What's Christian About Denying Service To Any Individual?

Why, who wouldn't willingly choose a lifestyle where one is derided and discriminated against by half the people in the country, or to live in a closet and spend one's life scared to death that their secret will not get out to their friends and family? Who would not choose to be mocked throughout their lifetime and judged by half of the country to be a perverse and degenerative human being? Of COURSE they willingly choose to be gay, kind of like those people who find a way to lose their legs or otherwise disable themselves in order to get a "Disable Parking" placard...
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That's your opinion.
Opinion? I share this factual knowledge with the American Psychiatric Association and people who are born homosexual. Do you think homosexuality is a choice? What evidence can you bring to support that?

Science certainly has proved that skin color is genetic.
It hasn't proved that sexual orientation is genetic.

Bring your evidence if you want to equate the two of them.
Opinion? I share this factual knowledge with the American Psychiatric Association and people who are born homosexual. Do you think homosexuality is a choice? What evidence can you bring to support that?

Science certainly has proved that skin color is genetic.
It hasn't proved that sexual orientation is genetic.

Bring your evidence if you want to equate the two of them.
Many immutable characteristics are not limited to genetics. Emotional and psychiatric aspects are not necessarily linked to genes. You cannot rely entirely on one factor like genetics to precisely ascertain characteristics.
The APA is a bunch of politically correct nuts.

And I know people who have "chosen" to be homosexual. But you go ahead and take the blue pill and believe whatever you want to believe.

Whenever science shows Conservatives that their way of thinking is obsolete, the Conservative never listens, considers and adapts. They simply dismiss the science. It always works that way. Science shows that mankind was not put on earth fully formed like a potted geranium, Conservatives call the science bunk. Science shows that burning carbon damages the atmosphere, Conservatives call the science bunk because the overlord of the Conservative (corporations) don't want to change their business practices. Science shows how building materials like asbestos and lead kill people, Conservatives claim the government is interfering with their rights. Rights to do what? Continue to be negligent because doing the right thing would cost too much?

I'm never surprised when science shows the truth and Conservatives ignore it and refuse to believe it.

And I am never surprised that libs think every word that comes out of their mouth is "science". When I have 15 posts I will post a link for you.
Whenever science shows Conservatives that their way of thinking is obsolete, the Conservative never listens, considers and adapts. They simply dismiss the science. It always works that way. Science shows that mankind was not put on earth fully formed like a potted geranium, Conservatives call the science bunk. Science shows that burning carbon damages the atmosphere, Conservatives call the science bunk because the overlord of the Conservative (corporations) don't want to change their business practices. Science shows how building materials like asbestos and lead kill people, Conservatives claim the government is interfering with their rights. Rights to do what? Continue to be negligent because doing the right thing would cost too much?

I'm never surprised when science shows the truth and Conservatives ignore it and refuse to believe it.

And I am never surprised that libs think every word that comes out of their mouth is "science". When I have 15 posts I will post a link for you.

I'm not spouting science. I'm pointing out what I perceive as an innate fear and suspicion of science whenever it refutes backward Conservative ideas.
If the Right can not understand how the annual release of 5,000 million metric tons of greenhouse gases causes global warming, I do not expect them to believe the 1993 scientific discovery that gays have a genetic predisposition toward homosexuality. This, of course, is easy enough to Google, but it makes no difference because whenever the Right disagrees with scientific conclusions or research, the Right decides that all the scientists are actually Harvard liberals who are secretly working for Al Gore and the New World Order.
And I am never surprised that libs think every word that comes out of their mouth is "science". When I have 15 posts I will post a link for you.

I'm not spouting science. I'm pointing out what I perceive as an innate fear and suspicion of science whenever it refutes backward Conservative ideas.

I made a good living working in a science most of my life, I am just not stupid enough to believe everything I hear.
If the Right can not understand how the annual release of 5,000 million metric tons of greenhouse gases causes global warming, I do not expect them to believe the 1993 scientific discovery that gays have a genetic predisposition toward homosexuality. This, of course, is easy enough to Google, but it makes no difference because whenever the Right disagrees with scientific conclusions or research, the Right decides that all the scientists are actually Harvard liberals who are secretly working for Al Gore and the New World Order.

It was actually proposed back in the 80's because the rich didn't want to share the earth with common folk like you so they want an even bigger playing field and they want your field to be smaller.

So even if it isn't true then you aren't supposed to have anything because you might contribute to Greenhouse gases. Let me know when you turn off your computer and live in a cave so that we won't have greenhouse gasses.

It is unfair to criticize the Christian right for deriding scientific thought. A couple of decades ago, the church admitted that Galileo was right about the earth circling the sun....
My atheistic Physics professor says that science doesn't prove anything.

Really? How interesting, what is his basis for saying this? That it's never really settled?

Because there is a history of scientific theories being proven false through the ages. If you want to go by science, that is what it proves. Newtonian Physics is good enough to go to the moon but totally false when it comes to Einstonian Physics.
Really? How interesting, what is his basis for saying this? That it's never really settled?

Because there is a history of scientific theories being proven false through the ages. If you want to go by science, that is what it proves. Newtonian Physics is good enough to go to the moon but totally false when it comes to Einstonian Physics.

I thought it might be something like that. What a refreshingly honest statement coming from an atheist.

Libs are always claiming "Science says thus and so" but never get it through their heads that science is only fact until the next thing comes along.
Because there is a history of scientific theories being proven false through the ages. If you want to go by science, that is what it proves. Newtonian Physics is good enough to go to the moon but totally false when it comes to Einstonian Physics.

I thought it might be something like that. What a refreshingly honest statement coming from an atheist.

Libs are always claiming "Science says thus and so" but never get it through their heads that science is only fact until the next thing comes along.

Some theorists have been looking for string theory to replace the current theories which would mean the theories we hold today are wrong.
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7hOGfwt0ERk]Michio Kaku: The Theory of Everything - YouTube[/ame]

Einstein's theories are useless.
Baking a wedding cake for a heterosexual wedding or a homosexual wedding involves the exact same things, namely BAKING, DECORATING, AND DELIVERING A CAKE. The baker doesn't make judgments on the heterosexual couple, why should he make judgments on the homosexual couple? He's a baker, not a social arbiter. Denying his services to Gays is no different than denying Blacks service at a lunch counter.

Bakers are robots?
I thought it might be something like that. What a refreshingly honest statement coming from an atheist.

Libs are always claiming "Science says thus and so" but never get it through their heads that science is only fact until the next thing comes along.

Some theorists have been looking for string theory to replace the current theories which would mean the theories we hold today are wrong.

Hey, we got by with Newton and Einstein for a long time.

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