What will Trump do about gun control?

Guns and cars have similarities. Big, over-powerful ones are bought by men who feel inadequate. They feel the power of a gun or a car will make them a man. They do not what it takes to be a man.

Congress and the Prez will eliminate the Bump Stock. IF the Dems
go along with it. But, the Prez will make the Dems give him something
in return.

It maybe the wall or sanctuary cities, but he's gonna get bipartisan support
on opposite issues.

Or he'll make them eat their words.
We saw the carnage created by semi-automatic long rifles with legal conversion kit converting them to an automatic weapon; 59 dead, 500+ injured by an unskilled angry human in 10 minutes. What could he do in 20 minutes.
What good has one of these automatic weapons done if not used by the military or law enforcement. Not one good thing has been done.

What does Trump do?

What should be done which would have prevented this from happening? Please be specific. Thank you.
Thank you for an adult question - which won't be handled by adults here, I suspect.

In order to FIX the problem, you first have to IDENTIFY the problem. The gun is not the problem. The shooter is the problem. Therefore, you must address the shooter. It is nonsensical to think that restricting guns is going to mask the real problem - the shooter.

Once we do that, we realize the magnitude of the problem. We need to develop a database of all people receiving mental health treatments. This must be part of the background process. During that review, a determination of allowing that person a gun must be evaluated. People prone to depression, suicide, fits of anger, domestic abuse, drug addicts, and criminals must be closely evaluated.

ALL gun sales must be subject to "background" checks. While I realize that the majority of gun sales are between individuals, the sale must be processed thru an authorized dealer so that it can be subject to the background check.

That will serve to greatly restrict the flow of guns into the hands of the mentally predisposed. Of course, none of these will be effective. Laws only work for the law abiding.
It is easy enough to see why gun control won't work by simply looking at the attitudes of people and how they treat driving speed limits, or any law they deem an 'irratant' rather than a hard and fast rule.

We have far to much of a permissive attitude when it comes to ourselves and thinks it is perfectly acceptable that the law pertains to the other guys.

Couple that with a lowered moral standard, more permissiveness in schools and society, and you have the top layer of these kinds of incidents.
Guns and cars have similarities. Big, over-powerful ones are bought by men who feel inadequate. They feel the power of a gun or a car will make them a man. They do not what it takes to be a man.
What nonsense.
Congress and the Prez will eliminate the Bump Stock. IF the Dems
go along with it. But, the Prez will make the Dems give him something
in return.

It maybe the wall or sanctuary cities, but he's gonna get bipartisan support
on opposite issues.

Or he'll make them eat their words.

Trump doesn't know how to deal like that. But he is gullible to any organized party offering him a proposal, like the democrats did over the budget and debt ceiling.
Trump will accept a high frequency of mass shootings as the price to cater to his base. His base is happy to accept mass shootings as the price of easy access to firearms. You're helpless to change anything. Helpless.
The fact that you have not, and cannot show, the correlation between the two conjectures here seems to be lost on you.
Because I want to be just as well armed as the government that will be trying to kill me. That's why. And that is the reason the Founders wrote the Amendment in the first place. It ain't about hunting dude, it's about being able to remove an illegitimate government.
It's about slave states being able to mount armed slave patrols.

Funny how you progressives will admit that the 1st Amendment through the 9th are all INDIVIDUAL RIGHTS, but the 2nd, isn't. The 10th States that whatever is not an INDIVIDUAL RIGHT, is reserved for the individual States. See that INDIVIDUAL RIGHT wording? A State doesn't need a RIGHT, it is POWER. PEOPLE need RIGHTS. Not governments.

Whatever is not reserved as an Individual Right is reserved as a power to the States. Whatever is not reserved by the States goes to the Federal government. In its origin, the United STATES was intended that the STATES hold most of the power, and only those few global issues left such as border control, national security, etc., went to the Fed.

