What will you ignorant libs say when Obama vetoes everything?

Payback is a bitch. At this point, I hope he vetoes every fucking bill that comes through, should Republicans take back the Senate. It will only be two years until Dems take it back, so now will be the time for Dems to become the ignorant ***** that Republicans have been for the past six years. What you cons don't understand is that you may win this one little battle, but you are losing the war in a very big way.

Wait..you're still in school and live at home, right?

Yes, how did you know?

It shows. That's why you're such a political expert.

I was the only one in this entire forum to predict that Obama would take 332 electoral votes. Most of you idiots actually thought Romney was going to win. It was quite laughable. Want to know who Hillary's running mate is going to be? I bet my pick is better than yours.

Like I said.. a student who lives at home..

Now go do your homework and clean your room before mom gets home.

Your attempt at humor is quite lame, but that is to be expected.
Mitch McConnell: “I’m not announcing what the agenda would be in advance. We’re not in the majority yet. We’ll have more to say about that later.”

We have to elect a GOP Senate so we can find out what is in it.


Uh, you're not voting for it anyway dipshit. No one expects you to vote Republican. You're just a loony Jakey Fakey clone. No one believes you are, or ever were a Republican. So stop being a poser dipshit. Just be honest and be who you are. There's no need to lie. It's only a Message Board.
Don't you ever get tired of getting butt hurt?
Depends on the bills.

Obama is going to look very strong when his vetoes are sustained. Not a good entree to 2016 election season.
Wait..you're still in school and live at home, right?

Yes, how did you know?

It shows. That's why you're such a political expert.

I was the only one in this entire forum to predict that Obama would take 332 electoral votes. Most of you idiots actually thought Romney was going to win. It was quite laughable. Want to know who Hillary's running mate is going to be? I bet my pick is better than yours.

Like I said.. a student who lives at home..

Now go do your homework and clean your room before mom gets home.

Your attempt at humor is quite lame, but that is to be expected.

accurate, though, nevertheless...
Payback is a bitch. At this point, I hope he vetoes every fucking bill that comes through, should Republicans take back the Senate. It will only be two years until Dems take it back, so now will be the time for Dems to become the ignorant ***** that Republicans have been for the past six years. What you cons don't understand is that you may win this one little battle, but you are losing the war in a very big way.

Wait..you're still in school and live at home, right?

Yes, how did you know?

It shows. That's why you're such a political expert.

I was the only one in this entire forum to predict that Obama would take 332 electoral votes. Most of you idiots actually thought Romney was going to win. It was quite laughable. Want to know who Hillary's running mate is going to be? I bet my pick is better than yours.

Like I said.. a student who lives at home..

Now go do your homework and clean your room before mom gets home.

BTW, my wife died over 12 years ago. I have raised my kids on my own ever since. I have run my own business for over 20 years. But keep the insults coming. I'm having fun laughing at you.
Mitch McConnell: “I’m not announcing what the agenda would be in advance. We’re not in the majority yet. We’ll have more to say about that later.”

We have to elect a GOP Senate so we can find out what is in it.


Uh, you're not voting for it anyway dipshit. No one expects you to vote Republican. You're just a loony Jakey Fakey clone. No one believes you are, or ever were a Republican. So stop being a poser dipshit. Just be honest and be who you are. There's no need to lie. It's only a Message Board.
Don't you ever get tired of getting butt hurt?

Ah, your shtick is lame. Jakey Fakey beat ya to it. He's been doing it a lot longer. You're a Republican like i'm the Pope. Just try being honest. It's only a Message Board.
All you could do is bitch about how the GOP is the party of no because they stood in the way of your socialist agenda. Now that the republicans have the senate and congress, what are you going to say when Obozo is the one stoping legislation from being passed?

What makes you so sure that the Republicans will get the Senate?
Especially with so many reports of voter fraud in the Democrat party.
Right now, the only bills the Republicans will be able to get through the Senate are budget reconcilliation bills which only require a majority. I expect that the Republicans will float their usual defund Obamacare bills but they will get nowhere
Payback is a bitch. At this point, I hope he vetoes every fucking bill that comes through, should Republicans take back the Senate. It will only be two years until Dems take it back, so now will be the time for Dems to become the ignorant ***** that Republicans have been for the past six years. What you cons don't understand is that you may win this one little battle, but you are losing the war in a very big way.

Wait..you're still in school and live at home, right?

Yes, how did you know?

It shows. That's why you're such a political expert.

I was the only one in this entire forum to predict that Obama would take 332 electoral votes. Most of you idiots actually thought Romney was going to win. It was quite laughable. Want to know who Hillary's running mate is going to be? I bet my pick is better than yours.

Predicting Election outcomes is very tough business. Many end up looking like fools. Karl Rove is a good example. He got everything so wrong. Wishful thinking clouds judgement. Personally, i hope the Communists/Progressives get the boot. But i won't predict that happening. Too many variables to consider.

