What will Trump do about gun control?

What's funny is there are even louder safety's on bolt action rifles. I have a Holland and Holland Best Quality magazine rifle in .375 H&H and the safety on that sucker is loud as hell.
That's why I don't use safeties, I use the half closed bolt which can be closed silently. I said that in my first post. But it's okay, I now understand you don't bother reading them. No worries.

I've never used safety's either. Nor do I carry with the bolt half closed. When I do use a bolt action, it is for dangerous critters and I won't have time to screw around. Self loading rifles are fine for hunting anything though and a good friend of mine has hunted with a Browning BAR in .338 for decades.
That must raise some serious Hell with rabbits and prairie dogs.

That's his primary elk rifle. Furthest he's taken one is 440 yards. The closest though was around 16 feet.
.338? That was also his primary elephant gun, I suspect. Used my .308 in Africa, but I wasn't hunting anything of that size.

Used to work for a hunting guide in Alaska - he scheduled "guaranteed kill" hunts. The buyer got first shot at the moose ---- but, frankly, if his bullet wasn't fast enough, ours would get there first. Can't tell you how many times we'd pull a .308 slug out of the moose, and the "doctor from Seattle" would be all excited about how he killed a 2200 lb moose with his .270 at 200 yards. Oh well ---- that's what they paid for.
We saw the carnage created by semi-automatic long rifles with legal conversion kit converting them to an automatic weapon; 59 dead, 500+ injured by an unskilled angry human in 10 minutes. What could he do in 20 minutes.
What good has one of these automatic weapons done if not used by the military or law enforcement. Not one good thing has been done.

What does Trump do?
Nothing was converted. Next falsehood.

show us.jpg
We saw the carnage created by semi-automatic long rifles with legal conversion kit converting them to an automatic weapon; 59 dead, 500+ injured by an unskilled angry human in 10 minutes. What could he do in 20 minutes.
What good has one of these automatic weapons done if not used by the military or law enforcement. Not one good thing has been done.

What does Trump do?

What should be done which would have prevented this from happening? Please be specific. Thank you.
Thank you for an adult question - which won't be handled by adults here, I suspect.

In order to FIX the problem, you first have to IDENTIFY the problem. The gun is not the problem. The shooter is the problem. Therefore, you must address the shooter. It is nonsensical to think that restricting guns is going to mask the real problem - the shooter.

Once we do that, we realize the magnitude of the problem. We need to develop a database of all people receiving mental health treatments. This must be part of the background process. During that review, a determination of allowing that person a gun must be evaluated. People prone to depression, suicide, fits of anger, domestic abuse, drug addicts, and criminals must be closely evaluated.

ALL gun sales must be subject to "background" checks. While I realize that the majority of gun sales are between individuals, the sale must be processed thru an authorized dealer so that it can be subject to the background check.

That will serve to greatly restrict the flow of guns into the hands of the mentally predisposed. Of course, none of these will be effective. Laws only work for the law abiding.
It is easy enough to see why gun control won't work by simply looking at the attitudes of people and how they treat driving speed limits, or any law they deem an 'irratant' rather than a hard and fast rule.

We have far to much of a permissive attitude when it comes to ourselves and thinks it is perfectly acceptable that the law pertains to the other guys.

Couple that with a lowered moral standard, more permissiveness in schools and society, and you have the top layer of these kinds of incidents.
We saw the carnage created by semi-automatic long rifles with legal conversion kit converting them to an automatic weapon; 59 dead, 500+ injured by an unskilled angry human in 10 minutes. What could he do in 20 minutes.
What good has one of these automatic weapons done if not used by the military or law enforcement. Not one good thing has been done.

What does Trump do?
/—-/ we need the 2nd amendment in case Libs try to take away our 1st amendment
Trump is going to force democrats to run on a platform of strict gun control.
Unquestionably --- and it will be disastrous for the Dems. They need to find a way to start seeking cover ... it's okay, right now, to harp about gun control, but come election day, it's a different story.
I hold a Jaegerschein, you?
No, I've never hunted with a guide in my life.

