What you would have wanted..

I agree that that's the trend (and I think you meant it's "not as long a rush"?), but I don't think that's necessarily a good thing. Haley's been a governor and Rubio a senator for less than two years (from the Obama reference I take it we're not counting state-level government). It's not much of a basis.

Of course Romney came to candidacy with aught but four years as a governor himself, which assuming Haley and Rubio stay where they are, is even less. During campaign season I was making the observation that all the wags who whined about Obama's alleged dearth of experience said nothing about Romney's even-less experience, so depending on whether it's my guy or your guy the value of experience seems somewhat flexible. :eusa_angel:

But I still think imagining candidates who have all of two years under their belts, as candidates for POTUS, is setting the bar rather low.

To be fair, Chris Christie has only a year more than Rubio/Haley, and I like him, but that's because he's shown me some tools, where Haley and Rubio have not.

If were adding state level government as you did with Obama Rubio served in the Florida House of Representatives from 2000-2009 and Nikki Haley was a member of the South Carolina House of Representatives from 2005-2010.

Of course, and you've got Christie's time as US Attorney too. But if you include that for them, then you have to include it for Obama, and the poster didn't want that comparison. So I did apples to apples.

Just to clean up an unfinished point on Scott Walker: the acrimony that earned him that recall election is an albatross around his neck and it's not going away, plus he was totally owned by that blogger who called him and posed as David Koch. That's what I mean by "baggage". Those are heavy bags. He's toast.

My point in regards to Obama, Rubio, and Haley no matter if you just go by Haley's time as Governor and Rubio's time as a U.S. Senator or if you add their time as a state rep they have roughly the same amount of experience as Obama had when running in 2008. As Walker goes despite the acrimony as you say earned him the recall he still won it and a larger margin than he was originally elected by while the stands he took could hurt him in union states it could also be a big boost to him in non union states and as of right now we have no idea who might or might no run from either party the Democrats will also have to pick a candidate in 2016 this is fun speculation but that's all it is right now.
If were adding state level government as you did with Obama Rubio served in the Florida House of Representatives from 2000-2009 and Nikki Haley was a member of the South Carolina House of Representatives from 2005-2010.

Of course, and you've got Christie's time as US Attorney too. But if you include that for them, then you have to include it for Obama, and the poster didn't want that comparison. So I did apples to apples.

Just to clean up an unfinished point on Scott Walker: the acrimony that earned him that recall election is an albatross around his neck and it's not going away, plus he was totally owned by that blogger who called him and posed as David Koch. That's what I mean by "baggage". Those are heavy bags. He's toast.

My point in regards to Obama, Rubio, and Haley no matter if you just go by Haley's time as Governor and Rubio's time as a U.S. Senator or if you add their time as a state rep they have roughly the same amount of experience as Obama had when running in 2008. As Walker goes despite the acrimony as you say earned him the recall he still won it and a larger margin than he was originally elected by while the stands he took could hurt him in union states it could also be a big boost to him in non union states and as of right now we have no idea who might or might no run from either party the Democrats will also have to pick a candidate in 2016 this is fun speculation but that's all it is right now.

Yes it is, and thanks for your feedback :eusa_angel:

My feeling about Walker is that what will be remembered is not that he squeaked through a recall; it's that there was a recall, and mass protests at the capitol, and all that emotional stuff that went with it. That's all very divisive stuff, and the last thing the RP needs is more divisiveness. Then there's the Koch association and that's toxic by itself. These are the things that linger. I don't think Scott Walker has a future in politics. At all.
I don't understand why the Republicans didn't use their smartest, Sarah Palin, she even wrote a book all by herself, "Going Rouge by Lynn Vincent".
Palin would have mopped the floor with obamaturd. You idiots are not very smart, you prove it all the time.

I'm guessing that wasnt sarcasm.. I know first year poli-sci majors that would wipe the floor with Sarah Palin in a political debate. Who is still holding on to the hope that she is an actual politician. She had one moment in the sun 8 years ago, which in political years is a lifetime ago
Of course, and you've got Christie's time as US Attorney too. But if you include that for them, then you have to include it for Obama, and the poster didn't want that comparison. So I did apples to apples.