Be fair now. People who thought Romney would win were fools before that prediction.
Wait..you're still in school and live at home, right?

Yes, how did you know?

It shows. That's why you're such a political expert.

I was the only one in this entire forum to predict that Obama would take 332 electoral votes. Most of you idiots actually thought Romney was going to win. It was quite laughable. Want to know who Hillary's running mate is going to be? I bet my pick is better than yours.

Like I said.. a student who lives at home..

Now go do your homework and clean your room before mom gets home.

BTW, my wife died over 12 years ago. I have raised my kids on my own ever since. I have run my own business for over 20 years. But keep the insults coming. I'm having fun laughing at you.

I know this is off subject, but I did the single parent thing too. I had nights when I thought "OMG..I have screwed my kid up forever". You probably had a couple of those yourself. Chances are you are doing great, and you'll be prouder of the job you're doing and your kids than anything else. I am. Hang in there.
All you could do is bitch about how the GOP is the party of no because they stood in the way of your socialist agenda. Now that the republicans have the senate and congress, what are you going to say when Obozo is the one stoping legislation from being passed?

I'd say that's the least you can expect after the bullshit he's put up with for the past six years.

The guy has nothing to lose now. After January 2017 he's going to get speech fees that will dwarf the Clinton's and his memoir will be an international bestseller. Suck it up and then get ready to lose more civil rights after the 'Pubes take the senate.
All you could do is bitch about how the GOP is the party of no because they stood in the way of your socialist agenda. Now that the republicans have the senate and congress, what are you going to say when Obozo is the one stoping legislation from being passed?
Why don't you tell us what legislation the GOP is going to send to Obama? Mitch McConnell has said he is not going to tell us, so why don't you?

Do you think it is wise to vote for someone who won't tell you what his plans are? "Vote for me...because Obama."

That signals a complete lack of leadership that takes all of its cues from the other guy. It just does not get any lamer than that. It really doesn't.

Spot on, G.
Democrats couldn't get anything through the Senate with a ten vote majority. What makes Republicans think they can do it with a two vote majority?

They wanted a guy who wears angel panties and doesn't believe in a Christian god in 2012, so delusion and fantasy are still the order of their day.
Yes, how did you know?

It shows. That's why you're such a political expert.

I was the only one in this entire forum to predict that Obama would take 332 electoral votes. Most of you idiots actually thought Romney was going to win. It was quite laughable. Want to know who Hillary's running mate is going to be? I bet my pick is better than yours.

I'd love to hear who you think it's going to be, seriously. I am thinking she's going to pick a nice moderate left-of-center Southern governor.

Personally, I won't vote for HIllary. The Clintons and the Bushes need to just go the fuck away.
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All you could do is bitch about how the GOP is the party of no because they stood in the way of your socialist agenda. Now that the republicans have the senate and congress, what are you going to say when Obozo is the one stoping legislation from being passed?

I'd say that's the least you can expect after the bullshit he's put up with for the past six years.

The guy has nothing to lose now. After January 2017 he's going to get speech fees that will dwarf the Clinton's and his memoir will be an international bestseller. Suck it up and then get ready to lose more civil rights after the 'Pubes take the senate.

Why will his speech fees dwarf Clinton's? Clinton was a popular president, everybody hates Obozo.
All you could do is bitch about how the GOP is the party of no because they stood in the way of your socialist agenda. Now that the republicans have the senate and congress, what are you going to say when Obozo is the one stoping legislation from being passed?

I'd say that's the least you can expect after the bullshit he's put up with for the past six years.

The guy has nothing to lose now. After January 2017 he's going to get speech fees that will dwarf the Clinton's and his memoir will be an international bestseller. Suck it up and then get ready to lose more civil rights after the 'Pubes take the senate.

Why will his speech fees dwarf Clinton's? Clinton was a popular president, everybody hates Obozo.

Clinton was impeached for lying to the Feds. Maybe you forgot that. Obama will leave office without any kind of scandal, despite Trey Gowdy and Darrell Issa's limp-dicked attempts.
All you could do is bitch about how the GOP is the party of no because they stood in the way of your socialist agenda. Now that the republicans have the senate and congress, what are you going to say when Obozo is the one stoping legislation from being passed?

I'd say that's the least you can expect after the bullshit he's put up with for the past six years.

The guy has nothing to lose now. After January 2017 he's going to get speech fees that will dwarf the Clinton's and his memoir will be an international bestseller. Suck it up and then get ready to lose more civil rights after the 'Pubes take the senate.

Why will his speech fees dwarf Clinton's? Clinton was a popular president, everybody hates Obozo.

Clinton was impeached for lying to the Feds. Maybe you forgot that.

He was still more popular at that time than Obama is now.

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