What would happen with a Trump Presidency with a Republican House and Senate

Nobody is forced to trade with them. Clearly companies think the reward is worth the risk.
Until they have to be bailed out, which you’re against? What sane company would trade with someone who steals?
Almost every company. Again, they determined the reward was worth it. You seem to think government knows better. You aren’t for free markets.
Never said that. And you’re wrong. Many won’t work with China and many complained to the Govt regarding their theft. Your fantasy world is amusing. Give me more smileys. Our healthcare is not free markets either. Stupidly.
Give examples. Made is China is very common. I think your claim is BS.
Examples of what? There are many items that aren’t made in China. What are you talking about?
Companies that refuse to trade with China. I’ve not heard of any. Back your claim.
Yes companies are happy as can be. But most of us see slow economic growth and trillion dollar deficits as bad. Clearly you find those as good things.
Never said that but those two items are mutually exclusive. We had high taxes and record low rates under the last administration and still had a huge deficit..trillions. Clearly you slept through that period. Too busy giving smileys on a message board like a child?
Yes during a recession. During a good economy trump took them from 600b to a trillion.
Recession ended in 08-09. How do you explain the seven years after? Are a professional moron?
Declining deficits. They didn’t really jump back up till trump.
He operated at record low rates. If he operated at today’s rate the deficit would be ~$300bn higher. That matters. I know Math is not your strong suit.
They are still historically very low. Trumps tax cut flattened revenue and he increased military spending.
Until they have to be bailed out, which you’re against? What sane company would trade with someone who steals?
Almost every company. Again, they determined the reward was worth it. You seem to think government knows better. You aren’t for free markets.
Never said that. And you’re wrong. Many won’t work with China and many complained to the Govt regarding their theft. Your fantasy world is amusing. Give me more smileys. Our healthcare is not free markets either. Stupidly.
Give examples. Made is China is very common. I think your claim is BS.
Examples of what? There are many items that aren’t made in China. What are you talking about?
Companies that refuse to trade with China. I’ve not heard of any. Back your claim.
If I do, you promise to leave this board forever?
You having a rough week, Elmer? It's finally dawned on you that the Democrats are running the biggest collection of losers in the history of American elections and that with the economy doing great that you progressives don't have a prayer of winning back the White House...hasn't it? It's gonna get worse my friend...Bernie is about to fracture the Democratic Party.
I am having a rough week. I see our country politics being run by the fringe of both political parties. Both Trump and Sanders supporters are alike in that they are very angry and will not compromise to their beliefs. Both feel the USA has not treated them fairly.
Both groups are bringing the US down with them.
An economy that is showing the same numbers as Obama's but is being fueled by a a tax cut that is adding to the debt substantially higher than any Obama policy is a problem.

We sat through the barry years which were a miserable failure.
Now sit back and watch America roar to the forefront of world politics and success.
Oh...and feel free to complain how bad things are when the evidence clearly makes you look like a retard.
A little comedy relief to go along with Americas success is always welcome especially when it comes from you leftist tards.
I do not judge my own success or the countries success solely on the money one has or the GDP. There are more important things.
You would not understand.
Trump is pro business...private business...he is in no way a socialist...if you want to know the difference look at Bernie's plans for our nation....and if you really believe he is a socialist then why don't you support him?....you libtards are all about gotcha....trying to catch one of us off foot...that will get you no place...you will not achieve your goals that way...why don't you try being serious and problem solving?....
Trump policy fails and he relies on socialism. Tax cuts don’t help the economy so it’s propped up with spending. Tariffs hurt farmers and he bails them out. He’s a socialist.
Which policy failed? Did all of Obama’s policies fail? I am trying to understand your train of thought.
Tax cuts neither paid for themselves or gave us 4-6% growth as promised.
Tariffs have hurt rather than helped manufacturing. Layoffs in steel. Lead to huge farmer bailout.
regulation cuts have done nothing for the economy.

what policy hasn’t failed? If trump had done nothing we’d be about the same with smaller deficits.
Wrong. Tax cuts did help and curbed corporate inversions. Trade war has yet to fully play out. GDP growth has been slow but that’s not on Trump. One person cannot grow GDP. You are a Sanders guy but his policies are crazy talk. Hopefully we never find out how crazy
tax cuts a failure. Brief sugar high to the economy. Trillion dollar deficits. Any economist will tell you that. Tariffs always fail just as trumps are. Just another tax. Get your head out of your butt. I’m an independent.

