What Would Jesus Do?

These cartoons are one of the best things that could happen.

IT is truly exposing the vileness of these evil satan worshippers.

They try to paint a picture to the media, but when the rubber hits the road.,




What brought this on?
1. A Jew finally turning the tables and kidnapping a muslim and beheading them on live tv?
2. A Christian finally turning the tables and setting off a bomb at an al queada wedding?
3. Hindus finally turning the tables and destroying a muslim mosque?
4. Cartoons being drawn?

The fact that the American liberals can even argue the issue shows how bizarre their thinking patterns are.

As a side note, I have limited time right now (ok, some of you can STOP applauding!), but there is a thread where Mariner noted that Mass. has lower divorce rates, etc, etc, than the Bible belt.

I simply have to say, these studies are most likely so inaccurate. I can see the study going like this:

A girl who had an abortion, feeling guilty, questions her very existence. After some deep soul searching, she gives her life to Jesus, and becomes a very productive mother and wife.

Study question to her:
Are you a Christian
Have you ever had an abortion

Study determines that Christians are just as likely or even more so, to have abortions.
WWJD? Crusade of course! :)

Call out the Knight Templars!


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I agree that you can't equate interrogation of an Al Qaeda member with killing an innocent journalist--of course not.

But I don't think you've been following the news. Some of the most badly treated victims in U.S. custody are believed to have been entirely innocent, e.g. the Afghan taxi driver killed by being shackled and beaten around the legs so severely that, according to the coroner, he looked like he had been run over by a bus.

A grand 8% of those jailed at Guantanamo without charges or representation are Al Qaeda members. Many of the rest were simply "associated" with terrorist, i.e. friends or neighbors.

It's perfectly reasonable for an objective observer to ask why Muslims can't equate all Americans with the abusers in Afghanistan, Abu Ghraib (where many victims were also likely innocent), etc. with the most extreme Islamist fanatics.

Mariner said:
I agree that you can't equate interrogation of an Al Qaeda member with killing an innocent journalist--of course not.

But I don't think you've been following the news. Some of the most badly treated victims in U.S. custody are believed to have been entirely innocent, e.g. the Afghan taxi driver killed by being shackled and beaten around the legs so severely that, according to the coroner, he looked like he had been run over by a bus.

A grand 8% of those jailed at Guantanamo without charges or representation are Al Qaeda members. Many of the rest were simply "associated" with terrorist, i.e. friends or neighbors.

It's perfectly reasonable for an objective observer to ask why Muslims can't equate all Americans with the abusers in Afghanistan, Abu Ghraib (where many victims were also likely innocent), etc. with the most extreme Islamist fanatics.


The muslims can put and end to this killing ANY TIME THEY WANT. The US is not demanding any land or concessions other than the bastards stop saber rattling, treatening and killing.Get honest. If they don't like the treatment they get they can simply surrender thier murderous ways.
Mariner said:
I agree that you can't equate interrogation of an Al Qaeda member with killing an innocent journalist--of course not.

But I don't think you've been following the news. Some of the most badly treated victims in U.S. custody are believed to have been entirely innocent, e.g. the Afghan taxi driver killed by being shackled and beaten around the legs so severely that, according to the coroner, he looked like he had been run over by a bus.

A grand 8% of those jailed at Guantanamo without charges or representation are Al Qaeda members. Many of the rest were simply "associated" with terrorist, i.e. friends or neighbors.

It's perfectly reasonable for an objective observer to ask why Muslims can't equate all Americans with the abusers in Afghanistan, Abu Ghraib (where many victims were also likely innocent), etc. with the most extreme Islamist fanatics.


Who's ass did you pull this crap from? I know that the idiots on Air Amerika are constantly throwing out garbage like this knowing it will stick to dimwits who will then repeat it as fact. . . are you a dimwit or has it been given to you by another manipulated dufuss? I don't see any references.

The Dems are so well known for this it's a joke. How about the 100,000 civilians killed in Iraq, did you believe that garbage too?

Yea, you can sure count on scholars like Randi Rhodes, Al Franken or that supreme liar and horse's asshole Mikey Malloy for information that is remotely believable.

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