What will you ignorant libs say when Obama vetoes everything?

All you could do is bitch about how the GOP is the party of no because they stood in the way of your socialist agenda. Now that the republicans have the senate and congress, what are you going to say when Obozo is the one stoping legislation from being passed?

By the way....the US Senate is a part of the US Congress. therefore, you cannot refer to them as "the senate and congress".

So you're a long time poster, first time reader? Anyone who follows politics as much as you do considering how often you post about it should know that you're wrong. That's a perfectly normal way to refer to the Senate and the House.

Then what is the Congress? I think it's cute that you are trying to cover up for the sheer ignorance of your fellow righties.

Congress is both the Senate and the House of Representatives, but it is common to call the House congreas and to just call the Senate the Senate.

Nope. It is not common at all. It is wrong. USMB nutters love not to know!
You're an idiot. Look at Obama's approval rattings. Off course he's unpopular. People hate obama. You're one of the only one's left supporting him.
Obama is almost three times as popular as Congress

My point was Obama is not going to generate as much in speaking fees as Bill Clinton because he's not as pppular. ....Makes sense?

How do you know how popular Obama will be in 2 to 14 years from now?

I never said he was going to be popular, I said he was going to make a hell of a lot of money after leaving office. Controversy sells.

He's kept his cards close to his chest for the past six years, (instead of being a dick and holding the American flag up backwards at the Beijing Olympics in 2008, for instance).

He's going to have publishing houses throwing money at him for the rights to publish his memoirs. Michelle will have the same option and offers.

He's also stellar in giving speeches, as we have seen, drawing crowds even on foreign soil, such as his speech at the Brandenburg Gate in Berlin.

He isn't going to make a lot of money, and I don't know what the fuck you're talking about, he sucks at making speeches.

This is disconnect of the highest order. You really believe the shit you are told. It's not an act. Wild. Just wild.
All you could do is bitch about how the GOP is the party of no because they stood in the way of your socialist agenda. Now that the republicans have the senate and congress, what are you going to say when Obozo is the one stoping legislation from being passed?

By the way....the US Senate is a part of the US Congress. therefore, you cannot refer to them as "the senate and congress".

So you're a long time poster, first time reader? Anyone who follows politics as much as you do considering how often you post about it should know that you're wrong. That's a perfectly normal way to refer to the Senate and the House.

Then what is the Congress? I think it's cute that you are trying to cover up for the sheer ignorance of your fellow righties.

Congress is both the Senate and the House of Representatives, but it is common to call the House congreas and to just call the Senate the Senate.

Nope. It is not common at all. It is wrong. USMB nutters love not to know!

Do you ever have anything of substance to add in any discussion? Ever?
By the way....the US Senate is a part of the US Congress. therefore, you cannot refer to them as "the senate and congress".

So you're a long time poster, first time reader? Anyone who follows politics as much as you do considering how often you post about it should know that you're wrong. That's a perfectly normal way to refer to the Senate and the House.

Then what is the Congress? I think it's cute that you are trying to cover up for the sheer ignorance of your fellow righties.

Congress is both the Senate and the House of Representatives, but it is common to call the House congreas and to just call the Senate the Senate.

Nope. It is not common at all. It is wrong. USMB nutters love not to know!

Do you ever have anything of substance to add in any discussion? Ever?

Of course. Often. Ask around.
Obama is almost three times as popular as Congress

My point was Obama is not going to generate as much in speaking fees as Bill Clinton because he's not as pppular. ....Makes sense?

How do you know how popular Obama will be in 2 to 14 years from now?

I never said he was going to be popular, I said he was going to make a hell of a lot of money after leaving office. Controversy sells.

He's kept his cards close to his chest for the past six years, (instead of being a dick and holding the American flag up backwards at the Beijing Olympics in 2008, for instance).

He's going to have publishing houses throwing money at him for the rights to publish his memoirs. Michelle will have the same option and offers.

He's also stellar in giving speeches, as we have seen, drawing crowds even on foreign soil, such as his speech at the Brandenburg Gate in Berlin.

