Whatever happened to this "BILL"?


Diamond Member
Sep 13, 2015
So tired of it all. So tired of the BS posts in Election threads. I don't know how blowjob Johnson can get any bill thru when the USSC ruled otherwise a long time ago? Is he just blowing smoke again? Apr. 12, 2024 I have not heard anything in 90 days? WTH?

Made AZ quit asking for proof of Citizenship to register? yes we are that screwed up. So the Dems load up the Voter roll with Illegals. Daring you to clean up a moving target. Then out go the un-monitored Mail-In Ballots. SHUP all you bags of human garbage that don't know what you are talking about on other threads! The registar will lie for the illegals and get them on.

“States are currently prohibited from asking someone to prove they’re a citizen,” Speaker Johnson said.

He highlighted the ease with which individuals can register to vote while applying for a driver’s license under the National Voter Registration Act of 1993, commonly known as the “motor voter law.”

“If an individual only asserts or simply states that they are a citizen, they don’t have to prove it. They can register that person to vote in a federal election. You see, states are currently prohibited,” Johnson said.

“Believe it or not, the states are prohibited from asking someone to prove that they’re a citizen. The federal voter registration form just has a check-up box. If you do that, you’re good. The states can’t allow it. We think that’s a serious problem.”

“We only want US citizens to vote in US elections. But there are some Democrats who don’t want to do that. We believe that one of their designs, one of the reasons for this open border, which everybody ask all around the country, why would they do this?”

“Right now, the administration is encouraging illegals to go to their local welfare office to sign up for benefits. Well, guess what? When you go to a welfare office, they also ask you if you would like to register to vote.”

“There are so many millions of illegals in the country that if only one out of 100 voted, they would cast potentially hundreds of thousands of votes in the election. That could turn an election. This could be a tight election in our congressional races around the country. It could, if there are enough votes, affect the presidential election,” Johnson said.

Emphasizing the need for legislation, Johnson announced, “Our bill will require that every single person who registers the vote in a federal election must prove that they’re an American citizen first. You have to prove it. That will be a new part of the federal law and a very important one.”

“Our bill also requires states to remove non-citizens from their existing voter rolls. That’s a big problem, too. And it will provide access to databases from the Department of Homeland Security and the Social Security Administration to help the states administer this.”

“As the entity that is responsible for regulating federal elections, Congress has this responsibility. We cannot wait for widespread fraud to occur, especially when the threat of fraud is growing with every single illegal immigrant that crosses that border,” Johnson said.

So tired of it all. So tired of the BS posts in Election threads. I don't know how blowjob Johnson can get any bill thru when the USSC ruled otherwise a long time ago? Is he just blowing smoke again? Apr. 12, 2024 I have not heard anything in 90 days? WTH?

Made AZ quit asking for proof of Citizenship to register? yes we are that screwed up. So the Dems load up the Voter roll with Illegals. Daring you to clean up a moving target. Then out go the un-monitored Mail-In Ballots. SHUP all you bags of human garbage that don't know what you are talking about on other threads! The registar will lie for the illegals and get them on.

“States are currently prohibited from asking someone to prove they’re a citizen,” Speaker Johnson said.

He highlighted the ease with which individuals can register to vote while applying for a driver’s license under the National Voter Registration Act of 1993, commonly known as the “motor voter law.”

“If an individual only asserts or simply states that they are a citizen, they don’t have to prove it. They can register that person to vote in a federal election. You see, states are currently prohibited,” Johnson said.

“Believe it or not, the states are prohibited from asking someone to prove that they’re a citizen. The federal voter registration form just has a check-up box. If you do that, you’re good. The states can’t allow it. We think that’s a serious problem.”

“We only want US citizens to vote in US elections. But there are some Democrats who don’t want to do that. We believe that one of their designs, one of the reasons for this open border, which everybody ask all around the country, why would they do this?”

“Right now, the administration is encouraging illegals to go to their local welfare office to sign up for benefits. Well, guess what? When you go to a welfare office, they also ask you if you would like to register to vote.”

