What will Trump do about gun control?

Because I want to be just as well armed as the government that will be trying to kill me. That's why. And that is the reason the Founders wrote the Amendment in the first place. It ain't about hunting dude, it's about being able to remove an illegitimate government.
It's about slave states being able to mount armed slave patrols.

Funny how you progressives will admit that the 1st Amendment through the 9th are all INDIVIDUAL RIGHTS, but the 2nd, isn't. The 10th States that whatever is not an INDIVIDUAL RIGHT, is reserved for the individual States. See that INDIVIDUAL RIGHT wording? A State doesn't need a RIGHT, it is POWER. PEOPLE need RIGHTS. Not governments.

Whatever is not reserved as an Individual Right is reserved as a power to the States. Whatever is not reserved by the States goes to the Federal government. In its origin, the United STATES was intended that the STATES hold most of the power, and only those few global issues left such as border control, national security, etc., went to the Fed.

Jump 240 years later and now the Fed has usurped all kinds of powers never intended it, most of them stolen from the States. The Fed has made itself into this huge overlord under which the States must cower, when it is supposed to be the other way around. Is it any wonder the USA is now in this topsy turvy confusion? If not for the now bloated and vast spending of the Fed, we might actually have a balanced budget.
That is backwards - anything not reserved for the federal government goes to the states and anything not reserved for the states goes to the people. IOW, if it is not a power directly given to some level of government than that power belongs with the individual themselves.
Thank you.
Congress and the Prez will eliminate the Bump Stock. IF the Dems
go along with it. But, the Prez will make the Dems give him something
in return.

It maybe the wall or sanctuary cities, but he's gonna get bipartisan support
on opposite issues.

Or he'll make them eat their words.

Trump doesn't know how to deal like that. But he is gullible to any organized party offering him a proposal, like the democrats did over the budget and debt ceiling.

But shit he doesn't know how to deal like that.

That's how he made his fortune.

I doubt he was gullible when cutting the deal with the Dems. It was
more like delaying that fight until he could wage it without hurting
the average American person and/or pitting the dems squarely behind
the 8-ball.
I don't know what Trump or anyone else can do to prevent someone who is hell bent on committing mass murder from doing so if anyone here has an idea or plan that can accomplish that please share.
You will never eliminate crazies who want to harm many. But you can take actions that will reduce the number of people who do so and the damage they do when they actually take actions.
Gun control would be the most effective action. It will not eliminate mass shooters but it can reduce the number of mass shooters and decrease the harm they can do.

What good does an automatic weapon or automatic do for anyone? They should be classifies as grenades, tanks and bazookas are in current law.
Because I want to be just as well armed as the government that will be trying to kill me. That's why. And that is the reason the Founders wrote the Amendment in the first place. It ain't about hunting dude, it's about being able to remove an illegitimate government.
It's about slave states being able to mount armed slave patrols.

Funny how you progressives will admit that the 1st Amendment through the 9th are all INDIVIDUAL RIGHTS, but the 2nd, isn't. The 10th States that whatever is not an INDIVIDUAL RIGHT, is reserved for the individual States. See that INDIVIDUAL RIGHT wording? A State doesn't need a RIGHT, it is POWER. PEOPLE need RIGHTS. Not governments.

Whatever is not reserved as an Individual Right is reserved as a power to the States. Whatever is not reserved by the States goes to the Federal government. In its origin, the United STATES was intended that the STATES hold most of the power, and only those few global issues left such as border control, national security, etc., went to the Fed.

Jump 240 years later and now the Fed has usurped all kinds of powers never intended it, most of them stolen from the States. The Fed has made itself into this huge overlord under which the States must cower, when it is supposed to be the other way around. Is it any wonder the USA is now in this topsy turvy confusion? If not for the now bloated and vast spending of the Fed, we might actually have a balanced budget.
That is backwards - anything not reserved for the federal government goes to the states and anything not reserved for the states goes to the people. IOW, if it is not a power directly given to some level of government than that power belongs with the individual themselves.

