What would you like the state to do?

So, one poll taken in One country is the truth when forgetting history. Your an idiot.

How about another poll, scumbag piece of shit......

Major University study finds African Americans to be incredibly racist

They wrote: “Blacks sometimes strategically imply that they have connections to whites in an effort to increase their probability of success in the corporate world. Doing so may be a means of distancing themselves from negative group stereotypes or perhaps a ‘disarming mechanism’ to enhance their acceptability in the eyes of white employers or colleagues. Regardless of motive, such strategic out-group alignment may put blacks at risk for identity denial from fellow in-group members.”

The study tested the “black code,” in which “relationships with whites must be kept at arm’s length maintaining a silent us against them mindset. Blacks who appear too friendly and comfortable around whites are viewed with suspicion; their blackness in question.”

It looked at how the 1,200 black college students perceived racial identity of blacks with white friends, and also their empathy for blacks facing hardship who have white friends.

Abstract of Study…

The present experiment examined identity denial and reduced empathy for in-group (vs. out-group) targets as a function of the racial composition of their social networks. Black participants rated in-group (Black) targets as more weakly racially identified and expressed less empathy for in-group targets with cross-race close friends versus same-race close friends or no friends. Furthermore, the effect of social network composition on empathy was mediated by perceived racial identity. These findings were limited to the in-group target. Although the out-group (White) target was rated as more weakly identified when shown with cross-race close friends versus same-race close friends or no friends, neither social network composition nor perceived racial identity predicted empathy for the out-group target. These findings extend previous research on identity denial and suggest that, for Blacks, closely associating with Whites undermines the usually robust pattern of in-group empathy.

yer a scumbag
Very small study sample in one country ignoring history of racism throughout this country.
You wouldn't believe it if a hundred black people called you racial slurrs tomorrow. You're too brainwashed to think every minority is an innocent victim of whitey.
That doesn't happen on the scale you moan about
You're naive and a moron. Do you live in the north or something? You know must blacks are in the south right?
I'm just a middle class white boy. I also like hanging out with different groups of people. I find it interesting to be around people that have different cultures.

I moved to South Florida from Cleveland 40 years ago.

The one thing I miss is the ethnicity of the City.

The Slovenians, the Croats, the Serbs, the Germans, Italians, Greeks, Poles and all their different ways. I miss their food, their dancing, their customs and their dress.

I LOVE different people. Love them.

What I don't love is dimocrap filth.

THEY are the scum of the earth....... And it's why I'm down here now.... Doing quite well, thank you
Payback is a bitch eh?
You act like this causes me mental stress. I have white privileged so I automatically assume I'm better than them regardless. I look at any help they receive as a crutch and get jobs over them anyways cause my IQ is higher and I'm a better worker. Honestly if I had to have government laws made to make me succeed I would have low self esteem and reject it.
If you had self-esteem you wouldn't be so worried about the plight of poor whitey. You'd know that he can make it even as society creates a more level playing field.
I said I made it. I've already made it and will continue to succeed but I won't say it's right cause it's against my morals.
Our laws follow our morals. Grow up and deal with it.
I'll keep supporting equality no matter how much the black man tries to suppress me.
Again, good boy. And poor poor whitey, he has it so rough here.
I'm just a middle class white boy. I also like hanging out with different groups of people. I find it interesting to be around people that have different cultures.

I moved to South Florida from Cleveland 40 years ago.

The one thing I miss is the ethnicity of the City.

The Slovenians, the Croats, the Serbs, the Germans, Italians, Greeks, Poles and all their different ways. I miss their food, their dancing, their customs and their dress.

I LOVE different people. Love them.

What I don't love is dimocrap filth.

THEY are the scum of the earth....... And it's why I'm down here now.... Doing quite well, thank you
You got the Jews and the Cuban. What's your beef, their beef?
Typical whitey.


It's also one of (If not the) wealthiest, most crime free areas in the United States.

You are not welcome down here. Stay away. They WILL bust your ass down here.



^^All over the place down here^^.

And they get competitive. The more beautiful the women get, the more they try to be beautiful.

