What would cause a Trump supporter to stop supporting him?

And you voted for Biden, who is spending money like there is no tomorrow, and in the midst of lifetime-record inflation?

No, I didn't vote for Biden. And he has yet to catch up to Trumps spending. He still spends way too much. But still not as much as Trump.
The inflation that came since Biden has been president is most created by Trump and Pelosi's spending. It takes at least 1.5 years for any new presidents policies to start showing up in the economy. Even if the new president, on day one, stopped the money printing machines. (which is what helps create inflation increases).
No, I didn't vote for Biden. And he has yet to catch up to Trumps spending. He still spends way too much. But still not as much as Trump.
The inflation that came since Biden has been president is most created by Trump and Pelosi's spending. It takes at least 1.5 years for any new presidents policies to start showing up in the economy. Even if the new president, on day one, stopped the money printing machines. (which is what helps create inflation increases).
1) If you didn’t vote for Trump, then you effectively voted for Biden.

2) So why is Biden continuing with massive spending, pumping more money into the economy, when it will increase inflation?
This is a serious question. Because I can't think of one thing that Trump could do, to make you just stop supporting him.

Things that would make anyone with common sense stop supporting a politician, Trump has far surpassed. Many of the things Trump has done, should've had him thrown under the bus by at least 80% of his supporters.

He spent as much in 4 years as Obama spent in 8. Doubling Obama's average per year.
Greatest increase of our national debt in history. Outspending all but on other president, combined.
Suspended the debt ceiling after raising it twice.

His reparations plan to blacks. The Platinum Plan. $500 billion to black communities just because they were black communities. That's over $400 billion more than even California is proposing.
Banning bump stocks. I admit, most folks don't have one. Some never even heard of them. They're not essential. But now you can't buy one. Now they're illegal.
He funded Gender studies.
He's buddied up with Lindsey Graham.
He's sided with Disney.
He's bashing the best governor in the USA.
Shoved the vaccines down our throats and forced EVERYONE of us to pay for everyone elses shot.

I'm looking at all this as if it was some ploy by the democrats to turn the country even more left than it already is. If that's their sneaky plan, they're doing a good job of it.
Get a life long democrat to switch parties, the force a bunch of leftist crap down their throats and call it conservatism so they can't argue about it.

I used to laugh when the democrats called Trump supporters a cult. The left usually says things that are retarded like that. But man oh man, I think they're pretty spot on.

So what's it going to take for Trump supporters to realize just how much of a leftist Trump really is? Is there anything he can do? Or does your loyalty to this politician know no bounds?
A Lobotomy
1) If you didn’t vote for Trump, then you effectively voted for Biden.

2) So why is Biden continuing with massive spending, pumping more money into the economy, when it will increase inflation?

And since I didn't vote for Biden I effectively voted for Trump.. Blah blah blah blah.. You're just bashing me for not support a liberal Republican. And it's not going to work. That's some lame ass propaganda, and a lousy debate tactic.

At the moment, because Biden hasn't stopped the money printing machines, then that's what's keeping inflation as high as it is. It's on Biden now. And if the GOP cave's on the debt ceiling, and don't stop with the big spending bills, the next president is going to inherit the same thing Biden inherited.
"We the people" get the bill from all the borrowing and spending. We adapt and finally get the economy back on an even keel. Then the government borrows trillions of new money and dumps it into the economy. That creates inflation. (Inflation is simply having too much new money in the economy. It devalues existing currency)
And so, we have to adjust to that. Pay raises, price increases etc etc etc. But we do adjust, and get things back to a doable state.
This is what we were doing when Trump got elected. This is why we had a couple of good years with Trump. Because we had adjusted to the crap that Obama created with all his spending.
Economic up's and downs, that's been happening ever since the Federal Reserve was enacted. But it wasn't until Reagan, when the BIG spending republicans took over. They started borrowing way more than they could repay.
It's when they started "punting the can" instead of just kicking it.
And since then, we've had millions of jobs leave the country, more Americans dependent on government welfare and a currency that's lost over 75% of it's buying power.

Fiscal conservatives, if we had enough of them, would stop the printing machines, increase taxes and interest rates. BUT they'd also reduce TF out of pork spending, foreign aid and unnecessary agencies. Like the Bureau of quarry, or aging. They'd probably end things like the Department of Education.
Or what ever was needed to get our financial house in order.
None the less, within a year, inflation would turn to deflation, the USD's value would increase and it's even possible that that the national debt would be lowered for the first time in a long time.

It's either that, or the USD completely collapses and we end up with a depression worse than 1991 USSR. The more BRICS countries drop the USD, the closer we are to collapsing the dollar. From what I understand, even Mexico is trying to join BRICs. One of our biggest trading partners.
And since I didn't vote for Biden I effectively voted for Trump.. Blah blah blah blah.. You're just bashing me for not support a liberal Republican. And it's not going to work. That's some lame ass propaganda, and a lousy debate tactic.

