What will you ignorant libs say when Obama vetoes everything?

Obama is one of the best at putting me to sleep, maybee.
Unlike his predecessor.......Obama will speak at his party's convention.

What a lineup that will be!
Obama is almost three times as popular as Congress

My point was Obama is not going to generate as much in speaking fees as Bill Clinton because he's not as pppular. ....Makes sense?
How do you know how popular Obama will be in 2 to 14 years from now?

I only see his popularity going down. In the real world most people hate the guy.
Which "real world" are you referring to? The self projection ones and the delusional ones don't count. His approval/disapproval numbers domestically are about the same as G. W.'s were two years into his second term. Actually a couple of points higher. His numbers worldwide are higher than G. W.'s. He tops over 50% approval globally and 75% in some European countries. The only places he is hated is the Middle East and radical right wing America.

GTO with that bullshit. People despise Obozo. Most of the people I know are democrats. They all hate him now. The few supporters he has left,
ikke yourself are on the Internet each day posting the same old bullshit. Obama is a fucking loser. Let that sink in.

and you're not on the internet posting the same old bullshit everyday .. Obama Loser, Hate Obama, bla bla bla ... yeah, that's refreshing alright, AND informative.

Sink baby, sink.
You thought for yourself that Obama won't make tons of money and you thought for yourself that he isn't good at giving speeches?

That's you thinking for yourself?

Thats one example, yes.

You must understand.....that is crazy talk. The dude is going to rake it in.....no matter what he does. He's a walking goldmine. And he is one of the greatest speakers in our nation's history.

You might have thought for yourself.....but you really thought wrong.

One the greatest speakers in our nation's history???????? LMao that was retarded.

Nope. It's true. Name a dozen presidents who have had better oratory skills.

I'll wait.

Check out my new sig.

I'm waiting for you to name a dozen who are better. You might want to support your list somehow.
Thats one example, yes.

You must understand.....that is crazy talk. The dude is going to rake it in.....no matter what he does. He's a walking goldmine. And he is one of the greatest speakers in our nation's history.

You might have thought for yourself.....but you really thought wrong.

One the greatest speakers in our nation's history???????? LMao that was retarded.

Nope. It's true. Name a dozen presidents who have had better oratory skills.

I'll wait.

Check out my new sig.

I'm waiting for you to name a dozen who are better. You might want to support your list somehow.
You're still pushing this. Wow. I'm going to erase my sig and start a thread on it. I know others can express how wrong you are better than me.
You're just in serious denial. The stock market is over 17,0000. Where was it when Bush left? Try 6000.
401(k) accounts have rebounded to higher than 2009 levels after Bush crashed the economy.
Unemployment is 5.9%. Where was it in January 2009?
Crude is down to $80 BBL and probably continue to go down to December 2009 levels of $75.
The media is chasing Ebola like it's pandemic because they don't have any news from the economy that's worth reporting.
I bet you haven't suffered a single day since Obama was elected, now have you?

You're an idiot. Look at Obama's approval rattings. Off course he's unpopular. People hate obama. You're one of the only one's left supporting him.
Obama is almost three times as popular as Congress

My point was Obama is not going to generate as much in speaking fees as Bill Clinton because he's not as pppular. ....Makes sense?

How do you know how popular Obama will be in 2 to 14 years from now?

I only see his popularity going down. In the real world most people hate the guy.

I think a better statement would be "In the real world most people think he hasn't been a good president." Now many very right conservatives might hate Obama but the general American public isn't caught up with the hyper-partisan hate frenzy derived from ideology.
I'm like Main Street America, I don't think Obama has been a good president but I don't hate him. I thought "W" was also a piss poor president but I didn't hate the man. I would love to have a beer or two with W actually.
I'll leave all this hate-thing with the ideologues, because they are so good at it.
You must understand.....that is crazy talk. The dude is going to rake it in.....no matter what he does. He's a walking goldmine. And he is one of the greatest speakers in our nation's history.

You might have thought for yourself.....but you really thought wrong.

One the greatest speakers in our nation's history???????? LMao that was retarded.

Nope. It's true. Name a dozen presidents who have had better oratory skills.

I'll wait.

Check out my new sig.

I'm waiting for you to name a dozen who are better. You might want to support your list somehow.
You're still pushing this. Wow. I'm going to erase my sig and start a thread on it. I know others can express how wrong you are better than me.