“There are so many millions of illegals in the country that if only one out of 100 voted, they would cast potentially hundreds of thousands of votes in the election. That could turn an election. This could be a tight election in our congressional races around the country. It could, if there are enough votes, affect the presidential election,” Johnson said.

Emphasizing the need for legislation, Johnson announced, “Our bill will require that every single person who registers the vote in a federal election must prove that they’re an American citizen first. You have to prove it. That will be a new part of the federal law and a very important one.”

“Our bill also requires states to remove non-citizens from their existing voter rolls. That’s a big problem, too. And it will provide access to databases from the Department of Homeland Security and the Social Security Administration to help the states administer this.”

“As the entity that is responsible for regulating federal elections, Congress has this responsibility. We cannot wait for widespread fraud to occur, especially when the threat of fraud is growing with every single illegal immigrant that crosses that border,” Johnson said.

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Makes you wonder how Biden deported 300,000 plus people the other day.

Oh yeah, you’re lying. That’s how.
Here’s the scam.

Religious NGO’s (non-governmental orgs) like Catholic, Lutheran and other types of do-gooders collaborate with the Biden administration to take those migrants – the ones who arrive by plane – into the heartland – and then allegedly register them.

The details are fascinating.
These NGOs set up addresses that seem like homeless shelters – but aren’t – they are migrant ballot registration collection points. Some are just offices in crappy strip malls.

We know because we drill into the actual address photos. Watch our videos on Omega4America.com.

The migrants show up, get a phone, gift cards worth several grand, get registered to vote.

In Wisconsin, for instance, there is a Form EL-131.

Form EL-131 says if you are homeless, check the box. You can register to vote with no supporting ID.

For you election deniers, and Republican types – read this slowly so you can comprehend this madness.

In a swing state, one of 7 that will determine the next leader of the free world – today – using Form EL-131, anyone with a heartbeat can register to vote with no ID, as long as they check the box that says “homeless.”

Or someone can do it for them! What can go wrong?

This is what the Republican Party allowed to happen – bending over and taking it – with literally zero push back.

This is what the national voter integrity orgs – and their dopey donors – allowed. Maybe instead of raising millions of dollars for “voter guides” and useless seminars, they would invest in opposing this kind of madness. But, they passed.

This is just the start.

Fraud is interesting when you study it for decades.
Earlier this month, The Public Interest Legal Foundation (PILF), found a whopping 3.1 million New Yorkers – or about 23% of the state’s 13.3 million registered voters – lacked a driver’s license or a Social Security number to prove their identity. These individuals are a combination of dead voters, non-citizens, and those who refuse to provide (or do not possess at all) their documentation to verify.
Here’s the scam.

Religious NGO’s (non-governmental orgs) like Catholic, Lutheran and other types of do-gooders collaborate with the Biden administration to take those migrants – the ones who arrive by plane – into the heartland – and then allegedly register them.

The details are fascinating.
These NGOs set up addresses that seem like homeless shelters – but aren’t – they are migrant ballot registration collection points. Some are just offices in crappy strip malls.

We know because we drill into the actual address photos. Watch our videos on Omega4America.com.

The migrants show up, get a phone, gift cards worth several grand, get registered to vote.

In Wisconsin, for instance, there is a Form EL-131.

Form EL-131 says if you are homeless, check the box. You can register to vote with no supporting ID.

For you election deniers, and Republican types – read this slowly so you can comprehend this madness.

In a swing state, one of 7 that will determine the next leader of the free world – today – using Form EL-131, anyone with a heartbeat can register to vote with no ID, as long as they check the box that says “homeless.”

Or someone can do it for them! What can go wrong?

This is what the Republican Party allowed to happen – bending over and taking it – with literally zero push back.

This is what the national voter integrity orgs – and their dopey donors – allowed. Maybe instead of raising millions of dollars for “voter guides” and useless seminars, they would invest in opposing this kind of madness. But, they passed.