He isn't going to make a lot of money, and I don't know what the fuck you're talking about, he sucks at making speeches.

This is disconnect of the highest order. You really believe the shit you are told. It's not an act. Wild. Just wild.

Nobody told me anything I can think for myself...unlike you.
That's because of the Democratic backlash against taxpayer money spent to impeach Clinton and pay Ken Starr to prosecute. I guess you forgot about that, too.

You're just creating a red herring. The bottom line is Clinton was a popular president, Obozo is not. There is not reason to expect Obozo to generate the type of speaking fees Clinton has gotten.

You're just in serious denial. The stock market is over 17,0000. Where was it when Bush left? Try 6000.
401(k) accounts have rebounded to higher than 2009 levels after Bush crashed the economy.
Unemployment is 5.9%. Where was it in January 2009?
Crude is down to $80 BBL and probably continue to go down to December 2009 levels of $75.
The media is chasing Ebola like it's pandemic because they don't have any news from the economy that's worth reporting.
I bet you haven't suffered a single day since Obama was elected, now have you?

You're an idiot. Look at Obama's approval rattings. Off course he's unpopular. People hate obama. You're one of the only one's left supporting him.
Obama is almost three times as popular as Congress

My point was Obama is not going to generate as much in speaking fees as Bill Clinton because he's not as pppular. ....Makes sense?
Obama is a rock star
He will make record income from speaking engagements. Not from nutjob conservatives, but the rest of the world
My point was Obama is not going to generate as much in speaking fees as Bill Clinton because he's not as pppular. ....Makes sense?

How do you know how popular Obama will be in 2 to 14 years from now?

I never said he was going to be popular, I said he was going to make a hell of a lot of money after leaving office. Controversy sells.

He's kept his cards close to his chest for the past six years, (instead of being a dick and holding the American flag up backwards at the Beijing Olympics in 2008, for instance).

He's going to have publishing houses throwing money at him for the rights to publish his memoirs. Michelle will have the same option and offers.

He's also stellar in giving speeches, as we have seen, drawing crowds even on foreign soil, such as his speech at the Brandenburg Gate in Berlin.

He isn't going to make a lot of money, and I don't know what the fuck you're talking about, he sucks at making speeches.

This is disconnect of the highest order. You really believe the shit you are told. It's not an act. Wild. Just wild.

Nobody told me anything I can think for myself...unlike you.

You thought for yourself that Obama won't make tons of money and you thought for yourself that he isn't good at giving speeches?

That's you thinking for yourself?
So you're a long time poster, first time reader? Anyone who follows politics as much as you do considering how often you post about it should know that you're wrong. That's a perfectly normal way to refer to the Senate and the House.

Then what is the Congress? I think it's cute that you are trying to cover up for the sheer ignorance of your fellow righties.

Congress is both the Senate and the House of Representatives, but it is common to call the House congreas and to just call the Senate the Senate.

Nope. It is not common at all. It is wrong. USMB nutters love not to know!

Do you ever have anything of substance to add in any discussion? Ever?

Of course. Often. Ask around.

I mean you're pretty funny and for some reason I like you, a little, very little, but you're not very good at actually discussing issues.
How do you know how popular Obama will be in 2 to 14 years from now?

I never said he was going to be popular, I said he was going to make a hell of a lot of money after leaving office. Controversy sells.

He's kept his cards close to his chest for the past six years, (instead of being a dick and holding the American flag up backwards at the Beijing Olympics in 2008, for instance).

He's going to have publishing houses throwing money at him for the rights to publish his memoirs. Michelle will have the same option and offers.

He's also stellar in giving speeches, as we have seen, drawing crowds even on foreign soil, such as his speech at the Brandenburg Gate in Berlin.

He isn't going to make a lot of money, and I don't know what the fuck you're talking about, he sucks at making speeches.

This is disconnect of the highest order. You really believe the shit you are told. It's not an act. Wild. Just wild.

Nobody told me anything I can think for myself...unlike you.

You thought for yourself that Obama won't make tons of money and you thought for yourself that he isn't good at giving speeches?

