What will you do when they arrest Trump ?

It is totally amazing the way you guys stay with Trump. Yes, he did say he would be there and he was not. It apparently is due to the internet. Same goes for the ridiculous claims on the global crises. It is called Confirmation bias. If there was no internet, even if you managed to convince your best pal who is none too bright that would be the extent you would manage for either. However because of the internet you can link up with the few who think like you and then you can pick up more and more and you believe it more and more yourself. It is a psychological issue called Confirmation bias. If you were not getting the confirmation from others you likely would have given up this bizarre thinking a long time ago.
This a very Psychologically meaningful post folks. Good read. 👍

TT offers a perspective we have not seen commonly mentioned on this venue. To wit, the ramifications, the 'emboldenment' factor, that was accelerated by the two jury-nullifications of the impeachment convictions.

I could be convinced that DonT, knowing that the GOP had the cards in the Senate to negate any serious action against him.....well, that was a 'Katie-bar-the-door' realization for him. Couple that with his long recognized disdain for laws, ordinances, regulations, and civil decorum.......and we get what we got with him appropriating the U.S.'s secret documents and squirreling them away at one of his golf courses....and then claiming ex-post facto that as president he had neutralized their confidential nature.

The GOP bears most of the blame for what we got with Don Trump.

He is a person who pushes the limits anyway. No shock that he acts like the Sun King when he knows he xan get away with it.

I think that Trump has changed America. Some thought needs to go into how the country is protected from people like Trump.

We have the same problem with Johnson. We do not have sufficient rules to fence in a crook. Relying on his own party is a futile effort. Something has to change.
Its frustrating isnt it ? The answer is that Mr Garland works to his own timetable.
After all Donny isnt gouing anywhere and they even know when the fat twat has a shit.
How about where? You know, not everyone wants to shit in the commode when they have sex dolls.
Well if the GOP had any integrity he ould have been busted over both his impeachments.
Their collective cowardice served to embolden his fascist leanings because he thought that he was above the law.
He is in for a nasty shock.
Trump for all that I dislike him, did nothing that was impeachable. With Nixon it was bipartisan, Trump and Clinton was partisan BS. The Democrats before Trump was elected the left we’re plotting to impeach him.
How many years have we been waiting for Scott Walker and Hillary Clinton’s arrest?

Until it happens, I don’t believe anything.
Something g that I haven’t done in 5 years here. Admit to libs that I was wrong
Libs in turn will say he Was arrested following the Mueller nailed Trump method of feelings defeating facts.
if the dims are so loved, why did they have to resort to such widespread voter fraud?
IS it THAT..... they knew their own base was sick of their lies and their move towards communism that they had to employ the dead and anonymous voters?
Maybe you've finally found some PROOF of actual voter fraud that Rudy Guilliani and Sidney Powell missed?
Because all of their accusations and conspiracies were thrown out of federal courts over SIXTY times.
Because they had no actual evidence.
And then they faced disbarment for abusing the court system for political theater with frivolous bullshit.
But it turns out Trump's legal team could have saved itself all this trouble by simply coming to talk to YOU first, right?
When is this arrest coming, Tommy?

At least the global warming alarmists can tell us what decade life on Earth will end, or whatever.

What year will Trump be arrested?
We don’t have a king but I’m not for political parties using the justice system to exact revenge. That is whaT Clinton and Trump’s impeachments were.
We either exercise the rule of Law or we don't. Why is this woman in prison for doing less, and what is your reasoning for Trump not being prosecuted for doing so much more;

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