A Jaegerschein is a German hunting license. They are quite difficult to obtain, and require lots of cash, lots of training, and a years worth of ecology and forestry classes. It has nothing to do with guided hunts at all. I thought you were an "expert"?
We saw the carnage created by semi-automatic long rifles with legal conversion kit converting them to an automatic weapon; 59 dead, 500+ injured by an unskilled angry human in 10 minutes. What could he do in 20 minutes.
What good has one of these automatic weapons done if not used by the military or law enforcement. Not one good thing has been done.

What does Trump do?

What should be done which would have prevented this from happening? Please be specific. Thank you.
Thank you for an adult question - which won't be handled by adults here, I suspect.

In order to FIX the problem, you first have to IDENTIFY the problem. The gun is not the problem. The shooter is the problem. Therefore, you must address the shooter. It is nonsensical to think that restricting guns is going to mask the real problem - the shooter.

Once we do that, we realize the magnitude of the problem. We need to develop a database of all people receiving mental health treatments. This must be part of the background process. During that review, a determination of allowing that person a gun must be evaluated. People prone to depression, suicide, fits of anger, domestic abuse, drug addicts, and criminals must be closely evaluated.

ALL gun sales must be subject to "background" checks. While I realize that the majority of gun sales are between individuals, the sale must be processed thru an authorized dealer so that it can be subject to the background check.

That will serve to greatly restrict the flow of guns into the hands of the mentally predisposed. Of course, none of these will be effective. Laws only work for the law abiding.
It is easy enough to see why gun control won't work by simply looking at the attitudes of people and how they treat driving speed limits, or any law they deem an 'irratant' rather than a hard and fast rule.

We have far to much of a permissive attitude when it comes to ourselves and thinks it is perfectly acceptable that the law pertains to the other guys.

Couple that with a lowered moral standard, more permissiveness in schools and society, and you have the top layer of these kinds of incidents.
I don't know if speeding is a good comparison. People speed because the punishment is relatively insignificant and unlikely. The guy who shot up people in Vegas broke the law because he was about to commit suicide anyway. They could have made the penalty for automatic weapons be death and it wouldn't scare him.
We saw the carnage created by semi-automatic long rifles with legal conversion kit converting them to an automatic weapon; 59 dead, 500+ injured by an unskilled angry human in 10 minutes. What could he do in 20 minutes.
What good has one of these automatic weapons done if not used by the military or law enforcement. Not one good thing has been done.

What does Trump do?

What should be done which would have prevented this from happening? Please be specific. Thank you.
Thank you for an adult question - which won't be handled by adults here, I suspect.

In order to FIX the problem, you first have to IDENTIFY the problem. The gun is not the problem. The shooter is the problem. Therefore, you must address the shooter. It is nonsensical to think that restricting guns is going to mask the real problem - the shooter.

Once we do that, we realize the magnitude of the problem. We need to develop a database of all people receiving mental health treatments. This must be part of the background process. During that review, a determination of allowing that person a gun must be evaluated. People prone to depression, suicide, fits of anger, domestic abuse, drug addicts, and criminals must be closely evaluated.

ALL gun sales must be subject to "background" checks. While I realize that the majority of gun sales are between individuals, the sale must be processed thru an authorized dealer so that it can be subject to the background check.

That will serve to greatly restrict the flow of guns into the hands of the mentally predisposed. Of course, none of these will be effective. Laws only work for the law abiding.
It is easy enough to see why gun control won't work by simply looking at the attitudes of people and how they treat driving speed limits, or any law they deem an 'irratant' rather than a hard and fast rule.

We have far to much of a permissive attitude when it comes to ourselves and thinks it is perfectly acceptable that the law pertains to the other guys.

Couple that with a lowered moral standard, more permissiveness in schools and society, and you have the top layer of these kinds of incidents.
Guns and cars have similarities. Big, over-powerful ones are bought by men who feel inadequate. They feel the power of a gun or a car will make them a man. They do not what it takes to be a man.
We saw the carnage created by semi-automatic long rifles with legal conversion kit converting them to an automatic weapon; 59 dead, 500+ injured by an unskilled angry human in 10 minutes. What could he do in 20 minutes.
What good has one of these automatic weapons done if not used by the military or law enforcement. Not one good thing has been done.

What does Trump do?

