What would happen with a Trump Presidency with a Republican House and Senate

We are bailing out farmers so we can pull away from depending on China for everything...today with the virus news that looks like a very wise thing don't ya think?....
Trump fucked them and then fed them scraps. FDT
Then why do farmers still support Trump in such large numbers?....go ahead and call them stupid like Bloomberg did....
Too proud to admit they got fucked over.
They didn't get fucked over. They're Americans and they realize that ever since Clinton sponsored China to enter the WTO as a developing country, the US has been getting fucked over by Chinese rules that keep US companies out of Chinese markets with high tariffs of US goods and hae used these rules to steal US jobs and technology.
Burn me once it's your fault. Burn me twice it's your own.
The only ones getting burned are tools of the left...Have you ever gotten from elected dems what they have promised you?....Maybe its you that is stupid...
Every employer I ever had provided HC that covered pre-existing conditions.
Perhaps that is what happens when one has acquired an education and is doing more than serving coffee or pizza for a living.
That is an absolutely stupid statement.
Try being a business owner with a graduate degree and less than 10 employees and shop for your own policies for your employees.
What was your education. You are an idiot.
Do you know how insurance works. It is based on pools and the size of a pool. If you are a large company with a large diverse pool you can provide more for less.
Be a small company, be an individual. I cannot believe how stupid some people are. That is why we have Trump as President.
That’s exactly what I said.

Most people with lesser educations are inter-generational and blew their education years or are trespassers.

And thus are employed by businesses that can’t provide top tier HC.

Which is what I already posted.
Liberals have no sense of subtlety.
You are an idiot. I own the company, and I have an MBA and all of our 5 employees have at least a 4 year degree. We are a consulting company. We make very good money but because of our size have the problem of buying insurance.
I have heard Trump supporters say a lot of stupid things but you brought up a new one; 'The bigger the company is, the better it is to work for".
You have doubled down that you are an idiot!
It’s obvious you are having a rough stretch.

I have never worked for such a small company.
Of course larger companies are better to work for; there are more opportunities to grow within one or more aspects of an industry and more flexibility for getting top tier HC.
Is this limitation due to the ACA?
It appears you are not capable of being your own boss and running a company.
You have now tripled down what an idiot you are.
I have worked for large corporations, they have their benefits but they limit you.
Being your own boss has increased risk but potential increased benefits. You could not handle it. It requires balls. I have seen many women show they had balls
Then why are you bitching?
From this post it appears as though you are doing quite well.
What would happen with a Trump Presidency with a Republican House and Senate.
And include the fact Trump would not be concerned about needing to please voters for a next term.

America would be changed forever. God help us. The separations of powers would be gone. A team of yes men/women and the criminal elite would dominate the cabinet and White House staff.

An unrestrained Trump will be frightening.
Damn you cry a lot. Was there really a need to start another Trump hate thread? There's plenty more out there where you can regurgitate your sewage.
What would happen with a Trump Presidency with a Republican House and Senate.
And include the fact Trump would not be concerned about needing to please voters for a next term.

America would be changed forever. God help us. The separations of powers would be gone. A team of yes men/women and the criminal elite would dominate the cabinet and White House staff.

An unrestrained Trump will be frightening.
Damn you cry a lot. Was there really a need to start another Trump hate thread? There's plenty more out there where you can regurgitate your sewage.
He’s not crying, he’s a man’s man.
He’s crying because we’re not as manly as his female employees.
But wait...didn’t he say employees have no balls?
Then how can his female employees have balls?
Me thinks Mr. Mudd overlooked a piece a legislation when he started his “Only Those With Balls Need Apply”.
What would happen with a Trump Presidency with a Republican House and Senate.
And include the fact Trump would not be concerned about needing to please voters for a next term.

America would be changed forever. God help us. The separations of powers would be gone. A team of yes men/women and the criminal elite would dominate the cabinet and White House staff.

An unrestrained Trump will be frightening.
Damn you cry a lot. Was there really a need to start another Trump hate thread? There's plenty more out there where you can regurgitate your sewage.
Donald Trump lives rent free in the mind of Mr. Mudd Fudd 24/7. Very sad.
All would be right in the world....we are not all socialists no matter how bad you progs want us to be.....

If you were a truth teller which you are not you would have presented an argument for deregulation, something most Democrats understand allow the private sector to pollute the environment and exploit labor.

The vast number of Democrats support regulations which protect our environment and the people, economically and health wise, issues which you and others (supporters of trump) reject an label as a desire to reject Capitalism. Worse, you claim we support Communism (another BIG LIE by your set).

Imagine if you can what lassiez faire Capitalism would do if all regulations are repealed:

What would happen with a Trump Presidency with a Republican House and Senate.
And include the fact Trump would not be concerned about needing to please voters for a next term.

