What will you ignorant libs say when Obama vetoes everything?

If Republicans actually want to get favorable legislation passed, this will be their best opportunity to do so. They win...they get to call the shots
But if they continue their bills containing poison pills that pander to their base, they will miss a golden opportunity. Unless they are willing to compromise with the Dems, nothing will get done.
The Senate will revert to the Dems in 2016 and by a much wider margin. The Republicans window of opportunity to pass legislation with their spin will close quickly
They can start with an Immigration bill they have been avoiding for two years. This is their chance to get what they want in the bill. If they attempt to freeze out the Dems, they will get nothing
Obama will not have to veto anything

Why would he?

I'd be happy to make a bet with you on that. :)

Gladly...name your terms

Democrats couldn't get anything through the Senate with a ten vote majority. What makes Republicans think they can do it with a two vote majority?

You may be right, however the bills that are sent from the House may be sent to a Senate committee that has a Republican chair and majority instead of sitting in the Senate Majority leaders in basket, or to a Democrat dominated committee where it dies. At the very least, the bill will be sent to the Senate floor for debate and a vote. Only 51 votes are needed to break a filibuster instead of 60 thanks to Harry Reid. That may come back to bite him on the ass.
Some of the bills that Reid and his committees do not send to the full Senate for a vote is because enough Democrats would vote with the Republicans to pass them.

None of those bills will make it to the floor. That is what filibuster/cloture rules do. Forget about ever seeing a vote. The rules Harry Reid changed only apply to judicial appointments. Will Republicans raise the bar and end filibuster for all bills?

Like I said, there are a number of bills that were not brought to the floor because blue dog Democrats and those up for reelection would join the Republicans and defeat the filibuster.

They will need eight votes....they will not get them
Why don't you tell us what legislation the GOP is going to send to Obama? Mitch McConnell has said he is not going to tell us, so why don't you?

Well, based on history, the Republicans will send nothing but spending cuts which Obama will veto, say how the Republicans are obstructionists, the media will pump the message.

The Republican will then win in 2016 and propose a spending orgy and get it by threatening the fiscal conservatives with their seats as chairmen and on the best committees.

Split party rule is the best option for taxpayers, one party rule, either party, just leads to endless spending increases.
I'd be happy to make a bet with you on that. :)

Gladly...name your terms

Democrats couldn't get anything through the Senate with a ten vote majority. What makes Republicans think they can do it with a two vote majority?

You may be right, however the bills that are sent from the House may be sent to a Senate committee that has a Republican chair and majority instead of sitting in the Senate Majority leaders in basket, or to a Democrat dominated committee where it dies. At the very least, the bill will be sent to the Senate floor for debate and a vote. Only 51 votes are needed to break a filibuster instead of 60 thanks to Harry Reid. That may come back to bite him on the ass.
Some of the bills that Reid and his committees do not send to the full Senate for a vote is because enough Democrats would vote with the Republicans to pass them.

None of those bills will make it to the floor. That is what filibuster/cloture rules do. Forget about ever seeing a vote. The rules Harry Reid changed only apply to judicial appointments. Will Republicans raise the bar and end filibuster for all bills?

Like I said, there are a number of bills that were not brought to the floor because blue dog Democrats and those up for reelection would join the Republicans and defeat the filibuster.

They will need eight votes....they will not get them

Bet they do.
Gladly...name your terms

Democrats couldn't get anything through the Senate with a ten vote majority. What makes Republicans think they can do it with a two vote majority?

You may be right, however the bills that are sent from the House may be sent to a Senate committee that has a Republican chair and majority instead of sitting in the Senate Majority leaders in basket, or to a Democrat dominated committee where it dies. At the very least, the bill will be sent to the Senate floor for debate and a vote. Only 51 votes are needed to break a filibuster instead of 60 thanks to Harry Reid. That may come back to bite him on the ass.
Some of the bills that Reid and his committees do not send to the full Senate for a vote is because enough Democrats would vote with the Republicans to pass them.

None of those bills will make it to the floor. That is what filibuster/cloture rules do. Forget about ever seeing a vote. The rules Harry Reid changed only apply to judicial appointments. Will Republicans raise the bar and end filibuster for all bills?

Like I said, there are a number of bills that were not brought to the floor because blue dog Democrats and those up for reelection would join the Republicans and defeat the filibuster.

They will need eight votes....they will not get them

Bet they do.

You were right that Reid won't bring anything to a vote that he doesn't have the votes to go the way he wants.
All you could do is bitch about how the GOP is the party of no because they stood in the way of your socialist agenda. Now that the republicans have the senate and congress, what are you going to say when Obozo is the one stoping legislation from being passed?

I don't know about the ignorant liberals....but I'm going to see what is being vetoed before I say anything.

