What will the left do?

Why do you insist it's the left "promoting draconian measures" when there are Republican Governors promoting them as well?

Why do you insist on making misleading statements? In general, Democrat Governors have promoted "draconian measures" to a greater extent than Republican Governors. You (should) know this, but try to obfuscate this fact with irrelevant exceptions.

I'm still wondering how Trump is going to sell "the elderly are expendable" to elderly voters.
What don’t you people understand about this? Herd immunity is the only inevitable conclusion here. A vaccine is a pipe dream. Even if it is developed in a timely manner, remember if it can be created isn’t a guarantee, it’ll come far too late. If this vaccine comes out, we’ll have forgotten covid-19 and we’ll be worried about covid-20/21. This virus has already mutated 30 times. The only moral and logical choice is to go with the Swedish model. We should be trying to get the not a risk folk infected as quickly as possible, get herd immunity in that population, and then after a FEW months of herd immunity re-introduce the at risk folks to the rest of the population. How long do you think you can lock down the elderly? 12 months is psycho talk. Be realistic.

Sounds like a great plan. Do you know how long the antibodies last? Neither do I. Neither does anyone.

And the fact that the virus has muted doesn’t bode well for your argument
The fact that you just said that just shows you don’t know WTF you’re talking about, how immunity works, or how vaccines work. And if I’m giving you the benefit of the doubt, and extrapolating the smartest possible version of the post you just made...then a vaccine wouldn’t ever work, same reason we can’t make an AIDS vaccine. Meaning the only way to get immunity to this is by catching it and getting over it. So we’re back to what I’m saying.

How exactly do you think vaccines and antibodies work? They aren’t injecting nano-bots into the bloodstream that attack disease. They inject dead or inactive viruses/bacteria. Those viruses have what’s called antigens on their surface. Our immune system makes antibodies specific to those antigens. Those antibodies are continuously made for a long ass time after the disease. The problem is when a virus mutates it’s antigens, then our antibodies don’t recognize it. So to our bodies it’s essientially a new disease.

This is the type of dumbass shit I’m talking about. People making posts like that. Like, I’ve dedicated thousands of hours to this shit in my schooling and throughout my career, yet here I am getting lectured by a dolt who wants to speak as if they are an authority on the subject because they watch the news. It’s like people saying they could write, produce, and direct a movie because they watch TMZ. That’s like meth head logic. Am I wasting my time trying to talk sense to meth heads online?

I know vaccines are developed from antibodies, but if the virus keeps mutating constant changes need to be made to the vaccine. And the mutations would thus make it harder to have an effective vaccine.

You can have antibodies in your system to protect you and then next season the virus can theoretically mutate rendering those antibodies ineffective

Both the WHO and CDC are on record telling us they don’t know how long the antibodies for COVID 19 last. There have also been a few cases where the infected patient has recovered but didn’t develope antibodies.

But most importantly if we let people just run out and get the virus then there’s going to be a subsection of people that are going to get very sick and die which equal a lot of people and the healthcare system can’t take care of all of them.

Why do you think that so many "conservatives" can't seem to grasp that fact, Rocko?
Listen up fucksticks that don’t have medical degrees. Vaccines trigger an immune response without making the body go through the actual sickness. So, if our own immunity isn’t going to work, then neither will a vaccine. It’s unrealistic to do a lockdown until a vaccine is created for multiple reasons, the main one being is that our hospitals will be out of business. Hospitals also need to treat people that currently are forgoing treatment with the virus around, because being sick enough to need a hospital means you’re probably at risk of being killed by this virus. Now, our hospitals are half empty, so it’s kind of a good time for them to take on the influx of patients from covid THAT IS ONLY INEVITABLE. THERE IS NO RUNNING FROM THE FACT THAT EFFECTIVELY EVERYONE WILL CATCH THIS. If whatever your listening too is telling you otherwise they aren’t being honest with you. The good news is that this is much less deadlier than we thought, but it’s still more deadly than the flu, and far more contagious. There are no good options here, it’s time to start being realistic. Like the fucking Swedes. They’re being realistic about this. They have some common sense measures in place and they’re ripping the band-aid off quick, and it’s paying off for them.
Assuming you do have a medical degree, so what? So does Fauci, so does birx, so do more than a handful of doctors I know who say what you’re suggesting is the last thing in the world we should do. FuckStick
I'm still wondering how Trump is going to sell "the elderly are expendable" to elderly voters.
What don’t you people understand about this? Herd immunity is the only inevitable conclusion here. A vaccine is a pipe dream. Even if it is developed in a timely manner, remember if it can be created isn’t a guarantee, it’ll come far too late. If this vaccine comes out, we’ll have forgotten covid-19 and we’ll be worried about covid-20/21. This virus has already mutated 30 times. The only moral and logical choice is to go with the Swedish model. We should be trying to get the not a risk folk infected as quickly as possible, get herd immunity in that population, and then after a FEW months of herd immunity re-introduce the at risk folks to the rest of the population. How long do you think you can lock down the elderly? 12 months is psycho talk. Be realistic.