Jump 240 years later and now the Fed has usurped all kinds of powers never intended it, most of them stolen from the States. The Fed has made itself into this huge overlord under which the States must cower, when it is supposed to be the other way around. Is it any wonder the USA is now in this topsy turvy confusion? If not for the now bloated and vast spending of the Fed, we might actually have a balanced budget.
That is backwards - anything not reserved for the federal government goes to the states and anything not reserved for the states goes to the people. IOW, if it is not a power directly given to some level of government than that power belongs with the individual themselves.
The fact that you have not, and cannot show, the correlation between the two conjectures here seems to be lost on you.

Trump loves superlatives, the biggest the greatest and best. Whether it's taking credit for stock market records, Trump has to take blame for killing records.
We saw the carnage created by semi-automatic long rifles with legal conversion kit converting them to an automatic weapon; 59 dead, 500+ injured by an unskilled angry human in 10 minutes. What could he do in 20 minutes.
What good has one of these automatic weapons done if not used by the military or law enforcement. Not one good thing has been done.

What does Trump do?

1. It is Illegal to convert a semi-automatic weapon to a fully automatic weapon.

Because there are conversion kits does not mean it is legal to convert the Semi-automatic weapon.

2. It is not legal to own a fully automatic weapon without a permit and the requirements to obtain the permit is strict already and not everyone can obtain one.

So why is it that the left does not know this when discussing the issue?

How many laws do the criminals follow and do you really believe banning firearms will stop the criminal?

If so then ask yourself why didn't it stop the shooter in Vegas?

Simple, he did not care about the law!

Also Congress need to pass the Law and Trump has nothing to do with it except sign it into law or veto it.

Your question is to Ryan and McConnell and what will they do?

The answer is the same thing Democrats did from 2009 to 2011 and that is nothing.

Bump stocks are legal. I had never heard of them before but I can see and hear what they do. I saw the video footage and heard the shots. I thought this guy had gotten automatic weapons. There is no reason for anyone but the police and military to have something like this. They should be regulated like automatic weapons.
This is what most gun law proposals are based on - a state of complete ignorance. You had never heard of bump stocks but now that you have you just know that they should be regulated. Such regulation is utterly meaningless:

2 hours and 20 bucks in supplies from Lowes.

This one likely only took 30 min to build. Simple.

Or, screw it. Bump fire without the stock at all:

The fact that you have not, and cannot show, the correlation between the two conjectures here seems to be lost on you.

Trump loves superlatives, the biggest the greatest and best. Whether it's taking credit for stock market records, Trump has to take blame for killing records.
Sadly, those that insist on giving him all the credit for stock rises will not give him any blame for anything and anyone blaming him for 'killing records' wouldn't give Trump credit for saving a bunch of orphans from a burning building if he ran in and did it himself.

Pointing out Trumps political idiocy does not make for a very good defense of acting just like him.
I don't know what Trump or anyone else can do to prevent someone who is hell bent on committing mass murder from doing so if anyone here has an idea or plan that can accomplish that please share.
That is not the point. The point is to capitalize on each and every tragedy to pass legislation based on nothing more than sheer fear and emotion. Such legislation will never pass when actually analyzed so it has to be done when debate can be shouted down with emotion.
I don't know what Trump or anyone else can do to prevent someone who is hell bent on committing mass murder from doing so if anyone here has an idea or plan that can accomplish that please share.
That is not the point. The point is to capitalize on each and every tragedy to pass legislation based on nothing more than sheer fear and emotion. Such legislation will never pass when actually analyzed so it has to be done when debate can be shouted down with emotion.

THe patriot act was passed in the heat of 9-11. Do you suggest they should have waited 6 months?

The USA PATRIOT Act is an Act of Congress that was signed into law by President George W. Bush on October 26, 2001. With its ten-letter abbreviation (USAPATRIOT) expanded, the full title is "Uniting and Strengthening America by Providing Appropriate Tools Required to Intercept and Obstruct Terrorism Act of 2001".
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We saw the carnage created by semi-automatic long rifles with legal conversion kit converting them to an automatic weapon; 59 dead, 500+ injured by an unskilled angry human in 10 minutes. What could he do in 20 minutes.
What good has one of these automatic weapons done if not used by the military or law enforcement. Not one good thing has been done.

What does Trump do?
Give tax deductions for people who purchase laser sights ?

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