By the way....the US Senate is a part of the US Congress. therefore, you cannot refer to them as "the senate and congress".

And...the election is Tuesday. You seem to have some inside info. Seems ignorant to declare victory before the election is held.
All you could do is bitch about how the GOP is the party of no because they stood in the way of your socialist agenda. Now that the republicans have the senate and congress, what are you going to say when Obozo is the one stoping legislation from being passed?

By the way....the US Senate is a part of the US Congress. therefore, you cannot refer to them as "the senate and congress".

So you're a long time poster, first time reader? Anyone who follows politics as much as you do considering how often you post about it should know that you're wrong. That's a perfectly normal way to refer to the Senate and the House.
All you could do is bitch about how the GOP is the party of no because they stood in the way of your socialist agenda. Now that the republicans have the senate and congress, what are you going to say when Obozo is the one stoping legislation from being passed?

You're counting your chickens before they've hatched. Wait until after Tuesday.

As to your question? They'll still blame the GOP cause it's Dem SOP.
I'd say that's the least you can expect after the bullshit he's put up with for the past six years.

The guy has nothing to lose now. After January 2017 he's going to get speech fees that will dwarf the Clinton's and his memoir will be an international bestseller. Suck it up and then get ready to lose more civil rights after the 'Pubes take the senate.

Why will his speech fees dwarf Clinton's? Clinton was a popular president, everybody hates Obozo.

Clinton was impeached for lying to the Feds. Maybe you forgot that.

He was still more popular at that time than Obama is now.

That's because of the Democratic backlash against taxpayer money spent to impeach Clinton and pay Ken Starr to prosecute. I guess you forgot about that, too.

Every penny Starr spent was approved by Janet Reno, or did you forget that, too!

And as I recall she's one of the most unpopular AGs ever, correct?

So you can keep unwinding that clock but that doesn't take away the fact that Obama's controversy will translate into at least $1-2B in speeches and books. He has nothing to lose.
All you could do is bitch about how the GOP is the party of no because they stood in the way of your socialist agenda. Now that the republicans have the senate and congress, what are you going to say when Obozo is the one stoping legislation from being passed?

By the way....the US Senate is a part of the US Congress. therefore, you cannot refer to them as "the senate and congress".

So you're a long time poster, first time reader? Anyone who follows politics as much as you do considering how often you post about it should know that you're wrong. That's a perfectly normal way to refer to the Senate and the House.

Then what is the Congress? I think it's cute that you are trying to cover up for the sheer ignorance of your fellow righties.
Well, if Obama has to start vetoing legislation, he may then catch up with previous administrations who vetoed many bills by the opposing party who just happened to be in control of the Hill.
Carter 13
HW Bush-29
W Bush-12
I guess, all previous presidents were obstructionist according to the OP.
All you could do is bitch about how the GOP is the party of no because they stood in the way of your socialist agenda. Now that the republicans have the senate and congress, what are you going to say when Obozo is the one stoping legislation from being passed?

By the way....the US Senate is a part of the US Congress. therefore, you cannot refer to them as "the senate and congress".

So you're a long time poster, first time reader? Anyone who follows politics as much as you do considering how often you post about it should know that you're wrong. That's a perfectly normal way to refer to the Senate and the House.

No it isn't. Its wrong and only those who don't care about being wrong ( usually USMB nutters ) use it.

Congress = The House of Representatives + The Senate
How could the Republicans pass any legislation when they are at war with themselves? Any sensible legislation will be opposed by the Radical fringe Tea Party types. Any Tea Party sponsored bills will be opposed by the centrist Republicans as well as the Democrats.

The GOP! The party with the fringe on the top!
Why will his speech fees dwarf Clinton's? Clinton was a popular president, everybody hates Obozo.

Clinton was impeached for lying to the Feds. Maybe you forgot that.

He was still more popular at that time than Obama is now.

That's because of the Democratic backlash against taxpayer money spent to impeach Clinton and pay Ken Starr to prosecute. I guess you forgot about that, too.

Every penny Starr spent was approved by Janet Reno, or did you forget that, too!

And as I recall she's one of the most unpopular AGs ever, correct?

So you can keep unwinding that clock but that doesn't take away the fact that Obama's controversy will translate into at least $1-2B in speeches and books. He has nothing to lose.

I didn't "unwind the clock" boy, I corrected you when you did.

I am sure there are enough dumb shits that will pay to hear Obama blame Bush when he gets out of office, but he won't get even close to $1B. Even BJ Clinton didn't even come close to that.
Democrats couldn't get anything through the Senate with a ten vote majority. What makes Republicans think they can do it with a two vote majority?
They won't. Sure they will spend most of the time attacking each other and the Democrats, only a little stuff will get passed.
I'd say that's the least you can expect after the bullshit he's put up with for the past six years.