This is just the start.

Fraud is interesting when you study it for decades.
we can argue about the funding for catholic charities to do this job. the us gov't does not need to subsidize the pope, or any other buch of holy rollers with these "faith based initiatives.."

if the catholic church is running "voter registration centers" where those homeless line up for blocks for the 18 0r 20 bunks each night , wouldn't they be registering anti abortion warriors rather than lettuce pickers? and ..........
Here’s the scam.

Religious NGO’s (non-governmental orgs) like Catholic, Lutheran and other types of do-gooders collaborate with the Biden administration to take those migrants – the ones who arrive by plane – into the heartland – and then allegedly register them.

The details are fascinating.
These NGOs set up addresses that seem like homeless shelters – but aren’t – they are migrant ballot registration collection points. Some are just offices in crappy strip malls.

We know because we drill into the actual address photos. Watch our videos on Omega4America.com.

The migrants show up, get a phone, gift cards worth several grand, get registered to vote.

In Wisconsin, for instance, there is a Form EL-131.

Form EL-131 says if you are homeless, check the box. You can register to vote with no supporting ID.

For you election deniers, and Republican types – read this slowly so you can comprehend this madness.

In a swing state, one of 7 that will determine the next leader of the free world – today – using Form EL-131, anyone with a heartbeat can register to vote with no ID, as long as they check the box that says “homeless.”

Or someone can do it for them! What can go wrong?

This is what the Republican Party allowed to happen – bending over and taking it – with literally zero push back.

This is what the national voter integrity orgs – and their dopey donors – allowed. Maybe instead of raising millions of dollars for “voter guides” and useless seminars, they would invest in opposing this kind of madness. But, they passed.

This is just the start.

Fraud is interesting when you study it for decades.

They'd have to provide them a letter as well, which should be easy enough to research if one has access to state records.

The form says if you can't check all 4 boxes in question 1, then you should not fill out the form.

So the question is how much should these state agencies and those entrusted with counting these votes be trusted? What mechanisms are in place to validate these registration applications, how easy is it to fraudulently register to vote?

(Homeless voters only) A letter from an organization that provides services to the homeless that identifies the voter and describes the location designated as the person’s residence for voting purposes
They'd have to provide them a letter as well, which should be easy enough to research if one has access to state records.

The form says if you can't check all 4 boxes in question 1, then you should not fill out the form.

So the question is how much should these state agencies and those entrusted with counting these votes be trusted? What mechanisms are in place to validate these registration applications, how easy is it to fraudulently register to vote?

(Homeless voters only) A letter from an organization that provides services to the homeless that identifies the voter and describes the location designated as the person’s residence for voting purposes
the homeless should be allowecx to vote, provided they meet all other criteria, including citizenship and residency.

Illegals voting and inflating census counts


The strategy for the Biden illegal alien surge is to drive them through the Motor Voter Registration process. With no legitimate capability in place to validate the names being generated by State DMVs, the illegal aliens seeking a driver’s license will become part of the voter rolls. This is a twofer – the illegals in addition are being counted by a weaponized Census Bureau which drives the apportionment of House Seats in Congress. Texas, Florida, and other Red States were robbed of multiple House Seats with the 2020 fake Census Count. The Census Bureau is one of those obscure but heavily weaponized government entities that must be de-weaponized.

This issue is a national focus and the RNC should lead the charge to petition and compel the Census Bureau to separate out illegal residents and use only legal citizens as the correct count for the apportionment of House Seats and related matters. There are Federal and national level issues, state matters, and also county and local actions to take well before November 2024. The voting season begins in September for some states. We have to play the ball where it lays when it comes to election matters and the imperative is to stop bellowing on social media, put down the bowl of loudmouth soup, get off the couch, get in the game, and compel action by your county/township Election Board and the Election Registrar. Also work behind the counter and count the votes as an Election Officer (which is not poll watching – don’t waste time with that canard).
the homeless should be allowecx to vote, provided they meet all other criteria, including citizenship and residency.

