What will you do when they arrest Trump ?

If they have a solid legal case I will celebrate Trump’s arrest.

But it may be difficult to prove personal criminal intent, even in regard to his obvious disregard of protocols concerning classified documents. Even the decision to issue the search warrant was carefully decided upon, and the decision was something of a gamble for the AG. I expect the FBI and prosecutors will keep moving slowly and carefully, without any f*ckups that Trump’s supporters can gain traction from.

Trump has always been able to escape personal criminal charges / convictions or even personal bankruptcy, though his corporations and those who do his dirty work do sometimes get caught. Most of Trump’s worst “crimes and misdemeanors” — like Jan. 6 and his whole attempt at staying in power by manipulating the electoral vote — are political crimes, and here Republicans and his own popularity have protected him. He is a slippery character, certainly, and may yet survive and even run and win the presidency. God help us if he does.
A much better chance of terrorist attacks, I'm sure.
If you mean mobs pissed off at everything and anything, yeah. And especially Democrats.

I predict Democrats and innocent people dying. Not pretty.
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If you mean mobs pissed off at everything and anything, yeah. And especially Democrats.

I predict Democrats and innocent people dying. Not pretty.
Over a criminal who sold out his country, because some worthless pos traitors couldn't handle the rule of law and the truth. What a bunch of pathetic losers.
If they have a solid legal case I will celebrate Trump’s arrest.

But it may be difficult to prove personal criminal intent, even in regard to his obvious disregard of protocols concerning classified documents. Even the decision to issue the search warrant was carefully decided upon, and the decision was something of a gamble for the AG. I expect the FBI and prosecutors will keep moving slowly and carefully, without any f*ckups that Trump’s supporters can gain traction from.

Trump has always been able to escape personal criminal charges / convictions or even personal bankruptcy, though his corporations and those who do his dirty work do sometimes get caught. Most of Trump’s worst “crimes and misdemeanors” — like Jan. 6 and his whole attempt at staying in power by manipulating the electoral vote — are political crimes, and here Republicans and his own popularity have protected him. He is a slippery character, certainly, and may yet survive and even run and win the presidency. God help us if he does.
Intent has been satisfied. He willfully took them home, violating the statute, and after the fact, called them his. He also lied about their classification, signaling he had no intention of returning them. He wanted those documents. And I suspect it was for a variety of reasons. But that really doesn't matter. His intent was for those documents to stay with him and not the archives.

The fact that Trump lied and gave us three different stories concerning the documents, contradicting himself, exposes his criminal intent while hiding something. I have a good idea what those intentions are, but we may never get to know that.
We either exercise the rule of Law or we don't. Why is this woman in prison for doing less, and what is your reasoning for Trump not being prosecuted for doing so much more;

If Trump is arrested and prosecuted for taking classified documents and storing them in a locked closet in Mar-a-Lago then why hasn’t Hillary been prosecuted for putting classified information on an unauthorized and imporoperly secured server where it was hacked by the Chinese and other nations?

If Trump is prosecuted than Hillary should also face prosecution. Otherwise we obviously have a justice system that treats some privileged people leniently and outsiders to the system are held to the strictest letter of the law.

Intent has been satisfied. He willfully took them home, violating the statute, and after the fact, called them his. He also lied about their classification, signaling he had no intention of returning them. He wanted those documents. And I suspect it was for a variety of reasons. But that really doesn't matter. His intent was for those documents to stay with him and not the archives.

The fact that Trump lied and gave us three different stories concerning the documents, contradicting himself, exposes his criminal intent while hiding something. I have a good idea what those intentions are, but we may never get to know that.
That works for people who are not the President (like Hillary) but with the President it becomes tricky.