At the moment, because Biden hasn't stopped the money printing machines, then that's what's keeping inflation as high as it is. It's on Biden now. And if the GOP cave's on the debt ceiling, and don't stop with the big spending bills, the next president is going to inherit the same thing Biden inherited.
"We the people" get the bill from all the borrowing and spending. We adapt and finally get the economy back on an even keel. Then the government borrows trillions of new money and dumps it into the economy. That creates inflation. (Inflation is simply having too much new money in the economy. It devalues existing currency)
And so, we have to adjust to that. Pay raises, price increases etc etc etc. But we do adjust, and get things back to a doable state.
This is what we were doing when Trump got elected. This is why we had a couple of good years with Trump. Because we had adjusted to the crap that Obama created with all his spending.
Economic up's and downs, that's been happening ever since the Federal Reserve was enacted. But it wasn't until Reagan, when the BIG spending republicans took over. They started borrowing way more than they could repay.
It's when they started "punting the can" instead of just kicking it.
And since then, we've had millions of jobs leave the country, more Americans dependent on government welfare and a currency that's lost over 75% of it's buying power.

Fiscal conservatives, if we had enough of them, would stop the printing machines, increase taxes and interest rates. BUT they'd also reduce TF out of pork spending, foreign aid and unnecessary agencies. Like the Bureau of quarry, or aging. They'd probably end things like the Department of Education.
Or what ever was needed to get our financial house in order.
None the less, within a year, inflation would turn to deflation, the USD's value would increase and it's even possible that that the national debt would be lowered for the first time in a long time.

It's either that, or the USD completely collapses and we end up with a depression worse than 1991 USSR. The more BRICS countries drop the USD, the closer we are to collapsing the dollar. From what I understand, even Mexico is trying to join BRICs. One of our biggest trading partners.
Sorry, I’m not going to read an entire novella by someone who helped put Biden in office by not supporting his opponent.
And since I didn't vote for Biden I effectively voted for Trump.. Blah blah blah blah.. You're just bashing me for not support a liberal Republican. And it's not going to work. That's some lame ass propaganda, and a lousy debate tactic.

At the moment, because Biden hasn't stopped the money printing machines, then that's what's keeping inflation as high as it is. It's on Biden now. And if the GOP cave's on the debt ceiling, and don't stop with the big spending bills, the next president is going to inherit the same thing Biden inherited.
"We the people" get the bill from all the borrowing and spending. We adapt and finally get the economy back on an even keel. Then the government borrows trillions of new money and dumps it into the economy. That creates inflation. (Inflation is simply having too much new money in the economy. It devalues existing currency)
And so, we have to adjust to that. Pay raises, price increases etc etc etc. But we do adjust, and get things back to a doable state.
This is what we were doing when Trump got elected. This is why we had a couple of good years with Trump. Because we had adjusted to the crap that Obama created with all his spending.
Economic up's and downs, that's been happening ever since the Federal Reserve was enacted. But it wasn't until Reagan, when the BIG spending republicans took over. They started borrowing way more than they could repay.
It's when they started "punting the can" instead of just kicking it.
And since then, we've had millions of jobs leave the country, more Americans dependent on government welfare and a currency that's lost over 75% of it's buying power.

Fiscal conservatives, if we had enough of them, would stop the printing machines, increase taxes and interest rates. BUT they'd also reduce TF out of pork spending, foreign aid and unnecessary agencies. Like the Bureau of quarry, or aging. They'd probably end things like the Department of Education.
Or what ever was needed to get our financial house in order.
None the less, within a year, inflation would turn to deflation, the USD's value would increase and it's even possible that that the national debt would be lowered for the first time in a long time.

It's either that, or the USD completely collapses and we end up with a depression worse than 1991 USSR. The more BRICS countries drop the USD, the closer we are to collapsing the dollar. From what I understand, even Mexico is trying to join BRICs. One of our biggest trading partners.
This inflation is a direct result of the Pandemic. No one can remember what happened after the pandemic in 2018, but once prices are held down and the production of goods was curtailed for years, of course there is going to be a dramatic rise in prices. The Fed is trying hard to bring them down, but they may have already overstepped their responsibility and a recession could be looming.

trump increased the deficity over 8 Trillion dollars with his lame tax break that was supposed to pay for itself. It didn't. When he wanted a dept limit increase, not even a whimper from his repub congress. Suddenly, the repubs in the House want to cut meals on wheels and aid to veterans to reduce the increase in the deficit limit. They NEVER do that with a repub in the WH. They only do it when a Dem is sitting in the WH. They should be given the Golden Hypocrite award!
When Mark levin interviewed Trump on : - Life,Liberty and Levin -
Trump went into detail about all the stuff The Taliban took
c/o of Biden's pathetic Afghan withdrawal.
I forgot how many high tech military rifles he mentioned.
I think it was like 40,ooo_Over $ 80 billion in weaponry,armor
and jets just handed over to a Radical Enemy.
Plus a strategic valuable Airport.
Maybe you should ask Trump why he pulled out ten thousand troops before handing it to Biden with a mere 2500, and HE DID NOT retrieve our ammo and tanks and secure the airport before leaving Biden with a skeleton force incapable of doing such?
Maybe you should ask Trump why he pulled out ten thousand troops before handing it to Biden with a mere 2500, and HE DID NOT retrieve our ammo and tanks and secure the airport before leaving Biden with a skeleton force incapable of doing such?
Why dont you ask Biden why he didnt send back those troops to execute a clean bug out?
This inflation is a direct result of the Pandemic. No one can remember what happened after the pandemic in 2018, but once prices are held down and the production of goods was curtailed for years, of course there is going to be a dramatic rise in prices. The Fed is trying hard to bring them down, but they may have already overstepped their responsibility and a recession could be looming.