Sounds like a great plan. Do you know how long the antibodies last? Neither do I. Neither does anyone.

And the fact that the virus has muted doesn’t bode well for your argument
The fact that you just said that just shows you don’t know WTF you’re talking about, how immunity works, or how vaccines work. And if I’m giving you the benefit of the doubt, and extrapolating the smartest possible version of the post you just made...then a vaccine wouldn’t ever work, same reason we can’t make an AIDS vaccine. Meaning the only way to get immunity to this is by catching it and getting over it. So we’re back to what I’m saying.

How exactly do you think vaccines and antibodies work? They aren’t injecting nano-bots into the bloodstream that attack disease. They inject dead or inactive viruses/bacteria. Those viruses have what’s called antigens on their surface. Our immune system makes antibodies specific to those antigens. Those antibodies are continuously made for a long ass time after the disease. The problem is when a virus mutates it’s antigens, then our antibodies don’t recognize it. So to our bodies it’s essientially a new disease.

This is the type of dumbass shit I’m talking about. People making posts like that. Like, I’ve dedicated thousands of hours to this shit in my schooling and throughout my career, yet here I am getting lectured by a dolt who wants to speak as if they are an authority on the subject because they watch the news. It’s like people saying they could write, produce, and direct a movie because they watch TMZ. That’s like meth head logic. Am I wasting my time trying to talk sense to meth heads online?

I know vaccines are developed from antibodies, but if the virus keeps mutating constant changes need to be made to the vaccine. And the mutations would thus make it harder to have an effective vaccine.

You can have antibodies in your system to protect you and then next season the virus can theoretically mutate rendering those antibodies ineffective

Both the WHO and CDC are on record telling us they don’t know how long the antibodies for COVID 19 last. There have also been a few cases where the infected patient has recovered but didn’t develope antibodies.

But most importantly if we let people just run out and get the virus then there’s going to be a subsection of people that are going to get very sick and die which equal a lot of people and the healthcare system can’t take care of all of them.

Why do you think that so many "conservatives" can't seem to grasp that fact, Rocko?
Listen up fucksticks that don’t have medical degrees. Vaccines trigger an immune response without making the body go through the actual sickness. So, if our own immunity isn’t going to work, then neither will a vaccine. It’s unrealistic to do a lockdown until a vaccine is created for multiple reasons, the main one being is that our hospitals will be out of business. Hospitals also need to treat people that currently are forgoing treatment with the virus around, because being sick enough to need a hospital means you’re probably at risk of being killed by this virus. Now, our hospitals are half empty, so it’s kind of a good time for them to take on the influx of patients from covid THAT IS ONLY INEVITABLE. THERE IS NO RUNNING FROM THE FACT THAT EFFECTIVELY EVERYONE WILL CATCH THIS. If whatever your listening too is telling you otherwise they aren’t being honest with you. The good news is that this is much less deadlier than we thought, but it’s still more deadly than the flu, and far more contagious. There are no good options here, it’s time to start being realistic. Like the fucking Swedes. They’re being realistic about this. They have some common sense measures in place and they’re ripping the band-aid off quick, and it’s paying off for them.
Assuming you do have a medical degree, so what? So does Fauci, so does birx, so do more than a handful of doctors I know who say what you’re suggesting is the last thing in the world we should do. FuckStick
Taiwan, Sweden, and South Korea all did what I’m suggesting. This is coming from someone who was raising the alarm bells on this before most others on here. The more and more data that comes in, the closer to flu death rates this gets. Saying this could turn into the second wave of Spanish flu is ridiculous. That’s like saying this game of bingo is going to turn out identical to another game of bingo with the balls that get picked.
I'm still wondering how Trump is going to sell "the elderly are expendable" to elderly voters.
Me being allowed to go back to work is exactly ZERO threat to the elderly if they or those responsible for their care take appropriate actions.

It's not an either or situation.