That's you thinking for yourself?

Thats one example, yes.
Then what is the Congress? I think it's cute that you are trying to cover up for the sheer ignorance of your fellow righties.

Congress is both the Senate and the House of Representatives, but it is common to call the House congreas and to just call the Senate the Senate.

Nope. It is not common at all. It is wrong. USMB nutters love not to know!

Do you ever have anything of substance to add in any discussion? Ever?

Of course. Often. Ask around.

I mean you're pretty funny and for some reason I like you, a little, very little, but you're not very good at actually discussing issues.

Sure I am. I happily discuss serious topics with serious people. Try me.

And...thanks for the kind words.
You're just in serious denial. The stock market is over 17,0000. Where was it when Bush left? Try 6000.
401(k) accounts have rebounded to higher than 2009 levels after Bush crashed the economy.
Unemployment is 5.9%. Where was it in January 2009?
Crude is down to $80 BBL and probably continue to go down to December 2009 levels of $75.
The media is chasing Ebola like it's pandemic because they don't have any news from the economy that's worth reporting.
I bet you haven't suffered a single day since Obama was elected, now have you?

You're an idiot. Look at Obama's approval rattings. Off course he's unpopular. People hate obama. You're one of the only one's left supporting him.
Obama is almost three times as popular as Congress

My point was Obama is not going to generate as much in speaking fees as Bill Clinton because he's not as pppular. ....Makes sense?
How do you know how popular Obama will be in 2 to 14 years from now?

I only see his popularity going down. In the real world most people hate the guy.
Which "real world" are you referring to? The self projection ones and the delusional ones don't count. His approval/disapproval numbers domestically are about the same as G. W.'s were two years into his second term. Actually a couple of points higher. His numbers worldwide are higher than G. W.'s. He tops over 50% approval globally and 75% in some European countries. The only places he is hated is the Middle East and radical right wing America.
All you could do is bitch about how the GOP is the party of no because they stood in the way of your socialist agenda. Now that the republicans have the senate and congress, what are you going to say when Obozo is the one stoping legislation from being passed?
What if he doesn't veto??
I never said he was going to be popular, I said he was going to make a hell of a lot of money after leaving office. Controversy sells.

He's kept his cards close to his chest for the past six years, (instead of being a dick and holding the American flag up backwards at the Beijing Olympics in 2008, for instance).

He's going to have publishing houses throwing money at him for the rights to publish his memoirs. Michelle will have the same option and offers.

He's also stellar in giving speeches, as we have seen, drawing crowds even on foreign soil, such as his speech at the Brandenburg Gate in Berlin.

He isn't going to make a lot of money, and I don't know what the fuck you're talking about, he sucks at making speeches.

This is disconnect of the highest order. You really believe the shit you are told. It's not an act. Wild. Just wild.

Nobody told me anything I can think for myself...unlike you.

You thought for yourself that Obama won't make tons of money and you thought for yourself that he isn't good at giving speeches?

That's you thinking for yourself?

Thats one example, yes.

You must understand.....that is crazy talk. The dude is going to rake it in.....no matter what he does. He's a walking goldmine. And he is one of the greatest speakers in our nation's history.

You might have thought for yourself.....but you really thought wrong.

gas has ben under 3 for almost a week ..

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economy that "darlin' "

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Then what is the Congress? I think it's cute that you are trying to cover up for the sheer ignorance of your fellow righties.

Congress is both the Senate and the House of Representatives, but it is common to call the House congreas and to just call the Senate the Senate.

Nope. It is not common at all. It is wrong. USMB nutters love not to know!

Do you ever have anything of substance to add in any discussion? Ever?

Of course. Often. Ask around.

I mean you're pretty funny and for some reason I like you, a little, very little, but you're not very good at actually discussing issues.

RW's WON'T discuss issues. Regardless of FACTS, they have their opinion and stick to it come hell or high water ... voter fraud comes IMMEDIATELY to mind.
Unlike his predecessor.......Obama will speak at his party's convention.