Just to clean up an unfinished point on Scott Walker: the acrimony that earned him that recall election is an albatross around his neck and it's not going away, plus he was totally owned by that blogger who called him and posed as David Koch. That's what I mean by "baggage". Those are heavy bags. He's toast.

My point in regards to Obama, Rubio, and Haley no matter if you just go by Haley's time as Governor and Rubio's time as a U.S. Senator or if you add their time as a state rep they have roughly the same amount of experience as Obama had when running in 2008. As Walker goes despite the acrimony as you say earned him the recall he still won it and a larger margin than he was originally elected by while the stands he took could hurt him in union states it could also be a big boost to him in non union states and as of right now we have no idea who might or might no run from either party the Democrats will also have to pick a candidate in 2016 this is fun speculation but that's all it is right now.

Yes it is, and thanks for your feedback :eusa_angel:

My feeling about Walker is that what will be remembered is not that he squeaked through a recall; it's that there was a recall, and mass protests at the capitol, and all that emotional stuff that went with it. That's all very divisive stuff, and the last thing the RP needs is more divisiveness. Then there's the Koch association and that's toxic by itself. These are the things that linger. I don't think Scott Walker has a future in politics. At all.

He may not, but a Walker-esque politician wouldnt hurt. Someone with the balls to stand up to unions, but not sound like an asshole about it. If I were Dr. Frankenstien, id create a Christie (relatablity) Huntsman (Social) Walker type guy.. Too much to ask for I think
until America forgets about Bush II, the GOP is stuck in neutral.

You cant claim to be the party of fiscal responsibility and moral perfection if guys like Bush II win office.

But Bush hasn't been in office for 4 years. So why do those on the left keep bringing him up?

Funny thing is Obama is 10 times the spender Bush was...So how the fuck can they hate Bush and love Obama?

prove it
If you were responsible for choosining the Republican nominee for the 2012 election who would you have picked? Provide reasons.

Jon Huntsman. Serious man who knows China inside and out. The next 50 years of US Foreign policy will be influenced by China in some way or the other. He would have given Obama a real contest.
If you were responsible for choosining the Republican nominee for the 2012 election who would you have picked? Provide reasons.

I would have paid to have seen Gingrich debate Oblamer, as much as he is disliked, I believe he would have mopped the floor with this moron...

No doubt he would have. As much as old Newt has baggage the guys one of the most inttleeigent I have ever heard talk politics. If only we could matched his smarts with a viable candidate

Gingrich would have gotten his ass handed to him too.
I would have paid to have seen Gingrich debate Oblamer, as much as he is disliked, I believe he would have mopped the floor with this moron...

No doubt he would have. As much as old Newt has baggage the guys one of the most inttleeigent I have ever heard talk politics. If only we could matched his smarts with a viable candidate

Gingrich would have gotten his ass handed to him too.

No one can twist words like old Newt. Youre right, he would have gotten smoked in the general, but he is leaps and bounds ahead of any other candidate when it comes to debating.
I would have paid to have seen Gingrich debate Oblamer, as much as he is disliked, I believe he would have mopped the floor with this moron...

No doubt he would have. As much as old Newt has baggage the guys one of the most inttleeigent I have ever heard talk politics. If only we could matched his smarts with a viable candidate

Gingrich would have gotten his ass handed to him too.
Too? Damn, lame Romney beat Obama's ass.

Hell, my DOG could have done better than Obama.

Get a grip on reality, fruitcake.
Somebody beat me to Jon Huntsman, but not with Rubio. That's just scary. They couldn't be more opposite.

Huntsman seems intelligent, congenial and free of the polarization/eliminationism game that grows on the Party like a cancer (exactly why I don't want Rubio on the ticket)

... like this attitude right here:

Huntsman would have had the same problem Romney did because of his dad, he would have been painted out of touch and all that crap, plus he came from Maobamas administration.

-- this is completely tone deaf. Huntsman worked for Reagan and Bush, yet somehow "he came from Maobamas [sic] administration". That's pathetic denialism right there, as if "he touched a black man" is some kind of disease. Not to mention trying to equate Hunstman Senior with George Romney... bizarre. Unlike Romney, Huntsman doesn't "act" rich.

This kind of extremism is what's killing the Party and keeping good people like Jon Huntsman from having a chance to compete.