Really? In a thread where you are criticizing the oratory skills of president Obama....you aren't confident in your own ability to express yourself?

That is funny.

How that thread going? Is it as wonderful as you had hoped?
One the greatest speakers in our nation's history???????? LMao that was retarded.

Nope. It's true. Name a dozen presidents who have had better oratory skills.

I'll wait.

Check out my new sig.

I'm waiting for you to name a dozen who are better. You might want to support your list somehow.
You're still pushing this. Wow. I'm going to erase my sig and start a thread on it. I know others can express how wrong you are better than me.

Really? In a thread where you are criticizing the oratory skills of president Obama....you aren't confident in your own ability to express yourself?

That is funny.

How that thread going? Is it as wonderful as you had hoped?

HAHA you're making waaaay to much out of what I said. 99 out of 100 people will tell you that you are an idiot if you think Obozo is one of the greatest orators of all time.
Nope. It's true. Name a dozen presidents who have had better oratory skills.

I'll wait.

Check out my new sig.

I'm waiting for you to name a dozen who are better. You might want to support your list somehow.
You're still pushing this. Wow. I'm going to erase my sig and start a thread on it. I know others can express how wrong you are better than me.

Really? In a thread where you are criticizing the oratory skills of president Obama....you aren't confident in your own ability to express yourself?

That is funny.

How that thread going? Is it as wonderful as you had hoped?

HAHA you're making waaaay to much out of what I said. 99 out of 100 people will tell you that you are an idiot if you think Obozo is one of the greatest orators of all time.

Really? Your own poll isn't proving that to be the case.

Let's see if you have any integrity.
Check out my new sig.

I'm waiting for you to name a dozen who are better. You might want to support your list somehow.
You're still pushing this. Wow. I'm going to erase my sig and start a thread on it. I know others can express how wrong you are better than me.

Really? In a thread where you are criticizing the oratory skills of president Obama....you aren't confident in your own ability to express yourself?

That is funny.

How that thread going? Is it as wonderful as you had hoped?

HAHA you're making waaaay to much out of what I said. 99 out of 100 people will tell you that you are an idiot if you think Obozo is one of the greatest orators of all time.

Really? Your own poll isn't proving that to be the case.

Let's see if you have any integrity.

I'm talking about in real life and I bet you if you asked everyone on this board if Obama's one of the greatest the overwhelming answer would be no. As it stands you have some good supporters on USMB.
I'm waiting for you to name a dozen who are better. You might want to support your list somehow.
You're still pushing this. Wow. I'm going to erase my sig and start a thread on it. I know others can express how wrong you are better than me.

Really? In a thread where you are criticizing the oratory skills of president Obama....you aren't confident in your own ability to express yourself?

That is funny.

How that thread going? Is it as wonderful as you had hoped?

HAHA you're making waaaay to much out of what I said. 99 out of 100 people will tell you that you are an idiot if you think Obozo is one of the greatest orators of all time.

Really? Your own poll isn't proving that to be the case.

Let's see if you have any integrity.

I'm talking about in real life and I bet you if you asked everyone on this board if Obama's one of the greatest the overwhelming answer would be no. As it stands you have some good supporters on USMB.

You have already done that. Haven't you?
History may have a very different opinion of Obama than the current electorate has. I think his Presidency was doomed to be a disappointment from the start. The country was in economic freefall, and not the kind which could be easily or quickly turned around. No matter what he did, it was never enough and it wasn't fast enough. Nobody could have lived up to the hype and expectations heaped on this President.

I can recall when Lester Pearson was Prime Minister of Canada. He was so poorly thought of by the electorate that he was never given a majority government. He was laughed at as weak and ineffectual - no unlike Obama. He is now considered the greatest Prime Minister in Canada's history. His accomplishments have stood the test of time, including getting the Canada Health Act passed, which gave Canada our current health care system. Pearson's achievements are now seen as being all the more remarkable because he never government with a majority.
All you could do is bitch about how the GOP is the party of no because they stood in the way of your socialist agenda. Now that the republicans have the senate and congress, what are you going to say when Obozo is the one stoping legislation from being passed?

By the way....the US Senate is a part of the US Congress. therefore, you cannot refer to them as "the senate and congress".

