What's Christian About Denying Service To Any Individual?

Cheer up, guys. Arizona, having been called down by the feds for an unconstitutional illegal immigration law, found to be discriminating against Hispanics in Sheriff Joe's backyard, and trying to pass 'religious freedom" legislation to discriminate against gays, has moved on, and now has passed a bill to remove core values from the public school system. These were endorsed by bi-partisan governors, but as far as AZ is concerned, it is a fed dictatorship law. So, now, when AZ kids want to go to Harvard, they will not have been prepared to the same level as kids from other states.

Shine on, Arizona!

What planet do you live on?
Cheer up, guys. Arizona, having been called down by the feds for an unconstitutional illegal immigration law, found to be discriminating against Hispanics in Sheriff Joe's backyard, and trying to pass 'religious freedom" legislation to discriminate against gays, has moved on, and now has passed a bill to remove core values from the public school system. These were endorsed by bi-partisan governors, but as far as AZ is concerned, it is a fed dictatorship law. So, now, when AZ kids want to go to Harvard, they will not have been prepared to the same level as kids from other states.

Shine on, Arizona!
Arizona. The new Alabama!
Cheer up, guys. Arizona, having been called down by the feds for an unconstitutional illegal immigration law, found to be discriminating against Hispanics in Sheriff Joe's backyard, and trying to pass 'religious freedom" legislation to discriminate against gays, has moved on, and now has passed a bill to remove core values from the public school system. These were endorsed by bi-partisan governors, but as far as AZ is concerned, it is a fed dictatorship law. So, now, when AZ kids want to go to Harvard, they will not have been prepared to the same level as kids from other states.

Shine on, Arizona!
Arizona. The new Alabama!

The new age of politics is to malign Christians.
Cheer up, guys. Arizona, having been called down by the feds for an unconstitutional illegal immigration law, found to be discriminating against Hispanics in Sheriff Joe's backyard, and trying to pass 'religious freedom" legislation to discriminate against gays, has moved on, and now has passed a bill to remove core values from the public school system. These were endorsed by bi-partisan governors, but as far as AZ is concerned, it is a fed dictatorship law. So, now, when AZ kids want to go to Harvard, they will not have been prepared to the same level as kids from other states.

Shine on, Arizona!
Arizona. The new Alabama!

The new age of politics is to malign Christians.
The new age of Christianity is to ignore the edicts of Jesus Christ.
Arizona. The new Alabama!

The new age of politics is to malign Christians.
The new age of Christianity is to ignore the edicts of Jesus Christ.

Being an atheist you probably didn't notice that not a single Christian is currently in this thread arguing for the idea anyone can tell anyone else what their religion is, not even the one that started this thread. The reason for that is pretty simple, I proved everyone that tried to actually use the Bible to force others to comply with their opinion is wrong. That leaves you no argument on those grounds, even if you are so fucking stupid you can't figure it out.
The bill was vetoed because it was a piece of shit.

And the people who drafted specifically cited the New Mexico anti-gay case.

And the Americans Defending Freedom are rabidly anti-gay to the point of defending laws to imprison gay couples.

Well, that's definately an opinion.
No. It's a fact.

Then I suppose you would be able to actually be able to:

Provide Evidence???

Where have Americans Defending Freedom "defended laws to imprison gay couples?"

I've searched, and can find nothing to support your "fact." Hope you have better luck.
First, the group pushing the bill is the Center for Arizona Policy has become one of the leading voices in the state for the family. In large part, this is due to the statewide Center for Arizona Policy (CAP) Network.

It does not only include "radical so-called fundamentalists Christians."

Community leaders, churches, pastors, allied organizations, and those with a passion for creating a better Arizona have become a part of the CAP Network. By standing together for pro-life, pro-family, conservative principles, we have seen the impact we can have together

Our Constitution guarantees that in America, people are free to live and work according to their faith.

Yet as religious hostility grows throughout the nation, it has become clear that this fundamental right is under attack.

That's why they are asking the governor to sign SB 1062, to make it clear that all people of faith are welcome in the state.

No one should be forced to forfeit their religious beliefs simply because they go to work or start a business.

