What's Christian About Denying Service To Any Individual?

Gee, I wonder where the idea cons were authoritarian comes from...

Newby thinks she's the parent and people should be discriminated against cause...they're like children to disciplined.

Aw, what's the matter, can't you answer the question? It was a pretty simple question... but, no surprise that you can't answer it, and have to put words in my mouth as some sort of a refutation. :lol:

I don't open your junk, but once again, just more bullshit and no answer.

So, paperview, do you normally keep your mouth shut when people you love to do things that you think will bring them harm? Is that how you show you 'love' them? You're showing love by staying quiet, is that your story?
Aw, what's the matter, can't you answer the question? It was a pretty simple question... but, no surprise that you can't answer it, and have to put words in my mouth as some sort of a refutation. :lol:

I don't open your junk, but once again, just more bullshit and no answer.

So, paperview, do you normally keep your mouth shut when people you love to do things that you think will bring them harm? Is that how you show you 'love' them? You're showing love by staying quiet, is that your story?
I don't treat my fellow law abiding citizens like children as you think we should -- and I sure as hell don't put homosexuals into a class to be punished as you recommend.
Yeah, I didn't think you'd be able to produce.

Who is surprised?

Why would I when you will just come back later and pretend it doesn't exist again?
No. I sincerely want to see it.

You said there are "court documents" -- and that "the couple admitted in court documents that they shopped their on a daily basis, and that he knew they were gay."

I call bullshit. Let's see what you got.

Put up or shut up.

I not only posted it before, I even proved that the Facebook page that you reposted in this thread was fake.

In other words, you are already a lying scumbag, so why should I believe anything you say.
really? if that's the case, then Josephus was the best bullshiter ever born...

Remember that you are the one that said it.

It turns out that, like everyone else, Caesar had a habit of misrepresenting the viewpoints of the people he was killing.

the same is true of Josephus .....

Since I never claimed that Josephus was the be all and end all of honesty and impartiality I don't really see what you think your point is.

I don't open your junk, but once again, just more bullshit and no answer.

So, paperview, do you normally keep your mouth shut when people you love to do things that you think will bring them harm? Is that how you show you 'love' them? You're showing love by staying quiet, is that your story?
I don't treat my fellow law abiding citizens like children as you think we should -- and I sure as hell don't put homosexuals into a class to be punished as you recommend.

You are the authoritarian asshole who is punishing people for not conforming to your standards in this thread, not Newby.

I don't open your junk, but once again, just more bullshit and no answer.

So, paperview, do you normally keep your mouth shut when people you love to do things that you think will bring them harm? Is that how you show you 'love' them? You're showing love by staying quiet, is that your story?
I don't treat my fellow law abiding citizens like children as you think we should -- and I sure as hell don't put homosexuals into a class to be punished as you recommend.

But, sweetie pie, that's not what you said when you started.. need I remind you?? You implied that Christians weren't showing love like they're supposed too, and I've clearly shown that indeed they are, just not the way you think it should look. Acceptance is not love, especially acceptance of something you believe will cause that person to come to harm.

Is the only way to counter me by putting words in my mouth? Are you that desparate? Can you show me where I've ever recommended that gays be 'punished', whatever the hell that's supposed to mean. You look like a fool resorting to lies.
I don't open your junk, but once again, just more bullshit and no answer.

So, paperview, do you normally keep your mouth shut when people you love to do things that you think will bring them harm? Is that how you show you 'love' them? You're showing love by staying quiet, is that your story?
I don't treat my fellow law abiding citizens like children as you think we should -- and I sure as hell don't put homosexuals into a class to be punished as you recommend.

But, sweetie pie, that's not what you said when you started.. need I remind you?? You implied that Christians weren't showing love like they're supposed too, and I've clearly shown that indeed they are, just not the way you think it should look. Acceptance is not love, especially acceptance of something you believe will cause that person to come to harm.

Is the only way to counter me by putting words in my mouth? Are you that desparate? Can you show me where I've ever recommended that gays be 'punished', whatever the hell that's supposed to mean. You look like a fool resorting to lies.

Remind me. You're getting me mixed up with someone else.
And yes, you said people should be punished as children --

The topic is gays and lesbians and you know it.

It is not about being pure enough. It is about being without excuse and knowing better:

Romans 1:20 For the invisible things of him from the creation of the world are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even his eternal power and Godhead; so that they are without excuse:

James 4:17 Therefore to him that knoweth to do good, and doeth it not, to him it is sin.

And "doing good" is being kind and loving to everyone, and treating them as you would like them to treat you. You cannot win sinners to Christ by discriminating against them and not showing them love. Serving someone we believe may be in sin does not transfer their sin to us.