If tariffs are such a failure why dont other countries abandon them?
I mean they seem perfectly happy laying em on the US.
Are they Masochist?
That is an absolutely stupid statement.
Try being a business owner with a graduate degree and less than 10 employees and shop for your own policies for your employees.
What was your education. You are an idiot.
Do you know how insurance works. It is based on pools and the size of a pool. If you are a large company with a large diverse pool you can provide more for less.
Be a small company, be an individual. I cannot believe how stupid some people are. That is why we have Trump as President.
That’s exactly what I said.

Most people with lesser educations are inter-generational and blew their education years or are trespassers.

And thus are employed by businesses that can’t provide top tier HC.

Which is what I already posted.
Liberals have no sense of subtlety.
You are an idiot. I own the company, and I have an MBA and all of our 5 employees have at least a 4 year degree. We are a consulting company. We make very good money but because of our size have the problem of buying insurance.
I have heard Trump supporters say a lot of stupid things but you brought up a new one; 'The bigger the company is, the better it is to work for".
You have doubled down that you are an idiot!

An MBA really? A glorified bean counter. Well now that does begin to tell story. That's almost as good as a lawyer now isn't it?
Data analytics is my field. You can call it what you want. It provides many good opportunities in today's economy.

I find it hard to believe you're still in business.
And doing very well. Do you even understand all the areas data analytics are being used inopur society today. I doubt it. You are waiting for more coal jobs to come back.
It appears you are not capable of being your own boss and running a company.
You have now tripled down what an idiot you are.
I have worked for large corporations, they have their benefits but they limit you.
Being your own boss has increased risk but potential increased benefits. You could not handle it. It requires balls. I have seen many women show they had balls
And in which bathroom did these women pee?
There are physical balls and their are emotional balls. The women had emotional balls. You pee based on having or not having physical balls. There are plenty of men who have physical balls but not emotional balls, that continually use the men's bathroom.
Emotional balls?
Since you do not have emotional balls is understandable you do not understand what they are.
Emotional balls is euphemism for someone who has a strong, potent emotional being to be able to deal with tough situations.

When liberals hit a tough spot they move to San Francisco and start shitting in the streets and using intravenous drugs.
Trump supporters are lucky enough to have a single wide with indoor toilet. Don't rub it in the poor liberal faces.
Which policy failed? Did all of Obama’s policies fail? I am trying to understand your train of thought.
Tax cuts neither paid for themselves or gave us 4-6% growth as promised.
Tariffs have hurt rather than helped manufacturing. Layoffs in steel. Lead to huge farmer bailout.
regulation cuts have done nothing for the economy.

what policy hasn’t failed? If trump had done nothing we’d be about the same with smaller deficits.
Wrong. Tax cuts did help and curbed corporate inversions. Trade war has yet to fully play out. GDP growth has been slow but that’s not on Trump. One person cannot grow GDP. You are a Sanders guy but his policies are crazy talk. Hopefully we never find out how crazy
tax cuts a failure. Brief sugar high to the economy. Trillion dollar deficits. Any economist will tell you that. Tariffs always fail just as trumps are. Just another tax. Get your head out of your butt. I’m an independent.
You don’t work in the business world because you would not call them failures and again explain how you would curb corporate inversions? Dude, my butt is smarter than your head. Your posts illustrate you don’t know anything about economics or finance.
Yes I do and I’m not just a finance guy either . Funny how trying to get personal is all you have when losing.

After 2 Years, Trump Tax Cuts Have Failed To Deliver On GOP's Promises

Will ya just stop with the NPR shit.
What would happen with a Trump Presidency with a Republican House and Senate.
And include the fact Trump would not be concerned about needing to please voters for a next term.

