What will you do when they arrest Trump ?

Hey idiot: many of our troops in places like Afghanistan have DIED because they were attacked and could not respond back defending themselves (or attack an obvious target) in time without first contacting central command to talk to their lawyers and get permission first.

That's part of how our men were killed in Benghazi.
The troops took fire for 15 minutes waiting for command before firing warning shots and eventually responding with lethal force.

Just to let these Trump apologists understand, there was a person who went to prison on a much lesser crime of taking classified documents in 2022. She was sloppy for sure. Just wondering, why should Trump get off the hook for much greater offenses?
They will never arrest President Trump.

I said it before and say it again!

This is a very stupid thread.
And you think the Russians shelling their positions and advancing in tanks were non-combatants? Not sure what you’re getting at here.

The Russians had no artillery or tanks because they were irregular volunteers.
And it was totally and completely illegal for the US troops to even be in Syria at all.
"If you were to be immersed in penicillin you would be vanish."

Ah boy, now we've got our proud poster, MikeTx, flaunting his Trump University medical degree.

ps......when it comes to the Duped & Snookered....PT Barnum was probably right.
Just to let these Trump apologists understand, there was a person who went to prison on a much lesser crime of taking classified documents in 2022. She was sloppy for sure. Just wondering, why should Trump get off the hook for much greater offenses?

Totally bogus.
I do not like Trump, but presidents have ultimate arbitrary say over all classified documents they are exposed to while in office, and they can retain copies of all those documents as long as they want.
If there was a crime at Mar-a-Lago, it was not any violation of classified document laws or regulations.
The only possible crime was if he intended to prevent the National Archives from getting copies for the Freedom of Information Act.
And you think the Russians shelling their positions and advancing in tanks were non-combatants? Not sure what you’re getting at here.

Clearly English isn't your first language.

Go find an interpreter.
All of you Anti-American lefties please explain what Trump did to justify the non-stop assault since 2016,,,why is the Illuminati and their left wing fascist shills so adamant to take him down. The FBI and CIA cant find anything, so they have to MANUFACTURE bs against him. Take a look at your billionaire goddess Hilary if you want to see an ARCH CRIMINAL / PSYCHOPATH.

The left idiots do not realize that they are being used to destruct the Western countries under the guise of Environmentalism and a fake Corona virus hoax.
Im going to laugh my ass off every time I see a greaseball stoner starving in the street when Biden jacks the price of an apple up to 10$. They will see Mexicans living large off of the programs that the idiot leftists championed. Billions of dollars going to illegals BUT NOT A CENT TO HELP AMERICAN HOMELESS.....

Just wait till AFTER THE ELECTION KIDDIES,,then you will see what inflation is all about.
It is totally amazing the way you guys stay with Trump. Yes, he did say he would be there and he was not. It apparently is due to the internet. Same goes for the ridiculous claims on the global crises. It is called Confirmation bias. If there was no internet, even if you managed to convince your best pal who is none too bright that would be the extent you would manage for either. However because of the internet you can link up with the few who think like you and then you can pick up more and more and you believe it more and more yourself. It is a psychological issue called Confirmation bias. If you were not getting the confirmation from others you likely would have given up this bizarre thinking a long time ago.
"Well if the GOP ........busted over both his impeachments. Their collective cowardice served to embolden his fascist leanings because he thought that he was above the law."

TT offers a perspective we have not seen commonly mentioned on this venue. To wit, the ramifications, the 'emboldenment' factor, that was accelerated by the two jury-nullifications of the impeachment convictions.

I could be convinced that DonT, knowing that the GOP had the cards in the Senate to negate any serious action against him.....well, that was a 'Katie-bar-the-door' realization for him. Couple that with his long recognized disdain for laws, ordinances, regulations, and civil decorum.......and we get what we got with him appropriating the U.S.'s secret documents and squirreling them away at one of his golf courses....and then claiming ex-post facto that as president he had neutralized their confidential nature.

The GOP bears most of the blame for what we got with Don Trump.

Sure thing asshat. I ain't the one who fled the Board for years on end.

That was YOU.

Where were you, in prison?
Did you miss me? Be honest! Not too many posters can rise to your level of disdain for others, but I can. That's why you want me. That's why you need me. I keep you on your toes!
They will never arrest President Trump.

I said it before and say it again!

This is a very stupid thread.
So, the woman in the video I posted was sent to jail on a similar charge but with much less material. Why should Trump be treated differently?
Totally bogus.
I do not like Trump, but presidents have ultimate arbitrary say over all classified documents they are exposed to while in office, and they can retain copies of all those documents as long as they want.
If there was a crime at Mar-a-Lago, it was not any violation of classified document laws or regulations.
The only possible crime was if he intended to prevent the National Archives from getting copies for the Freedom of Information Act.
18 U.S. Code § 1924 - Unauthorized removal and retention of classified documents or material You can continue your dog chasing the tail strategy, but it won't help you.

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