But fan letters and snapshots are one matter, and launch codes are another—and here the details of classification might decide just how much trouble Trump is in. First, let’s focus on the absolute portion of near-absolute power. The 1988 Supreme Court case Navy v. Egan confirmed that classification authority flows from the president except in specific instances separated from his powers by law. And here is where things get theological: A president can make most documents classified or declassified simply by willing them so.This peculiar power is so great that the government has an office that exists solely to manage it: the Information Security Oversight Office, which has a strong claim to being the coolest government office you’ve never heard of. (The longest-serving director of this office, Steven Garfinkel, told me that for two decades he had access to pretty much every secret in the executive branch. “If there was a version of the game show Jeopardy entirely about the federal government,” he deadpanned to me once, “I would be in the Tournament of Champions every single year.” Garfinkel retired to teach high school in 2002 and died in 2018.)…emphasis added

His successor, J. William Leonard, led the office under George W. Bush, and he confirmed the lack of general limitation of his boss’s power. While a president is president, Leonard told me, “the rules and procedures governing the classification and declassification of information apply to everyone else.” And that means Trump could have declassified whatever he wished (again, with specific limitations soon to be discussed) before carting it off to Mar-a-Lago. He would not have had to file paperwork—just “utter the magic words,” Leonard told me. He could have waved his hand over the U-Haul trailer as it headed out the White House driveway and down I-95 toward Florida, and there would have been no classified material in there to mishandle.

Leonard noted important caveats, however. First, Trump’s power to declassify ended with his presidency. Second, that U-Haul could be reclassified by someone else. (Depending on traffic and the sharpness of the Biden administration, I would imagine it could have been reclassified somewhere around Fredericksburg, Virginia.) And third, there are certain materials that presidents cannot classify and declassify at will. One such category of material is the identity of spies.

Another is nuclear secrets. The Atomic Energy Acts of 1946 and 1954 produced an even stranger category of classified knowledge. Anything related to the production or use of nuclear weapons and nuclear power is inherently classified, and Trump could utter whatever words he pleased yet still be in possession of classified material. Where are our nuclear warheads? What tricks have we developed to make sure they work? This information is “born secret” no matter who produces it. The restrictions on documents of this type are incredibly tight. In the unlikely event that Trump came up with a new way to enrich uranium, and scribbled it on a cocktail napkin poolside at Mar-a-Lago early this year, that napkin would instantly have become a classified document subject to various controls and procedures, and possibly illegal for the former president to possess. Of course if he did so, no prosecutor would pursue him. A certain amount of leeway is crucial to the system.

If Trump was keeping nuclear secrets in the storeroom of his country club, without even the benefit of a padlock, and resisted attempts to secure those secrets against infiltrators and spies, a prosecutor might reasonably take more interest. After all, he’s the ex-president, not the pope.
That works for people who are not the President (like Hillary) but with the President it becomes tricky.


But fan letters and snapshots are one matter, and launch codes are another—and here the details of classification might decide just how much trouble Trump is in. First, let’s focus on the absolute portion of near-absolute power. The 1988 Supreme Court case Navy v. Egan confirmed that classification authority flows from the president except in specific instances separated from his powers by law. And here is where things get theological: A president can make most documents classified or declassified simply by willing them so.This peculiar power is so great that the government has an office that exists solely to manage it: the Information Security Oversight Office, which has a strong claim to being the coolest government office you’ve never heard of. (The longest-serving director of this office, Steven Garfinkel, told me that for two decades he had access to pretty much every secret in the executive branch. “If there was a version of the game show Jeopardy entirely about the federal government,” he deadpanned to me once, “I would be in the Tournament of Champions every single year.” Garfinkel retired to teach high school in 2002 and died in 2018.)…emphasis added

His successor, J. William Leonard, led the office under George W. Bush, and he confirmed the lack of general limitation of his boss’s power. While a president is president, Leonard told me, “the rules and procedures governing the classification and declassification of information apply to everyone else.” And that means Trump could have declassified whatever he wished (again, with specific limitations soon to be discussed) before carting it off to Mar-a-Lago. He would not have had to file paperwork—just “utter the magic words,” Leonard told me. He could have waved his hand over the U-Haul trailer as it headed out the White House driveway and down I-95 toward Florida, and there would have been no classified material in there to mishandle.