So you're a long time poster, first time reader? Anyone who follows politics as much as you do considering how often you post about it should know that you're wrong. That's a perfectly normal way to refer to the Senate and the House.

Then what is the Congress? I think it's cute that you are trying to cover up for the sheer ignorance of your fellow righties.

Congress is both the Senate and the House of Representatives, but it is common to call the House congreas and to just call the Senate the Senate.

Nope. It is not common at all. It is wrong. USMB nutters love not to know!

So a Congressman can mean a Senator? You really are stupid, people refer to the House of Representatives as "Congress" all the time. But eight year old arguments are your speed.
By the way....the US Senate is a part of the US Congress. therefore, you cannot refer to them as "the senate and congress".

So you're a long time poster, first time reader? Anyone who follows politics as much as you do considering how often you post about it should know that you're wrong. That's a perfectly normal way to refer to the Senate and the House.

Then what is the Congress? I think it's cute that you are trying to cover up for the sheer ignorance of your fellow righties.

Congress is both the Senate and the House of Representatives, but it is common to call the House congreas and to just call the Senate the Senate.

Nope. It is not common at all. It is wrong. USMB nutters love not to know!

So a Congressman can mean a Senator? You really are stupid, people refer to the House of Representatives as "Congress" all the time. But eight year old arguments are your speed.

The terms are not interchangeable when discussing the branches of government. You have the House of Representatives and the senate. They are known as the House and the Senate. They are both houses of Congress. Nobody who knows what they are saying refers to them as the "Congress and the Senate".

A sign of maturity is being able to admit when you are wrong.
So you're a long time poster, first time reader? Anyone who follows politics as much as you do considering how often you post about it should know that you're wrong. That's a perfectly normal way to refer to the Senate and the House.

Then what is the Congress? I think it's cute that you are trying to cover up for the sheer ignorance of your fellow righties.

Congress is both the Senate and the House of Representatives, but it is common to call the House congreas and to just call the Senate the Senate.

Nope. It is not common at all. It is wrong. USMB nutters love not to know!

So a Congressman can mean a Senator? You really are stupid, people refer to the House of Representatives as "Congress" all the time. But eight year old arguments are your speed.

The terms are not interchangeable when discussing the branches of government. You have the House of Representatives and the senate. They are known as the House and the Senate. They are both houses of Congress. Nobody who knows what they are saying refers to them as the "Congress and the Senate".

A sign of maturity is being able to admit when you are wrong.

I'm not the one who said that, moron, Rocko did. I just told you he was right. He is. Grow up.
History may have a very different opinion of Obama than the current electorate has. I think his Presidency was doomed to be a disappointment from the start. The country was in economic freefall, and not the kind which could be easily or quickly turned around. No matter what he did, it was never enough and it wasn't fast enough. Nobody could have lived up to the hype and expectations heaped on this President.

I can recall when Lester Pearson was Prime Minister of Canada. He was so poorly thought of by the electorate that he was never given a majority government. He was laughed at as weak and ineffectual - no unlike Obama. He is now considered the greatest Prime Minister in Canada's history. His accomplishments have stood the test of time, including getting the Canada Health Act passed, which gave Canada our current health care system. Pearson's achievements are now seen as being all the more remarkable because he never government with a majority.

IMHO your argument is based on a fallacy.

The nation's economy would have quickly bounced back had Obama allowed it. Instead he allowed his owners on Wall Street and at the Fed to dictate terms, which lead to huge income transfers to the top 1%. He also proceeded to over regulate the economy and push through another big welfare program (Obamacare), which prevented economic growth....all while pursuing foreign interventions around the world.

All adds up to a complete failure...but statist historians have a way of putting lipstick on a pig, when it comes to statist American presidents.
So you think he will sign everything they send him, is that it?

What do you expect will make it through Congress?

Anything we want, we'll own both Houses.

Once again......The Democrats could not get anything through the Senate and they held a ten vote majority. What makes you think Republicans can do it with a two vote majority?

Are you this obtuse in real life too?

You are about to find out why nothing got through except what Reid WANTED to get through.

Republicans have set the bar at 60 votes to avoid filibuster/cloture. With 51-52 votes, it seems they will fall short of the mark. How do they propose to get the needed 8 Democratic votes ?

Republicans don't have the power to set anything rw.

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