Ephesians 4:31-32
Let all bitterness and wrath and anger and clamor and slander be put away from you, along with all malice. Be kind to one another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, as God in Christ forgave you.

Galatians 6:1 - Brethren, if a man be overtaken in a fault, ye which are spiritual, restore such an one in the spirit of meekness; considering thyself, lest thou also be tempted.

Matthew 7:3-5 - And why beholdest thou the mote that is in thy brother's eye, but considerest not the beam that is in thine own eye?

So when your child becomes involved with a bad crowd and starts doing drugs and you punish them, try to reason with them, tell them you don't approve of their behavior, you aren't showing your love for them? It would be more loving and assure them that you accept every behavior they wish to undertake, pat them on the back and let them go their way?
Remember that you are the one that said it.

It turns out that, like everyone else, Caesar had a habit of misrepresenting the viewpoints of the people he was killing.

the same is true of Josephus .....

Since I never claimed that Josephus was the be all and end all of honesty and impartiality I don't really see what you think your point is.
it's simple ....when it come to "historical accounts that are that old they must be taken with a grain of salt.. accuracy in reporting was less important back then.
The radical so-called fundamentalists Christians up in Arizona tried to get a law passed that would deny service to people gay or perceived as gay in public and private places of business.

I'd like to know...what's Christlike about that?

What basis, does one build this argument in the first place?

What the radical RW have done in Arizona is prove exactly how UNCHRISTLIKE they really are by trying to pass this law.

Anyone care to show me how that radical bill they were pushing is Christian?

I'd like to know.

First, the group pushing the bill is the Center for Arizona Policy has become one of the leading voices in the state for the family. In large part, this is due to the statewide Center for Arizona Policy (CAP) Network.

It does not only include "radical so-called fundamentalists Christians."

Community leaders, churches, pastors, allied organizations, and those with a passion for creating a better Arizona have become a part of the CAP Network. By standing together for pro-life, pro-family, conservative principles, we have seen the impact we can have together

Our Constitution guarantees that in America, people are free to live and work according to their faith.

Yet as religious hostility grows throughout the nation, it has become clear that this fundamental right is under attack.

That's why they are asking the governor to sign SB 1062, to make it clear that all people of faith are welcome in the state.

No one should be forced to forfeit their religious beliefs simply because they go to work or start a business.

Please stand up for religious liberty and sign SB 1062!
I don't open your junk, but once again, just more bullshit and no answer.

So, paperview, do you normally keep your mouth shut when people you love to do things that you think will bring them harm? Is that how you show you 'love' them? You're showing love by staying quiet, is that your story?
I don't treat my fellow law abiding citizens like children as you think we should -- and I sure as hell don't put homosexuals into a class to be punished as you recommend.

You are the authoritarian asshole who is punishing people for not conforming to your standards in this thread, not Newby.
false just pointing out the irony of the so called christian pov..
as to newby shes a reciter not a thinker.
I don't treat my fellow law abiding citizens like children as you think we should -- and I sure as hell don't put homosexuals into a class to be punished as you recommend.

But, sweetie pie, that's not what you said when you started.. need I remind you?? You implied that Christians weren't showing love like they're supposed too, and I've clearly shown that indeed they are, just not the way you think it should look. Acceptance is not love, especially acceptance of something you believe will cause that person to come to harm.

Is the only way to counter me by putting words in my mouth? Are you that desparate? Can you show me where I've ever recommended that gays be 'punished', whatever the hell that's supposed to mean. You look like a fool resorting to lies.

Remind me. You're getting me mixed up with someone else.
And yes, you said people should be punished as children --

The topic is gays and lesbians and you know it.

And "doing good" is being kind and loving to everyone, and treating them as you would like them to treat you. You cannot win sinners to Christ by discriminating against them and not showing them love. Serving someone we believe may be in sin does not transfer their sin to us.

Ephesians 4:31-32
Let all bitterness and wrath and anger and clamor and slander be put away from you, along with all malice. Be kind to one another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, as God in Christ forgave you.

Galatians 6:1 - Brethren, if a man be overtaken in a fault, ye which are spiritual, restore such an one in the spirit of meekness; considering thyself, lest thou also be tempted.

Matthew 7:3-5 - And why beholdest thou the mote that is in thy brother's eye, but considerest not the beam that is in thine own eye?

So when your child becomes involved with a bad crowd and starts doing drugs and you punish them, try to reason with them, tell them you don't approve of their behavior, you aren't showing your love for them? It would be more loving and assure them that you accept every behavior they wish to undertake, pat them on the back and let them go their way?

Yes, I said children should be punished whenever they do something they shouldn't be doing, how you translate that into gays being punished for being gay, I have no idea. :cuckoo: Apparently the concept of an analogy in how love is shown in different ways completely escapes. you. No surprises there.