That is backwards - anything not reserved for the federal government goes to the states and anything not reserved for the states goes to the people. IOW, if it is not a power directly given to some level of government than that power belongs with the individual themselves.

Right Ace, the Fed gets first pick of everything and gives the leftovers to the states, and the states to the people. We are lucky to get anything at all! And since our rights and powers are given by the Fed or the states, they are free to take them back, any time they want.

Where did you say you got your education?

NEVER MIND THAT the Declaration of Independence starts its first sentence talking about PEOPLE, not states or Federal governments.

NEVER MIND THAT it begins talking of God-given rights, of mankind, that certain truths be self-evidence, not rights granted by the states or the Federal gov.

NEVER MIND THAT it says that governments derive their powers from the consent of the People.

NEVER MIND THAT if any government becomes destructive to the ends decreed by the DoI, that it is the right of the People to abolish it!

NEVER MIND THAT the first thing the DoI lays out are the specific duties and LIMITATIONS of the Federal Government to be only those duties common to all states and of a national interest.

NEVER MIND THAT the DoI declares that in the name of the People of the colonies of the USA that the States are FREE and INDEPENDENT.

NEVER MIND THAT the US Constitution begins: WE THE PEOPLE do establish this Constitution, whose first thing is to enumerate the duties and specific LIMITATIONS of the Federal government.

NEVER MIND THAT the Bill of Rights begins by delineating (to who? The Fed?, The States?, No, to the PEOPLE) that in order to prevent misunderstanding or abuse of power of the government to who? The People, no less than 26 specific, inalienable rights to The People; inalienable by who? The States and Federal Government!

NEVER MIND THAT in Article X of the BoR, it is declared that only those specific powers as delineated to the Fed by the Declaration of Independence and within said Constitution shall be construed, and that all other powers not limited to the Fed are those of the People and of the States. Put another way, that means that all rights and powers are those of the People and the States, EXCEPT those few necessary to the Fed as the common duties to the protection and preservation of the USA as a whole:
Trade to other nations,
Taxes and currency,
Borders and national defense, etc.
All other governing powers are given under the CONSENT OF THE PEOPLE to their States, and all Rights to the People.

THE POINT BEING that all powers come from the People and THEIR CONSENT to be governed, under which all powers are granted the States except those of a common nature to all, such as national protection, trade, currency and the like.

The MANY PEOPLE of the USA issued the laws by which THEY consent to be governed under free and individual states of a common union THEY CREATED, and under that common union the States decreed a federal governance under the People's Law for the dispensation of those limited specific common national duties.

The Fed is 525 elected people, elected by the CITIZENS.
The States are thousands of elected people, elected by the CITIZENS.
The Citizens are 320 Billion PEOPLE.
And if the government ever gets too far off track, it is THE PEOPLE who have the Right and Power to fix it, change it or abolish it as THEY see fit. And the Bill of Rights decrees by the people that they shall maintain a well-armed militia for said duty of limiting abusive government power. It is the PEOPLE who created the States and the government and ultimately it is the PEOPLE who can take it all back.

The only thing ass backwards here Dude is your HEAD.
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We saw the carnage created by semi-automatic long rifles with legal conversion kit converting them to an automatic weapon; 59 dead, 500+ injured by an unskilled angry human in 10 minutes. What could he do in 20 minutes.
What good has one of these automatic weapons done if not used by the military or law enforcement. Not one good thing has been done.

What does Trump do?
Shit happens, no amount of frivolous gun laws would have prevented these shootings
If there was a data bank that tracks of those buying multiple semi-automatic weapons it could deter the shooter.
Now that ISIS sees how easy it is to buy the weapons and do what this nut did in the USA they will be attempting to do so.
We saw the carnage created by semi-automatic long rifles with legal conversion kit converting them to an automatic weapon; 59 dead, 500+ injured by an unskilled angry human in 10 minutes. What could he do in 20 minutes.
What good has one of these automatic weapons done if not used by the military or law enforcement. Not one good thing has been done.