America would be changed forever. God help us. The separations of powers would be gone. A team of yes men/women and the criminal elite would dominate the cabinet and White House staff.

An unrestrained Trump will be frightening.

Been asleep?

He had a Republican House and Senate til 2018
We could expect another handout to the rich and bigger deficits based on what happened before.

Like the ones we've had under Pelosi?
The ones trump keeps signing off on.

The ones trump keeps signing off on.

Let me know when he starts writing them.

til then, the numbers are set by the House.
Which was repub for two years which set in motion huge deficits. But you keep being irresponsible.
All would be right in the world....we are not all socialists no matter how bad you progs want us to be.....
So bigger farmer bailouts? More corporate welfare like Foxconn? More government trying to control trade with tariffs? Who are the socialists again?
We are bailing out farmers so we can pull away from depending on China for everything...today with the virus news that looks like a very wise thing don't ya think?....
So you approve of socialism. Thought so.
No I approve of a democratic republic as did our founders.....
But support trump socialism.
What would happen with a Trump Presidency with a Republican House and Senate.
And include the fact Trump would not be concerned about needing to please voters for a next term.

America would be changed forever. God help us. The separations of powers would be gone. A team of yes men/women and the criminal elite would dominate the cabinet and White House staff.

An unrestrained Trump will be frightening.

Winning is what would happen.

Let us make it happen.
What would happen with a Trump Presidency with a Republican House and Senate.
And include the fact Trump would not be concerned about needing to please voters for a next term.

America would be changed forever. God help us. The separations of powers would be gone. A team of yes men/women and the criminal elite would dominate the cabinet and White House staff.

An unrestrained Trump will be frightening.

Let's try it and find out. The alternative are Democrats and we already know they don't work.

All would be right in the world....we are not all socialists no matter how bad you progs want us to be.....
So bigger farmer bailouts? More corporate welfare like Foxconn? More government trying to control trade with tariffs? Who are the socialists again?
We are bailing out farmers so we can pull away from depending on China for everything...today with the virus news that looks like a very wise thing don't ya think?....
So you approve of socialism. Thought so.
No I approve of a democratic republic as did our founders.....
But support trump socialism.
Trump is pro business...private business...he is in no way a socialist...if you want to know the difference look at Bernie's plans for our nation....and if you really believe he is a socialist then why don't you support him?....you libtards are all about gotcha....trying to catch one of us off foot...that will get you no place...you will not achieve your goals that way...why don't you try being serious and problem solving?....
It appears you are not capable of being your own boss and running a company.
You have now tripled down what an idiot you are.
I have worked for large corporations, they have their benefits but they limit you.
Being your own boss has increased risk but potential increased benefits. You could not handle it. It requires balls. I have seen many women show they had balls
And in which bathroom did these women pee?
There are physical balls and their are emotional balls. The women had emotional balls. You pee based on having or not having physical balls. There are plenty of men who have physical balls but not emotional balls, that continually use the men's bathroom.
Emotional balls?
Since you do not have emotional balls is understandable you do not understand what they are.
Emotional balls is euphemism for someone who has a strong, potent emotional being to be able to deal with tough situations.
lol Apparently you are having lots of fun with your emotional balls.
Yes, without emotional balls all the normal people in the USA would not survive a Trump Presidency.
And in which bathroom did these women pee?
There are physical balls and their are emotional balls. The women had emotional balls. You pee based on having or not having physical balls. There are plenty of men who have physical balls but not emotional balls, that continually use the men's bathroom.
Emotional balls?
Since you do not have emotional balls is understandable you do not understand what they are.
Emotional balls is euphemism for someone who has a strong, potent emotional being to be able to deal with tough situations.
lol Apparently you are having lots of fun with your emotional balls.
Yes, without emotional balls all the normal people in the USA would not survive a Trump Presidency.
What are emotional balls?...
So bigger farmer bailouts? More corporate welfare like Foxconn? More government trying to control trade with tariffs? Who are the socialists again?
We are bailing out farmers so we can pull away from depending on China for everything...today with the virus news that looks like a very wise thing don't ya think?....
So you approve of socialism. Thought so.
No I approve of a democratic republic as did our founders.....
But support trump socialism.
Trump is pro business...private business...he is in no way a socialist...if you want to know the difference look at Bernie's plans for our nation....and if you really believe he is a socialist then why don't you support him?....you libtards are all about gotcha....trying to catch one of us off foot...that will get you no place...you will not achieve your goals that way...why don't you try being serious and problem solving?....
Trump policy fails and he relies on socialism. Tax cuts don’t help the economy so it’s propped up with spending. Tariffs hurt farmers and he bails them out. He’s a socialist.
That is an absolutely stupid statement.
Try being a business owner with a graduate degree and less than 10 employees and shop for your own policies for your employees.
What was your education. You are an idiot.
Do you know how insurance works. It is based on pools and the size of a pool. If you are a large company with a large diverse pool you can provide more for less.
Be a small company, be an individual. I cannot believe how stupid some people are. That is why we have Trump as President.
That’s exactly what I said.