What a lineup that will be!
You're an idiot. Look at Obama's approval rattings. Off course he's unpopular. People hate obama. You're one of the only one's left supporting him.
Obama is almost three times as popular as Congress

My point was Obama is not going to generate as much in speaking fees as Bill Clinton because he's not as pppular. ....Makes sense?
How do you know how popular Obama will be in 2 to 14 years from now?

I only see his popularity going down. In the real world most people hate the guy.
Which "real world" are you referring to? The self projection ones and the delusional ones don't count. His approval/disapproval numbers domestically are about the same as G. W.'s were two years into his second term. Actually a couple of points higher. His numbers worldwide are higher than G. W.'s. He tops over 50% approval globally and 75% in some European countries. The only places he is hated is the Middle East and radical right wing America.

GTO with that bullshit. People despise Obozo. Most of the people I know are democrats. They all hate him now. The few supporters he has left,
ikke yourself are on the Internet each day posting the same old bullshit. Obama is a fucking loser. Let that sink in.
He isn't going to make a lot of money, and I don't know what the fuck you're talking about, he sucks at making speeches.

This is disconnect of the highest order. You really believe the shit you are told. It's not an act. Wild. Just wild.

Nobody told me anything I can think for myself...unlike you.

You thought for yourself that Obama won't make tons of money and you thought for yourself that he isn't good at giving speeches?

That's you thinking for yourself?

Thats one example, yes.

You must understand.....that is crazy talk. The dude is going to rake it in.....no matter what he does. He's a walking goldmine. And he is one of the greatest speakers in our nation's history.

You might have thought for yourself.....but you really thought wrong.

One the greatest speakers in our nation's history???????? LMao that was retarded.
Unlike his predecessor.......Obama will speak at his party's convention.

What a lineup that will be!
Obama is almost three times as popular as Congress

My point was Obama is not going to generate as much in speaking fees as Bill Clinton because he's not as pppular. ....Makes sense?
How do you know how popular Obama will be in 2 to 14 years from now?

I only see his popularity going down. In the real world most people hate the guy.
Which "real world" are you referring to? The self projection ones and the delusional ones don't count. His approval/disapproval numbers domestically are about the same as G. W.'s were two years into his second term. Actually a couple of points higher. His numbers worldwide are higher than G. W.'s. He tops over 50% approval globally and 75% in some European countries. The only places he is hated is the Middle East and radical right wing America.

GTO with that bullshit. People despise Obozo. Most of the people I know are democrats. They all hate him now. The few supporters he has left,
ikke yourself are on the Internet each day posting the same old bullshit. Obama is a fucking loser. Let that sink in.

No. He's not hated. Very liberal people are unsatisfied with him for being too passive regarding the opposition. Moderate Dems and independents are generally satisfied......especially those who are paying close attention.

You are getting your info somewhere. Is suggest that you evaluate your sources.
This is disconnect of the highest order. You really believe the shit you are told. It's not an act. Wild. Just wild.

Nobody told me anything I can think for myself...unlike you.

You thought for yourself that Obama won't make tons of money and you thought for yourself that he isn't good at giving speeches?

That's you thinking for yourself?

Thats one example, yes.

You must understand.....that is crazy talk. The dude is going to rake it in.....no matter what he does. He's a walking goldmine. And he is one of the greatest speakers in our nation's history.

You might have thought for yourself.....but you really thought wrong.

One the greatest speakers in our nation's history???????? LMao that was retarded.

Nope. It's true. Name a dozen presidents who have had better oratory skills.

I'll wait.
Nobody told me anything I can think for myself...unlike you.

You thought for yourself that Obama won't make tons of money and you thought for yourself that he isn't good at giving speeches?

That's you thinking for yourself?

Thats one example, yes.

You must understand.....that is crazy talk. The dude is going to rake it in.....no matter what he does. He's a walking goldmine. And he is one of the greatest speakers in our nation's history.

You might have thought for yourself.....but you really thought wrong.

One the greatest speakers in our nation's history???????? LMao that was retarded.

Nope. It's true. Name a dozen presidents who have had better oratory skills.

I'll wait.

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