What would American mobilization look like>

Stop underestimating your enemy. We've lost the last three wars we've been dragged into: Korea, Vietnam, and the Middle East. Even if is a purely defensive war, we'd be up shit creek with these idiots currently running the country.
The military is just fine. They know how to do this. Mobilization Plans are Mobilization plans, refined after every Mobilization. It is unlikely EUCOM is siting around with their collective fingers up their butt in Stuttgart and neither is V Corps in Poznan, Poland, or NATO as a whole. Don't worry your pretty little head. If you slept through the cold war, you can sleep easy now. I do.
Stop underestimating your enemy. We've lost the last three wars we've been dragged into: Korea, Vietnam, and the Middle East. Even if is a purely defensive war, we'd be up shit creek with these idiots currently running the country.
Why do you say we "lost" Korea?
Why do you say we "lost" Korea?

Is there still a North Korea?

Of course there's just one Vietnam now, which is still communist. But they have managed to learn a little about capitalism and do make nice shirts you can buy at Walmart. Not so, as far as North Korea.
Most victories are not absolute. by that line of reasoning you could claim we lost World War II because Germany, Japan and Italy still exist.

National Socialism and Japanese Imperialism no longer exist, therefore they are no longer a threat to the world.
Communism does still exist, and is far more dangerous than it was in the 1950's and 1960's. Radical fundamentalist Islam also exists, even though we were engaged in a 20-year war against it. So we haven't really won a major war since World War Two. Consider also that World War Two was won in only five years. We've been plagued by Communism for about 73 years, and radical Islam for at least 20.
National Socialism and Japanese Imperialism no longer exist, therefore they are no longer a threat to the world.
Communism does still exist, and is far more dangerous than it was in the 1950's and 1960's. Radical fundamentalist Islam also exists, even though we were engaged in a 20-year war against it. So we haven't really won a major war since World War Two. Consider also that World War Two was won in only five years. We've been plagued by Communism for about 73 years, and radical Islam for at least 20.
Lol, we won the war part in the middle east. The occupation is the part that fell down. The lessons that was not learned is you go in and break their shit. You don't stay around to fix it.
National Socialism and Japanese Imperialism no longer exist, therefore they are no longer a threat to the world.
Communism does still exist, and is far more dangerous than it was in the 1950's and 1960's. Radical fundamentalist Islam also exists, even though we were engaged in a 20-year war against it. So we haven't really won a major war since World War Two. Consider also that World War Two was won in only five years. We've been plagued by Communism for about 73 years, and radical Islam for at least 20.

You've forgotten the obvious: The U.S. does not try to win wars anymore.
Lol, we won the war part in the middle east. The occupation is the part that fell down. The lessons that was not learned is you go in and break their shit. You don't stay around to fix it.

Exactly. You only win wars by hurting the enemy so badly that he doesn't want to fight anymore. We've lost the capacity to do that.
Yeah no ..first you are short ammo and equip cause Ukraine.
They are pushing that hard. It seems like the Democratic party in the USA is trying to lure the USA into another devastating fucking war in Europe again.
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