When I first read the thread title I thought it was going to say "what would you have wanted if Obama really was giving stuff away" :lol:

Your the one that's delusional if you think reality has any bearing on politics, just the fact that Huntsman grew up in a wealthy family is enough for the Dems to paint him as privileged and out of touch with ordinary people, the class warfare machine is what it is. Then the fact that he worked in Dem and Rep admins would be used to paint him as a moderate that wouldn't appeal to the Rep base, so many would just stay home like they did this election. As for you petty insinuation of racism your way off, I dislike Maobama because at best he's a socialist and at worse a marxist, and his first 4 years has done nothing to change my opinion, give me a president that take his constitutional responsibilities seriously and I'll be happy to support them.

Part of the GOP problem is that their supporters are not seen as serious people. Your reluctance to spell our President's name correctly doesn't do anything to engender one to believe that you're someone whom they would happily share beliefs with. I realize that you could care less. Recruiting people to vote for a GOP candidate isn't easy and that isn't your goal here, of course; your here to vent frustration and I guess that pathetic outlet is more symbolic of the GOP than most other outward signs.

A black man is president. Get over it.

As for Huntsman; please point to ads by the Obama campaign that called Romney's wealth into question. I do not recall any.

Huntsman would have presented some large problems for Team Obama. The "outsourcing" argument would have been gone. The third debate on foreign relations would have been between two people instead of Obama and that guy that looked like a punching bag. Huntsman is a heavyweight. You guys screwed up royally by betting on Governor Romney.
Somebody beat me to Jon Huntsman, but not with Rubio. That's just scary. They couldn't be more opposite.

Huntsman seems intelligent, congenial and free of the polarization/eliminationism game that grows on the Party like a cancer (exactly why I don't want Rubio on the ticket)

... like this attitude right here:

-- this is completely tone deaf. Huntsman worked for Reagan and Bush, yet somehow "he came from Maobamas [sic] administration". That's pathetic denialism right there, as if "he touched a black man" is some kind of disease. Not to mention trying to equate Hunstman Senior with George Romney... bizarre. Unlike Romney, Huntsman doesn't "act" rich.

This kind of extremism is what's killing the Party and keeping good people like Jon Huntsman from having a chance to compete.

When I first read the thread title I thought it was going to say "what would you have wanted if Obama really was giving stuff away" :lol:

Your the one that's delusional if you think reality has any bearing on politics, just the fact that Huntsman grew up in a wealthy family is enough for the Dems to paint him as privileged and out of touch with ordinary people, the class warfare machine is what it is. Then the fact that he worked in Dem and Rep admins would be used to paint him as a moderate that wouldn't appeal to the Rep base, so many would just stay home like they did this election. As for you petty insinuation of racism your way off, I dislike Maobama because at best he's a socialist and at worse a marxist, and his first 4 years has done nothing to change my opinion, give me a president that take his constitutional responsibilities seriously and I'll be happy to support them.

Part of the GOP problem is that their supporters are not seen as serious people. Your reluctance to spell our President's name correctly doesn't do anything to engender one to believe that you're someone whom they would happily share beliefs with. I realize that you could care less. Recruiting people to vote for a GOP candidate isn't easy and that isn't your goal here, of course; your here to vent frustration and I guess that pathetic outlet is more symbolic of the GOP than most other outward signs.

A black man is president. Get over it.

As for Huntsman; please point to ads by the Obama campaign that called Romney's wealth into question. I do not recall any.

Huntsman would have presented some large problems for Team Obama. The "outsourcing" argument would have been gone. The third debate on foreign relations would have been between two people instead of Obama and that guy that looked like a punching bag. Huntsman is a heavyweight. You guys screwed up royally by betting on Governor Romney.
When one has only one brain cell left, bring up the POTUS' race.

If you were responsible for choosining the Republican nominee for the 2012 election who would you have picked? Provide reasons.

It was just a weak field of candidates this year I can't see anyone who would have done much better.The possible 2016 field has some strong contenders with Chris Chrstie, Marco Rubio, Scott Walker, Bobby Jindal, Paul Ryan, Eric Cantor, Nikki Haley to name a few.

