautions the best we can. But that does not mean creating a life not worth living for your grandkids and children.
I'm still wondering how Trump is going to sell "the elderly are expendable" to elderly voters.
What don’t you people understand about this? Herd immunity is the only inevitable conclusion here. A vaccine is a pipe dream. Even if it is developed in a timely manner, remember if it can be created isn’t a guarantee, it’ll come far too late. If this vaccine comes out, we’ll have forgotten covid-19 and we’ll be worried about covid-20/21. This virus has already mutated 30 times. The only moral and logical choice is to go with the Swedish model. We should be trying to get the not a risk folk infected as quickly as possible, get herd immunity in that population, and then after a FEW months of herd immunity re-introduce the at risk folks to the rest of the population. How long do you think you can lock down the elderly? 12 months is psycho talk. Be realistic.

Sounds like a great plan. Do you know how long the antibodies last? Neither do I. Neither does anyone.

And the fact that the virus has muted doesn’t bode well for your argument
I'm still wondering how Trump is going to sell "the elderly are expendable" to elderly voters.
Me being allowed to go back to work is exactly ZERO threat to the elderly if they or those responsible for their care take appropriate actions.

It's not an either or situation.

Agree. I am elderly. Will take my chances rather than see this country ruined for my children and grandchildren by some half-assed Obama-Clinton Ivy League "Experts".
Nursing homes, retirement communities and individual seniors can do what needs to be done without expecting the world around them to crash. And it's kind of weird to think that everyone should stay isolated and have no income to protect those who already have their retirements and other investments to survive off of.
It would be a little better if Trump and his death cult were prepared to accept the consequences of their actions. As it is they are already going to put full responsibility for any deaths on the dead.

So far Trump has followed the advice of the medical experts, In the beginning everyone was wrong because of information coming out of China and the complicity of the W.H.O.
Yes for political reasons, TRUMP we are told was the ONE who was wrong. The Democrats are like little children pointing their fingers.... so pathetic and hypocritical.

You know, if Trump was not making plans to bring back the economy, he would then be blamed by the left for not being able to do two things at once. he would be blamed entirely for the economic situation. But for now you just have to settle for blaming him for choosing money over lives.

And that my friend in itself is a crock of shit, because lives are lost on both sides of the balance sheet.

Actually that's just another strawman based on your own speculation fallacy. We get those here literally every day.

I see, viewpoint you dont like = straw man.

So you dont agree lives will be lost by an extended shutdown? for reasons other than Corona Virus?

You know Cuomo was only speculating when he declared what is happening in NEW YORK ..Will come to you.
There is no scientific basis for him to say that. there may be good logic in his statement, but it's still speculation and so far he was incorrect.
He also speculated in the beginning that there was no need to panic or avoid normal activities... just like everyone else.
When antibody tests become widely available and the infection rate proves to be through the roof but the mortality rate drops below 1% how will they continue to promote these draconian measures all the while calling anyone who disagrees irresponsible?

Those numbers will essentially strip them of their talking points and ability to scare the public into submission.

How will they pivot?
I want the country to reopen. Other than a few fringe extremists, you’d be hard pressed to find a “leftist” who wants the country to stay closed. So, the foundation of your argument is flawed, and seemingly based on opinion rather than fact. But, yes, it all hinges on testing. The Donald Trump from weeks ago cannot promise that anyone who wants a test can get one when the Donald Trump of today can’t deliver on it, or even agree that the federal government should supply the equipment necessary for the testing — not without being ridiculed, that is.
False. The leftist traitors want as much damage done as possible to get rid of Trump. Nothing will satisfy them.
From what I’ve seen of you around here, your opinion is worth less than shit. Unless I want to know which tastes better — Donald Trump’s glorified clit, or his rancid ass gape — please refrain from giving me your pathologically biased opinion.
All you filth ever do is lie.
Ok, trash
When antibody tests become widely available and the infection rate proves to be through the roof but the mortality rate drops below 1% how will they continue to promote these draconian measures all the while calling anyone who disagrees irresponsible?

Those numbers will essentially strip them of their talking points and ability to scare the public into submission.

How will they pivot?
I want the country to reopen. Other than a few fringe extremists, you’d be hard pressed to find a “leftist” who wants the country to stay closed. So, the foundation of your argument is flawed, and seemingly based on opinion rather than fact. But, yes, it all hinges on testing. The Donald Trump from weeks ago cannot promise that anyone who wants a test can get one when the Donald Trump of today can’t deliver on it, or even agree that the federal government should supply the equipment necessary for the testing — not without being ridiculed, that is.

Exactly. We all have jobs, families, small business' etc and we all are losing. All of us. And we all have very real concerns and fears. It should not be partisan.
It is partisan because the opposition party made it partisan with the daily drumbeat of trump this trump that.

