What would cause a Trump supporter to stop supporting him?

What will get liberals to stop falling for democrat lies?....
How's that Trump replacement for Obamacare working for ya?


This time I really, really will repeal and replace Obamacare, pay off the debt, reduce the trade deficit with China and Mexico, build the Wall and make Mexico pay for it, bring back coal jobs, remove all illegal aliens, and grow the economy by 4 to 6 percent every year! Bleev me, folks. Bleev me. Bleev me. That I can tell you.

How's that Trump replacement for Obamacare working for ya?


This time I really, really will repeal and replace Obamacare, pay off the debt, reduce the trade deficit with China and Mexico, build the Wall and make Mexico pay for it, bring back coal jobs, remove all illegal aliens, and grow the economy by 4 to 6 percent every year! Bleev me, folks. Bleev me. Bleev me. That I can tell you.

I wish he had help from congress and a second term to get it done... I'm on my 9th GP since Obamacare started..... That is not good healthcare...
I wish he had help from congress and a second term to get it done... I'm on my 9th GP since Obamacare started..... That is not good healthcare...
Um...rube? Trump never had a replacement. He hoaxed you, bigly. As did the entire GOP when they said they would repeal and replace Obamacare.

I cannot believe you have not caught on!

You can thank all of them for making Obamacare immortal and UHC inevitable.
Um...rube? Trump never had a replacement. He hoaxed you, bigly. As did the entire GOP when they said they would repeal and replace Obamacare.

I cannot believe you have not caught on!

You can thank all of them for making Obamacare immortal and UHC inevitable.
Please.... this is hoaxing you self destructing moron.... wake up....
I wish he had help from congress and a second term to get it done... I'm on my 9th GP since Obamacare started..... That is not good healthcare...

His first 2 years, the GOP House and Senate bent over backwards for Trump. Ryan fought hard to get Trumpcare passed. But it was just too damn socialistic. It's was even more bloated than Obamacare. The Freedom caucus (actual conservatives) wanted no part of it. And for good reason. We already had the socialist Obamacare. We needed that on steroids. Which is what Trumpcare was.

How TF can you Trumpbots not see how much of a leftist Trump really is?
His Platinum Plan wasn't only socialism. But it was racist too. Giving blacks money just because they're black.. WTF is wrong with you people? How can you be so owned and fooled by this guy?
Please.... this is hoaxing you self destructing moron.... wake up....

People or companies that kept the same insurance companies and plans did get to keep their doctors.

The ONLY way you wouldn't be able to keep your doctor is if the company you worked for, that paid for your health insurance benefits, changed insurance companies. Or the doctor himself stopped using that plan.

Trumpcare was a financial disaster waiting to happen. And Trumpbots don't even care. They just wanted something with Trumps name on it.
You just lost the debate, and you don't even know it.
What debate? The premise of this thread is fucking retarded!
You're demanding Trump supporters to dream up some hypothetical situation to condemn him.
That's STUPID!
You TDS addled mind thought that would be a great "debate".
GTFOH!!! :eusa_hand:

This is a serious question. Because I can't think of one thing that Trump could do, to make you just stop supporting him.

Things that would make anyone with common sense stop supporting a politician, Trump has far surpassed. Many of the things Trump has done, should've had him thrown under the bus by at least 80% of his supporters.

He spent as much in 4 years as Obama spent in 8. Doubling Obama's average per year.
Greatest increase of our national debt in history. Outspending all but on other president, combined.
Suspended the debt ceiling after raising it twice.

His reparations plan to blacks. The Platinum Plan. $500 billion to black communities just because they were black communities. That's over $400 billion more than even California is proposing.
Banning bump stocks. I admit, most folks don't have one. Some never even heard of them. They're not essential. But now you can't buy one. Now they're illegal.
He funded Gender studies.
He's buddied up with Lindsey Graham.
He's sided with Disney.
He's bashing the best governor in the USA.
Shoved the vaccines down our throats and forced EVERYONE of us to pay for everyone elses shot.

I'm looking at all this as if it was some ploy by the democrats to turn the country even more left than it already is. If that's their sneaky plan, they're doing a good job of it.
Get a life long democrat to switch parties, the force a bunch of leftist crap down their throats and call it conservatism so they can't argue about it.

I used to laugh when the democrats called Trump supporters a cult. The left usually says things that are retarded like that. But man oh man, I think they're pretty spot on.

So what's it going to take for Trump supporters to realize just how much of a leftist Trump really is? Is there anything he can do? Or does your loyalty to this politician know no bounds?
I would consider voting for the Democrat if the Democrats nominated someone superior to Trump.
People or companies that kept the same insurance companies and plans did get to keep their doctors.

The ONLY way you wouldn't be able to keep your doctor is if the company you worked for, that paid for your health insurance benefits, changed insurance companies. Or the doctor himself stopped using that plan.

Trumpcare was a financial disaster waiting to happen. And Trumpbots don't even care. They just wanted something with Trumps name on it.
That’s not true. Self-employed people lost their plans because the individual marketplace dried up. We had very few options - with some counties offering plans from just ONE insurance company.

And the new plans were much worse - higher premiums for less coverage, and a limited network of doctors. I developed a medical issue on one of these plans, and there was NO doctor in that specialty. I paid out-of-pocket for care for years, on top of the astronomical premiums.
What debate? The premise of this thread is fucking retarded!

Retarded? Not even close. What's retarded is republicans supporting someone so damn liberal, and still calling themselves and Trump, Conservative.

You're demanding Trump supporters to dream up some hypothetical situation to condemn him.
That's STUPID!
You TDS addled mind thought that would be a great "debate".
GTFOH!!! :eusa_hand:
I'm not demanding anything. Just asking a simple question. One that apparently triggers you because you can't think of anything that would even sway your support for him.

On a trucker forum I post on, I did a polls to see who would want him as the US Chancellor. The die hard Trump supporters there, voted yes. I guess they didn't realize they just chose Trump over the US constitution.
Trump supporters don't care about the economy, or anything else really. They just want Trump. They got this grand idea that he's going to fix everything. Even though in the 4 years he's already had, he didn't fix one damn thing.

Which means one of two things.
1. He didn't want to fix anything
2. He didn't have the leadership qualities to do so, which made him as ineffective as Jimmy Carter.

Either way, Trump sucks liberal balls.
But it does kill their argument when Biden supporters complain about what Trump did when the person they support did it as well.

I love this whole debt ceiling argument they make about Biden. It was OK when Trump did it. But not Biden. lol
He just came out and sided with Disney, like a good leftist. His son just sided with Budweiser. The whole damn family is liberal Republicans.
Not one actual conservative in the bunch.
Compared to what?

The Democrats are having trouble staying north of Chairman Mao.
Retarded? Not even close. What's retarded is republicans supporting someone so damn liberal, and still calling themselves and Trump, Conservative.

I don't recall anyone ever calling Trump a conservative.

Only the lefties do that.
I would consider voting for the Democrat if the Democrats nominated someone superior to Trump.

Now a days I only vote for fiscal conservatives. Not this whacked out conservatism that Trumps leading.

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