What should be done which would have prevented this from happening? Please be specific. Thank you.
Thank you for an adult question - which won't be handled by adults here, I suspect.

In order to FIX the problem, you first have to IDENTIFY the problem. The gun is not the problem. The shooter is the problem. Therefore, you must address the shooter. It is nonsensical to think that restricting guns is going to mask the real problem - the shooter.

Once we do that, we realize the magnitude of the problem. We need to develop a database of all people receiving mental health treatments. This must be part of the background process. During that review, a determination of allowing that person a gun must be evaluated. People prone to depression, suicide, fits of anger, domestic abuse, drug addicts, and criminals must be closely evaluated.

ALL gun sales must be subject to "background" checks. While I realize that the majority of gun sales are between individuals, the sale must be processed thru an authorized dealer so that it can be subject to the background check.

That will serve to greatly restrict the flow of guns into the hands of the mentally predisposed. Of course, none of these will be effective. Laws only work for the law abiding.
It is easy enough to see why gun control won't work by simply looking at the attitudes of people and how they treat driving speed limits, or any law they deem an 'irratant' rather than a hard and fast rule.

We have far to much of a permissive attitude when it comes to ourselves and thinks it is perfectly acceptable that the law pertains to the other guys.

Couple that with a lowered moral standard, more permissiveness in schools and society, and you have the top layer of these kinds of incidents.
I don't know if speeding is a good comparison. People speed because the punishment is relatively insignificant and unlikely. The guy who shot up people in Vegas broke the law because he was about to commit suicide anyway. They could have made the penalty for automatic weapons be death and it wouldn't scare him.
It isn't the crime nor the severity that I'm talking about. It is the 'attitude' of the people.
We saw the carnage created by semi-automatic long rifles with legal conversion kit converting them to an automatic weapon; 59 dead, 500+ injured by an unskilled angry human in 10 minutes. What could he do in 20 minutes.
What good has one of these automatic weapons done if not used by the military or law enforcement. Not one good thing has been done.

What does Trump do?

What should be done which would have prevented this from happening? Please be specific. Thank you.
Thank you for an adult question - which won't be handled by adults here, I suspect.

In order to FIX the problem, you first have to IDENTIFY the problem. The gun is not the problem. The shooter is the problem. Therefore, you must address the shooter. It is nonsensical to think that restricting guns is going to mask the real problem - the shooter.

Once we do that, we realize the magnitude of the problem. We need to develop a database of all people receiving mental health treatments. This must be part of the background process. During that review, a determination of allowing that person a gun must be evaluated. People prone to depression, suicide, fits of anger, domestic abuse, drug addicts, and criminals must be closely evaluated.

ALL gun sales must be subject to "background" checks. While I realize that the majority of gun sales are between individuals, the sale must be processed thru an authorized dealer so that it can be subject to the background check.

That will serve to greatly restrict the flow of guns into the hands of the mentally predisposed. Of course, none of these will be effective. Laws only work for the law abiding.
It is easy enough to see why gun control won't work by simply looking at the attitudes of people and how they treat driving speed limits, or any law they deem an 'irratant' rather than a hard and fast rule.

We have far to much of a permissive attitude when it comes to ourselves and thinks it is perfectly acceptable that the law pertains to the other guys.

Couple that with a lowered moral standard, more permissiveness in schools and society, and you have the top layer of these kinds of incidents.
Guns and cars have similarities. Big, over-powerful ones are bought by men who feel inadequate. They feel the power of a gun or a car will make them a man. They do not what it takes to be a man.
As I said, I was talking about the attitudes of the drivers. It is also commonly found by wannabe elites at the DNC or progressive institutions.
I don't know what Trump or anyone else can do to prevent someone who is hell bent on committing mass murder from doing so if anyone here has an idea or plan that can accomplish that please share.
We saw the carnage created by semi-automatic long rifles with legal conversion kit converting them to an automatic weapon; 59 dead, 500+ injured by an unskilled angry human in 10 minutes. What could he do in 20 minutes.
What good has one of these automatic weapons done if not used by the military or law enforcement. Not one good thing has been done.

What does Trump do?
Shit happens, no amount of frivolous gun laws would have prevented these shootings

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