The guy has nothing to lose now. After January 2017 he's going to get speech fees that will dwarf the Clinton's and his memoir will be an international bestseller. Suck it up and then get ready to lose more civil rights after the 'Pubes take the senate.

Why will his speech fees dwarf Clinton's? Clinton was a popular president, everybody hates Obozo.

Clinton was impeached for lying to the Feds. Maybe you forgot that.

He was still more popular at that time than Obama is now.

That's because of the Democratic backlash against taxpayer money spent to impeach Clinton and pay Ken Starr to prosecute. I guess you forgot about that, too.

You're just creating a red herring. The bottom line is Clinton was a popular president, Obozo is not. There is not reason to expect Obozo to generate the type of speaking fees Clinton has gotten.

You're just in serious denial. The stock market is over 17,0000. Where was it when Bush left? Try 6000.
401(k) accounts have rebounded to higher than 2009 levels after Bush crashed the economy.
Unemployment is 5.9%. Where was it in January 2009?
Crude is down to $80 BBL and probably continue to go down to December 2009 levels of $75.
The media is chasing Ebola like it's pandemic because they don't have any news from the economy that's worth reporting.
I bet you haven't suffered a single day since Obama was elected, now have you?
All you could do is bitch about how the GOP is the party of no because they stood in the way of your socialist agenda. Now that the republicans have the senate and congress, what are you going to say when Obozo is the one stoping legislation from being passed?

By the way....the US Senate is a part of the US Congress. therefore, you cannot refer to them as "the senate and congress".

So you're a long time poster, first time reader? Anyone who follows politics as much as you do considering how often you post about it should know that you're wrong. That's a perfectly normal way to refer to the Senate and the House.

Then what is the Congress? I think it's cute that you are trying to cover up for the sheer ignorance of your fellow righties.

Congress is both the Senate and the House of Representatives, but it is common to call the House congreas and to just call the Senate the Senate.
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Why will his speech fees dwarf Clinton's? Clinton was a popular president, everybody hates Obozo.

Clinton was impeached for lying to the Feds. Maybe you forgot that.

He was still more popular at that time than Obama is now.

That's because of the Democratic backlash against taxpayer money spent to impeach Clinton and pay Ken Starr to prosecute. I guess you forgot about that, too.

You're just creating a red herring. The bottom line is Clinton was a popular president, Obozo is not. There is not reason to expect Obozo to generate the type of speaking fees Clinton has gotten.

You're just in serious denial. The stock market is over 17,0000. Where was it when Bush left? Try 6000.
401(k) accounts have rebounded to higher than 2009 levels after Bush crashed the economy.
Unemployment is 5.9%. Where was it in January 2009?
Crude is down to $80 BBL and probably continue to go down to December 2009 levels of $75.
The media is chasing Ebola like it's pandemic because they don't have any news from the economy that's worth reporting.
I bet you haven't suffered a single day since Obama was elected, now have you?

You're an idiot. Look at Obama's approval rattings. Off course he's unpopular. People hate obama. You're one of the only one's left supporting him.
Clinton was impeached for lying to the Feds. Maybe you forgot that.

He was still more popular at that time than Obama is now.

That's because of the Democratic backlash against taxpayer money spent to impeach Clinton and pay Ken Starr to prosecute. I guess you forgot about that, too.

Every penny Starr spent was approved by Janet Reno, or did you forget that, too!

And as I recall she's one of the most unpopular AGs ever, correct?

So you can keep unwinding that clock but that doesn't take away the fact that Obama's controversy will translate into at least $1-2B in speeches and books. He has nothing to lose.

I didn't "unwind the clock" boy, I corrected you when you did.

I am sure there are enough dumb shits that will pay to hear Obama blame Bush when he gets out of office, but he won't get even close to $1B. Even BJ Clinton didn't even come close to that.

"...boy"? You must be white with a red neck.

Obama's too smart to blame anyone. You're too stupid to see that.
All you could do is bitch about how the GOP is the party of no because they stood in the way of your socialist agenda. Now that the republicans have the senate and congress, what are you going to say when Obozo is the one stoping legislation from being passed?

By the way....the US Senate is a part of the US Congress. therefore, you cannot refer to them as "the senate and congress".

So you're a long time poster, first time reader? Anyone who follows politics as much as you do considering how often you post about it should know that you're wrong. That's a perfectly normal way to refer to the Senate and the House.

Then what is the Congress? I think it's cute that you are trying to cover up for the sheer ignorance of your fellow righties.

Congress is both the Senate and the House of Representatives, but it is common to call the House congreas and not the Senate.

I've never called it "congreas". This thread is getting funnier by the minute. Don't you idiots at least use spellcheck?

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