What's Christian About Denying Service To Any Individual?

If the couple is homosexual and they are getting married, is the cake not a wedding cake? Or does your little warped view include playing with semantics? If the state recognizes a wedding, why won't you?

my state doesn't.....

Are there other weddings you would not recognize, considering both participants are above the age of majority, not siblings, entering into the marriage contract without reservation or under duress?

any other union between parties that don't meet the societal definition of "man and woman".......let's see......that would include man and group, man and goat, man and picnic table......
^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^Strawman alert!

Why are you so afraid of gay marriage? Jesus might have been gay, and god tossed Adam out of Eden for banging a chick, now how gay is that?
I'm not afraid of gay marriage.....I'm afraid of liberals with stupid arguments.....someday some idiot may put them in charge of the government and what kind of fucked up world would we have then.........
Believers are to stand strong against evil.==The Bible advises us, “Do not be wise in your own eyes; fear the Lord and shun evil” (Proverbs 3:7-8). “A wise man fears the Lord and shuns evil” (Proverbs 14:16). So, shunning evil is good.
Believers are to stand strong against evil.==The Bible advises us, “Do not be wise in your own eyes; fear the Lord and shun evil” (Proverbs 3:7-8). “A wise man fears the Lord and shuns evil” (Proverbs 14:16). So, shunning evil is good.

Fear The Lord? Why, he think he's a badass? He gonna spank me?:lol:
Believers are to stand strong against evil.==The Bible advises us, “Do not be wise in your own eyes; fear the Lord and shun evil” (Proverbs 3:7-8). “A wise man fears the Lord and shuns evil” (Proverbs 14:16). So, shunning evil is good.

Fear The Lord? Why, he think he's a badass? He gonna spank me?:lol:

Homosexuality =a sick choice to live in the abomination of sick sexual perversion. homosexuality homosexuality.=== God also gave them up to uncleanness, in the lusts of their hearts, to dishonor their bodies among themselves, 25 who exchanged the truth of God for the lie, and worshiped and served the creature rather than the Creator, who is blessed forever. Amen.

26 For this reason God gave them up to vile passions. For even their women exchanged the natural use for what is against nature. 27 Likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust for one another, men with men committing what is shameful, and receiving in themselves the penalty of their error which was due.
Romans 1:24-27
to distinguish it from something it is not....a wedding cake.....
sorry it is a wedding cake if it's used at a wedding...your bigotry slip is showing

Does that mean that Melissa should have been able to refuse to bake a wedding cake because the couple wasn't getting married?
sure if she wanted to lose money and customers because of an antiquated belief...
judging by the outcome god was none to impressed by that show of devotion...
sorry it is a wedding cake if it's used at a wedding...your bigotry slip is showing

Does that mean that Melissa should have been able to refuse to bake a wedding cake because the couple wasn't getting married?
sure if she wanted to lose money and customers because of an antiquated belief...
judging by the outcome god was none to impressed by that show of devotion...

Now we are back to you imposing your views on others.

For the record, at the time the cake was ordered same sex marriage was illegal in Oregon, yet they wanted a wedding cake. If we apply your reasoning consistently, bakers can refuse to make a wedding cake if the couple is not getting married, unless they also happen to be gay. Yet you also want me to believe you don't want special treatment for gays.
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sorry it is a wedding cake if it's used at a wedding...your bigotry slip is showing

Does that mean that Melissa should have been able to refuse to bake a wedding cake because the couple wasn't getting married?
sure if she wanted to lose money and customers because of an antiquated belief...
judging by the outcome god was none to impressed by that show of devotion...

does she need to bake EVERY cake?......would it be okay for her business if she only baked say, half the cakes in the world?.....
Does that mean that Melissa should have been able to refuse to bake a wedding cake because the couple wasn't getting married?
sure if she wanted to lose money and customers because of an antiquated belief...
judging by the outcome god was none to impressed by that show of devotion...

Now we are back to you imposing your views on others.

For the record, at the time the cake was ordered same sex marriage was illegal in Oregon, yet they wanted a wedding cake. If we apply your reasoning consistently, bakers can refuse to make a wedding cake if the couple is not getting married, unless they also happen to be gay. Yet you also want me to believe you don't want special treatment for gays.
another false assumption ..I'm making an observation on the perceived notion that god would some how bless/ favor the baker for not participation in a "sinful" act
when the actual evidence shows otherwise...
it would seem from a christian pov that god either punished the baker for not treating other as they would be treated or did nothing to influence either party.(or you could use the christian classic get out of jail free card "god works in mysterious ways!)
as to same sex marriage being illegal is irrelevant ,many gay couples have gotten married in states where it was /is illegal.
any business can refuse service to anyone at anytime.
whether it's legal or moral or smart is another story...
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Does that mean that Melissa should have been able to refuse to bake a wedding cake because the couple wasn't getting married?
sure if she wanted to lose money and customers because of an antiquated belief...
judging by the outcome god was none to impressed by that show of devotion...