trump increased the deficity over 8 Trillion dollars with his lame tax break that was supposed to pay for itself. It didn't. When he wanted a dept limit increase, not even a whimper from his repub congress. Suddenly, the repubs in the House want to cut meals on wheels and aid to veterans to reduce the increase in the deficit limit. They NEVER do that with a repub in the WH. They only do it when a Dem is sitting in the WH. They should be given the Golden Hypocrite award!

You actually explained why the tax cuts didnt pan out as they should have. The pandemic.

Smart guy.
Maybe you should ask Trump why he pulled out ten thousand troops before handing it to Biden with a mere 2500, and HE DID NOT retrieve our ammo and tanks and secure the airport before leaving Biden with a skeleton force incapable of doing such?
and negotiated with the Taliban with no input from the Afghan government. He surrendered to the Taliban. He wasn't thinking of the country. He was only think of his re-election chances.
This inflation is a direct result of the Pandemic. No one can remember what happened after the pandemic in 2018, but once prices are held down and the production of goods was curtailed for years, of course there is going to be a dramatic rise in prices. The Fed is trying hard to bring them down, but they may have already overstepped their responsibility and a recession could be looming.

Kind a sort a. All that money Trump, Ryan and Pelosi borrowed and spent, made the pandemic much much worse.
trump increased the deficity over 8 Trillion dollars with his lame tax break that was supposed to pay for itself. It didn't. When he wanted a dept limit increase, not even a whimper from his repub congress. Suddenly, the repubs in the House want to cut meals on wheels and aid to veterans to reduce the increase in the deficit limit. They NEVER do that with a repub in the WH. They only do it when a Dem is sitting in the WH. They should be given the Golden Hypocrite award!

The tax cuts were a wash because of all the tax deductions that Trump eliminated. The government didn't lose any money.
Sorry, I’m not going to read an entire novella by someone who helped put Biden in office by not supporting his opponent.

Ok, then just put all your trust into a lying liberal Republican. LMAO..

Understand what's actually wrong with ANY candidate, those details, is how we fix the country. Just trusting them because it's the easy thing to do, isn't.
Remember people putting their trust in W, then Obama? How that work out for the country?
Ok, then just put all your trust into a lying liberal Republican. LMAO..

Understand what's actually wrong with ANY candidate, those details, is how we fix the country. Just trusting them because it's the easy thing to do, isn't.
Remember people putting their trust in W, then Obama? How that work out for the country?
W got us into a needless war. What war did Obama get us into?

Oh, yes the trump tax cuts cost.

This is a serious question. Because I can't think of one thing that Trump could do, to make you just stop supporting him.

Things that would make anyone with common sense stop supporting a politician, Trump has far surpassed. Many of the things Trump has done, should've had him thrown under the bus by at least 80% of his supporters.

He spent as much in 4 years as Obama spent in 8. Doubling Obama's average per year.
Greatest increase of our national debt in history. Outspending all but on other president, combined.
Suspended the debt ceiling after raising it twice.

His reparations plan to blacks. The Platinum Plan. $500 billion to black communities just because they were black communities. That's over $400 billion more than even California is proposing.
Banning bump stocks. I admit, most folks don't have one. Some never even heard of them. They're not essential. But now you can't buy one. Now they're illegal.
He funded Gender studies.
He's buddied up with Lindsey Graham.
He's sided with Disney.
He's bashing the best governor in the USA.
Shoved the vaccines down our throats and forced EVERYONE of us to pay for everyone elses shot.

I'm looking at all this as if it was some ploy by the democrats to turn the country even more left than it already is. If that's their sneaky plan, they're doing a good job of it.
Get a life long democrat to switch parties, the force a bunch of leftist crap down their throats and call it conservatism so they can't argue about it.

I used to laugh when the democrats called Trump supporters a cult. The left usually says things that are retarded like that. But man oh man, I think they're pretty spot on.

So what's it going to take for Trump supporters to realize just how much of a leftist Trump really is? Is there anything he can do? Or does your loyalty to this politician know no bounds?
What would make someone stop supporting Trump? Intelligence. Anyone with a brain, does not support Trump!
What would make someone stop supporting Trump? Intelligence. Anyone with a brain, does not support Trump!
Establishment GOP people are in a hard spot. They either support trump or a MAGA look alike on go it alone.

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