Homeless Citizens you dumb OX. That is what the issue is. 20 million new Illegals flooded on the top of already corrupted Voter rolls from long-time Illegals floating about.
What is paticularly maddening is this was all known prior to 2020, 2022 and the worthless R have done nothing? The D are not going to do anything. They created the mess using Deep State operatives.

***According to the NVRA, conservatives and Republicans have until Wednesday, August 7, 2024 for election departments to clean their voter rolls using bulk processes or methods.
Blame republicans because a voter registration bill had no chance of getting through congress or being signed by the president? Yeah right, maybe it's Trump's fault.
Little hope to solve it quickly it would seem?

In only some states, lawmakers will not allow illegals to vote in local elections, but every state will allow illegal aliens to vote in national elections, including the presidential election. This is because of provisions in the federal Voting Rights Act, which allow you to vote without proving identity.
Still, in Arizona and other states, you are not required to prove citizenship to receive a federal-only ballot, will allow anyone to vote in federal elections, including presidential elections. You must only check a box affirming you are a citizen and a box affirming you will be 18 or older on or before election day, put a name–any name–and an address to have your ballot mailed if you would like. The “proof of citizenship or last four digits of Social Security Number” box on the federal voter registration form, which is accepted in all 50 states, is not a required field.

Next, all that you must do is sign and date the form and “swear/affirm that:

  • I am a United States Citizen
  • I meet the eligibility requirements of my stater and subscribe to any oath required
  • The information I have provided is true to the best of my knowledge under penalty of perjury. If I have provided false information, I may be fined, imprisoned, or (if not a U.S. citizen) deported from or refused entry to the United States.”
Then, in 2013, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled that, under the Voting Rights Act — which doesn’t require documentation — Arizona had to let these voters vote in federal elections. The state created a system in which it rejected any state voter registration application that didn’t have documents proving citizenship, but if the voter used a federal form, they would be registered as a federal-only voter. Because few voters use the federal form, the federal-only list was relatively small at the time.

After groups sued, in 2018, the state agreed to start adding voters to the federal-only list regardless of whether they used the state or federal form. That caused the list to grow, and fast.

As of October 2019, there were about 17,000 federal-only voters, according to state data. By October 2020, there were about 36,000.

As of June 2024, the following seven states included language explicitly prohibiting noncitizen voting in their state constitutions.[33]

***only 7 states prohibit Illegals from voting in STATE ELECTIONS but cannot stop them from FEDERAL. WTH is going on! Mail-In Fraud much?
Here’s the scam.

Religious NGO’s (non-governmental orgs) like Catholic, Lutheran and other types of do-gooders collaborate with the Biden administration to take those migrants – the ones who arrive by plane – into the heartland – and then allegedly register them.

The details are fascinating.
These NGOs set up addresses that seem like homeless shelters – but aren’t – they are migrant ballot registration collection points. Some are just offices in crappy strip malls.

We know because we drill into the actual address photos. Watch our videos on Omega4America.com.

The migrants show up, get a phone, gift cards worth several grand, get registered to vote.

In Wisconsin, for instance, there is a Form EL-131.

Form EL-131 says if you are homeless, check the box. You can register to vote with no supporting ID.

For you election deniers, and Republican types – read this slowly so you can comprehend this madness.

In a swing state, one of 7 that will determine the next leader of the free world – today – using Form EL-131, anyone with a heartbeat can register to vote with no ID, as long as they check the box that says “homeless.”

Or someone can do it for them! What can go wrong?

This is what the Republican Party allowed to happen – bending over and taking it – with literally zero push back.

This is what the national voter integrity orgs – and their dopey donors – allowed. Maybe instead of raising millions of dollars for “voter guides” and useless seminars, they would invest in opposing this kind of madness. But, they passed.

This is just the start.

Fraud is interesting when you study it for decades.
So you have a couple of rants and no evidence just a good old rant...

Just like Trumpy Bear, when feeling down, have a good old rant.

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