Please stand up for religious liberty and sign SB 1062!
The bill was vetoed because it was a piece of shit.

And the people who drafted specifically cited the New Mexico anti-gay case.

And the Americans Defending Freedom are rabidly anti-gay to the point of defending laws to imprison gay couples.
It was vetoed because people were lying about what the bill was intended to do. Funny thing, you are still lying about it.

Lies is all they have, they lie about practically everything.
The new age of politics is to malign Christians.
The new age of Christianity is to ignore the edicts of Jesus Christ.

Being an atheist you probably didn't notice that not a single Christian is currently in this thread arguing for the idea anyone can tell anyone else what their religion is, not even the one that started this thread. The reason for that is pretty simple, I proved everyone that tried to actually use the Bible to force others to comply with their opinion is wrong. That leaves you no argument on those grounds, even if you are so fucking stupid you can't figure it out.

Is that a direct quote from Jesus? But anyways, I'm sure he'd approve. Probably jot that down for future reference. :clap2:
Arizona. The new Alabama!

The new age of politics is to malign Christians.
The new age of Christianity is to ignore the edicts of Jesus Christ.

This coming from an atheist? What would you know about it? Who are you to judge when someone is following His 'edicts' or not? You're actually worse than any Christian passing judgment that I've seen. Outside of one or two posters on here, you atheists are far worse at being judgmental than anyone I've ever seen. You've certainly opened my eyes Nosmo, I thought you were a nice person from conversations we've had in the coffee shop, had I known how hateful you really are outside of there, I wouldn't have wasted my time talking to you in there. Part of the reason why I don't frequent in there anymore, people are just two faced, friendly and nice in there and hateful out here. Sad.
The new age of Christianity is to ignore the edicts of Jesus Christ.

Being an atheist you probably didn't notice that not a single Christian is currently in this thread arguing for the idea anyone can tell anyone else what their religion is, not even the one that started this thread. The reason for that is pretty simple, I proved everyone that tried to actually use the Bible to force others to comply with their opinion is wrong. That leaves you no argument on those grounds, even if you are so fucking stupid you can't figure it out.

Is that a direct quote from Jesus? But anyways, I'm sure he'd approve. Probably jot that down for future reference. :clap2:

What does Jesus have to do with anything QW said? What's funny is your kind thinks they can use Jesus as a some kind of a weapon against Christians, and you're too damn stupid to even understand that it's in an assinine and empty tactic.
Being an atheist you probably didn't notice that not a single Christian is currently in this thread arguing for the idea anyone can tell anyone else what their religion is, not even the one that started this thread. The reason for that is pretty simple, I proved everyone that tried to actually use the Bible to force others to comply with their opinion is wrong. That leaves you no argument on those grounds, even if you are so fucking stupid you can't figure it out.

Is that a direct quote from Jesus? But anyways, I'm sure he'd approve. Probably jot that down for future reference. :clap2:

What does Jesus have to do with anything QW said? What's funny is your kind thinks they can use Jesus as a some kind of a weapon against Christians, and you're too damn stupid to even understand that it's in an assinine and empty tactic.

We have another Jesus quoting winner!!!!!! I didn't realize his followers would behave in this manner. You must be a faker.
Is that a direct quote from Jesus? But anyways, I'm sure he'd approve. Probably jot that down for future reference. :clap2:

What does Jesus have to do with anything QW said? What's funny is your kind thinks they can use Jesus as a some kind of a weapon against Christians, and you're too damn stupid to even understand that it's in an assinine and empty tactic.

We have another Jesus quoting winner!!!!!! I didn't realize his followers would behave in this manner. You must be a faker.

No, I'm human, dumbass. Keep displaying your stupidity though, I'm sure nothing can stop it!! :eusa_angel:
What does Jesus have to do with anything QW said? What's funny is your kind thinks they can use Jesus as a some kind of a weapon against Christians, and you're too damn stupid to even understand that it's in an assinine and empty tactic.

We have another Jesus quoting winner!!!!!! I didn't realize his followers would behave in this manner. You must be a faker.