Of those listed, Rubio, Jindal, and Christie are the only ones who have any chance at all. Haley may but would need a very strong #2. Cantor? Funny.
Do you all find it strange that the leaders of the Republican party--the ones who really set the agendas:


Are not elected?

It's VERY easy to sit on the sidelines and pontificate about how those who have to run for office should act, vote, handle themselves, etc... We do it every day here. Of course, we don't pose any threat of retaliation if they don't vote the way we want.

It's probably one of the underlying weaknesses that you guys don't have the stomach to address; these guys find a microphone and they set the agenda and create cartoonish environments that are totally non congruent with the actions that are sometimes necessary in congress and elsewhere.
No doubt he would have. As much as old Newt has baggage the guys one of the most inttleeigent I have ever heard talk politics. If only we could matched his smarts with a viable candidate

Gingrich would have gotten his ass handed to him too.

No one can twist words like old Newt. Youre right, he would have gotten smoked in the general, but he is leaps and bounds ahead of any other candidate when it comes to debating.

I didn't see that during the primaries. Otherwise, one would have thought he would have done better.
A black man is president. Get over it.

What's with you people...?! Why is it that you and so many other small-minded folks think it's all about the color of Obama's skin...?

I don't give a rat's ass about Obama's outside appearance...

I am, however, mightily concerned about what's between his ears...
A black man is president. Get over it.

What's with you people...?! Why is it that you and so many other small-minded folks think it's all about the color of Obama's skin...?

I don't give a rat's ass about Obama's outside appearance...

I am, however, mightily concerned about what's between his ears...
Just read a few of Candycorn's posts (outside of the Conspiracy section), and it's not hard to figure out she is a moron hack.

A black man is president. Get over it.

What's with you people...?! Why is it that you and so many other small-minded folks think it's all about the color of Obama's skin...?

I don't give a rat's ass about Obama's outside appearance...

I am, however, mightily concerned about what's between his ears...

Good for you. What is between his ears? He wants to preserve the tax cut for middle income Americans. The Senate passed a bill doing just that. It was sent to the House. It could pass tomorrow if Speaker Boehner would bring it to a vote. He won't.

His wanting to preserve a tax cut for middle income Americans concerns you?

What is between his ears. Four times, he has had to comment on mass murders that were committed by persons with guns. He has decided that he wants to take some concrete measures to lessen the chance that it will happen again.

His wanting to limit the chance that you or I or someone we love will die from a violent gun death concerns you?

Not all conservatives feel the way you do--finding the skin color totally irrelevant. Do you agree? Many on here cannot bring themselves to even spell his name correctly. This sort of outright hate goes beyond policy in my view.
A black man is president. Get over it.

What's with you people...?! Why is it that you and so many other small-minded folks think it's all about the color of Obama's skin...?

I don't give a rat's ass about Obama's outside appearance...

I am, however, mightily concerned about what's between his ears...
Just read a few of Candycorn's posts (outside of the Conspiracy section), and it's not hard to figure out she is a moron hack.


Really? Not hard when the appellation "moron" functions like the verb "is" for you. Everybody's a "moron". Which I find ironic in light of this:

2. Questions and/or challenges need to be straightforward, not involving any insults or attacks. The act of questioning is not to be taken as an attack - it is simple questioning.

Really. I submit you are unqualified to preach to people about 'debate' considering your track record. Bad dog.

Wanna see what that thoughtful reasoned debate looks like? It looks like this:

Good for you. What is between his ears? He wants to preserve the tax cut for middle income Americans. The Senate passed a bill doing just that. It was sent to the House. It could pass tomorrow if Speaker Boehner would bring it to a vote. He won't.

His wanting to preserve a tax cut for middle income Americans concerns you?

What is between his ears. Four times, he has had to comment on mass murders that were committed by persons with guns. He has decided that he wants to take some concrete measures to lessen the chance that it will happen again.

His wanting to limit the chance that you or I or someone we love will die from a violent gun death concerns you?

Not all conservatives feel the way you do--finding the skin color totally irrelevant. Do you agree? Many on here cannot bring themselves to even spell his name correctly. This sort of outright hate goes beyond policy in my view.

Really. When you try to denigrate others, all you do is denigrate yourself. Enough already.

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