What does Trump do?
Shit happens, no amount of frivolous gun laws would have prevented these shootings
If there was a data bank that tracks of those buying multiple semi-automatic weapons it could deter the shooter.
Now that ISIS sees how easy it is to buy the weapons and do what this nut did in the USA they will be attempting to do so.

How is that? What on Earth is going to deter someone who is intent on murdering as many as they can and then taking their own life? You are lacking some basic reasoning here.
Because I want to be just as well armed as the government that will be trying to kill me. That's why. And that is the reason the Founders wrote the Amendment in the first place. It ain't about hunting dude, it's about being able to remove an illegitimate government.
It's about slave states being able to mount armed slave patrols.

Funny how you progressives will admit that the 1st Amendment through the 9th are all INDIVIDUAL RIGHTS, but the 2nd, isn't. The 10th States that whatever is not an INDIVIDUAL RIGHT, is reserved for the individual States. See that INDIVIDUAL RIGHT wording? A State doesn't need a RIGHT, it is POWER. PEOPLE need RIGHTS. Not governments.

Whatever is not reserved as an Individual Right is reserved as a power to the States. Whatever is not reserved by the States goes to the Federal government. In its origin, the United STATES was intended that the STATES hold most of the power, and only those few global issues left such as border control, national security, etc., went to the Fed.

Jump 240 years later and now the Fed has usurped all kinds of powers never intended it, most of them stolen from the States. The Fed has made itself into this huge overlord under which the States must cower, when it is supposed to be the other way around. Is it any wonder the USA is now in this topsy turvy confusion? If not for the now bloated and vast spending of the Fed, we might actually have a balanced budget.
That is backwards - anything not reserved for the federal government goes to the states and anything not reserved for the states goes to the people. IOW, if it is not a power directly given to some level of government than that power belongs with the individual themselves.

That is backwards - anything not reserved for the federal government goes to the states and anything not reserved for the states goes to the people. IOW, if it is not a power directly given to some level of government than that power belongs with the individual themselves.

Right Ace, the Fed gets first pick of everything and gives the leftovers to the states, and the states to the people. We are lucky to get anything at all! And since our rights and powers are given by the Fed or the states, they are free to take them back, any time they want.

Where did you say you got your education?

NEVER MIND THAT the Declaration of Independence starts its first sentence talking about PEOPLE, not states or Federal governments.

NEVER MIND THAT it begins talking of God-given rights, of mankind, that certain truths be self-evidence, not rights granted by the states or the Federal gov.

NEVER MIND THAT it says that governments derive their powers from the consent of the People.

NEVER MIND THAT if any government becomes destructive to the ends decreed by the DoI, that it is the right of the People to abolish it!

NEVER MIND THAT the first thing the DoI lays out are the specific duties and LIMITATIONS of the Federal Government to be only those duties common to all states and of a national interest.

NEVER MIND THAT the DoI declares that in the name of the People of the colonies of the USA that the States are FREE and INDEPENDENT.

NEVER MIND THAT the US Constitution begins: WE THE PEOPLE do establish this Constitution, whose first thing is to enumerate the duties and LIMITATIONS of the Federal government.

NEVER MIND THAT the Bill of Rights begins by delineating (to who? The Fed?, The States?, No, to the PEOPLE) that in order to prevent misunderstanding or abuse of power of the government to who? The People, no less than 26 specific, inalienable rights to The People; inalienable by who? The States and Federal Government!

NEVER MIND THAT in Article X of the BoR, it is declared that only those specific powers as delineated to the Fed by the Declaration of Independence and within said Constitution shall be construed, and that all other powers not limited to the Fed are those of the People and of the States. Put another way, that means that all rights and powers are those of the People and the States, EXCEPT those few necessary to the Fed as the common duties to the protection and preservation of the USA as a whole:
Trade to other nations,
Taxes and currency,
Borders and national defense, etc.
All other governing powers are given under the CONSENT OF THE PEOPLE to their States, and all Rights of the People.