Agree. I am elderly. Will take my chances rather than see this country ruined for my children and grandchildren by some half-assed Obama-Clinton Ivy League "Experts".
Nursing homes, retirement communities and individual seniors can do what needs to be done without expecting the world around them to crash. And it's kind of weird to think that everyone should stay isolated and have no income to protect those who already have their retirements and other investments to survive off of.
It would be a little better if Trump and his death cult were prepared to accept the consequences of their actions. As it is they are already going to put full responsibility for any deaths on the dead.

So far Trump has followed the advice of the medical experts, In the beginning everyone was wrong because of information coming out of China and the complicity of the W.H.O.
Yes for political reasons, TRUMP we are told was the ONE who was wrong. The Democrats are like little children pointing their fingers.... so pathetic and hypocritical.

You know, if Trump was not making plans to bring back the economy, he would then be blamed by the left for not being able to do two things at once. he would be blamed entirely for the economic situation. But for now you just have to settle for blaming him for choosing money over lives.

And that my friend in itself is a crock of shit, because lives are lost on both sides of the balance sheet.

Actually that's just another strawman based on your own speculation fallacy. We get those here literally every day.

I see, viewpoint you dont like = straw man.

So you dont agree lives will be lost by an extended shutdown? for reasons other than Corona Virus?

You know Cuomo was only speculating when he declared what is happening in NEW YORK ..Will come to you.
There is no scientific basis for him to say that. there may be good logic in his statement, but it's still speculation and so far he was incorrect.
He also speculated in the beginning that there was no need to panic or avoid normal activities... just like everyone else.

No, Checkersspeech ---- THIS:

You know, if Trump was not making plans to bring back the economy, he would then be blamed by the left for not being able to do two things at once. he would be blamed entirely for the economic situation. But for now you just have to settle for blaming him for choosing money over lives.​

I made the key words kinda big and bold so maybe even you can find 'em.

That's no straw man. It's already been obvious the Left blames Trump no matter what he does. Just like now they are Trying to solely lay the Blame on trump for being too slow....... yet they were trying to call him racist/ xenophobe for limiting air travel from China.

The left blames Trump because at every turn he makes the wrong decision and makes things WORSE.

Trump declined to use the WHO test and decided that American labs should make and sell their own tests. That was Trump's decision, having nothing to do with the experts or the CDC. It was all about making more profit for the labs. The USA still doesn't have a cheap, reliable, readily available point of care test. Nor are any of the private lab tests approved by the CDC. What you have is an expensive, unreliable patchwork of testing availability. The USA is the only first world country without adequte testing.

Trump loosened trade rules with China to allow American manufacturers to sell their entire inventory of masks and PPE's to China, and failed to place any orders for PPE's and masks for American hospitals until after March 15th. Again, this allowed manufacturers to profit at the expense of the American people. The national stockpile was "released" (sold) to medical supply distributors who started bidding wars for the stock. It should have been distributed to states by FEMA.

Last but not least, the small business loan program was doled out to mostly large restaurant chains, in $10 million dollar chunks, instead of to "small businesses" like Shake Shack, Ruth Chris Steakhouse. Ruth Chris has $468 million in annual sales. But more and more, I'm hearing that the real small family restaurants business are getting nothing.

The CDC released the first covid19 test then quickly recalled it saying it was wrong dont use it. This set back testing at least a month as other companies scrambled to make tests that actually worked. This was not Trumps fault but solely the fault of the CDC.
maybe they could have used the recipe developped by ze Germans and published by the WHO. lol
I'm still wondering how Trump is going to sell "the elderly are expendable" to elderly voters.
Me being allowed to go back to work is exactly ZERO threat to the elderly if they or those responsible for their care take appropriate actions.

It's not an either or situation.

Agree. I am elderly. Will take my chances rather than see this country ruined for my children and grandchildren by some half-assed Obama-Clinton Ivy League "Experts".
Nursing homes, retirement communities and individual seniors can do what needs to be done without expecting the world around them to crash. And it's kind of weird to think that everyone should stay isolated and have no income to protect those who already have their retirements and other investments to survive off of.
It would be a little better if Trump and his death cult were prepared to accept the consequences of their actions. As it is they are already going to put full responsibility for any deaths on the dead.

So far Trump has followed the advice of the medical experts, In the beginning everyone was wrong because of information coming out of China and the complicity of the W.H.O.
Yes for political reasons, TRUMP we are told was the ONE who was wrong. The Democrats are like little children pointing their fingers.... so pathetic and hypocritical.