You wouldn't understand. You're used to this --

You act like this causes me mental stress. I have white privileged so I automatically assume I'm better than them regardless. I look at any help they receive as a crutch and get jobs over them anyways cause my IQ is higher and I'm a better worker. Honestly if I had to have government laws made to make me succeed I would have low self esteem and reject it.
If you had self-esteem you wouldn't be so worried about the plight of poor whitey. You'd know that he can make it even as society creates a more level playing field.
I said I made it. I've already made it and will continue to succeed but I won't say it's right cause it's against my morals.
Our laws follow our morals. Grow up and deal with it.
I'll keep supporting equality no matter how much the black man tries to suppress me.
Again, good boy. And poor poor whitey, he has it so rough here.
Typical whitey.


It's also one of (If not the) wealthiest, most crime free areas in the United States.

You are not welcome down here. Stay away. They WILL bust your ass down here.



^^All over the place down here^^.

And they get competitive. The more beautiful the women get, the more they try to be beautiful.

You wouldn't understand. You're used to this --

HAHAHA. So true. I know PMH is white trailer trash living off the government. A black man's dream is a fat white woman.
I would like for the state to mostly leave me alone.

I would be willing to pay for defense, courts, police and a few other necessary government functions.

I would be willing to pay for community roads through a user fee providing the money was not wasted with crap like Davis Bacon burdens.

I think a literacy education is good and I would be willing to pay a reasonable amount on a community level. No need for the Feds to be involved. I don't think the public school system should have a monopoly on using the funds if a private system can provide the education.

It doesn't go too much farther than that.

Absolutely no welfare, bailouts, subsidies or entitlements. The idea of the state taking money by force from somebody that earned it and giving it to somebody else that didn't earn it is one of the most oppressive ideas humans have ever come up with and it is thievery

I would also like for their to be some kinds of Constitutional guarantee that the state could never take more than 10% of a person's earnings.

With a $16 trillion GNP a 10% combined state, fed and local tax would give the government $1.6 trillion each year. That is more money than any other country spends on the cost of government and should be adequate to provide for necessary goverrnment functions, if the money is spent wisely.
No food stamps, no veterans affairs, no disability? Wow, great logic.

Absolutely no food stamps or disability. It is your responsibility to feed yourself not me. Disability is your problem, not mine. I am a generous person so I may chose to help you if you are hungry and/or disabled but I want that to be my choice and not forced by the government.

I look at veterans benefits as part of the cost of defense. If we send our people in harm's way we should take care of them.
Last edited:
I would like for the state to mostly leave me alone.

I would be willing to pay for defense, courts, police and a few other necessary government functions.

I would be willing to pay for community roads through a user fee providing the money was not wasted with crap like Davis Bacon burdens.

I think a literacy education is good and I would be willing to pay a reasonable amount on a community level. No need for the Feds to be involved. I don't think the public school system should have a monopoly on using the funds if a private system can provide the education.

It doesn't go too much farther than that.

Absolutely no welfare, bailouts, subsidies or entitlements. The idea of the state taking money by force from somebody that earned it and giving it to somebody else that didn't earn it is one of the most oppressive ideas humans have ever come up with and it is thievery

I would also like for their to be some kinds of Constitutional guarantee that the state could never take more than 10% of a person's earnings.

With a $16 trillion GNP a 10% combined state, fed and local tax would give the government $1.6 trillion each year. That is more money than any other country spends on the cost of government and should be adequate to provide for necessary goverrnment functions, if the money is spent wisely.
No food stamps, no veterans affairs, no disability? Wow, great logic.

Absolutely no food stamps or disability. It is your responsibility to feed yourself not me. Disability is your problem, not mine. I may chose to help you if you are hungry and/or disabled but I want that to be my choice and not forced by the government.

I look at veterans benefits as part of the cost of defense. If we send our people in harm's way we should take care of them.
All I needed to hear.
I'm just a middle class white boy. I also like hanging out with different groups of people. I find it interesting to be around people that have different cultures.

I moved to South Florida from Cleveland 40 years ago.

The one thing I miss is the ethnicity of the City.

The Slovenians, the Croats, the Serbs, the Germans, Italians, Greeks, Poles and all their different ways. I miss their food, their dancing, their customs and their dress.

I LOVE different people. Love them.

What I don't love is dimocrap filth.

THEY are the scum of the earth....... And it's why I'm down here now.... Doing quite well, thank you

Thats funny.

South Florida is probably one of the most diverse places in the US.
what the fuck. Blacks are the most racist race? LOL

Yes, you pus-filled bag of disease ridden human filth.