I think your pedestal may have a crack in it.

I don't think you understand irony.
I'm still wondering how Trump is going to sell "the elderly are expendable" to elderly voters.
Me being allowed to go back to work is exactly ZERO threat to the elderly if they or those responsible for their care take appropriate actions.

It's not an either or situation.

Agree. I am elderly. Will take my chances rather than see this country ruined for my children and grandchildren by some half-assed Obama-Clinton Ivy League "Experts".
Nursing homes, retirement communities and individual seniors can do what needs to be done without expecting the world around them to crash. And it's kind of weird to think that everyone should stay isolated and have no income to protect those who already have their retirements and other investments to survive off of.
It would be a little better if Trump and his death cult were prepared to accept the consequences of their actions. As it is they are already going to put full responsibility for any deaths on the dead.

So far Trump has followed the advice of the medical experts, In the beginning everyone was wrong because of information coming out of China and the complicity of the W.H.O.
Yes for political reasons, TRUMP we are told was the ONE who was wrong. The Democrats are like little children pointing their fingers.... so pathetic and hypocritical.

You know, if Trump was not making plans to bring back the economy, he would then be blamed by the left for not being able to do two things at once. he would be blamed entirely for the economic situation. But for now you just have to settle for blaming him for choosing money over lives.

And that my friend in itself is a crock of shit, because lives are lost on both sides of the balance sheet.

Actually that's just another strawman based on your own speculation fallacy. We get those here literally every day.

I see, viewpoint you dont like = straw man.

So you dont agree lives will be lost by an extended shutdown? for reasons other than Corona Virus?

You know Cuomo was only speculating when he declared what is happening in NEW YORK ..Will come to you.
There is no scientific basis for him to say that. there may be good logic in his statement, but it's still speculation and so far he was incorrect.
He also speculated in the beginning that there was no need to panic or avoid normal activities... just like everyone else.

No, Checkersspeech ---- THIS:

You know, if Trump was not making plans to bring back the economy, he would then be blamed by the left for not being able to do two things at once. he would be blamed entirely for the economic situation. But for now you just have to settle for blaming him for choosing money over lives.​

I made the key words kinda big and bold so maybe even you can find 'em.
I'm still wondering how Trump is going to sell "the elderly are expendable" to elderly voters.
What don’t you people understand about this? Herd immunity is the only inevitable conclusion here. A vaccine is a pipe dream. Even if it is developed in a timely manner, remember if it can be created isn’t a guarantee, it’ll come far too late. If this vaccine comes out, we’ll have forgotten covid-19 and we’ll be worried about covid-20/21. This virus has already mutated 30 times. The only moral and logical choice is to go with the Swedish model. We should be trying to get the not a risk folk infected as quickly as possible, get herd immunity in that population, and then after a FEW months of herd immunity re-introduce the at risk folks to the rest of the population. How long do you think you can lock down the elderly? 12 months is psycho talk. Be realistic.

A vaccine isn't a pipe dream...a vaccine is an impossibility. There has NEVER been a successful vaccine for ANY coronavirus, they mutate too quickly.
When antibody tests become widely available and the infection rate proves to be through the roof but the mortality rate drops below 1% how will they continue to promote these draconian measures all the while calling anyone who disagrees irresponsible?

Those numbers will essentially strip them of their talking points and ability to scare the public into submission.

How will they pivot?
I want the country to reopen. Other than a few fringe extremists, you’d be hard pressed to find a “leftist” who wants the country to stay closed. So, the foundation of your argument is flawed, and seemingly based on opinion rather than fact. But, yes, it all hinges on testing. The Donald Trump from weeks ago cannot promise that anyone who wants a test can get one when the Donald Trump of today can’t deliver on it, or even agree that the federal government should supply the equipment necessary for the testing — not without being ridiculed, that is.
False. The leftist traitors want as much damage done as possible to get rid of Trump. Nothing will satisfy them.

Are you completely deranged? The "leftist traitors" are dying and suffering in just as great numbers as those on the right. The disease doesn't distinguish left from right. This whole bullshit notion that the left is out to destroy American ignores the fact that the last two Republican Presidents, have reduced the entire nation to an emergency zone with tens of millions of people out of work, with no health care, and the economy cratering.

The left doesn't need to destroy American because the Republicans are doing a bang up job of it and every time we think things can't get any worse, Trump and his Administration do something even dumber.

Now that Trump has left everything up to the states, he can blame the increasing levels of violence on the states, and then institute martial law if things get out of hand. Watching states rushing to open gymns, nail salons and beaches with no testing available is a recipe for disaster, but then so was letting 40,000 people come in from China as the virus raged there, without testing any of them.

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