does she need to bake EVERY cake?......would it be okay for her business if she only baked say, half the cakes in the world?.....
she needs to make enough cakes to make a profit.. if she had the means, inclination and wherewithal to bake every cake then why not...
you could try basing you comments on reality.
sure if she wanted to lose money and customers because of an antiquated belief...
judging by the outcome god was none to impressed by that show of devotion...

does she need to bake EVERY cake?......would it be okay for her business if she only baked say, half the cakes in the world?.....
she needs to make enough cakes to make a profit.. if she had the means, inclination and wherewithal to bake every cake then why not...
you could try basing you comments on reality.

I did....the point was, she didn't need to bake gaycakes to survive in business...it wasn't the refusal to bake gaycake, (or the punishment of God) that ended her business....it was the vitriol of the gay community that did that......
does she need to bake EVERY cake?......would it be okay for her business if she only baked say, half the cakes in the world?.....
she needs to make enough cakes to make a profit.. if she had the means, inclination and wherewithal to bake every cake then why not...
you could try basing you comments on reality.

I did....the point was, she didn't need to bake gaycakes to survive in business...it wasn't the refusal to bake gaycake, (or the punishment of God) that ended her business....it was the vitriol of the gay community that did that......
I doubt that, it was the outrage of the more enlightened community members that did.
vitriol implies "they" hated her for no legitimate reason.
the baker was the one who started the hate ball rolling .
imo they both share equal blame for the vitriol.
not for the consequences...
Here's how I would want to be able to do things if I ran a bakery/store!

Any customer should be able to come in an buy items off the shelf. It is none of my business if the customer is gay, a pervert, republican or democrat.

If I cater events, I should have the option to accept or deny each job for any reason I see fit. I do not even have to explain why to the person trying to contract my services. As such, if gay marriage is against my religion, I should be able to turn down a job that would involve me catering a gay wedding. I would also turn down any job that involves catering to the KKK.

Potential customers may also want to contract me to make/decorate cakes to their specifications. I should be able to say no if asked to make a cake look like a penis. I should be able to say no if asked to make a cake with the depiction of a burning cross. I should also be able to say no if the cake is to be decorated some way that promotes homosexuality. I should be able to accept or decline special orders at my discretion.
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Here's how I would want to be able to do things if I ran a bakery/store!

Any customer should be able to come in an buy items off the shelf. It is none of my business if the customer is gay, a pervert, republican or democrat.

If I cater events, I should have the option to accept or deny each job for any reason I see fit. I do not even have to explain why to the person trying to contract my services. As such, if gay marriage is against my religion, I should be able to turn down a job that would involve me catering a gay wedding. I would also turn down any job that involves catering to the KKK.

Potential customers may also want to contract me to make/decorate cakes to their specifications. I should be able to say no if asked to make a cake look like a penis. I should be able to say no if asked to make a cake with the depiction of a burning cross. I should also be able to say no if the cake is to be decorated some way that promotes homosexuality. I should be able to accept or decline special orders at my discretion.
what if it was a gay, k.k.k. Republican and democrat biker, stoner religious celebration of of a pagan god that had been saved....and paid you a boat load of money?:D
Here's how I would want to be able to do things if I ran a bakery/store!

Any customer should be able to come in an buy items off the shelf. It is none of my business if the customer is gay, a pervert, republican or democrat.

If I cater events, I should have the option to accept or deny each job for any reason I see fit. I do not even have to explain why to the person trying to contract my services. As such, if gay marriage is against my religion, I should be able to turn down a job that would involve me catering a gay wedding. I would also turn down any job that involves catering to the KKK.

Potential customers may also want to contract me to make/decorate cakes to their specifications. I should be able to say no if asked to make a cake look like a penis. I should be able to say no if asked to make a cake with the depiction of a burning cross. I should also be able to say no if the cake is to be decorated some way that promotes homosexuality. I should be able to accept or decline special orders at my discretion.
what if it was a gay, k.k.k. Republican and democrat biker, stoner religious celebration of of a pagan god that had been saved....and paid you a boat load of money?:D

Paid a boat load of money for what? And why would I know that stuff about the person anyway. None of my business unless it becomes relivant to how I make the cake or to some function I'm being asked to cater.

However, I think I understand what you are trying to accomplish with your question. Say a man and woman are at a bar. The man asks the woman, "Will you have sex with me for a million dollars?" The woman considers the question and after a little deliberation says yes. The man then offers her a twenty. The woman slaps him as says "What type of woman do you think I am?". The man replies, "We already settled that, now I'm just haggling over the price."

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