America would be changed forever. God help us. The separations of powers would be gone. A team of yes men/women and the criminal elite would dominate the cabinet and White House staff.

An unrestrained Trump will be frightening.
An unrestrained Trump is frightening now, the consequence of the Republican Senate’s failure to check the Imperial Presidency.
All would be right in the world....we are not all socialists no matter how bad you progs want us to be.....


you are NOT socialists.

you are fascists who support an egomaniacal tyranical dictator wannabe....

being an ignorant right wing fascist you are too stupid to realize that the USA should NOT be either right wing OR left wing.
US should be a free markets system.
But we aren’t.

You say that but your ok with trump trying to manipulate markets with tariffs? Get your story straight.
I said should. It is not. I agree. That post had zero to do with Trump. You have special problems. I recommend a psychologist. You need serious help.
You support tariffs which are not free market. You are extra slow today.

But you support tariffs against the US which is far from free markets.
What would happen with a Trump Presidency with a Republican House and Senate.
And include the fact Trump would not be concerned about needing to please voters for a next term.

America would be changed forever. God help us. The separations of powers would be gone. A team of yes men/women and the criminal elite would dominate the cabinet and White House staff.

An unrestrained Trump will be frightening.
Same as the first 2 years.
You having a rough week, Elmer? It's finally dawned on you that the Democrats are running the biggest collection of losers in the history of American elections and that with the economy doing great that you progressives don't have a prayer of winning back the White House...hasn't it? It's gonna get worse my friend...Bernie is about to fracture the Democratic Party.
I am having a rough week. I see our country politics being run by the fringe of both political parties. Both Trump and Sanders supporters are alike in that they are very angry and will not compromise to their beliefs. Both feel the USA has not treated them fairly.
Both groups are bringing the US down with them.
An economy that is showing the same numbers as Obama's but is being fueled by a a tax cut that is adding to the debt substantially higher than any Obama policy is a problem.

We sat through the barry years which were a miserable failure.
Now sit back and watch America roar to the forefront of world politics and success.
Oh...and feel free to complain how bad things are when the evidence clearly makes you look like a retard.
A little comedy relief to go along with Americas success is always welcome especially when it comes from you leftist tards.
I do not judge my own success or the countries success solely on the money one has or the GDP. There are more important things.
You would not understand.

Aaah yes,the typical liberal elitist ploy.
That’s exactly what I said.

Most people with lesser educations are inter-generational and blew their education years or are trespassers.

And thus are employed by businesses that can’t provide top tier HC.

Which is what I already posted.
Liberals have no sense of subtlety.
You are an idiot. I own the company, and I have an MBA and all of our 5 employees have at least a 4 year degree. We are a consulting company. We make very good money but because of our size have the problem of buying insurance.
I have heard Trump supporters say a lot of stupid things but you brought up a new one; 'The bigger the company is, the better it is to work for".
You have doubled down that you are an idiot!

An MBA really? A glorified bean counter. Well now that does begin to tell story. That's almost as good as a lawyer now isn't it?
Data analytics is my field. You can call it what you want. It provides many good opportunities in today's economy.

I find it hard to believe you're still in business.
And doing very well. Do you even understand all the areas data analytics are being used inopur society today. I doubt it. You are waiting for more coal jobs to come back.

I'm not waiting for shit.
I'm retired and will gain nothing from our current economy or barry's.
In other words I dont have a dog in this hunt. All I care about is the success of my country.
And in which bathroom did these women pee?
There are physical balls and their are emotional balls. The women had emotional balls. You pee based on having or not having physical balls. There are plenty of men who have physical balls but not emotional balls, that continually use the men's bathroom.
Emotional balls?
Since you do not have emotional balls is understandable you do not understand what they are.
Emotional balls is euphemism for someone who has a strong, potent emotional being to be able to deal with tough situations.

When liberals hit a tough spot they move to San Francisco and start shitting in the streets and using intravenous drugs.
Trump supporters are lucky enough to have a single wide with indoor toilet. Don't rub it in the poor liberal faces.

Yeah......I live in squalor.