How do you know that the beam in my own eye hasn't been considered? I've never claimed perfection or to be without sin. You assume much, and I love when someone such as yourself quotes scripture, at least you're paying attention to some extent.
I don't treat my fellow law abiding citizens like children as you think we should -- and I sure as hell don't put homosexuals into a class to be punished as you recommend.

You are the authoritarian asshole who is punishing people for not conforming to your standards in this thread, not Newby.
false just pointing out the irony of the so called christian pov..
as to newby shes a reciter not a thinker.

Talk about irony... :lol:
The radical so-called fundamentalists Christians up in Arizona tried to get a law passed that would deny service to people gay or perceived as gay in public and private places of business.

I'd like to know...what's Christlike about that?

What basis, does one build this argument in the first place?

What the radical RW have done in Arizona is prove exactly how UNCHRISTLIKE they really are by trying to pass this law.

Anyone care to show me how that radical bill they were pushing is Christian?

I'd like to know.

First, the group pushing the bill is the Center for Arizona Policy has become one of the leading voices in the state for the family. In large part, this is due to the statewide Center for Arizona Policy (CAP) Network.

It does not only include "radical so-called fundamentalists Christians."

Community leaders, churches, pastors, allied organizations, and those with a passion for creating a better Arizona have become a part of the CAP Network. By standing together for pro-life, pro-family, conservative principles, we have seen the impact we can have together

Our Constitution guarantees that in America, people are free to live and work according to their faith.

Yet as religious hostility grows throughout the nation, it has become clear that this fundamental right is under attack.

That's why they are asking the governor to sign SB 1062, to make it clear that all people of faith are welcome in the state.

No one should be forced to forfeit their religious beliefs simply because they go to work or start a business.

Please stand up for religious liberty and sign SB 1062!
The bill was vetoed because it was a piece of shit.

And the people who drafted specifically cited the New Mexico anti-gay case.

And the Americans Defending Freedom are rabidly anti-gay to the point of defending laws to imprison gay couples.
false just pointing out the irony of the so called christian pov..
as to newby shes a reciter not a thinker.

Talk about irony... :lol:
yep! it is right. after I posted that, you used the old sock the "beam in my own eye" proving both irony and reciting... thanks!

Was that supposed to make sense? If you look carefully, it was your little buddy, paper, that used the scripture first. I know it hurts to read, but you really should try it sometime..
Talk about irony... :lol:
yep! it is right. after I posted that, you used the old sock the "beam in my own eye" proving both irony and reciting... thanks!

Was that supposed to make sense? If you look carefully, it was your little buddy, paper, that used the scripture first. I know it hurts to read, but you really should try it sometime..
Oh yeah? Go ahead and post where I "posted scripture" first.

Then come back here and apologize when you can't find it.
Talk about irony... :lol:
yep! it is, right after I posted that, you used the old sock the "beam in my own eye" proving both irony and reciting... thanks!

Was that supposed to make sense? If you look carefully, it was your little buddy, paper, that used the scripture first. I know it hurts to read, but you really should try it sometime..
MY LITTLE buddy?
you having to use it at , let alone needing repeat just reiterates my point.
why is it people like you suddenly lose the ability to read when you're being bested?
why does it not happen when one of your own posts something truly nonsensical."

btw I fixed the punctuation problem even someone like you who suffers from sudden reading ability loss syndrome or S.R.A.L.S.
CAN NOW READ IT in comfort.
yep! it is right. after I posted that, you used the old sock the "beam in my own eye" proving both irony and reciting... thanks!

Was that supposed to make sense? If you look carefully, it was your little buddy, paper, that used the scripture first. I know it hurts to read, but you really should try it sometime..
Oh yeah? Go ahead and post where I "posted scripture" first.

Then come back here and apologize when you can't find it.
rationalizing in 5....4...3..2.1
yep! it is right. after I posted that, you used the old sock the "beam in my own eye" proving both irony and reciting... thanks!

Was that supposed to make sense? If you look carefully, it was your little buddy, paper, that used the scripture first. I know it hurts to read, but you really should try it sometime..
Oh yeah? Go ahead and post where I "posted scripture" first.

Then come back here and apologize when you can't find it.

Yes, your buddy mertex jumped in to answer for you... but, it's clear that I didn't state it as daws implied, so that still makes him wrong. Point stands.
Was that supposed to make sense? If you look carefully, it was your little buddy, paper, that used the scripture first. I know it hurts to read, but you really should try it sometime..
Oh yeah? Go ahead and post where I "posted scripture" first.

Then come back here and apologize when you can't find it.
rationalizing in 5....4...3..2.1

Go back and read dumbass, I didn't quote the scripture, that makes you wrong.

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