No, I'm human, dumbass. Keep displaying your stupidity though, I'm sure nothing can stop it!! :eusa_angel:

Just remember, when you get to hell, don't pass Adolf the salt! :D
Well, that's definately an opinion.
No. It's a fact.

Then I suppose you would be able to actually be able to:

Provide Evidence???

Where have Americans Defending Freedom "defended laws to imprison gay couples?"

I've searched, and can find nothing to support your "fact." Hope you have better luck.
Then you do a poor job researching.
The group behind the crafting of this bill was the right-wing Center for Arizona Policy and the Scottsdale-based Alliance Defending Freedom (ADF).

They have an extreme anti-gay history.

For example:

"In its earlier incarnation as the Alliance Defense Fund, ADF filed a brief supporting anti-sodomy laws in Lawrence v. Texas, the 2003 case in which the U.S. Supreme Court struck down laws criminalizing gay sex. The organization has defended state bans on marriage equality and represented business owners who refused to serve gay couples. ADF has also opposed anti-bullying efforts in public schools and declared that a gay-inclusive Boy Scouts of America would be an assault on religious liberty."


"But in an interview with ADF attorney Kellie Fiedorek on the February 24 edition of New Day, Cuomo refused to let ADF escape scrutiny. Like other supporters of the measure, Fiedorek dodged uncomfortable questions about whether the bill would allow businesses to discriminate against gay customers.

But when Fiedorek compared requiring businesses to serve gay customers to asking a Muslim to participate in a burning of the Koran or an African-American to photograph a KKK rally, Cuomo pushed back, noting the ADF's record of defending anti-gay discrimination:"

See the video at the link.

Watch CNN's Cuomo Call Out The Extremist Group Behind Arizona's Anti-Gay Bill

Have a look at some of the **** this group has been behind:

Meet Alliance Defending Freedom, Fox's Favorite Anti-LGBT Legal Organization | Equality Matters

I posted this last month:



  • Partnered with more than 300 like-minded institutions, including the Federalist Society, the Home School Legal Defense Association, the rabidly anti-LGBT Pacific Justice Institute, the Thomas More Law Center, anti-gay hate group the Family Research Council, the Heritage Foundation, and the now-defunct "ex-gay" organization Exodus International.
  • Filed a brief supporting statutory bans on gay sex in Lawrence v. Texas, the 2003 case in which the Supreme Court ultimately found state anti-sodomy laws unconstitutional.
  • Opposed anti-bullying efforts in public schools, calling for exceptions for speech or actions based on religious views and decrying "tolerance training" and "special protection" for LGBT students.
  • Created its own "Day of Truth" to combat the Day of Silence, which commemorates LGBT victims of bullying, harassment, and violence.
  • Crusaded against a gay-inclusive Boy Scouts of America, calling the BSA's decision to allow gay scouts an assault on "freedom" and working with churches that sponsor scout troops to work around the new membership policy.
  • Defended California's same-sex marriage ban, Proposition 8, in Hollingsworth v. Perry.
  • Offered free representation to Iowa county recorders who refused to provide same-sex couples with marriage licenses.
  • Dispatched chief counsel Benjamin Bull to Russia to meet with Yelena Mizulina, the legislative leader of that country's crackdown on LGBT people.
  • Represented 18 plaintiffs challenging the Affordable Care Act's requirement that for-profit employers cover contraception at no additional cost to employees.

ADF's relentless legal campaign against LGBT equality led the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) to describe the organization as "virulently anti-gay." SPLC proved instrumental in exposing an aspect of ADF's work that the organization chooses not to tout on its website - its international work to criminalize homosexuality.

SPLC reported in July that ADF has rushed to the defense of Section 53, offering legal help to the right-wing group Belize Action.
The bill was vetoed because it was a piece of shit.

And the people who drafted specifically cited the New Mexico anti-gay case.

And the Americans Defending Freedom are rabidly anti-gay to the point of defending laws to imprison gay couples.
It was vetoed because people were lying about what the bill was intended to do. Funny thing, you are still lying about it.