Almost every company. Again, they determined the reward was worth it. You seem to think government knows better. You aren’t for free markets.
Never said that. And you’re wrong. Many won’t work with China and many complained to the Govt regarding their theft. Your fantasy world is amusing. Give me more smileys. Our healthcare is not free markets either. Stupidly.
Give examples. Made is China is very common. I think your claim is BS.
Examples of what? There are many items that aren’t made in China. What are you talking about?
Companies that refuse to trade with China. I’ve not heard of any. Back your claim.
If I do, you promise to leave this board forever?
Oh that's cute. Grow up. Can you back your claim or not?
Trump policy fails and he relies on socialism. Tax cuts don’t help the economy so it’s propped up with spending. Tariffs hurt farmers and he bails them out. He’s a socialist.
Which policy failed? Did all of Obama’s policies fail? I am trying to understand your train of thought.
Tax cuts neither paid for themselves or gave us 4-6% growth as promised.
Tariffs have hurt rather than helped manufacturing. Layoffs in steel. Lead to huge farmer bailout.
regulation cuts have done nothing for the economy.

what policy hasn’t failed? If trump had done nothing we’d be about the same with smaller deficits.
Wrong. Tax cuts did help and curbed corporate inversions. Trade war has yet to fully play out. GDP growth has been slow but that’s not on Trump. One person cannot grow GDP. You are a Sanders guy but his policies are crazy talk. Hopefully we never find out how crazy
tax cuts a failure. Brief sugar high to the economy. Trillion dollar deficits. Any economist will tell you that. Tariffs always fail just as trumps are. Just another tax. Get your head out of your butt. I’m an independent.

If tariffs are such a failure why dont other countries abandon them?
I mean they seem perfectly happy laying em on the US.
Are they Masochist?
Are they the biggest economy in the world?
Tax cuts neither paid for themselves or gave us 4-6% growth as promised.
Tariffs have hurt rather than helped manufacturing. Layoffs in steel. Lead to huge farmer bailout.
regulation cuts have done nothing for the economy.

what policy hasn’t failed? If trump had done nothing we’d be about the same with smaller deficits.
Wrong. Tax cuts did help and curbed corporate inversions. Trade war has yet to fully play out. GDP growth has been slow but that’s not on Trump. One person cannot grow GDP. You are a Sanders guy but his policies are crazy talk. Hopefully we never find out how crazy
tax cuts a failure. Brief sugar high to the economy. Trillion dollar deficits. Any economist will tell you that. Tariffs always fail just as trumps are. Just another tax. Get your head out of your butt. I’m an independent.
You don’t work in the business world because you would not call them failures and again explain how you would curb corporate inversions? Dude, my butt is smarter than your head. Your posts illustrate you don’t know anything about economics or finance.
Yes I do and I’m not just a finance guy either . Funny how trying to get personal is all you have when losing.

After 2 Years, Trump Tax Cuts Have Failed To Deliver On GOP's Promises

Will ya just stop with the NPR shit.
The facts don't change depending on who is reporting.
Which policy failed? Did all of Obama’s policies fail? I am trying to understand your train of thought.
Tax cuts neither paid for themselves or gave us 4-6% growth as promised.
Tariffs have hurt rather than helped manufacturing. Layoffs in steel. Lead to huge farmer bailout.
regulation cuts have done nothing for the economy.

what policy hasn’t failed? If trump had done nothing we’d be about the same with smaller deficits.
Wrong. Tax cuts did help and curbed corporate inversions. Trade war has yet to fully play out. GDP growth has been slow but that’s not on Trump. One person cannot grow GDP. You are a Sanders guy but his policies are crazy talk. Hopefully we never find out how crazy
tax cuts a failure. Brief sugar high to the economy. Trillion dollar deficits. Any economist will tell you that. Tariffs always fail just as trumps are. Just another tax. Get your head out of your butt. I’m an independent.

If tariffs are such a failure why dont other countries abandon them?
I mean they seem perfectly happy laying em on the US.
Are they Masochist?
Are they the biggest economy in the world?

WTF does that have to do with it?
If tariffs are so great they'd abandon them so they could compete with the best economy in the world.
Why dont they?

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