THE POINT BEING that all powers come from the People and THEIR CONSENT to be governed, under which all powers are granted the States except those of a common nature to all, such as national protection, trade, currency and the like.
"THAT the Bill of Rights begins by delineating (to who? The Fed?, The States?, No, to the PEOPLE) that in order to prevent misunderstanding or abuse of power of the government to who? The People, no less than 26 specific, inalienable rights to The People; inalienable by who? The States and Federal Government!"
The 2nd amendment provides the freedom to bear arms not guns. The only way you can check government's power is have all the arms the government has. If we only access guns we cannot neutralize government's powers. All we can do is kill many people if you are a nut, hunt, target practice and protect yourself from other people.
We must support hunting, target practice and personal protection with gun ownership, not mass killing.
I don't know what Trump or anyone else can do to prevent someone who is hell bent on committing mass murder from doing so if anyone here has an idea or plan that can accomplish that please share.
You will never eliminate crazies who want to harm many. But you can take actions that will reduce the number of people who do so and the damage they do when they actually take actions.
Gun control would be the most effective action. It will not eliminate mass shooters but it can reduce the number of mass shooters and decrease the harm they can do.

What good does an automatic weapon or automatic do for anyone? They should be classifies as grenades, tanks and bazookas are in current law.
Thank you for the generic response very helpful.
We saw the carnage created by semi-automatic long rifles with legal conversion kit converting them to an automatic weapon; 59 dead, 500+ injured by an unskilled angry human in 10 minutes. What could he do in 20 minutes.
What good has one of these automatic weapons done if not used by the military or law enforcement. Not one good thing has been done.

What does Trump do?
Shit happens, no amount of frivolous gun laws would have prevented these shootings
If there was a data bank that tracks of those buying multiple semi-automatic weapons it could deter the shooter.
Now that ISIS sees how easy it is to buy the weapons and do what this nut did in the USA they will be attempting to do so.

How is that? What on Earth is going to deter someone who is intent on murdering as many as they can and then taking their own life? You are lacking some basic reasoning here.
People have been wanting to kill as many as possible and themselves for hundreds of years.
Why are we setting records for the number people being killed in mass shootings.
The answer is there are more deadly guns available in larger quantities than ever before.
The nuts have not changed. Access to more deadly weapons has become easier.
The 2nd amendment provides the freedom to bear arms not guns.

What, like in flapping your arms?! We have the right to run around flapping our arms like a bird?


The only way you can check government's power is have all the arms the government has.

Ah, sorry, no. You have a very narrow way of looking at things. Good thing George Washington didn't think that way against mighty Britain! But thanks for proving once again that you can have a better conversation with a box of shoes than the average liberal.
I don't know what Trump or anyone else can do to prevent someone who is hell bent on committing mass murder from doing so if anyone here has an idea or plan that can accomplish that please share.
That is not the point. The point is to capitalize on each and every tragedy to pass legislation based on nothing more than sheer fear and emotion. Such legislation will never pass when actually analyzed so it has to be done when debate can be shouted down with emotion.

THe patriot act was passed in the heat of 9-11. Do you suggest they should have waited 6 months?

The USA PATRIOT Act is an Act of Congress that was signed into law by President George W. Bush on October 26, 2001. With its ten-letter abbreviation (USAPATRIOT) expanded, the full title is "Uniting and Strengthening America by Providing Appropriate Tools Required to Intercept and Obstruct Terrorism Act of 2001".
They should have never passed it at all.
We saw the carnage created by semi-automatic long rifles with legal conversion kit converting them to an automatic weapon; 59 dead, 500+ injured by an unskilled angry human in 10 minutes. What could he do in 20 minutes.
What good has one of these automatic weapons done if not used by the military or law enforcement. Not one good thing has been done.

What does Trump do?

