What would you pay for Ebola coverage?


Gold Member
Sep 9, 2010
Listening to a podcast on the way home from work. The speaker gave the idea about Paying these careworkers money in order to go over to Africa and treat these people. The reasoning is if you quarantine you run the risk that these caregivers not bothering to go, and a big reason we are doing badly over there is because we dont have enough caregivers.

Now we sent the military over there, and they have a mandatory 21 quarantine even though they are not near any ebola victims. Meanwhile our civilians do not. One suggestion was to make them reservists so they would have to, But that also means paying them.

So another suggestion is maybe 10K for each day in quarantine and a 100k bonus for going over there in the first place. This was an idea, not set in stone. Obama said Ebola could cost us up to 1 billion on the extreme end of things. Which in Washington is nothing. If this was ISIL we wouldnt bat an eyelash. Dont forget these caregivers are going over there for free. Nobody is paying them a dime to help out.

Which brings me to treatment. It seems your percentage for death go down with some very simple care.
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Supportive care ( fluids changing sheets etc) seem to be a really cheap and easy way to contain and save lives.

lastly on what we know about Ebola and it seems we know quite a bit on the virus. Its a lot more difficult to get, and sneezing and coughing really isnt that dangerous unless they are in a later stage.

So would you be willingly to spend money on this? We gave BILLIONS to the banks in 08 and for what? for them to turn around and sue us.

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