What would you like the state to do?


Senior Member
Apr 19, 2015
Well, obviously, I don't want the state to exist at all, but with the state still existing, I thought it'd be a good idea to get people's ideas on what they would want the state to do. Let's keep it civil.
Here are my ideas:
- Universal Healthcare
- Free Higher Level Education
- Food distribution centers in all major cities/areas with those poverty
- Full employment
- Higher taxes on the top 0.1%
- Reduced military spending, more focus on renewable energy programs/health/education
- Government program to provide housing to the homeless using the existing homes that are unoccupied, or homes that can never sell, etc, etc...
Many more, just a brief list.
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The State should concern itself with the first two levels, individuals and the larger society can deal with the rest.
I think the concept of having no state is dumb. Somalia has no state... :(

I think we should double infrastructure, science and r&d spending to around 11-12% of our federal budget. Next, I think we should raise the minimum wage and tariff the shit out of all imports into our country. This would help the worker and small business regrow our middle class.

lastly, I'd like to tax the rich at least 30-35% of their income without loopholes to cheat the system.

I wouldn't mind healthcare for all and a robotic system of feeding our population that provide plenty for all. ;) That is the futurist in me talking!
secure the borders , best military defense and offense in the world and that's about it . Might be a few more things but I'm at a loss for more example at the moment .
Well, obviously, I don't want the state to exist at all, but with the state still existing, I thought it'd be a good idea to get people's ideas on what they would want the state to do. Let's keep it civil.
Here are my ideas:
- Universal Healthcare
- Free Higher Level Education
- Food distribution centers in all major cities/areas with those poverty
- Full employment
- Higher taxes on the top 0.1%
- Reduced military spending, more focus on renewable energy programs/health/education
- Government program to provide housing to the homeless using the existing homes that are unoccupied, or homes that can never sell, etc, etc...
Many more, just a brief list.
Sounds like a plea for more free shit.
Well, obviously, I don't want the state to exist at all, but with the state still existing, I thought it'd be a good idea to get people's ideas on what they would want the state to do. Let's keep it civil.
Here are my ideas:
- Universal Healthcare
- Free Higher Level Education
- Food distribution centers in all major cities/areas with those poverty
- Full employment
- Higher taxes on the top 0.1%
- Reduced military spending, more focus on renewable energy programs/health/education
- Government program to provide housing to the homeless using the existing homes that are unoccupied, or homes that can never sell, etc, etc...
Many more, just a brief list.
Sounds like a plea for more free shit.
Sounds like a good utilization of the state to help the people.
secure the borders , best military defense and offense in the world and that's about it . Might be a few more things but I'm at a loss for more example at the moment .
We already have the best military.. :deal:
make it better , point is that the 2 things that I mention are the only things I want from government Marxist . I think the question was , what should government do , I answered !!
state doesn't help the people , state takes money or goods from the people that have money or goods and gives that private property to friends , supporters or other people . Its just a redistribution of private property Marxist !!
"What would you like the state to do?"

Obviously 'the state' is doing a good job of respecting the First Amendment rights of its citizens, such as respecting the right of goofy, make-believe 'Marxists' to start equally goofy threads on message boards.
I want the state to cook pancake breakfasts, with eggs, bacon, sausage, the WORKS! I want these breakfasts available for free 24/7 at your local DMV. With an omelette station.
Well, obviously, I don't want the state to exist at all, but with the state still existing, I thought it'd be a good idea to get people's ideas on what they would want the state to do. Let's keep it civil.
Here are my ideas:
- Universal Healthcare
- Free Higher Level Education
- Food distribution centers in all major cities/areas with those poverty
- Full employment
- Higher taxes on the top 0.1%
- Reduced military spending, more focus on renewable energy programs/health/education
- Government program to provide housing to the homeless using the existing homes that are unoccupied, or homes that can never sell, etc, etc...
Many more, just a brief list.
You don't want thee state to exist at all yet have a list of free shit that should be given away just because you were born. How fucking stupid are you exactly?
Well, obviously, I don't want the state to exist at all, but with the state still existing, I thought it'd be a good idea to get people's ideas on what they would want the state to do. Let's keep it civil.
Here are my ideas:
- Universal Healthcare
- Free Higher Level Education
- Food distribution centers in all major cities/areas with those poverty
- Full employment
- Higher taxes on the top 0.1%
- Reduced military spending, more focus on renewable energy programs/health/education
- Government program to provide housing to the homeless using the existing homes that are unoccupied, or homes that can never sell, etc, etc...
Many more, just a brief list.
You don't want thee state to exist at all yet have a list of free shit that should be given away just because you were born. How fucking stupid are you exactly?
If the state exists, I would like for it to provide these things, doesn't mean I support the idea of a state.
Well, obviously, I don't want the state to exist at all, but with the state still existing, I thought it'd be a good idea to get people's ideas on what they would want the state to do. Let's keep it civil.
Here are my ideas:
- Universal Healthcare
- Free Higher Level Education
- Food distribution centers in all major cities/areas with those poverty
- Full employment
- Higher taxes on the top 0.1%
- Reduced military spending, more focus on renewable energy programs/health/education
- Government program to provide housing to the homeless using the existing homes that are unoccupied, or homes that can never sell, etc, etc...
Many more, just a brief list.
You don't want thee state to exist at all yet have a list of free shit that should be given away just because you were born. How fucking stupid are you exactly?
If the state exists, I would like for it to provide these things, doesn't mean I support the idea of a state.
As a marxist you can't possibly be against the state. The state is the only institution available to you that can force people to work and provide for others in order to make things "fair". No state to enforce all of your free wants has no force and then I can tell you to fuck off. You caan't have both no state and yet state enforced theft to pay for all those things you want. It doesn't work that way.
Well, obviously, I don't want the state to exist at all, but with the state still existing, I thought it'd be a good idea to get people's ideas on what they would want the state to do. Let's keep it civil.
Here are my ideas:
- Universal Healthcare
- Free Higher Level Education
- Food distribution centers in all major cities/areas with those poverty
- Full employment
- Higher taxes on the top 0.1%
- Reduced military spending, more focus on renewable energy programs/health/education
- Government program to provide housing to the homeless using the existing homes that are unoccupied, or homes that can never sell, etc, etc...
Many more, just a brief list.
You don't want thee state to exist at all yet have a list of free shit that should be given away just because you were born. How fucking stupid are you exactly?
If the state exists, I would like for it to provide these things, doesn't mean I support the idea of a state.
As a marxist you can't possibly be against the state. The state is the only institution available to you that can force people to work and provide for others in order to make things "fair". No state to enforce all of your free wants has no force and then I can tell you to fuck off. You caan't have both no state and yet state enforced theft to pay for all those things you want. It doesn't work that way.
Refer to my signature.

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