Because I want to be just as well armed as the government that will be trying to kill me. That's why. And that is the reason the Founders wrote the Amendment in the first place. It ain't about hunting dude, it's about being able to remove an illegitimate government.
It's about slave states being able to mount armed slave patrols.

Funny how you progressives will admit that the 1st Amendment through the 9th are all INDIVIDUAL RIGHTS, but the 2nd, isn't. The 10th States that whatever is not an INDIVIDUAL RIGHT, is reserved for the individual States. See that INDIVIDUAL RIGHT wording? A State doesn't need a RIGHT, it is POWER. PEOPLE need RIGHTS. Not governments.

Whatever is not reserved as an Individual Right is reserved as a power to the States. Whatever is not reserved by the States goes to the Federal government. In its origin, the United STATES was intended that the STATES hold most of the power, and only those few global issues left such as border control, national security, etc., went to the Fed.

Jump 240 years later and now the Fed has usurped all kinds of powers never intended it, most of them stolen from the States. The Fed has made itself into this huge overlord under which the States must cower, when it is supposed to be the other way around. Is it any wonder the USA is now in this topsy turvy confusion? If not for the now bloated and vast spending of the Fed, we might actually have a balanced budget.
That is backwards - anything not reserved for the federal government goes to the states and anything not reserved for the states goes to the people. IOW, if it is not a power directly given to some level of government than that power belongs with the individual themselves.

That is backwards - anything not reserved for the federal government goes to the states and anything not reserved for the states goes to the people. IOW, if it is not a power directly given to some level of government than that power belongs with the individual themselves.

Right Ace, the Fed gets first pick of everything and gives the leftovers to the states, and the states to the people. We are lucky to get anything at all! And since our rights and powers are given by the Fed or the states, they are free to take them back, any time they want.

Where did you say you got your education?
You should not be commenting on education - you seem to have a reading comprehension problem. I stated the exact opposite of the tripe you just posted.
NEVER MIND THAT the Declaration of Independence starts its first sentence talking about PEOPLE, not states or Federal governments.

NEVER MIND THAT it begins talking of God-given rights, of mankind, that certain truths be self-evidence, not rights granted by the states or the Federal gov.

NEVER MIND THAT it says that governments derive their powers from the consent of the People.

NEVER MIND THAT if any government becomes destructive to the ends decreed by the DoI, that it is the right of the People to abolish it!

NEVER MIND THAT the first thing the DoI lays out are the specific duties and LIMITATIONS of the Federal Government to be only those duties common to all states and of a national interest.

NEVER MIND THAT the DoI declares that in the name of the People of the colonies of the USA that the States are FREE and INDEPENDENT.

NEVER MIND THAT the US Constitution begins: WE THE PEOPLE do establish this Constitution, whose first thing is to enumerate the duties and specific LIMITATIONS of the Federal government.

NEVER MIND THAT the Bill of Rights begins by delineating (to who? The Fed?, The States?, No, to the PEOPLE) that in order to prevent misunderstanding or abuse of power of the government to who? The People, no less than 26 specific, inalienable rights to The People; inalienable by who? The States and Federal Government!

NEVER MIND THAT in Article X of the BoR, it is declared that only those specific powers as delineated to the Fed by the Declaration of Independence and within said Constitution shall be construed, and that all other powers not limited to the Fed are those of the People and of the States. Put another way, that means that all rights and powers are those of the People and the States, EXCEPT those few necessary to the Fed as the common duties to the protection and preservation of the USA as a whole:
Trade to other nations,
Taxes and currency,
Borders and national defense, etc.
All other governing powers are given under the CONSENT OF THE PEOPLE to their States, and all Rights to the People.
Ya, just like I said. Powers NOT delegated to some portion of government go to the people. Unlike what YOU said - powers not delegated to some portion of the government go to the feds.

As stated by YOU:
"Whatever is not reserved as an Individual Right is reserved as a power to the States. Whatever is not reserved by the States goes to the Federal government."