Leonard noted important caveats, however. First, Trump’s power to declassify ended with his presidency. Second, that U-Haul could be reclassified by someone else. (Depending on traffic and the sharpness of the Biden administration, I would imagine it could have been reclassified somewhere around Fredericksburg, Virginia.) And third, there are certain materials that presidents cannot classify and declassify at will. One such category of material is the identity of spies.

Another is nuclear secrets. The Atomic Energy Acts of 1946 and 1954 produced an even stranger category of classified knowledge. Anything related to the production or use of nuclear weapons and nuclear power is inherently classified, and Trump could utter whatever words he pleased yet still be in possession of classified material. Where are our nuclear warheads? What tricks have we developed to make sure they work? This information is “born secret” no matter who produces it. The restrictions on documents of this type are incredibly tight. In the unlikely event that Trump came up with a new way to enrich uranium, and scribbled it on a cocktail napkin poolside at Mar-a-Lago early this year, that napkin would instantly have become a classified document subject to various controls and procedures, and possibly illegal for the former president to possess. Of course if he did so, no prosecutor would pursue him. A certain amount of leeway is crucial to the system.

If Trump was keeping nuclear secrets in the storeroom of his country club, without even the benefit of a padlock, and resisted attempts to secure those secrets against infiltrators and spies, a prosecutor might reasonably take more interest. After all, he’s the ex-president, not the pope.

Prove Trump declassified them...
Prove Trump declassified them...
It will be up to the prosecution to prove that Trump didn’t declassify the documents.

Of course I may be wrong. Innocent until proven guilty might not work for Trump. Trump is not like Hillary who is innocent despite being proven guilty.

It will be up to the prosecution to prove that Trump didn’t declassify the documents.

Of course I may be wrong. Innocent until proven guilty might not work for Trump. Trump is not like Hillary who is innocent despite being proven guilty.

All they have to do to prove that is present redacted classified documents they took from him which are not marked as unclassified.
If Trump is arrested and prosecuted for taking classified documents and storing them in a locked closet in Mar-a-Lago then why hasn’t Hillary been prosecuted for putting classified information on an unauthorized and imporoperly secured server where it was hacked by the Chinese and other nations?

If Trump is prosecuted than Hillary should also face prosecution. Otherwise we obviously have a justice system that treats some privileged people leniently and outsiders to the system are held to the strictest letter of the law.

Hillary wasn't president and does not have a reputation as a blabbermouth.
COVID stopped illegals. Trump's wall is a vanity and a waste of money. There are effective ways to stop illegals and and get the ones who are here to self deport.
I keep saying this. The men and women of some power in any way who messed with people are lying low and have not been taken to task. This is of all sides, but the Deplorable side takes the blame. Pensions must be affected and adjusted with wealth decreased because of it. But then again it ends up generalized and not specific.
I keep saying this. The men and women of some power in any way who messed with people are lying low and have not been taken to task. This is of all sides, but the Deplorable side takes the blame. Pensions must be affected and adjusted with wealth decreased because of it. But then again it ends up generalized and not specific.

We either exercise the rule of Law or we don't. Why is this woman in prison for doing less, and what is your reasoning for Trump not being prosecuted for doing so much more;

I was talking about the impeachments, I did not say anything about the latest accusations.
Progs have opened the pandoras box on equity. where everything is the same. Where people who have violated the rights of other people must be made to pay. Equity must by that design make all equal in resources of the peasant classes. Millions and millions of people are collecting pensions and have screwed with others before this and are still alive. Their pensions must be taxed in a high graduated rate. Unfortunately, those who have done nothing to others will be affected also. But Prog agendas have already shown no concern for that as we see with their legislation.
Progs have opened the pandoras box on equity. where everything is the same. Where people who have violated the rights of other people must be made to pay. Equity must by that design make all equal in resources of the peasant classes. Millions and millions of people are collecting pensions and have screwed with others before this and are still alive. Their pensions must be taxed in a high graduated rate. Unfortunately, those who have done nothing to others will be affected also. But Prog agendas have already shown no concern for that as we see with their legislation.

Have you earned a pension?

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