Most people with lesser educations are inter-generational and blew their education years or are trespassers.

And thus are employed by businesses that can’t provide top tier HC.

Which is what I already posted.
Liberals have no sense of subtlety.
You are an idiot. I own the company, and I have an MBA and all of our 5 employees have at least a 4 year degree. We are a consulting company. We make very good money but because of our size have the problem of buying insurance.
I have heard Trump supporters say a lot of stupid things but you brought up a new one; 'The bigger the company is, the better it is to work for".
You have doubled down that you are an idiot!
It’s obvious you are having a rough stretch.

I have never worked for such a small company.
Of course larger companies are better to work for; there are more opportunities to grow within one or more aspects of an industry and more flexibility for getting top tier HC.
Is this limitation due to the ACA?
It appears you are not capable of being your own boss and running a company.
You have now tripled down what an idiot you are.
I have worked for large corporations, they have their benefits but they limit you.
Being your own boss has increased risk but potential increased benefits. You could not handle it. It requires balls. I have seen many women show they had balls
Then why are you bitching?
From this post it appears as though you are doing quite well.
I am not bitching. I was answering a post by some yahoo who said if you work for a small company you are a loser. He said the most qualified only work for large companies.The larger the company the more successful you are.
There are physical balls and their are emotional balls. The women had emotional balls. You pee based on having or not having physical balls. There are plenty of men who have physical balls but not emotional balls, that continually use the men's bathroom.
Emotional balls?
Since you do not have emotional balls is understandable you do not understand what they are.
Emotional balls is euphemism for someone who has a strong, potent emotional being to be able to deal with tough situations.
lol Apparently you are having lots of fun with your emotional balls.
Yes, without emotional balls all the normal people in the USA would not survive a Trump Presidency.
What are emotional balls?...
Emotional balls is euphemism for someone who has a strong, potent emotional being to be able to deal with tough situations.
What would happen with a Trump Presidency with a Republican House and Senate.
And include the fact Trump would not be concerned about needing to please voters for a next term.
America would be changed forever. God help us. The separations of powers would be gone. A team of yes men/women and the criminal elite would dominate the cabinet and White House staff.
An unrestrained Trump will be frightening.
You can move to Canada.
It is not over in 2024. I want to be around when Trump and his supporters get what they deserve after 2024. And they will get what they deserve.

You mean you can do even worse than Cigar Bill Clinton, Kenyan Boy Obama and Communist Bernie?

Gee, with Democrats like you, I no longer need foot fungus or crotch rot.

We are bailing out farmers so we can pull away from depending on China for everything...today with the virus news that looks like a very wise thing don't ya think?....
So you approve of socialism. Thought so.
No I approve of a democratic republic as did our founders.....
But support trump socialism.
Trump is pro business...private business...he is in no way a socialist...if you want to know the difference look at Bernie's plans for our nation....and if you really believe he is a socialist then why don't you support him?....you libtards are all about gotcha....trying to catch one of us off foot...that will get you no place...you will not achieve your goals that way...why don't you try being serious and problem solving?....
Trump policy fails and he relies on socialism. Tax cuts don’t help the economy so it’s propped up with spending. Tariffs hurt farmers and he bails them out. He’s a socialist.
Which policy failed? Did all of Obama’s policies fail? I am trying to understand your train of thought.
What would happen with a Trump Presidency with a Republican House and Senate.
And include the fact Trump would not be concerned about needing to please voters for a next term.
America would be changed forever. God help us. The separations of powers would be gone. A team of yes men/women and the criminal elite would dominate the cabinet and White House staff.
An unrestrained Trump will be frightening.
You can move to Canada.
It is not over in 2024. I want to be around when Trump and his supporters get what they deserve after 2024. And they will get what they deserve.

You mean you can do even worse than Cigar Bill Clinton, Kenyan Boy Obama and Communist Bernie?

Gee, with Democrats like you, I no longer need foot fungus or crotch rot.

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Having read many of your posts I think you are the personification of crotch rot.
Emotional balls?
Since you do not have emotional balls is understandable you do not understand what they are.
Emotional balls is euphemism for someone who has a strong, potent emotional being to be able to deal with tough situations.
lol Apparently you are having lots of fun with your emotional balls.
Yes, without emotional balls all the normal people in the USA would not survive a Trump Presidency.
What are emotional balls?...
Emotional balls is euphemism for someone who has a strong, potent emotional being to be able to deal with tough situations.
You have no idea how sexist that statement is, do you?

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