It is the exact opposite - the ONLY powers that the feds have are those directly reserved for them - they get nothing else. The way you stated it, they get EVERYTHING that is not directly reserved for the individual or the states.

THE POINT BEING that all powers come from the People and THEIR CONSENT to be governed, under which all powers are granted the States except those of a common nature to all, such as national protection, trade, currency and the like.

The MANY PEOPLE of the USA issued the laws by which THEY consent to be governed under free and individual states of a common union THEY CREATED, and under that common union the States decreed a federal governance under the People's Law for the dispensation of those limited specific common national duties.

The Fed is 525 elected people, elected by the CITIZENS.
The States are thousands of elected people, elected by the CITIZENS.
The Citizens are 320 Billion PEOPLE.
And if the government ever gets too far off track, it is THE PEOPLE who have the Right and Power to fix it, change it or abolish it as THEY see fit. And the Bill of Rights decrees by the people that they shall maintain a well-armed militia for said duty of limiting abusive government power. It is the PEOPLE who created the States and the government and ultimately it is the PEOPLE who can take it all back.

The only thing ass backwards here Dude is your HEAD.
Except that is what I stated and you did not. Seems a clear mistake was made in your phrasing as shown above.

Sigh - no the people do not get the leftovers - they get the bulk of the power. The way you stated it, anything not directly stated as a power covered under the constitution would go to the federal government. That is completely backward. If the feds received what was left over it gives them the most power because almost everything is not stated in the very short and succinct constitution. The constitution is short and to the point for a reason, if it is not in there for the government then it is up to the individual.
What will Trump do about gun control?

Given the political reality he faces, as little as he possibly can...most likely lip service, vague references, blaming all kinds of people and groups so he doesn't have to do something, and double-speak. Look at where the conversation is headed right now....It's focused on the bump stock red herring. Tell me, how deadly is a bump stock? Especially from any distance? It's a gun accessory that is potentially deadly when used as club, sure.

The problem is not that Paddock or anyone else has a goddamned bump stock. The problem is that he had ranged weapons at all. Clearly the man should never have been allowed to own a firearm to which he could affix a bump stock, not that the man bought bump stocks. If the man had 50 bump stocks and no firearm, how many people might he have killed with those bump stocks?
If the feds received what was left over it gives them the most power because almost everything is not stated in the very short and succinct constitution. The constitution is short and to the point for a reason, if it is not in there for the government then it is up to the individual.

God, I honestly don't know why I bother with you people. In a field where I'm known as a technical writer with an ability to explain complex things in an easy to understand way, where people of the highest orders of education never fail to understand me, only here, and only with you Leftist, Progressive Liberals, do I never fail to be understood! You either completely turn my meaning around or you constantly rearrange your own words and meaning. Either you people are more obtuse than a cinder block or you have some sort of mental defect. You think you already know everything so how it it ever possible that you listen much less learn or have real discussion? I never said the Feds received what was left over! The reason why the DoI and Constitution are short is because they first and foremost delineate the powers and limitations of the Fed! I even SPELLED THEM OUT into 4 major categories! So how can the Feds "receive what is left over" when their whole point is to speak to the Fed? You honestly have the mind of a 4 year old! Everything else (the lion's share) goes to the States and People and the Rights of the people are explicitly clarified in the BoR! It is amazing that over and over, every single one of you talk out of your ass while claiming the other person is confused while constantly turning on semantics. You give real clarity to the meaning that liberalism is a true mental disorder, so no matter how a person describes 5, either as 1+4, 2+3, 6-1, or 25÷5, you always come up with 7, then state the OTHER person is confused! The subtle point here is that if you list everything the Fed runs or oversees today, you won't find 80% of it anywhere in the Constitution! Which makes most of what the Fed does today ILLEGAL.

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THe patriot act was passed in the heat of 9-11. Do you suggest they should have waited 6 months?

The USA PATRIOT Act is an Act of Congress that was signed into law by President George W. Bush on October 26, 2001. With its ten-letter abbreviation (USAPATRIOT) expanded, the full title is "Uniting and Strengthening America by Providing Appropriate Tools Required to Intercept and Obstruct Terrorism Act of 2001".