You know, if Trump was not making plans to bring back the economy, he would then be blamed by the left for not being able to do two things at once. he would be blamed entirely for the economic situation. But for now you just have to settle for blaming him for choosing money over lives.

And that my friend in itself is a crock of shit, because lives are lost on both sides of the balance sheet.

Actually that's just another strawman based on your own speculation fallacy. We get those here literally every day.

I see, viewpoint you dont like = straw man.

So you dont agree lives will be lost by an extended shutdown? for reasons other than Corona Virus?

You know Cuomo was only speculating when he declared what is happening in NEW YORK ..Will come to you.
There is no scientific basis for him to say that. there may be good logic in his statement, but it's still speculation and so far he was incorrect.
He also speculated in the beginning that there was no need to panic or avoid normal activities... just like everyone else.

No, Checkersspeech ---- THIS:

You know, if Trump was not making plans to bring back the economy, he would then be blamed by the left for not being able to do two things at once. he would be blamed entirely for the economic situation. But for now you just have to settle for blaming him for choosing money over lives.​

I made the key words kinda big and bold so maybe even you can find 'em.

That's no straw man. It's already been obvious the Left blames Trump no matter what he does. Just like now they are Trying to solely lay the Blame on trump for being too slow....... yet they were trying to call him racist/ xenophobe for limiting air travel from China.

The left blames Trump because at every turn he makes the wrong decision and makes things WORSE.

Trump declined to use the WHO test and decided that American labs should make and sell their own tests. That was Trump's decision, having nothing to do with the experts or the CDC. It was all about making more profit for the labs. The USA still doesn't have a cheap, reliable, readily available point of care test. Nor are any of the private lab tests approved by the CDC. What you have is an expensive, unreliable patchwork of testing availability. The USA is the only first world country without adequte testing.

Trump loosened trade rules with China to allow American manufacturers to sell their entire inventory of masks and PPE's to China, and failed to place any orders for PPE's and masks for American hospitals until after March 15th. Again, this allowed manufacturers to profit at the expense of the American people. The national stockpile was "released" (sold) to medical supply distributors who started bidding wars for the stock. It should have been distributed to states by FEMA.

Last but not least, the small business loan program was doled out to mostly large restaurant chains, in $10 million dollar chunks, instead of to "small businesses" like Shake Shack, Ruth Chris Steakhouse. Ruth Chris has $468 million in annual sales. But more and more, I'm hearing that the real small family restaurants business are getting nothing.

The CDC released the first covid19 test then quickly recalled it saying it was wrong dont use it. This set back testing at least a month as other companies scrambled to make tests that actually worked. This was not Trumps fault but solely the fault of the CDC.
maybe they could have used the recipe developped by ze Germans and published by the WHO. lol
Sometimes its good to work with others to find common cause. We all benefit from that. I understand that President Bleach has also opted out of working with other countries to find a cure. The benefits of that approach are not immediately apparent.
When antibody tests become widely available and the infection rate proves to be through the roof but the mortality rate drops below 1% how will they continue to promote these draconian measures all the while calling anyone who disagrees irresponsible?

Those numbers will essentially strip them of their talking points and ability to scare the public into submission.

How will they pivot?

They will use the democrat party members in the press to lie.....as they always do. All of a sudden they will stop reporting the death numbers as a percent and just report the total.......and then focus on the need to stay locked down.

They will also focus on the fall and the coming return of the killer virus and how it will be irresponsible to open the country with the new wave of death approaching in the fall..

Then, after the first Tuesday in November.......they will stop doing stories on the Flu...if Biden wins........the fastest cure for Chinese flu news coverage will be a biden win in November.........it will be like the Chinese Flu never existed.......
When antibody tests become widely available and the infection rate proves to be through the roof but the mortality rate drops below 1% how will they continue to promote these draconian measures all the while calling anyone who disagrees irresponsible?

Those numbers will essentially strip them of their talking points and ability to scare the public into submission.

How will they pivot?

They will use the democrat party members in the press to lie.....as they always do. All of a sudden they will stop reporting the death numbers as a percent and just report the total.......and then focus on the need to stay locked down.

They will also focus on the fall and the coming return of the killer virus and how it will be irresponsible to open the country with the new wave of death approaching in the fall..

Then, after the first Tuesday in November.......they will stop doing stories on the Flu...if Biden wins........the fastest cure for Chinese flu news coverage will be a biden win in November.........it will be like the Chinese Flu never existed.......

How can a gun loving tough guy be such a whiny victim?

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