Try paying attention once in a while

Even BLACKS think they are the most racist of ALL Americans

“Among black Americans, 31 percent think most blacks are racist, while 24 percent consider most whites racist and 15 percent view most Hispanics that way. Among white adults, 10 percent think most white Americans are racist, 38 percent believe most blacks are racist and 17 percent say most Hispanics are racist.”

Read more: More Americans say blacks more racist than whites Rasmussen report - Washington Times
Follow us: @washtimes on Twitter

yer a scumbag
So, one poll taken in One country is the truth when forgetting history. Your an idiot.

Just as interesting(?) I do note: There are countries where the symbols are taken strictly and live prohibition is.

Criminal codes - Legislationline
"Hungary :
Criminal Code of the Republic of Hungary (2012) (English version)"

In this, you looking for:
Use of Symbols of Totalitarianism
Section 335

(original law: 2012. vi C. t rv ny - a B ntet T rv nyk nyvr l )

I do paste here:
""Any person who:
a) distributes,
b) uses before the public at large, or
c) publicly exhibits,
the swastika, the insignia of the SS, the arrow cross, the sickle and hammer, the five-pointed red star or any symbol depicting the above so as to breach public peace - specifically in a way to offend the dignity of victims of totalitarian regimes and their right to sanctity - is guilty of a misdemeanor punishable by custodial arrest, insofar as the did not result in a more serious criminal offense.""
what the fuck. Blacks are the most racist race? LOL

Yes, you pus-filled bag of disease ridden human filth.

Try paying attention once in a while

Even BLACKS think they are the most racist of ALL Americans

“Among black Americans, 31 percent think most blacks are racist, while 24 percent consider most whites racist and 15 percent view most Hispanics that way. Among white adults, 10 percent think most white Americans are racist, 38 percent believe most blacks are racist and 17 percent say most Hispanics are racist.”

Read more: More Americans say blacks more racist than whites Rasmussen report - Washington Times
Follow us: @washtimes on Twitter

yer a scumbag
So, one poll taken in One country is the truth when forgetting history. Your an idiot.

Just as interesting(?) I do note: There are countries where the symbols are taken strictly and live prohibition is.

Criminal codes - Legislationline
"Hungary :
Criminal Code of the Republic of Hungary (2012) (English version)"

In this, you looking for:
Use of Symbols of Totalitarianism
Section 335

(original law: 2012. vi C. t rv ny - a B ntet T rv nyk nyvr l )

I do paste here:
""Any person who:
a) distributes,
b) uses before the public at large, or
c) publicly exhibits,
the swastika, the insignia of the SS, the arrow cross, the sickle and hammer, the five-pointed red star or any symbol depicting the above so as to breach public peace - specifically in a way to offend the dignity of victims of totalitarian regimes and their right to sanctity - is guilty of a misdemeanor punishable by custodial arrest, insofar as the did not result in a more serious criminal offense.""
I would like for the state to mostly leave me alone.

I would be willing to pay for defense, courts, police and a few other necessary government functions.

I would be willing to pay for community roads through a user fee providing the money was not wasted with crap like Davis Bacon burdens.

I think a literacy education is good and I would be willing to pay a reasonable amount on a community level. No need for the Feds to be involved. I don't think the public school system should have a monopoly on using the funds if a private system can provide the education.

It doesn't go too much farther than that.

Absolutely no welfare, bailouts, subsidies or entitlements. The idea of the state taking money by force from somebody that earned it and giving it to somebody else that didn't earn it is one of the most oppressive ideas humans have ever come up with and it is thievery

I would also like for their to be some kinds of Constitutional guarantee that the state could never take more than 10% of a person's earnings.

With a $16 trillion GNP a 10% combined state, fed and local tax would give the government $1.6 trillion each year. That is more money than any other country spends on the cost of government and should be adequate to provide for necessary goverrnment functions, if the money is spent wisely.
No food stamps, no veterans affairs, no disability? Wow, great logic.

Absolutely no food stamps or disability. It is your responsibility to feed yourself not me. Disability is your problem, not mine. I may chose to help you if you are hungry and/or disabled but I want that to be my choice and not forced by the government.

I look at veterans benefits as part of the cost of defense. If we send our people in harm's way we should take care of them.
All I needed to hear.