05/27/2011 12:55 am ET Updated Jul 26, 2011
Patriot Act Extension Signed By Obama

JIM ABRAMS, Associated Press

WASHINGTON — Minutes before a midnight deadline, President Barack Obama signed into law a four-year extension of post-Sept. 11 powers to search records and conduct roving wiretaps in pursuit of terrorists.

“It’s an important tool for us to continue dealing with an ongoing terrorist threat,” Obama said Friday after a meeting with French President Nicolas Sarkozy.

With Obama in France, the White House said the president used an autopen machine that holds a pen and signs his actual signature. It is only used with proper authorization of the president.

Patriot Act Extension Signed By Obama | HuffPost
We saw the carnage created by semi-automatic long rifles with legal conversion kit converting them to an automatic weapon; 59 dead, 500+ injured by an unskilled angry human in 10 minutes. What could he do in 20 minutes.
What good has one of these automatic weapons done if not used by the military or law enforcement. Not one good thing has been done.

What does Trump do?

Trump doesn't do anything.

Consistency with Trump would be to back the right wing supporters all the way. He'll throw everything at them. They want guns, he won't touch their guns.
Gun control would be the most effective action. It will not eliminate mass shooters but it can reduce the number of mass shooters and decrease the harm they can do.

Specifically, how will additional gun control laws, which we already have, reduce the mass shooters and decrease the harm they can do? How has that worked in France?

Paris massacre: At least 128 killed in gunfire and blasts, French officials say
By Steve Almasy, Pierre Meilhan and Jim Bittermann, CNN

Updated 9:48 AM ET, Sat November 14, 2015

Paris massacre: At least 128 die in attacks - CNN
Clearly the man should never have been allowed to own a firearm to which he could affix a bump stock, not that the man bought bump stocks.

Why do you say "Clearly the man should never have been allowed to own a firearm"? He passed background checks each time he bought a weapon. Why do you say he did not buy Bump Stocks?
If the feds received what was left over it gives them the most power because almost everything is not stated in the very short and succinct constitution. The constitution is short and to the point for a reason, if it is not in there for the government then it is up to the individual.

God, I honestly don't know why I bother with you people. In a field where I'm known as a technical writer with an ability to explain complex things in an easy to understand way, where people of the highest orders of education never fail to understand me, only here, and only with you Leftist, Progressive Liberals, do I never fail to be understood! You either completely turn my meaning around or you constantly rearrange your own words and meaning. Either you people are more obtuse than a cinder block or you have some sort of mental defect. You think you already know everything so how it it ever possible that you listen much less learn or have real discussion? I never said the Feds received what was left over! The reason why the DoI and Constitution are short is because they first and foremost delineate the powers and limitations of the Fed! I even SPELLED THEM OUT into 4 major categories! So how can the Feds "receive what is left over" when their whole point is to speak to the Fed? You honestly have the mind of a 4 year old! Everything else (the lion's share) goes to the States and People and the Rights of the people are explicitly clarified in the BoR! It is amazing that over and over, every single one of you talk out of your ass while claiming the other person is confused while constantly turning on semantics. You give real clarity to the meaning that liberalism is a true mental disorder, so no matter how a person describes 5, either as 1+4, 2+3, 6-1, or 25÷5, you always come up with 7, then state the OTHER person is confused! The subtle point here is that if you list everything the Fed runs or oversees today, you won't find 80% of it anywhere in the Constitution! Which makes most of what the Fed does today ILLEGAL.

Your exact quote.

Whatever is not reserved by the States goes to the Federal government.

Yes you did state that the feds get whatever is left over. In your absolute need to be 'right' you fail to understand even the basics of English. Going on to insult others education is just laughable.

You were right about one thing though - there is no reason to bother with idiots such as yourself - if you stated that the sky was green you would defend that no matter what or how foolish it makes you look.

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