Lies is all they have, they lie about practically everything.
That's pretty funny coming from someone who lied about me on this very thread -- then didn't have the nads to own up to the fact she got me mixed up with someone else.
Partnered with more than 300 like-minded institutions, including the Federalist Society, the Home School Legal Defense Association, the rabidly anti-LGBT Pacific Justice Institute, the Thomas More Law Center, anti-gay hate group the Family Research Council, the Heritage Foundation, and the now-defunct "ex-gay" organization Exodus International.
Filed a brief supporting statutory bans on gay sex in Lawrence v. Texas, the 2003 case in which the Supreme Court ultimately found state anti-sodomy laws unconstitutional.
Opposed anti-bullying efforts in public schools, calling for exceptions for speech or actions based on religious views and decrying "tolerance training" and "special protection" for LGBT students.
Created its own "Day of Truth" to combat the Day of Silence, which commemorates LGBT victims of bullying, harassment, and violence.
Crusaded against a gay-inclusive Boy Scouts of America, calling the BSA's decision to allow gay scouts an assault on "freedom" and working with churches that sponsor scout troops to work around the new membership policy.
Defended California's same-sex marriage ban, Proposition 8, in Hollingsworth v. Perry.
Offered free representation to Iowa county recorders who refused to provide same-sex couples with marriage licenses.
Dispatched chief counsel Benjamin Bull to Russia to meet with Yelena Mizulina, the legislative leader of that country's crackdown on LGBT people.
Represented 18 plaintiffs challenging the Affordable Care Act's requirement that for-profit employers cover contraception at no additional cost to employees.
Dude.....did you really think this was a list of BAD things?.....

got a real laugh at the "antigay hate group The Family Research Council".......that was classic!.......
Last edited:
The new age of politics is to malign Christians.
The new age of Christianity is to ignore the edicts of Jesus Christ.

Being an atheist you probably didn't notice that not a single Christian is currently in this thread arguing for the idea anyone can tell anyone else what their religion is, not even the one that started this thread. The reason for that is pretty simple, I proved everyone that tried to actually use the Bible to force others to comply with their opinion is wrong. That leaves you no argument on those grounds, even if you are so fucking stupid you can't figure it out.
A couple of points you either over looked or failed to recognize:

1) I am a Christian

2) Jesus preached that we should not judge others, that we should do unto others as we would have others do unto us and , those without sin should cast the first stone.

Those are the basic tenets of the faith. The so-called Christians who are seeking legal cover to foment division, hatred, fear and suspicion of others are blatantly ignoring those basic tenets.

And that's why I posted:
The new age of Christianity is to ignore the edicts of Jesus Christ.

So if you consider yourself a Christian, why did you judge me as
so fucking stupid
? I suppose that's the action of a so-called Christian in the new age of Christianity. What a pity. Christians used to be nice, respectful people. Now they are more like the Taliban than Christians.
The new age of politics is to malign Christians.
The new age of Christianity is to ignore the edicts of Jesus Christ.

This coming from an atheist? What would you know about it? Who are you to judge when someone is following His 'edicts' or not? You're actually worse than any Christian passing judgment that I've seen. Outside of one or two posters on here, you atheists are far worse at being judgmental than anyone I've ever seen. You've certainly opened my eyes Nosmo, I thought you were a nice person from conversations we've had in the coffee shop, had I known how hateful you really are outside of there, I wouldn't have wasted my time talking to you in there. Part of the reason why I don't frequent in there anymore, people are just two faced, friendly and nice in there and hateful out here. Sad.
Calling out folks who seek to hide behind a religion based on tolerance to foment intolerance is not hateful, it's pointing out hypocrisy and heresy. By the way, I am a Christian. A Christian who believes what Jesus taught us, to love one another and to cast the first stone only if we are without sin.
It was vetoed because people were lying about what the bill was intended to do. Funny thing, you are still lying about it.

Lies is all they have, they lie about practically everything.
That's pretty funny coming from someone who lied about me on this very thread -- then didn't have the nads to own up to the fact she got me mixed up with someone else.

I said I attributed the remark to the wrong person when I repsonded about it, an honest mistake, but if you need to dwell on it to make a point, then don't let me interupt.:rolleyes:

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