Freedom from government oppression really pisses you off, doesn't it?
I would like for the state to mostly leave me alone.

I would be willing to pay for defense, courts, police and a few other necessary government functions.

I would be willing to pay for community roads through a user fee providing the money was not wasted with crap like Davis Bacon burdens.

I think a literacy education is good and I would be willing to pay a reasonable amount on a community level. No need for the Feds to be involved. I don't think the public school system should have a monopoly on using the funds if a private system can provide the education.

It doesn't go too much farther than that.

Absolutely no welfare, bailouts, subsidies or entitlements. The idea of the state taking money by force from somebody that earned it and giving it to somebody else that didn't earn it is one of the most oppressive ideas humans have ever come up with and it is thievery

I would also like for their to be some kinds of Constitutional guarantee that the state could never take more than 10% of a person's earnings.

With a $16 trillion GNP a 10% combined state, fed and local tax would give the government $1.6 trillion each year. That is more money than any other country spends on the cost of government and should be adequate to provide for necessary goverrnment functions, if the money is spent wisely.
No food stamps, no veterans affairs, no disability? Wow, great logic.

Absolutely no food stamps or disability. It is your responsibility to feed yourself not me. Disability is your problem, not mine. I may chose to help you if you are hungry and/or disabled but I want that to be my choice and not forced by the government.

I look at veterans benefits as part of the cost of defense. If we send our people in harm's way we should take care of them.
All I needed to hear.
Something for nothing, as long as you were once cannon fodder in one of our unnecessary wars.
I would like for the state to mostly leave me alone.

I would be willing to pay for defense, courts, police and a few other necessary government functions.

I would be willing to pay for community roads through a user fee providing the money was not wasted with crap like Davis Bacon burdens.

I think a literacy education is good and I would be willing to pay a reasonable amount on a community level. No need for the Feds to be involved. I don't think the public school system should have a monopoly on using the funds if a private system can provide the education.

It doesn't go too much farther than that.

Absolutely no welfare, bailouts, subsidies or entitlements. The idea of the state taking money by force from somebody that earned it and giving it to somebody else that didn't earn it is one of the most oppressive ideas humans have ever come up with and it is thievery

I would also like for their to be some kinds of Constitutional guarantee that the state could never take more than 10% of a person's earnings.

With a $16 trillion GNP a 10% combined state, fed and local tax would give the government $1.6 trillion each year. That is more money than any other country spends on the cost of government and should be adequate to provide for necessary goverrnment functions, if the money is spent wisely.
No food stamps, no veterans affairs, no disability? Wow, great logic.

Absolutely no food stamps or disability. It is your responsibility to feed yourself not me. Disability is your problem, not mine. I may chose to help you if you are hungry and/or disabled but I want that to be my choice and not forced by the government.

I look at veterans benefits as part of the cost of defense. If we send our people in harm's way we should take care of them.
All I needed to hear.

Freedom from government oppression really pisses you off, doesn't it?
I'm an anarchist, but I'm also realistic, food stamps aren't oppression.

What she's saying, you scum sucking piece of human filth.... Is that your handle "Marxist" offends the sensibilities of victims of genocide and mass murder and that you should be banned for being a general scumbag.

I concur
Well, obviously, I don't want the state to exist at all, but with the state still existing, I thought it'd be a good idea to get people's ideas on what they would want the state to do. Let's keep it civil.
Here are my ideas:
- Universal Healthcare
- Free Higher Level Education
- Food distribution centers in all major cities/areas with those poverty
- Full employment
- Higher taxes on the top 0.1%
- Reduced military spending, more focus on renewable energy programs/health/education
- Government program to provide housing to the homeless using the existing homes that are unoccupied, or homes that can never sell, etc, etc...
Many more, just a brief list.
You don't want thee state to exist at all yet have a list of free shit that should be given away just because you were born. How fucking stupid are you exactly?
If the state exists, I would like for it to provide these things, doesn't mean I support the idea of a state.

Uh-huh ... and you believe the best way to achieve your bottom line (no state) is to use what gov't we now have to confiscate the wealth of a few people and give it away to those you like better. Sounds like Greece:

INEPTOCRACY - a tyranny of the majority where the least capable to lead are elected by the least capable of producing and where the members of society least likely to sustain themselves or even try are rewarded with goods and services paid for by the confiscated wealth of a diminishing number of producers.

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